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"Kushiel's Dart" won the 2003 Locus Award for Best First Novel, and was followed by a number of other books set in the alternative history setting of Terre d'Ange.
4 Jacqueline Carey quizzes and 45 Jacqueline Carey trivia questions.
  "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey   popular trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
How well do you remember the second book in the "Kushiel" trilogy? This book is the sequel to "Kushiel's Dart".
Average, 15 Qns, Amanda77586, Oct 02 07
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  "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is about the first book of the second "Kushiel" trilogy: the story of Imriel, a D'Angeline prince and Phedre's adopted son.
Average, 10 Qns, Amanda77586, Nov 11 07
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  Kushiel's Dart    
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 10 Qns
'Kushiel's Dart' is an original fantasy novel by Jacqueline Carey that became quite popular in 2001 and recieved the Locus Award. There are some spoilers in this quiz.
Easier, 10 Qns, Lanire, Oct 02 07
535 plays
  Kushiel's Justice    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The focus of this quiz is Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel's Justice" but it does include questions from books 1-4 of the series as well. Read them all before you start or there could be spoilers! Enjoy and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Aphreal23, Oct 17 09
229 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What color is the dress that Favrielle no Eglantine designs for Phedre to wear to the midwinter ball?

From Quiz ""Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey"

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Jacqueline Carey Trivia Questions

1. According to the first chapter of the book, what does Imriel want?

From Quiz
"Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: to be good

The first sentence of Chapter One is "What does it mean to be good?" and the last sentence is "I will try to be good." We learn that Imriel hates his mother, Melisande, and is embarrassed about being the son of a traitor. Unlike his mother, he is not interested in having power or ruling a kingdom. Imriel loves Joscelin: he learns to fight Cassilene-style from him and spends two Longest Night vigils with Joscelin at the temple of Elua, but there is no indication that he has any interest in being a Cassilene monk.

2. What Night Court house was Phedre brought up in?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Cereus House

Her mother was born in Jasmine House, but she left it to marry Phedre's father; however, when they lost all their money, Phedre was sold to Cereus House to be brought up there till she is 10.

3. What color is the dress that Favrielle no Eglantine designs for Phedre to wear to the midwinter ball?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Red

The dress is red with very simple lines, and cut low in the back to show off Phedre's marque. Favrielle the seamstress intentionally keeps the dress design very simple so that it will stand out from the gaudy, ornate fashions that are popular in court. Phedre did have dresses of the other three colors in the first book, "Kushiel's Dart".

4. Who does Imriel agree to marry for political reasons?

From Quiz Kushiel's Justice

Answer: Dorelei

After his adventures in Tiberium and beyond, Imriel returns home to Terre D'Ange and agrees to Ysandre's plan for him to marry Dorelei. Dorelei is Alban royalty and the Cruarch's niece. This marriage has been arranged to quiet both accusations that Imriel might be a traitor and those who worry about Alba's influence over matters of Terre D'Ange.

5. What was the name of the man who took Phedre as his apprentice?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Anafiel Delaunay

Anafiel's real last name was Montreve, and at the end Phedre gets the estate that was Delaunay's because Phedre is his heir. Joscelin is the Cassiline Brother that guards Phedre after Guy dies.

6. Why does Phedre decide to go back into Naamah's service?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: She receives a mysterious package that contains her old Sangoire cloak

A package is delivered to Phedre by Delaunay's old teacher, Gonzalo de Escabares. Phedre opens it and is shocked to find her sangoire cloak, which she had worn the night she was kidnapped by Melisande in the first book. She knows this is a challenge from Melisande, and she suspects that someone at court helped Melisande escape. Phedre thinks that by reentering Naamah's service, she can get information at court and identify the traitor.

7. What was the name of the older apprentice in Phedre's new home?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Alcuin

Alcuin no Delaunay became like a brother to Phedre and more than an apprentice to Delaunay. Hyacinthe was Phedre's Tsigano friend who was called "Prince of Travellers" around the city. His name also became Phedre's signal once she started Naamah's service. Suriah was the name of an adept in Cereus House who was the Winter Queen.

8. Who is Phedre's first patron when she returns to Naamah's service?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Severio Stregazza

Severio pays her the unheard-of sum of 20,000 ducats, which, oddly enough, raises his status in court and gains him the respect of the D'Angeline nobles. The de Fhirzes and Nicola do become Phedre's patrons after Severio. The de Fhirzes are up on all the court gossip, and Nicola "ties a good knot". Marmion is not one of Phedre's patrons. He is banished from Terre D'Ange early on in the book.

9. Who are Imriel no Montreve de la Courcel's parents?

From Quiz Kushiel's Justice

Answer: Melisande Shahrizai and Benedicte de la Courcel

Imriel lives with the constant reminder of his mother and father's treachery, his mother being the greatest traitor in the history of Terre D'Ange. Melisande amd Benedicte conceived Imri with the aim to remove Ysandre from the throne and keep her "half-breed" children from ruling. Though Phedre and Joscelin adopt Imri and raise him after his rescue from Darsanga, they are not his real parents.

10. What gift did Hyacinthe have?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Gift of seeing the past and the future

Hyacinthe was taught by his mother, a fortuneteller, the art of seeing the future and the past, also called Dromonde in the book.

11. Who is Eamonn mac Grainne's father?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Quintilius Rousse

Eamonn is an Eiran prince, and Imriel's best friend. His mother is Grainne mac Conor of the Dalriada and his father is Quintilius Rousse, Royal Admiral of the D'Angeline navy. Eamonn is named after his uncle Eamonn, Grainne's twin brother, who was killed at the battle of Troye-le-Mont. Drustan is the Cruarch (King) of Alba: he is no blood relation to Eamonn.

12. Why does Phedre take Habiru lessons from the Yeshuite Rebbe?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: She hopes to find a clue in the old Yeshuite texts that will help her free Hyacinthe

Phedre's oldest and dearest friend, Hyacinthe, is stuck on the island of Three Sisters, serving under the Master of the Straits. He is doomed to stay there for eternity, unless Rahab (the angel of the sea) can somehow be convinced to set him free. Phedre believes that there is a clue in the ancient Habiru texts that might enable her to free Hyacinthe. Phedre has a gift of learning languages easily, so she asks the Rebbe in the Yeshuite part of town to teach her Habiru. Joscelin is the one who is considering the idea of converting to the Yeshuite religion, because he is told that Yeshua will redeem him and forgive all his sins, including all of his broken oaths.

13. There are many Gods that are followed in Terre d'Ange, but what is the name of the main God that everyone prayed to?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Elua

Blessed Elua is said to found the land of Terre d'Ange; Naamah, Anael, Azza, Shemhazai, Camael, Cassiel, Eisheth, and Kushiel were other minor Gods that followed Blessed Elua.

14. Who gives Imriel his horse, "The Bastard"?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Nicola L'Envers y Aragon, Phedre's friend

Nicola is a good friend - and former patron - of Phedre's. She is married to an Aragonian noble, and Aragon is known for its fine horses. She gives Imriel a beautiful, spirited horse as a gift. Although Imriel loves the horse, he feels dislike and resentment towards Nicola due to the nature of her relationship with Phedre.

15. What is Queen Ysandre's reaction when she discovers Imriel's intimate relationship with her daughter?

From Quiz Kushiel's Justice

Answer: She suggests that the reason Dorelei is dead is because Imri was in love with someone else and plotted their deaths

When Ysandre discovers the relationship her daughter and Imriel have she is furious. Imri tries to explain that he did his best to ignore his feelings for Siodonie and begs her to see how much he is grieving the loss of Dorelei and their son. She replies "And yet, conveniently, they are gone." This cutting accusation crushed and enraged him after a lifetime of whispers that he was surely a traitor just like his mother.

16. What is the name of the woman who is Phedre's main and most dangerous opponent?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Melisande

Melisande Shahrizai is one of Kushiel's line who becomes Phedre's nemesis. Isabel L'Envers is the deceased wife of Rolande, that Delaunay wrote his poem about which caused him to be banned as a poet.

17. To which House of the Court of Night Blooming Flowers does Imriel go on his 16th birthday?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Balm

Phedre sends Imriel to Balm House, because she understands that he is still suffering from emotional trauma due to the abuse he suffered in Darsanga as a child. Balm is a House that specializes in healing. There, he spends the night with an adept named Emmeline, who helps him overcome some of his fears. At a later time, Imriel does visit Valerian House with his Shahrizai relatives, but it is a little too much for him to handle.

18. What is the name of the goddess worshiped in La Serenissima?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Asherat of the Sea

Asherat of the Sea is the patron goddess of La Serenissima. There is a large temple dedicated to her in La Serenissima where much of the book's action and intrigue takes place.

19. How does Gilot die?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: From injuries sustained during the siege of Lucca.

Gilot is seriously injured during the student riots in Tiberium. He recovers, but his sword hand is permanently damaged, and he has pain when breathing. Gilot accompanies Imriel to Lucius Tadius's wedding in Lucca and performs a heroic deed there: he un-jams the mechanism of the drawbridge during the attack so that the city can be sealed and protected. He is gravely wounded during the siege, and the bone chip from his previous injury during the riots becomes dislodged and pierces his lungs. He dies later that night.

20. Where did Phedre find Melisande in La Serenissima?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Married to Prince Benedicte

Phedre was told by the oracle in Asherat's temple that "the one you seek will be in the last place you look". Sure enough, Phedre and her friends never suspect that Melisande is Prince Benedicte's wife! All they know about Benedicte's new wife is that she is a D'Angeline who pledged her service to Asherat and therefore wears the veil at all times. No one has ever seen her without the veil, so no one suspects. Phedre is invited to the court for an audience with Benedicte, and that's when Melisande lifts her veil and reveals herself to Phedre. By the time Phedre realizes that Benedicte and Melisande are plotting against Queen Ysandre, it is too late. Phedre's two men (Fortun and Remy) are killed and Phedre is captured and taken to the rock island prison, La Dolorosa.

21. Whose spirit does Imriel see during the Feast of the Dead procession?

From Quiz Kushiel's Justice

Answer: traitor to Terre D'Ange, Benedicte de la Courcel

The entire estate follows a procession led by Firdha to the sacred standing stones in honor of those who were dead. It is on their return from the stones that Imriel sees what he believes to be Benedicte de la Courcel's spirit. Benedicte is Imriel's father and though he has never laid eyes on the man before, he instantly recognizes the spirit. Though all the people listed are deceased, they only survive in memory for Imriel and others.

22. What is the name of the warlord that unites Skaldian tribes together to attack Terre d'Ange?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: Waldemar Selig

He was the only person who could stop the fighting between different steadings in Skaldia and unite them to attack Terre d'Ange in an organized fashion.

23. What relation is Gallus Tadius to Lucius Tadius?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Great Grandfather

Gallus Tadius was the great grandfather of Imriel's school friend, Lucius Tadius. When the city of Lucca is attacked, the bell tower is damaged and ghosts and spirits are released from the "mundus manes". Gallus comes back from the dead and takes possession of Lucius's body in order to lead the troops and defend Lucca from the invaders.

24. What is the first thing Phedre does when La Dolorosa comes under attack?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Knocks out the guard and frees the prisoners

From her cell, Phedre can hear the commotion outside and can tell something is going on. She instinctively knows that it is Joscelin who has somehow found her and has come to rescue her. When the guard comes into her cell, she distracts him with the promise of sexual favors, then she knees him in the groin and knocks him unconscious with her chair. She then grabs his keys and unlocks her cell. Out of pity and compassion, Phedre uses the keys to free the other prisoners before she even thinks about saving herself. Her mercy is rewarded later, as the prisoners provide a distraction that allows her to escape. Phedre does not have a trained seagull. Melisande saw her feeding the gulls through the bars of her cell once and made a joke about Phedre training the gulls to carry messages for her.

25. Where do Phedre and Joscelin disappear to after Imriel and Dorelei are married?

From Quiz Kushiel's Justice

Answer: To hide the pages from the Book of Raziel

Hyacinthe, the Master of the Straits and Phedre's oldest friend, decides that he will not pass the burden of being the master of the straits onto an apprentice. Since the knowledge could be dangerous in the hands of the wrong person, they conspire to take the book and hide it away from the world. Phedre hints at its location when she meets Imriel in Vralia but we never learn where she and Joscelin have truly hidden the pages from the book.

26. The sign of being an anguisette was Kushiel's Dart in one's eye. Phedre had a mote that signified that. What was the colour of the mote?

From Quiz Kushiel's Dart

Answer: red & scarlet

She had a red mote in one of her eyes, and because of that she had to be sold in the Night Court rather than being brought up there as a future adept.

27. Who does Canis work for?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Scion", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Melisande Shahrizai

When first we meet Canis, he is a beggar who lives in a barrel outside Imriel's lodging in Tiberium's student quarter. He gives Imriel a medallion that Claudia Fulvia identifies as the emblem of the Cynics. Imriel suspects that Canis saved his life during the student riots, and he asks Claudia if Canis works for the Unseen Guild. She says she doesn't know. Later, Canis turns up during the siege of Lucca, posing as a deaf-mute. Canis is fatally wounded in battle, and his dying words to Imriel are, "Your mother sends her love". He again confronts Claudia, but she denies any knowledge of him, so he concludes that Canis was hired by his mother to protect him. Claudia theorizes that Melisande has friends in high places and possibly even in the Unseen Guild.

28. What is the nationality of the captain of the pirate ship that rescues Phedre?

From Quiz "Kushiel's Chosen", by Jacqueline Carey

Answer: Illyrian

Clinging to a piece of wood, the nearly drowned Phedre sees a ship in the distance and is able to catch their attention. The ship turns out to be a pirate ship under the command of Kazan Atrabiades, an exiled Illyrian who has a fearsome reputation as a pirate.

29. Imriel can claim to be a scion of two deities, Kushiel and which other?

From Quiz Kushiel's Justice

Answer: Elua

Because royal blood runs in his veins, Imriel is both Elua and Kushiel's scion. Most times their service seems to clash with one another but Imriel is true to them both in the end.

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