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White Wolf Games Trivia Quizzes

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Demon: The Fallen
Hunter: The Reckoning
Mage: The Ascension
Sword and Sorcery
Vampire: Dark Ages
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Vampire: The Masquerade
Werewolf: The Apocolpyse

11 quizzes and 130 trivia questions.
  The Six Traditions of the Camarilla    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Traditions of the Camarilla are its heart and soul. Created during the time of the Inquisition, these six laws have been followed by the Kindred for thousands of years, and serve as the basis for every other Camarilla law.
Average, 10 Qns, LadyCaitriona, Apr 07 11
LadyCaitriona gold member
694 plays
  Mage: The Ascension    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz contains questions based on 'Mage: the Ascension' by White-Wolf game studios. The questions should not prove too difficult if you've played the game before.
Average, 10 Qns, Mr_Obscure, Jun 25 07
341 plays
  Clan Tremere    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Herein abound the mysteries of the Usurper's arcane heritage and recondite practices. Use this test as a scale of your knowledge of Old World of Darkness Lore and Genre. Sources: VtM Sourcebook Revised, Clanbook Tremere Revised, Blood Magic
Average, 10 Qns, Arkalem, Oct 18 07
228 plays
  Vampire the Masquerade    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some of these questions may be harder than others.
Tough, 10 Qns, khronis, Jan 14 23
Jan 14 23
912 plays
  MET The Requiem    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my second quiz I have made. This quiz is on the rules and contents of White Wolf's MET The Requiem book. If you have not read that book, then the Vampire: The Requiem will still be helpful.
Tough, 10 Qns, txmale1977, Feb 19 07
225 plays
  Vampire: Dark Ages and Masquerade    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
My favorite RPG. The answers are actual answers and not just rumors of antideluvian plots. (as far as I know)
Average, 20 Qns, cheeseboy, Jun 19 23
Jun 19 23
730 plays
  Promethean: The Created    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is based on the newest gamebook and game system from White Wolf publishing called Promethean: The Created. It has to do with created monsters striving for humanity. Hope you enjoy my latest quiz.
Tough, 10 Qns, txmale1977, Oct 14 15
198 plays
  The New World of Darkness MET Rules    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first Quiz ever and this is the first Quiz on the New World of Darkness ruleset from the Mind's Eye Theater book (but the standard World of Darkness rule book) put out by White Wolf Publications. I do hope you like it.
Average, 10 Qns, txmale1977, Feb 26 07
194 plays
  The "Exalted" Game    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
A quiz on the high fantasy role-playing game Exalted, published by White Wolf Game Studio.
Tough, 20 Qns, sevorak, Feb 23 06
352 plays
  White Wolf Studios    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A general quiz on the World of Darkness series of role-playing games.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Sevorak, Sep 11 03
573 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Easy one. Which clan claims Vlad Tepes as a member?

From Quiz "Vampire: Dark Ages and Masquerade"

  The Changing Breeds    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the Changing Breeds in Werewolf: the Apocalypse.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Sevorak, Oct 24 03
471 plays

White Wolf Games Trivia Questions

1. Clan Tremere's complex pyramid-like hierarchy is divided into several distinct steps. To which rank do bound Gargoyles, ghouls, and other non-Tremere servants belong?

From Quiz
Clan Tremere

Answer: None. Non-Tremere are not considered part of the Pyramid.

While many house rules include the minions and servants of the Clan in a seventh tier of the pyramid known as "Acolyte," this practice is largely to allow players the chance to participate (somewhat) in the structure of the Clan, and have no precedent in published genre canon.

2. In Character Creation, what constitutes a Mental Attribute?

From Quiz The New World of Darkness MET Rules

Answer: Intelligence, Resolve, Wits

Intelligence, Resolve and Wits are the correct answer. Dexterity, Stamina and Strength are Physical attributes, and Composure, Manipulation and Presence are Social attributes. Academics, Computer and Crafts are actually Mental Skills, not attributes.

3. What is the name given to the Vampires that found the Holy Grail?

From Quiz Vampire the Masquerade

Answer: Order of the Bitter Ashes

The Order of the Bitter Ashes cannot sire other mortals to make them Vampires.

4. What type of Exalted is the main core book focused on?

From Quiz The "Exalted" Game

Answer: Solars

The Exalted of the Unconquered Sun were the rulers of the Old Realm. They were slain by the Dragon-Blooded because they were corrupted by the Great Curse.

5. What is the first Tradition?

From Quiz The Six Traditions of the Camarilla

Answer: Masquerade & the masquerade

'Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.'

6. Easy one. Which clan claims Vlad Tepes as a member?

From Quiz Vampire: Dark Ages and Masquerade

Answer: Tzimisce

7. When the Hunter: the Reckoning core book came out in 1999, Hunter became the ___ core game (games that contain the basic rules in their core books) the World of Darkness series?

From Quiz White Wolf Studios

Answer: 6th

The core games are, in order they were released, 'Vampire: The Masquerade', 'Werewolf: The Apocalypse', 'Mage: The Ascension', 'Wraith: the Oblivion', Changeling: the Dreaming', and 'Hunter: The Reckoning.' Since then, Wraith has gone out of print and Changeling has been given to a White Wolf subsidiary to deal with, leaving 4 core games in the series with a few games with hardcover sourcebooks, such as Kindred of the East and Mummy.

8. There is, hidden in clan Tremere, a multitude of occult Houses, each devoted to some unique facet of mysticism. Which House contains members most likely to search for hidden meaning within the Talmud and Tanakh?

From Quiz Clan Tremere

Answer: House Hashem

House Hashem is known within the Clan to contain practitioners of Kaballah, a form of Hebrew magic rooted in the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim. The Talmud is a written record of immensely important rabbinical law. House Trismegistus is focuses on numerology, House Rodolfo on clairvoyance, and House Goratrix is the House to which the now decimated Tremere Antitribu belonged.

9. What is a demiurge?

From Quiz Promethean: The Created

Answer: A mortal who made a Promethean

These mortals happened to wield the Divine Fire of Pyros to make a Promethean from dead bodies.

10. Who is the founder of clan Salubri?

From Quiz Vampire the Masquerade

Answer: Saulot

Saulot was diabolized by Tremere.

11. What type of Exalted rule the Realm in the game's time period?

From Quiz The "Exalted" Game

Answer: Dragon-Blooded

The least-powerful Exalted in the Old Realm, the Exalted of the Elemental Dragons were the footsoldiers of the Solars' empire. Their numbers, and assistance from the Sidereals allowed them to rise up and slay their corrupted masters.

12. What is the second Tradition?

From Quiz The Six Traditions of the Camarilla

Answer: Domain & the domain

'Thy domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.' This refers to havens of all Kindred, as well as the entire city for a Prince.

13. How many tribes are the Mokole separated into?

From Quiz The Changing Breeds

Answer: 1

Although there are four streams of Mokole, they are all united by their universal memory called Mnesis and therefore, are not techically tribes.

14. Which clan does a character based loosely on Marilyn Manson belong to, according to 'Children of the Night'?

From Quiz Vampire: Dark Ages and Masquerade

Answer: Brujah Antitribu

Born in the midwest, moved to Florida and started a band....

15. What is the name of the imprint that publishes White Wolf's more controversial books?

From Quiz White Wolf Studios

Answer: Black Dog & black dog

In the World of Darkness, Black Dog is a subsidiary of Pentex that produces rpg's that turn players into fomori.

16. Clan Tremere is best known among other Clans for its horrifying sorcerous abilities and arcane rituals. Which ritual creates a be-legged wooden creature, capable of tracking down a Kindred and immobilizing her?

From Quiz Clan Tremere

Answer: Splinter Servant

The Splinter Servant is created from the branch of a tree that has been nourished by the dead, and can be commanded to attack any Kindred the wielder chooses. It will pursue the target until it is within striking range, and will then viciously worm its way inside its victim's chest cavity until the heart is pierced.

17. This stuff - which comprises all matter and energy and forms the basis of all existence - is also known as the 'Fifth Element.'

From Quiz Mage: The Ascension

Answer: Quintessence

During the Dark Ages, quintessence was sometimes referred to as 'vis.'

18. Which Merit is a merit you can only choose at Creation?

From Quiz The New World of Darkness MET Rules

Answer: Encyclopedic Knowledge

Self explanatory, as in the book, "Either your character has been soaking up trivia all his life or he hasn't." Brawling Dodge and Disarm are physical merits and Allies is a social merit. Just for kicks know that Encyclopedic Knowledge is a mental merit.

19. Name the three castes of the Salubri?

From Quiz Vampire the Masquerade

Answer: Warrior, Healer, Watcher

The warrior caste is now the Salubri antitribu.

20. What God/Primordial first invented the process of Exaltation?

From Quiz The "Exalted" Game

Answer: Autochthon

One of the two Primordials to ally with the Gods in their war with the other Primordials, Autochthon, also known as the machine god, invented Exaltation and shared the secrect with the Gods, allowing them to overthrow the other Primordials.

21. What is the third Tradition?

From Quiz The Six Traditions of the Camarilla

Answer: Progeny & the progeny

'Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder. If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.' The term 'Elder' in this case refers to the Prince of the city. To violate this law means the Final Death of both Sire and Childe.

22. What breed cannot die of old age?

From Quiz The Changing Breeds

Answer: Rokea & rokea

Yep, the Rokea are effectively immortal if they just sit at home doing nothing...though I doubt there are any that do that.

23. In 'Werewolf,' what is one of the three changing breeds that was killed in the War of Rage?

From Quiz White Wolf Studios

Answer: Camazotz & Grondr & Apis

The Camazotz (werebats) were the Corax of the night, the Grondr (wereboars) were the cleaners and groomers of Gaia, and the Apis (werebulls) were the matchmakers and sages of Gaia.

24. What do Promethenas call the pledge of alchemical study that many often take on?

From Quiz Promethean: The Created

Answer: The Magnum Opus or the Great Work

The only one that is a study is the Magnum Opus, the others are parts or paths of the Magnum Opus.

25. Which merit in the MET book has this effect: "Your character has a near-photographic memory, being able to recall vast amounts of observed detail with astonishing accuracy."

From Quiz The New World of Darkness MET Rules

Answer: Eidetic Memory

Even though all are Mental Merits, the only one of them that has that effect is Eidetic Memory.

26. Of what country did Mithras claim princeship?

From Quiz Vampire the Masquerade

Answer: England

He later became prince of London.

27. What are the exiled Primordials known as?

From Quiz The "Exalted" Game

Answer: Yozis & yozis & Yozi & yozi

Imprisoned in the realm of Malfeas, the Yozi are the Primordials who were exiled, not killed, at the end of the war between the Gods and Primordials.

28. What is the fourth Tradition?

From Quiz The Six Traditions of the Camarilla

Answer: Accounting & the accounting

'Those thou create are thine own childer. Until thy progeny shall be released, thou shalt command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure.' This Tradition has close ties with Progeny. However, this law extends to say that a Childe vampire has no rights until he or she is determined mature, and until that time is the responsibility of his or her Sire.

29. Which Red Talon defied the progenitor wolf?

From Quiz The Changing Breeds

Answer: Mamu & mamu

It's true, in the Mokole breed book Mamu defies the progenitor wolf when the first Garou said that Mokole and Garou should exist in harmony. His pack left him for it.

30. In 'Mage,' what is the name of the first tradition?

From Quiz White Wolf Studios

Answer: The Order of Hermes

This is category 7467
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:46 AM
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