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Most societies around the world have developed explanations of how the world came into being. Some of these are more familiar than others.
6 Creation Myths quizzes and 50 Creation Myths trivia questions.
  Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends editor best quiz   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
The Ngiyaampaa Nation's aboriginal people of northern Australia have many beautiful legends about their Dreamtime and the Dreaming, and how the world was created. These are ten of these legends for your enjoyment.
Average, 10 Qns, Creedy, Apr 06 14
Creedy gold member
1212 plays
  The Winds of Creation   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Humans have always been fascinated with trying to figure out where we have come from. Can you match the creation myth with the culture it is associated with?
Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Sep 01 18
zorba_scank gold member
Sep 01 18
486 plays
  It All Started Here!   popular trivia quiz  
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According to various legends, the earth and its inhabitants came to exist in some mighty strange ways. See if you can determine which culture believed what in regards to its beginnings.
Average, 10 Qns, logcrawler, Dec 15 22
logcrawler gold member
Dec 15 22
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  World Creations Myth 2    
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More creator gods from various indigenous cultures...have you heard of these gods?
Difficult, 5 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Feb 25 08
thejazzkickazz gold member
751 plays
  World Creation Myths    
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 5 Qns
Provided are some clues to fascinating creator gods from around the world. See if your ratiocinative skills can shed light on these mysteries.
Very Difficult, 5 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Feb 25 08
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thejazzkickazz gold member
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  Myths- Creation    
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The creation stories of many cultures- it mostly involves naming people.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, Zargo, Feb 25 08
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Creation Myths Trivia Questions

2. Fu Hsi and Nu Wa were creator gods from Chinese myth that made men from mud. With what form did these beings take shape?

From Quiz World Creations Myth 2

Answer: Serpents

Fu Hsi (or Fu Xi) was also considered to be one of the earliest Chinese emperors, having the duel role of emperor and God.

3. From which culture, did the gods Ku and Kane arise to make the Earth?

From Quiz World Creation Myths

Answer: Hawaiian

Naturally, these two figures are less well known then the goddess Pele, for example, but in the scheme of Hawaiian myth they are very prominent.

4. When each creator spirit completed the earthly task it was assigned, the Ngiyaampaa people of Australia believe it then turned itself into which artistic object?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: A rock face image

This is why ancient caves and their paintings in those traditional aboriginal lands still unassailed by European intruders are considered to be so very sacred to the Ngiyaampaa nation's people. It is believed that not only are the spirits represented in their self-portraits, but that they still dwell in their individual caves or in nearby waterholes. With no other tools at their disposal, the traditional people of this country honoured other images of their guiding spirits by painting them, with their fingers and small sticks, in the colours and clays of the earth, onto the permanence of wall caves. To them, they are holy shrines dedicated to the creators of their world.

5. According to Norse mythology, what was the name of the first living thing?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Ymir

He was actually an evil frost giant.

6. What particularly fascinating and physiologically necessary fact about the creation of the earth do the Ngiyaampaa aboriginal people of Australia believe?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: The earth breathes

Though much of the language of the varying aboriginal nations within the country differs widely over the four hundred or so groups that are known to exist, there are enough similarities between the legends, particularly those of the creation, to be rather startling. One common to most aboriginal nations in Australia, including the Ngiyaampaa, is the belief that the land actually lives and breathes as we do. What a lovely thought. It is also believed that the earth is naturally hot in this country, and as it breathes in and out, the steam from its warm breath gives rain to the clouds overhead. With that rain comes every growing thing on the land to feed the created animals, fish and birds, and mankind itself. And so the endless beautiful cycle continues.

7. Who was the first man, according to Norse again?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Buri

Licked out of the ice by a cow!

8. Tezcatlipoca, the Lord of the Smoking Mirror, was the creator god from which culture?

From Quiz World Creations Myth 2

Answer: Aztec

He was also called Yoalli, Ehecatl, and Tepeyollilotli.

9. Orisha Nla was the great creator of the Youruba people. What animal form Orisha use to create all life on the Earth?

From Quiz World Creation Myths

Answer: Snail

Ol-orun, the Supreme Being, gave Orisha a snail filled with the essence of life, and some birds to spread the seeds of life across the Earth.

10. Another rare belief associated with the spirits who created the world is that sometimes their spirits leave the caves or waterholes where they dwell. The Australian Ngiyaampaa people believe they then do what?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: Become reborn into a human child

This doesn't happen very often, but every now and then it is believed by the Ngiyaampaa that one of the Dreamtime spirits will allow itself to be reincarnated into the body of a new born child. Australian aboriginal people honour their ancestors and their heroic deeds with a deep and mystical veneration. An honoured few of these are considered to have been the reborn soul of the major spirit himself. Aboriginal people believe that all their bestowed skills, and their very essences, are gifts given to them by their gods, in an endless recycling of life following life, but bound up always in the earth and all the spirits of nature all around. To think that a major spirit once walked among them would have exactly the same impact on aboriginal people as the Christian belief of the wider world in the spirit of Jesus being born into the body of man. On the death of the person who was believed to have been one of these great figures, his spirit returned back to his holy dwelling place in the mountains until it was time to reappear once more.

11. According to Chinese, all things are believed to combine the two opposites, Yin and__

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Yang

Yin being feminine and Yang (sometimes known as 'Yan') being masculine.

12. Itzamna was an old man with a hooked nose that created the world according to which culture?

From Quiz World Creations Myth 2

Answer: Mayan

The Mayans resided on the Yucatan peninsula, on land now occupied by Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.

13. Tulungersak manifested himself as the evil spirit of the void, but perhaps ironically also created men, plants, and animals from clay. In the Inuit myth, what form of creature did he take?

From Quiz World Creation Myths

Answer: Raven

The Inuit people, also known as the Eskimos, live in the extreme Arctic polar regions of Alaska and Canada. Ol-orun, the Supreme Being, gave Orisha a snail filled with the essence of life, and some birds to spread the seeds of life across the Earth.

14. Most traditional Christian beliefs, based on interpretations from the Hebrew language, state that the earth, the heavens and indeed the entire universe were created "ex nihilo". What would this Latin term be most likely be to be interpreted as?

From Quiz It All Started Here!

Answer: out of nothing

"Creatio ex nihilo" would translate into the English language as "creation out of nothing". Ancient Near Eastern and Greek thought proposed a different approach to creationism, that of chaos reigning upon existing matter first, followed by order. There is no universal agreement even among Christians as to which philosophical point of view is correct, with evangelical Christians maintaining that the Bible should be interpreted more literally, while more progressive Christians feel that a more figurative perspective is better called for.

15. Droughts and floods and other devastating forces of nature which assaulted the landscape of the ancient Ngiyaampaa aboriginal people of Australia were believed to have been caused by the breaking of which taboo?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: Entering sacred grounds without permission

If anyone, or any group, has been given the very real honour of being allowed to approach a Ngiyaampaa cave painting, or any other area of land considered to be sacred, the correct procedure is for the aboriginal elder leading the group or individual to call out from a respectful distance of several yards from the mouth of the cave. This is to make the denizens of the caves aware of human presence nearby, and to be assured that no harm will be done to their dwelling places. Only certain people have the right to approach these areas. To trespass without that permission is akin to sacrilege and very distressing to the local aboriginal inhabitants who hold these caves of their creators in such high esteem. The very existence of aboriginal people with their close dependence on the land was continually at threat in our wide brown land, by either droughts, floods or other raging forces of nature gone wild. Such events could be held at bay by treating the dwelling places of the spirits who created the land with due deference. Should anyone be wicked enough to forgo the necessary protocol associated with this, and offend a spirit, the penalty incurred was the death of the immediate offender by a bolt of lightning, the drowning of the people of the land in a river surge caused by sudden storms and floods, and the land itself devastated by a terrible gale.

16. Who was the first child of Izanagi and Izanami?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Hiruko

17. Bylelobog and Chernobog represented the Good and Evil gods of creation in which cultural Myths?

From Quiz World Creation Myths

Answer: Slavic

Bylelobog and Chernobog were representative of the Manichean dialectical God forms (good vs. evil) in Slavic and/or Russian myth. Thank you for playing this quiz, I hope you enjoyed it and learned a thing or two!

18. The Ngiyaampaa people of Australia often depicted the faces of the images of their creator spirits and guides without which communicative facial features?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: Mouths

The spirits often portrayed in ancient Ngiyaampaa cave drawings have dark and piercing eyes, with red, black and yellow lines painted on each white painted body. The reason behind the absence of mouths depicted on those painted images is the belief that if a mouth is included, it will begin to rain unceasingly and that all the inhabitants of the land will drown. This echoes fascinatingly the belief of a great world wide deluge found in so many early mystical beliefs of peoples native to other countries around the world, and once again emphasises the absolute dependence of the early people of our land on the forces of nature.

19. What do the Aborigines call the time of their creation?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Dreamtime & dreaming

But dreamtime does not only lie in the distant past, the dreamtime is the eternal Now.

20. According to the Maori tribes of New Zealand, by what names were Heaven and Earth who were the ancestors of all humans known by? Clue: (think parents)

From Quiz It All Started Here!

Answer: Rangi and Papa

Rangi and Papa were Heaven and Earth, according to Maori legend. In the beginning, heaven and earth hung close together, with darkness reigning over all. Rangi and Papa had six sons, Tanemahuta, the father of the forests; Tawhirimatea, the father of winds and storms; Tangaroa, the father of fish and reptiles; Tumatauenga, the father of fierce human beings; Haumiatikitiki, the father of non-cultivated foods; and Rongomatane, the father of cultivated food. They and all other beings lived in darkness until the sons of Rangi and Papa took action. First, the father of fierce beings decided to kill Heaven and Earth, but the other sons prevailed and agreed to merely separate them. Only one son, the father of wind and storms disagreed with this plan and later exacted his revenge for his brother's actions. He followed his father into the sky and sent storms to punish the rest of his brothers. The father of fierce men later devoured all his earthbound brothers, but since Tawhirimatea remained in the sky, he was safe and continues exacting his revenge on fierce men for allowing the separation of his parents.

21. This could make you hop around in delight. What do Australia's Ngiyaampaa aboriginal people believe caused the hills to be formed on the land?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: A fight between two kangaroos

The creation of the hills, as narrated around Ngiyaampaa campfires for many thousands of years, occurred as the result of a fight between two kangaroos. The buck, Urdlu, and the doe, Mandya, had been friends for a long time, and travelled all over the flat land together for many years in their endless search for nourishment. One day Urdlu came across a lot of food (tucker), but Mandya found none. The greedy Urdlu refused to share with Mandya, or to tell her where he'd found his delicious treats. Mandya grew thinner and thinner while the greedy Urdlu grew fatter and fatter. Mandya also grew very angry. One day, when he wasn't looking, and determined to find the food, she followed the tracks Urdlu left in the soil when he had gone to the waterhole where the food was located, on the day before - and there she located his hiding place. When Urdlu turned up to feed his greedy self, he was enraged to see her there, digging and eating. The two got into a huge fight, in the course of which Mandyla was injured when a stone became stuck in her side. As she limped away, she pulled the stone out and blew on it, and hills began to spring up everywhere. The more she blew the more hills appeared, as far as the eye could see, until all the land was covered. "Hey!" cried Urdlu when he appeared, "I won't have any flat ground in which to live if you keep this up!" and with a sweep of his tail, he pushed the hills back to where they can still be seen today. The ground where he wanted to live has never had any grass on it since, because the soil was permanently stained from the blood of Mandyla's injuries. Thus combines the stories of the creation of the hills of the land and the deep red soils found everywhere in the heart of Australia.

22. What is the name of the other Iranian twin that was there at the {beginning;} Ahura Mazda and ?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Angra Mainyu & Ahriman

He was the bad one.

23. The creator according to the Modoc tribe was Kumush, the old man of ?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: The ancients

It is said that Kumush could bring a man back to life if he had only so much as a single hair left on his head.

24. This question involves a fairly violent creation saga. Be forewarned! From which ancient mythology do we read of a giant who was killed by the gods Odin, Vili and Ve, with his body used to create the earth?

From Quiz It All Started Here!

Answer: Norse

When fire and light (from the south) met up with cold and water (from the north), a giant named Ymir was born. From his left armpit the first man and woman were born. Later he was killed by the gods Odin, Vili and Ve, and his body was used to create earth. From his blood came the seas and the lakes, his flesh became the earth itself, and from his bones came the mountains with his teeth providing the rocks. His skull was made into the dome of the sky, and they set a dwarf at each of the four corners to hold it high above the earth.

25. What is the legend behind the birth of the sun believed by the Ngiyaampaa aboriginal people of Australia?

From Quiz Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends

Answer: An emu egg was thrown into the sky

In the days of darkness before the birth of the sun, so the Ngiyaampaa legend goes, an emu and a brolga were quarrelling. The brolga, in her rage, grabbed an egg from the emu's nest, and threw it up in the air as high as she could. To the astonishment of both birds, the egg landed on a pile of firewood in the sky, burst into flames, and lit up the entire world. When the spirit who looked after the sky saw how beautiful everything looked below under the light of the flames, he decided to make this light happen every day in the same manner. Each night following this first illumination, he and the other sky spirits accordingly collected wood for the fire the next day. To wake people up to see the glorious flames coming to life, the morning star was placed into the sky to alert them the glory was about to begin. This, however, didn't work for many people, and they continued to sleep on. The spirits then decided on another way to awaken those who slept below. They told the noisy kookaburra, with its raucous laughing call, that, as the morning star began to fade in the sky at the beginning of every day, it was to laugh its loudest to waken the sleepers. And that is how the birth of the sun and the early morning call of the kookaburra came about.

26. According the Siberians, who was the great creator?

From Quiz Myths- Creation

Answer: Ulgan & ulgan & Yryn-ai-tojon

27. Hesiod, a Greek poet who lived around the same time as Homer, attempted to explain how the earth came into being. What was the name that he used to denote the earth?

From Quiz It All Started Here!

Answer: Gaia

According to the Theogony which was written by Hesiod the Earth was called Gaia, the great mother of all, while Erebus was darkness. The Abyss was representative of a bottomless pit and Chaos was a formless state of existence or nothingness that preceded creation. The Theogony was a poem written by Hesiod as he made an effort to explain the birth and/or genealogy of the gods. This work was written somewhere around 700 B.C. and what makes it unique over other "theogonies" is that they generally attempt to show how a king descended from a god, thus demonstrating a king's assumed authority. The Theogony by Hesiod offers no such historical explanation of a king imbued with godlike attributes. Hesiod actually aimed for just the opposite approach; affirming the god Zeus as being above all others, whether god, king or man.

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