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James Clavell Trivia Quizzes

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As well as the epic novels set in Asia for which he is widely known, James Clavell has also written a number of film screenplays, such as "To Sir, with Love", which he also directed.
3 James Clavell quizzes and 50 James Clavell trivia questions.
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Let's get in touch with pride and honour by Japanese culture. We will be guided by the great author James Clavell, the writer of 'Shogun'.
Average, 10 Qns, djxerodead, May 13 20
May 13 20
524 plays
  James Clavell's "King Rat"    
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 20 Qns
This is one of Clavell's shortest books, but so rich and complex it deserves a bunch of quizzes. Here's the first one, and I hope you like it!
Tough, 20 Qns, Bheth, Aug 25 14
145 plays
  James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2    
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 20 Qns
This quiz covers the second half of 'King Rat'. I hope you enjoy it!
Tough, 20 Qns, Bheth, Aug 25 14
144 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the name of the play starring Sean as the female lead?

From Quiz "James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2"

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James Clavell Trivia Questions

1. Why does Sutra beat Sulina?

From Quiz
James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: For tempting Marlowe

Sulina, standing in front of her window, let her sarong fall away from her naked body so Marlowe could see. Her father knew she had done this, and when Marlowe and the King left to return to the camp Sutra came into Sulina's room and beat her with a thin bamboo cane. "'This is for tempting the Englishman when I had not told thee to tempt him,' he said, trying to sound very angry."

2. The plot takes place primarily in:

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Changi

"Closer, Changi lost its beauty and became what it was - an obscene and forbidding prison." Utram Road is another prison, even worse than Changi. China is... er... China! Changhai is a county in Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China.

3. Blackthorne gains the confidence of Toranaga who gives him a certain rank. What was the name of that rank?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: Hatamoto

A hatamoto was allowed to keep his swords in the presence of a Daimyo.

4. Why did Rover have to die?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: Rover ate one of Colonel Foster's chickens

Even men who stole chickens were punished severely. One man was found with a stolen hen, and the men who caught him beat him to death. In Changi this was ruled justifiable homicide. Colonel Foster was an inmate of Changi who manifested PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) by being a bit too attached to his hens. When Hawkin's dog Rover got into the chicken run and ate one of his chickens, Foster's response was extreme, even for Changi. "'I want a court-martial. Hawkins the murderer and his beast, a murderer.' Colonel Foster's mouth was flecked with foam. 'That bloody beast killed my hen and ate it. He ate it and there's only feathers to show for one of my children.'"

5. What is the King's first name?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: It is never mentioned

His rank is Corporal, but his first name is never revealed. With some exceptions when he is referred to by his rank, he is called 'King' and referred to as 'The King'.

6. Blackthorne or Anjin-san falls in love with a Japanese woman. Her Christian name is Maria. Which is her Japanese name?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: Mariko

She falls in love with Anjin-san despite the strict rules of the Japanese society and eventually dies as part of Toranaga's plan.

7. How many sharks went into the soup for the ten thousand men of Changi?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: 1

When the men of Changi are rescued after Japan's surrender, the liberators are shocked at the condition of the starved prisoners. "Today it was shark soup-at least, one shark had been divided ounce by ounce into soup for ten thousand men."

8. Who is the King's arch-enemy in the camp?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Lieutenant Grey

Colonel Brant is an Indian Army officer, a man still suffering from the defection of his beloved Sikh soldiers during the fall of Singapore in 1942. Major Barry had the King sell a Ronson lighter for him. Colonel Sampson accepted money from the King in exchange for keeping Grey occupied during a major deal. Provost Officer Grey is out to get the King from the opening sentence of Book 1: "I'm going to get that bloody bastard if I die in the attempt."

9. What does 'Purple Sky' (or 'Crimson Sky') mean?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: It is a plan of war

Although Toranaga was claiming he doesn't want to be a Shogun, he intended to declare war in order to achieve such a high rank.

10. Where did the King cook up Hawkin's dog?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: In the jail building

The King rented a cell for three dollars an hour from Griffiths, the man who 'owned' it. It was the best place to mask the smell of cooking meat. The concrete cell walls were two feet thick, and the King had some of his guests stuff strips of blanket into the cracks around the door. But the smell still got out, maddening the camp's starving men, who luckily assumed that the smell was coming from just outside Changi's wire fence.

11. What poker game is featured in the scene where Marlowe tells Grey that the Ronson lighter had been his before he lost it to the King?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Stud

Seven-card stud is played two down, four up, one down. Draw is played with an initial five-card deal, then the players discard and receive replacements for the discards. The Chinese game of pai gow is played with tiles, and pai gow poker with cards. "Peter Marlowe looked at him, his eyes flinty. The eggs were getting cold. 'What are you trying to prove, Grey? Any fool knows it's four cards face up and one down- one in the hole.'"

12. How did Gurble die?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: He was found with his head stuffed down a borehole

Gurble had been found stuffed into a borehole, one of Changi's stinking, cockroach-infested latrine pits. The two camp doctors conferred over the body, speculating whether the death had been murder or suicide. "'They held a quiet court of inquiry this afternoon, as soon as they knew who it was. Apparently, a few days ago this man was caught stealing some hut rations.' 'Oh, I see.' 'Either way, I'd say he deserved it, wouldn't you?'"

13. To what British phrase did the King take offense due to a misunderstanding?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Not bad

Blow your wig: lose control Share crop: sexually easy female Dead hoofer: very bad dancer Not bad: really good. The King felt Marlowe was not appreciative enough when Marlowe used the English understated compliment of "Not bad" to describe the fried egg.

14. What was the name of the play starring Sean as the female lead?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: Triangle

The play was written by Frank Parrish, and took place in London before the war. The play starred Frank, Brod Roderick, and Sean Jennison. When the final curtain fell, the audience was so spellbound by the performance that there was utter silence, and then there were cheers and ten curtain calls.

15. What is the premier cigarette smoked in camp?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Kooa

"'Kooas are about the best cigarette around,' the King said at last. 'Course they don't compare with Camels. American cigarette. Best in the world. You ever had them?' 'Yes,' Peter Marlowe said, 'but actually, they tasted a little dry to me. My brand's Gold Flake.'"

16. One of Blackthorne's opponents was Tsukku-san. His name was the Japanese equivalent for one of his jobs. What does Tsukku means?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: Translator

He is one of the first people to understand Blackthorne's words soon after his arrival in Japan.

17. What prompted Sean's first suicide attempt?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: Marlowe made him confront the fact that he was not really a woman

Marlowe was in Sean's dressing room, enraged by the fact that Sean said he, Sean, was no longer a man, but a woman. Marlowe told the King the story of his fight with Sean that resulted in Sean slitting his wrists. "'Something in my head seemed to snap. I grabbed his arm and ripped the negligee off his shoulders and tore off the padded bra and shoved him in front of the mirror. ''You call yourself a woman?' I shouted. 'Look at yourself! Where are your bloody breasts?''"

18. What process did Marlowe teach to the Americans?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: How to treat cheap tobacco to make it taste better

Marlowe taught them the process for free, and the flabbergasted King couldn't believe he wanted nothing in return. "'I don't want anything', said Peter Marlowe. 'Nothing?' The King sat down feebly, wrecked."

19. Many samurai from this novel end their life in a traditional and honourable way. We might say that this is suicide but to them the process was the supreme way of dying. What was the name of that ritual?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: Seppuku

Yabu-san was one of the persons who was forced to die in that way. He was accused of treason and without any protest he performed seppuku.

20. Why did Duncan have false teeth?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: The diet of Changi rotted his teeth

In severe cases of malnutrition such as that suffered by prisoners of war, tooth loss can occur due to the jawbone actually breaking down and thinning. Many men of Changi lost their teeth due to poor diet, as Duncan told Marlowe: "'Doc said something about the water and lack of chewable material and rice diet and calcium.'"

21. In camp, who were the two other men in Marlowe's 3-man unit?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Larkin and Mac

Colonel Larkin, Major 'Mac' McCoy, and Lieutenant Marlowe formed a "unit", a group of men who join together to watch out for one another. It was very hard to survive in Changi without belonging to a unit. Three was a perfect unit number: one to guard the unit's possessions, one to forage, and one spare (in case of illness or other misfortune).

22. During Toranaga's escape from the castle disguised as a woman Blackthorne saved his life. How did he do that?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: He acted as if he was crazy

He knew that the crazy people were somehow above the law so he distracted the attention from Toranaga.

23. Why did Duncan have Marlowe cover for him while they were both on work detail?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: To allow Duncan to see his wife

Duncan's wife was Singapore Chinese, so she and Duncan's little daughter were not placed in a prison camp. They lived in severe poverty near Changi, and sometimes the two were able to wait near the wire to exchange brief glances with Duncan. Duncan needed Marlowe to distract the guard so he could go closer to the wire and leave a note for his wife to pick up when the work party had gone.

24. What did Sunny do with the stubborn puppy?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: Threw it into the air

"Sunny took a firm grip on the string and started swinging the pup around his head on the end of the rope. He whirled it maybe a dozen times, laughing as though this was the greatest joke in the world. Then as the screaming pup gathered momentum, he gave it a final whirl and let go of the string. The pup must have gone fifty feet into the air. And when it fell on the iron-hard ground, it burst like a ripe tomato."

25. What was the name of Mariko's husband?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: Buntaro

He was one of the greatest generals of Toranaga.

26. On the work detail, why did Marlowe arrange with Torusumi for his group to work on the trees at the west end?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: There was better foraging on tree detail

It was rumored that the detail was going to be sent to cut down coconut trees, and the edible heart of a coconut tree was the delicacy called 'millionaire's cabbage'. When added to the many coconuts the trees would also provide, this duty was a Changi forager's dream detail.

27. Where did Captain Daven hide the radio?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: In a hollowed-out beam

The compartment in the 8x8 beam was so well-crafted that at first when the guard Yoshima tried to find it, he thought that his informant was mistaken about the hiding place.

28. What was the full name of Toranaga?

From Quiz Shogun

Answer: Yoshi Toranaga-noh-Minowara

Minowara was an ancient clan which was the predecessor of Toranaga's family.

29. What did Grey find when he stumbled against the table holding the scale used to measure out the rice allotment?

From Quiz James Clavell's 'King Rat' , part 2

Answer: He found that some of the weights had been tampered with

In the bottoms of the iron weights there were drilled holes, carefully filled with clay. Someone was daily cheating the men out of part of their rice ration.

30. What part was needed to repair the radio hidden by Marlowe's unit?

From Quiz James Clavell's "King Rat"

Answer: A coupling condenser

When Daven's radio was discovered and confiscated, Marlowe's unit had to use theirs to make sure the camp continued to have a source of news. When they assembled the radio from the parts hidden in false bottoms crafted into their water bottles, it did not work. Mac, the electronics specialist of the group, told Marlowe that the radio's "particular sickness" was due to one part: a coupling condenser, three hundred microfarads.

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