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Oxymorons are words or phrases that bring together two seemingly contradictory terms, such as the adage "make haste slowly", a suggestion that rushing is likely to lead to problems which eventually make it take longer to reach the intended goal than would be the case with a more careful approach.
5 Oxymorons quizzes and 50 Oxymorons trivia questions.
  More On Oxymorons    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Everybody knows what an oxymoron is: a phrase created when opposite words are juxtaposed. Like "black light" or "tight space". A fuddyduddy might say "Fun Trivia" is an oxymoron. Not me. Your job: Match these pairs of words to create oxymorons.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, JepRD, Nov 08 23
Very Easy
Nov 08 23
705 plays
  I'm Not an Oxymoron, You Are!    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
We've come up with 10 examples of an oxymoron. You know, a two word phrase composed of opposites -- like "seriously funny" or "awfully good". Match the first half of the oxymoron with its opposite-meaning second half...and you'll be an Oxygenius.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, JepRD, Oct 13 23
Very Easy
Oct 13 23
856 plays
  Exploring Oxymorons   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You've heard of them and probably used them. Not connected to chemicals or dim wit, these incongruously strange bedfellows are fun to spot and play around with.
Easier, 10 Qns, Nealzineatser, Nov 20 24
Nealzineatser gold member
Nov 20 24
1566 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Oxymorons - I love them - simple, totally incongruous statements. Can you pick the oxymoron (perceived or otherwise) from the meaning given?
Average, 10 Qns, Engadine, Mar 09 23
Mar 09 23
6619 plays
  Synonyms to Oxymorons    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Oxymorons are funny! I'll give you two words. You come up with a synonym for each word, put them together, and the result will be an oxymoron (a two- word contradictory phrase). For example: silent scream.
Average, 10 Qns, krazykritik, Mar 26 10
1647 plays

Oxymorons Trivia Questions

1. What is an oxymoron?

From Quiz
Exploring Oxymorons

Answer: a rhetorical figure of speech putting together two seemingly contradictory words or ideas to reveal a deeper truth

The word is from the Greek compound adjective "oxymoros" (oxys-sharp, moros-stupid or dull) meaning "pointedly foolish." The word "oxymoron" itself illustrates the idea. As in many instances of word origin and meaning, there is widely differing opinion on what exactly constitutes an oxymoron, and whether or not certain phrases qualify.

2. Guess the synonyms for "huge" [5 letters, begins with 'j'] and "shellfish" [6 letters, begins with 's']. Put the two words together, and you get what oxymoron?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: jumbo shrimp

"Jumbo Shrimp" is probably one of the best known oxymorons, so that's why I started the quiz with it. But what is so 'jumbo' about being a 'shrimp'? Personally, I love "jumbo shrimp"! Especially when I have 'hot chili' sauce to dip them in! Wait a sec? Hot Chili? That sounds like an oxymoron too! *"Jumbo shrimp" means large shrimp that we can eat, but it's funny when you think of the individual meanings of the words and then put them together in a two word statement. That's basically what an 'oxymoron' is.

3. To be joyful, yet gloomy. Which oxymoron describes this confusing state?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Cheerful pessimism

The definition of cheerful, an adjective, is joyful or glad. Pessimism means the gloomiest possible disposition or view. Let's all be cheerfully pessimistic!

4. The title of which film starring Dustin Hoffman is an oxymoron?

From Quiz Exploring Oxymorons

Answer: "Little Big Man"

Saying that something is little and big in the same phrase is an obvious example of an oxymoron. "Little Big Man" is a 1970 Western/Comedy/Drama told through the eyes of a white man raised by Indians in the latter half of the 19th century American west. Even the phrase "American Indian" can be considered an oxymoron, since the peoples in question were not in India, and the foreigners using the label were in error. The movie presents an extensive and nuanced picture of the interaction between white settlers and Native Americans. The actual historical Little Big Man was an Oglala Lakota Indian warrior who fought with Crazy Horse and probably took part in or at least observed the Battle of Little Big Horn in June of 1876.

5. Guess the synonyms for: "compassion" [5 letters, begins with 'm'] and "murdering" [7 letters, begins with 'k']. What oxymoron does this give you?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: mercy killing

"Mercy killing?" What is so 'merciful' about 'killing' someone? In my world, if I was going to show 'mercy' to somebody, I wouldn't 'kill' them! There are plenty of other ways I'd rather have someone show me mercy! How about a 'humane execution'? Oops! There I go again! What's so 'humane' about an execution? So are you getting the idea of how oxymorons are so silly? *As many know, a "mercy killing" refers to taking the life of an animal who is suffering needlessly as it is beyond attainable help.

6. The pretence of being real might be accurately described by which oxymoron?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Act naturally

Act (as used here) means behaviour which is contrived or artificial. Naturally, an adverb, means of, or according to nature. So, let's all act naturally!

7. Guess the synonyms for: "delicate" [4 letters, begins with 's'] and "boulder" [4 letters, begins with 'r']. When you put the two together, what's the oxymoron you have?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: soft rock

Have you ever come upon a 'rock' that's 'soft'? I like "soft rock". It's a lot better than 'easy listening heavy metal'! Sure, we know that 'soft rock' pertains to music, but as an oxymoron it's like saying getting struck with a 'boulder' is like getting tapped with a pillow. Then again, my brother once hit me in the head with a big rock. When I woke up, my seriously apologetic brother was begging me not to rat him out. I was surprised that the stone hadn't cracked my noodle wide open, to which he commented, "Well, I really didn't want to hurt you so I used a 'soft rock'". Then the blackness rolled in again... *"Soft rock" refers to the softer side of the musical genre we know as rock and roll, or to a musician known for loud and fast songs. The band KISS performed a song called "Rock and Roll All Night" which people knew to be a 'hard rock' song. They also did an easy listening ballad called "Beth", which was usually referred to as "soft rock" because of KISS' reputation as a "hard rock musical act".

8. An honourable swindler is the subject of this oxymoron.

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Honest crook

Honest means to be honourable, to have principles, and crook means a dishonest person, especially a swindler or thief. Anyone know an honest thief?

9. Which pair could in NO WAY be considered oxymorons?

From Quiz Exploring Oxymorons

Answer: dead mouse/ babbling brook

"Babbling brook" is an example of alliteration. A dead mouse might be unpleasant to contemplate, but the phrase, whether referring to a deceased household pest or a computer device drained of power, doesn't have the requisite "jarring paradoxical dichotomy" to be an oxymoron. All the other phrases can be considered oxymoronic.

10. Guess the synonyms for: "agreeable" [5 letters, begins with 'c'] and "conflict" [3 letters, begins with 'w']. What oxymoron do we get from putting these words beside each other?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: civil war

It makes one wonder how anyone can understand english when we use a word like 'civil' to describe the act of 'war'! "Civil War" has got to be one of the biggest bonehead oxymorons I can think of! What, pray tell, is so 'civil' about 'war'? Thank goodness that we at least have "military intelligence"! Military intelligence? Oops, there I go again! *A "civil war" actually refers to a conflict between different geographical areas and/or political factions from the same country. It's still a crazy two-word phrase no matter how you look at it though, because should we not be MORE civil with our fellow citizens? This is one oxymoron that really isn't funny when you think of it.

11. A shrill sound, not heard, is best described by which oxymoron?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Silent scream

Silent means to make no noise. Scream means to utter a loud and sharp, piercing or shrill cry or sound. How obtuse - a perfect oxymoron!

12. In what dramatic work would "fiend angelical", "dove-feather'd raven", "beautiful tyrant", and "heavy lightness" be found?

From Quiz Exploring Oxymorons

Answer: Romeo And Juliet

These oxymorons are all found in Shakespeare's classic romantic tragedy in Act III, Scene II of the play. They are spoken by Juliet as she learns from her nurse that Romeo has killed Tybalt, her cousin. At this point she is expressing mixed emotions about her new husband. Whatever the literary device or lyric turn, chances are that the Bard of Avon set the standard with unmatched skill and creativity.

13. Guess the synonyms for: "absolute" [8 letters, begins with 'd'] and "possibly" [5 letters, begins with 'm']. Which oxymoron do you end up with?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: definite maybe

Here's one oxymoron I've used myself. So, is it "definite"? Or is it "maybe"? How can one be 'definite' if they say 'maybe'? Just doesn't work does it? If this quiz goes over well, 'maybe' I will do another one just like it. And that's a 'definite possibility'! (Gee, wouldn't "definite possibility" also be an oxymoron? That's "absolutely possible"! Hmmmm..I think I'll quit while I'm ahead.) *This is a really good example of an oxymoron because even when used in its proper form, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's used to give the listener the idea that you're 'considering a point or request the way they want you to', yet even with 'definite' at the beginning, it still means 'maybe'.

14. To discover gone. Which oxymoron refers to this distressing state of affairs?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Found missing

Found is the past tense of find which means to come across, to locate, and missing is an adjective that means lacking, absent or not found! Isn't it funny how many things are found missing!

15. Guess the synonyms for: "worried" [7 letters, begins with 'a' and ends with 's'] and "tolerant" [7 letters, begins with 'p']. What oxymoronic phrase did you come up with?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: anxious patient

Of course we get anxious when we're a patient awaiting medical treatment. But when anxious and patient are side by side, you get a funny oxymoron that just doesn't make sense. This is a piece of advice I once received while awaiting medical treatment. I asked the nurse if it was going to be a much longer wait as I was nervous about the procedure I was to have. She told me, "It's ok to be anxious, sir. Just be patient about it." *Most of us have experienced being a 'patient' at one time in our lives, and no doubt we felt anxious about the results the doctor was going to convey. 'Patient' can also take on the meaning of being the opposite of anxious, though, making this a goofy oxymoron.

16. Guess the synonyms for: "cellophane wrap" [7 letters, begins with 'p' (what soda pop bottles are usually made from)] and "tumbler" [5 letters, begins with 'g']. What everyday item is described by this goofy oxymoron?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: plastic glass

Why don't we call it a 'plastic cup' or simply a 'glass'? Would you call it a "glass plastic"? It doesn't make sense backward or forward! This is an example of an oxymoron we've all used. What have we done to English vocabulary? Oh well, what can one expect from a language in which we 'park on driveways and drive on parkways'? "Plastic glass"? Yes, I know it is a common term for referring to a plastic drinking vessel. But for the sake of alleviating confusion, why not just call it a drinking cup or vessel? The English language is strange sometimes.

17. Similar dissimilarity can be summed up with which oxymoron?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Same difference

Same is when something is exactly like another thing and difference is the way in which two or more things are not the same. Same difference - similarly dissimilar!

18. Remembering the subject of oxymorons, what's the BEST advice you might give to someone going into a funhouse?

From Quiz Exploring Oxymorons

Answer: expect the unexpected

Looking for answers? I'll give you a definite maybe here. By definition, the unexpected is not expected, therefore if you expect something, it is no longer unexpected! The conjoining of the two opposites gives you pause, makes you think, "wait a minute..." Is that clear? Was that an answerable question or a questionable answer? Perhaps both. For those who never had the pleasure as a child, a funhouse is a staple of many amusement parks where rather than just going on a ride, the patrons get to interact with a series startling noises, distortion mirrors, and other mildly scary surprises by walking through a house specially constructed to deliver the unexpected.

19. Guess the synonyms for: "level" [4 letters, begins with 'e'] and "probability" [4 letters, begins with 'o']. What confusing oxymoron are you left with?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: even odds

Since one of the opposites for 'even' is 'odd', how can this possibly make any sense when using the word even to describe odds? I used to bet on the horses but even if the odds ARE even, the odds are that I wouldn't even be even at the end of the evening, which gives me an odd feeling. Don't feel bad, I'm confused too. *"Even odds" is a term used for people who like to bet on sporting events, as in "what's the odds that this horse will win or what are the odds that one team defeats that team". If odds are 2 - 1 then you'd get back $4 if you bet $2 on that event, as well as your original $2. If the 'odds' are 1 - 1, it's called "even odds" and you'd receive $2 as well as your original $2 bet.

20. A welcoming discharge might be a rephrasing of which oxymoron?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Friendly fire

Friendly means welcoming, pleasant affable. Fire, to shoot, to discharge your weapon! Friendly fire unfortunately occurs predominantly in wartime and is the shooting of your own side, not the enemy!

21. Guess the synonyms for: "attractive" [6 letters, begins with 'p'] and "grotesque" [4 letters, begins with 'u']. Which insulting oxymoron do you come up with?

From Quiz Synonyms to Oxymorons

Answer: pretty ugly

Is she/he pretty or is he/she ugly? Two adjectives with completely different meanings, and yet we put them together and call the resulting phrase 'speaking English'. *The term "pretty ugly" is a nasty insult to say to anyone. When we use this term, the word pretty is being used as an adjective meaning quite or somewhat. So "pretty ugly" in a normal sense means 'fairly ugly'. Yet, inquiring minds want to know: if I called someone 'ugly pretty', would it be a compliment?

22. Mature intelligence. Which oxymoron might more aptly describe such a thing?

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Old news

Old means from sometime in the past and news means information about recent events! Mm, tell me something I didn't already know!

23. A baby goat is resilient. Choose the oxymoron that best rephrases that fact.

From Quiz Oxymorons

Answer: Childproof

A child (kid) is a boy or girl from the time of birth until adolescence. Proof, when combined as in childproof, means protected against or not damaged by! Yeah right, a lot of childproof things are actually more likely to be adult proof!

This is category 25275
Last Updated Feb 22 2025 5:58 AM
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