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The myths that were part of the polytheistic beliefs of the ancient people in Mesopotamia are considered to be oldest religious writings known to exist. With an estimated 2,100 deities, the civilization was god-centered; religion governed every aspect of daily life. Although the gods were similar to humans in form and actions, they possessed powers that were far superior.
11 Mesopotamian Myth quizzes and 110 Mesopotamian Myth trivia questions.
  Mesopotamian Myth Menagerie   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
Mesopotamian mythology comes from the cradle of civilization itself and is often considered a major inspiration for later mythologies and religions. It all starts here!
Average, 10 Qns, trident, Aug 07 22
trident editor
Aug 07 22
170 plays
  Outer Heaven    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
In Sumerian mythology, there were several layers of heaven. The outermost layer was the abode of the gods, who were associated by the Sumerians with specific astronomical bodies. See how many you can correctly match.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Jul 03 21
bernie73 gold member
Jul 03 21
156 plays
  Mesopotamian Mythology - The Creation and Beyond   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Mesopotamian mythology here refers to the ancient beliefs of the Sumerian, Akkadian and other peoples of the Middle East. How much do you know about it?
Average, 10 Qns, doublemm, Aug 22 13
doublemm gold member
289 plays
  Who's Who in the Mesopotamian Pantheon    
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 10 Qns
The Rockettes are off to learn more about the deities of Mesopotamia as part of the Amazing Race 4. Can you identify these mythological figures from a brief description?
Average, 10 Qns, pagea, Aug 30 18
Aug 30 18
256 plays
  Myths of Mesopotamia    
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 10 Qns
See what you know about the heroes, gods, and goddesses from the rich history of Ancient Mesopotamia!
Average, 10 Qns, Lance_the_Red, Aug 24 22
Aug 24 22
166 plays
  The World of the Enuma Elish    
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This quiz is about the history and story of the ancient Mesopotamian creation myth, the Enuma Elish. These questions generally relate to the more common Babylonian version of the myth.
Average, 10 Qns, theskink, Jan 25 16
308 plays
  Inanna, Sumerian Goddess    
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 10 Qns
The primary goddess of the Sumerian pantheon was Inanna. What do you know about her?
Average, 10 Qns, SeaSparkzz, Apr 07 14
218 plays
  Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses    
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 10 Qns
These are just the general ones. They aren't as easy to remember as the Egyptian ones. Good luck.
Average, 10 Qns, wdstk, Sep 15 21
wdstk gold member
Sep 15 21
780 plays
  Enuma Elish   popular trivia quiz  
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 5 Qns
Many people have heard of the ancient Mesopotamian epic called 'Gilgamesh', but have you heard of the 'Enuma Elish'? Here are some questions about it...
Average, 5 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Feb 06 12
thejazzkickazz gold member
636 plays
  Babylonian Creation Myth    
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 20 Qns
Everyone knows a little bit about Greek, Roman and Norse mythology. Let's see how much you know about Babylonian. This quiz takes a look at the Babylonian Creation Myth and how heaven and earth were created.
Difficult, 20 Qns, TiamatDorgany, Aug 26 22
Aug 26 22
841 plays
trivia question Quick Question
The gods of Sumer had different names in Babylon, but the pantheon remained very similar. What was Inanna's Babylonian name?

From Quiz "Inanna, Sumerian Goddess"

  Babylonian Myth Review   great trivia quiz  
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 5 Qns
Here is a quiz on Babylonian myth. One more might follow if people are interested.
Tough, 5 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Mar 12 01
thejazzkickazz gold member
722 plays
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Mesopotamian Myth Trivia Questions

1. The chief deity of the Sumerian pantheon was the god Enlil. What city was home to his main temple?

From Quiz
Myths of Mesopotamia

Answer: Nippur

Enlil's temple, the Ekur ("Mountain House"), was the focal point of the city of Nippur. Interestingly, despite its religious importance, Nippur was never the capital city of any major Mesopotamian state.

2. Inanna was the goddess of what?

From Quiz Inanna, Sumerian Goddess

Answer: Love, Fertility, and War

Inanna was the goddess of love and fertility, and also the goddess of war. She represented the undomesticated woman, wild and free, both masculine and feminine. She took any man she pleased, and when she didn't get one she wanted, she took her revenge instead, as was the case with Gilgamesh.

3. The title "Enuma Elish" translates to "When up High" in English, but from where does this title get its name?

From Quiz The World of the Enuma Elish

Answer: The first words of the poem

"When up high, the heavens had not been named; and down below, the Earth was not given a name" is how the poem begins. It refers to the absence of the world in which we now live. In much the same way as art, ancient stories generally did not have a title or author, so scholars simply named this story after its beginning lines.

4. Anu was the god of ______.

From Quiz Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

Answer: the sky/heavens

He was a chief god in earlier times, the father of Ea and Enlil. His main cult city was Uruk. Cult centers for the gods were like sports franchises. Every major city had one. Most people who are not even from the U.S. would know where I grew up based on the local "gods" Michael Jordan and Walter Peyton...Chicago.

5. What is the name of the Babylonian Creation Myth?

From Quiz Babylonian Creation Myth

Answer: Enuma Elish & enuma elis

Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Creation Myth.

6. The Babylonian creation myth is called 'Enuma Elish'. What does that name mean?

From Quiz Babylonian Myth Review

Answer: When on high

7. The Enuma Elish is the creation myth of what ancient culture?

From Quiz Enuma Elish

Answer: Babylonian

The Babylonian culture was centered in Babylon. Babylon's rise corresponded with Sumeria's fall. There are similar myths to the Babylonian one in other Mesopotamian cultures such as the Sumerians and Assyrians. Their stories differ slightly from the ones described in this quiz.

8. One version of the Mesopotamian creation myth says that two deities existed before all others. These were Tiamat (female) and Apsu (male). Which two things did these beings respectively represent?

From Quiz Mesopotamian Mythology - The Creation and Beyond

Answer: Salt water and fresh water

The idea of a vastness of water pre-existing anything else was, again, a notion commonly held in the ancient myths of Egypt. Another similarity with Egyptian mythology is that the first mating (which in Mesopotamian mythology occurred when the salt waters of Tiamat mingled with the fresh waters of Apsu) resulted in several deities which came as pairs. Where the similarity falls apart is in the vicious behaviour of the primordial water gods of Mesopotamian mythology. One version of the story tells of how Apsu was so sick of the noise created by his offspring that he killed them all.

9. Who was Inanna's primary partner?

From Quiz Inanna, Sumerian Goddess

Answer: Dumuzi

Dumuzi was Inanna's primary partner, but they had a very complicated relationship. When Inanna decended to the underworld she was turned into a corpse, but then rescued by Enki, but she wasn't allowed to leave the underworld until she found someone to take her place. When Inanna found out that Dumuzi did not mourn her death, but instead seemed to relish in her absence, she insisted that he take her place.

10. Where were the first pieces of the Enuma Elish found?

From Quiz The World of the Enuma Elish

Answer: The Library of Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal, a late, powerful king of the Neo-Assyrian empire collected many great works of writing and kept them in a library, much the same as the Ptolemys of Egypt would do in Alexandria. This library was discovered in the mid-19th century in the ancient city of Nineveh (upstream from Babylon), the later Assyrian capital. In it, archaeologists have discovered the first few tablets of the Babylonian version of the Enuma Elish, a complete form of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story of Adapa, and many other short stories.

11. Nanna/Sin was the god of _______.

From Quiz Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

Answer: the moon

He governed the passing of the months. His sacred city was Ur, and his symbol was the crescent moon.

12. What does the name of the Babylonian creation myth translate to in English?

From Quiz Babylonian Creation Myth

Answer: When On High

Enuma Elish means 'When On High' or 'When Above'.

13. What god was the chief god of the Babylonian pantheon?

From Quiz Babylonian Myth Review

Answer: Marduk

14. What does Enuma Elish translate into in English?

From Quiz Enuma Elish

Answer: When above

Enuma Elish means either 'when above' or 'when on high'.

15. In Sumerian Mythology, the goddess Inanna's consort is a shepherd god. What was his name?

From Quiz Myths of Mesopotamia

Answer: Dumuzi

An interesting story with parallels in other myths comes from the tale "Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld" which says that, after some drama with her lover Dumuzi, the goddess agreed to have him stay in the netherworld for half the year, and then switch places with his sister, helping to explain the cycle of seasons in Mesopotamia. Dumuzi lives on, as the Arabic name for the month of July is Tammuz, derived from the Sumerian god's name.

16. When Inanna descended to the underworld, she told the gate keeper that she was there to attend the funeral of her sister's husband, although the real reason for her descent is unclear. Who was her sister, goddess of the underworld?

From Quiz Inanna, Sumerian Goddess

Answer: Ereshkigal

Ereshkigal, Inanna's sister, seemed very threatened by Inanna's arrival and instructed the gate keepers to make Inanna remove a piece of armor/clothing/jewelery to pass each of the seven gates, leaving her completely stripped of clothing and power when she arrived in front of her sister.

17. There were two beings alive in the beginning of the Babylonian myth and who are often said to be the mother and father of the gods; Tiamat is one of them. Who is the other?

From Quiz Babylonian Creation Myth

Answer: Apsu

Tiamat and Apsu were the first creatures, the personifications of salt and fresh waters, before heaven and earth were created, and when their waters mixed, the first gods were born.

18. Early Sumerian texts (and later Babylonian ones) are believed by many historians to be the inspiration for which great event that takes place in the Book of Genesis?

From Quiz Mesopotamian Myth Menagerie

Answer: a flood

Many Mesopotamian texts refer to grand, disastrous floods brought upon by vengeful gods. One such flood exists in "The Epic of Gilgamesh." Historians can draw direct parallels from this event in Mesopotamian mythology to the stories in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. In fact, one can often look to Mesopotamian mythology for parallels in many of history's religious traditions. Greek and Roman mythology often draw their own pantheons from sources from this region. Monotheistic religions that began in the Middle East region also find strong parallels in many of their stories. It's no huge surprise that much of human tradition finds its earliest roots in the cradle of civilization.

19. Who was the Babylonian goddess of fertility?

From Quiz Babylonian Myth Review

Answer: Ishtar

20. According to the Enuma Elish, in the beginning only the primordial waters existed. The sweet water abyss was personified in Apsu. Who were the salt seas personified as?

From Quiz Enuma Elish

Answer: Tiamat

Tiamat is sometimes respresented as a sea dragon in art and sculpture.

21. In the famous "Epic of Gilgamesh" the titular hero scorns the advances of an important Goddess. Whose love did he turn down?

From Quiz Myths of Mesopotamia

Answer: Ishtar

In the story, Gilgamesh doesn't just reject her advances, he recites a litany of her past lovers who have all ended up worse for wear by being with her. Angry and humiliated, she goes to her father, the sky god Anu, and demands that he release the Bull of Heaven to attack Gilgamesh and his friend. When he refuses, she threatens to open the gates of the netherworld to unleash a zombie apocalypse on the world and so her dad relents. The resulting battle with Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven is epic.

22. The goddess Tiamat appears in another myth, but here was portrayed as an evil dragon which was defeated by a brave god. This victorious god then became "King of the Gods" and created many geological features. What was his name?

From Quiz Mesopotamian Mythology - The Creation and Beyond

Answer: Marduk

This story is similar to one of Norse mythology, when the brothers Odin, Vili, and Ve kill the frost giant Ymir and use his carcass to create the Earth. Marduk kills the evil Tiamat, who had terrorised the other gods, and used her body to form the heaven and the Earth. Her skin was supposedly stretched above the sky as a barrier, which explained the droughts of Mesopotamia. The story of Marduk's role in the creation of Earth is described in the Enuma Elish, but an alternative version of the myth credits the Earth's creation to his father, Enki. Enki is one of the most ancient Mesopotamian gods, and some believed him to have adorned the Earth with crops, mountains and metals. It is also believed that he created the two rivers which give Mesopotamia its name (literally "between two rivers") using his sperm. These rivers are the Tigris and the Euphrates.

23. Inanna was a power seeker, and sought the blueprints of civilization. How did she acquire them?

From Quiz Inanna, Sumerian Goddess

Answer: Tricked Enki to get them

Inanna went to visit Enki in a guise of merry-making and got him drunk. He gave them to her in his inebriated state, but in the morning he realized what had happened and sent sea monsters or demons after her ship to stop her, but she escaped and returned to her city with the valuable information.

24. This poem was recited every year during the holiday which marked what?

From Quiz The World of the Enuma Elish

Answer: The New Year

This poem describes the creation of the world and the new year marks this event. The celebration is also known as the Akitu Festival. Though not much is known about what occurred during this festival, scholars believe this poem was recited in front of the entire city at least in Babylon, though likely in other cities as well. It may also have been acted out similarly to an Athenian drama.

25. Enki/Ea was the god of ___________.

From Quiz Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

Answer: fresh water and rain

He was the Lord Earth and also the god of wisdom, magic and semen. He instructed mankind in arts and crafts. His main cult center was in Eridu.

26. Tiamat is often associated with chaos and thought to be a dragon-like creature. What is she really the personification of in the Babylonian Creation Myth?

From Quiz Babylonian Creation Myth

Answer: Salt Water Oceans

Apsu was fresh water; Marduk was Sky; Tiamat's body later becomes Earth.

27. A primordial being, which Babylonian god was made of freshwater and was the lover to Tiamat, a goddess made of saltwater?

From Quiz Mesopotamian Myth Menagerie

Answer: Abzu

The relationship between Abzu and Tiamat resulted in the creation of the other Mesopotamian gods, though Abzu and Tiamat regretted their creation. Abzu was later slain by the younger gods so that they could take over his rule of the universe.

28. Which pair of divine beings was created first in the Babylonian myth?

From Quiz Babylonian Myth Review

Answer: Lahmu and Lahamu

This is a bit of a trick question...Apsu and Tiamat weren't 'created' per se, they were the primordial beings.

29. Who killed Apsu and was later established as the lord?

From Quiz Enuma Elish

Answer: Ea

The figure Ea probably best corresponds with Zeus of Greek myth.

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