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Sam Youd used this pseudonym for his Science Fiction writing, most notably 'The Tripods', a trilogy which later expanded into a tetralogy.
5 John Christopher quizzes and 50 John Christopher trivia questions.
  The Tripods: The White Mountains    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Answer these ten questions about "The White Mountains" (1967), first book in "The Tripods" trilogy by John Christopher. Plot details will be shared.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Jan 08 20
bernie73 gold member
Jan 08 20
190 plays
  The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Try to answer these 10 questions based on "The City of Gold and Lead" (1967), second volume in "The Tripods" trilogy by John Christopher. Plot points will be discussed in this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Jan 08 20
bernie73 gold member
Jan 08 20
155 plays
  The Tripods: The Pool of Fire    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
See if you can answer these ten questions about "The Pool of Fire", conclusion of John Christopher's "Tripods" series of books. Note that plot developments and spoilers will appear in the quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Jan 08 20
bernie73 gold member
Jan 08 20
162 plays
  The Tripods: When the Tripods Came    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"When the Tripods Came" was a prequel to the "Tripods" trilogy that was written in the 1980s. See if you can answer these questions about the book.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Mar 27 21
bernie73 gold member
Mar 27 21
148 plays
  A Wrinkle In The Skin    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This book by John Christopher is described as "The Earth-shaking novel of global disaster." How well do you know the story?
Difficult, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Jan 08 20
Jan 08 20
179 plays
trivia question Quick Question
After leaving Eloise's home, Will is captured by a Tripod which implants a tracking device on him. Where is the tracking device located?

From Quiz "The Tripods: The White Mountains"

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John Christopher Trivia Questions

1. In the first chapter, we meet two of our main characters--Laurie (Laurence) and Andy. Where are they when they first see a Tripod?

From Quiz
The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: On an orienteering expedition

The two were sleeping without permission in some unnamed farmer's barn. They were spending the night there during an orienteering expedition for which Andy had volunteered the two. Laurie tells us that one of the rules of the expedition was that the participants could not ask for help. The description of the Tripod will sound familiar to those who have read other books in the series: a large metal hemisphere on three legs with tentacles that can grasp and manipulate objects (or people). At least one person on the farm is captured by the Tripod and pulled inside the hemisphere. The farmhouse itself is then destroyed by the Tripod. Three Tripods have initially landed on Earth: one in England (home of Laurie and Andy), one in the Soviet Union, and one in the United States. They are not invincible, since the Soviets are able to destroy the Tripod within their country.

2. In the first chapter of this book, Julius (leader of the rebellion) has called a meeting to discuss what Will has seen in the City of the Masters. Who speaks in opposition to Julius?

From Quiz The Tripods: The Pool of Fire

Answer: Pierre

Pierre raises what I think is a valid point. Julius has been in charge of the rebellion for a fairly long period of time and his rule may no longer reflect the will of the people. Julius counters with another valid point: he is asking people to give up some autonomy willingly and for a time to stop the Masters, who will take away their freedom more thoroughly forever. Julius then asks for a vote confirming his authority for the duration of the rebellion. When the body agrees to this, some suggest that Pierre should be expelled. Julius disagrees, saying that Pierre will play a part in the rebellion. Julius talks about the mission Will and Fritz undertook to the City as one that brought much information, but one which was also a failure since Will's mistakes led to premature discovery. Will does sulk more than he should upon hearing this. Julius, however, may have been better served by offering the praise in public and saving the reprimand for private. Later Julius reunites Will with Fritz, who explains how he was able to escape the City. Jan, Mario, and Carlos are minor characters who will appear later in the story. There is no textual indication about whether they were at this meeting or not.

3. In the first chapter, which item that belongs to his father does protagonist Will Parker sneak out of his house to show to his cousin and friend, Jack?

From Quiz The Tripods: The White Mountains

Answer: A wristwatch

While "The White Mountains" is set in the future compared to when it was published (1967), the world seems largely to have a level of technology closer to the 18th century. (Later hints in the books seem to suggest the setting is the late 21st century.) In Wherton (the English village of several hundred where Will lives), there are only five clocks and Will's father owns the only wristwatch. Will describes the watch as being from the time before the Tripods. The wristwatch is valuable enough that when someone from outside the village comes every three years to perform maintenance/repairs on the watch, Will's father stands there to watch him do it. One day Will sneaks the watch out of his home to show it off to his cousin and good friend Jack. On his way to do this, Will meets another cousin (though not good friend), Henry, who takes the watch from him. Jack encounters the two boys fighting for control of the watch and is able to take control of the watch before Henry can damage it. Jack chastises Will for being impulsive (a recurring trait for his character). Jack expresses his interest in the Tripods and what the world was like before they came. Shortly after these events, Jack--who is about a year older than Will and Henry--is taken by a Tripod and is Capped. The Capping (placing of a metal grid on/in his scalp) changes him as he now considers his previous concerns to be foolish. In my opinion, this event greatly increases Will's concerns about the Tripods and serves as an impetus for his future decisions.

4. The protagonist in the book is Matthew Cotter. Where is he living at the beginning of the story?

From Quiz A Wrinkle In The Skin

Answer: Guernsey

Matthew lives on the Channel Island of Guernsey. He makes a living from growing tomatoes for export. When the earthquakes strike the island, his home and greenhouses (and a quarter of a ton of freshly picked tomatoes), are flattened.

5. Another character in the story is Ilse. How are Laurie and Ilse related?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: She is Laurie's stepmother.

Ilse is the second wife of Laurie's father, Martin. Laurie says that his mother left Laurie and his father some time earlier, and his mother and father seemed to have a difficult relationship before then. Laurie doesn't seem to like Ilse much either, perhaps unfairly. She makes some effort to reach out to him, but he feels that she and his father have more time for his half-sister Angela than him. Laurie's family lives with his grandmother Martha, who is a rather brusque woman in her seventies, who Laurie thinks likes antiques more than people. An aunt is mentioned, though she plays little role in the story.

6. What method do Will and the others use when traveling to the games with a man named Ulf?

From Quiz The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead

Answer: Riding on a river barge

Ulf is the captain of a river barge named the "Erlkonig" and has a mate named Moritz. The barge is powered by donkies walking on a treadmill when it is traveling upstream. Since the barges usually only have a crew of two plus perhaps an apprentice at any time, two of the three teenagers will need to stay below deck. For the initial shift, Will and Beanpole volunteer to go below deck together (so they are not stuck with the gloomy Fritz). The early part of their journey is uneventful. At one stop, Ulf goes into town to see a friend. When he does not return after several hours, Moritz begins to worry that Ulf, who has been known to drink too much, has done so again. Beanpole and Will convince Moritz to let them go look for Ulf. Will goes into a tavern to look for Ulf and orders a beer while he is there. Realizing Ulf is not there, Will plans to leave with his beer mostly unfinished. Thinking he is from a town they dislike, several of the people attack him, setting off Will's temper. I would say that Will's mistake was not the fight (I would also be upset if I were attacked), but not realizing that leaving a half-finished drink would draw unwanted attention. Will is arrested and thrown into a pit. Beanpole rescues him at night. They return to the barge to find that Ulf, disgusted with the two of them, has had the barge leave. The river on which the barge travelled (a five-hundred mile river in Western Germany) is probably the Rhine. The Shmand-Fair was a horse-drawn train that Will, Henry, and Beanpole had ridden in France.

7. Julius sends Will on a mission to gather recruits to their cause. Who accompanies Will?

From Quiz The Tripods: The Pool of Fire

Answer: Fritz

Will, as have several others, has been given training in how to pose as a traveling merchant trading portable items born by a beast of burden. Initially they carry items from Germany such as cloth and cuckoo clocks. As their journey progresses, they will buy other items to sell later. In addition, they have spent time learning the languages of the lands into which they travel. They are to find boys a year or two before Capping and convince them to join the rebellion. Will plays more of a role in this than some might realize at first. Fritz may speak the languages better, but Will is the one who is better able to make friends along the way--making jokes with the boys, sharing small gifts (whistles, etc.) and the like. In fact, his success causes him some discomfort as he cannot quite shake the feeling that he is stealing the boys from their parents. Will has addressed the idea before that a person being Capped does not make him or her being horrible in every way. Two criticisms could be raised about this part of the story. First, they are shown only recruiting boys. Is there really no possible role for girls or women in this rebellion? Second, the journey of Will and Fritz takes them outside of Europe into the Middle East and/or North Africa. Some readers have criticized the depiction of people in this part of the world worshiping the statues of Tripods as culturally insensitive. Although it would not have addressed this concern directly, it might have been balanced somewhat if John Christopher had included some full scenes from their journey where some of the people they met had a chance to speak, and not be part of a fleeting, voiceless mass.

8. The first living thing Matthew finds, the day after the disaster, is "Cobweb." What type of creature is she?

From Quiz A Wrinkle In The Skin

Answer: Donkey

Cobweb is the only survivor of four donkeys who have lived in "Miss Lucie's field" for years. All the local children used to come and bring them treats. One of the others survives the initial shocks but is badly injured so Matthew uses one of his precious shotgun shells and puts it out of its misery.

9. A new show has appeared on the television. Which member of the family seems addicted to watching "The Trippy Show"?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: Angela

Angela, Laurie's seven-year-old sister, seems to become increasingly addicted to the show. At one point, she attacks Laurie when she finds out he has not taped an episode for her. The behavior only escalates from there. Most frighteningly, she is far from being the only person affected this way. Within Laurie's family, Martha has no interest in the show, nor Ilse. It is not indicated that Miranda (Andy's mother) has any interest in the show. "The Trippy Show" features the Tripods. At first, the Tripods are objects of ridicule. Over time, however, they are shown in an increasingly positive light. In one episode, a Tripod helps to rescue a knight and a maiden from a dragon. We find out later that the Masters (who control the Tripods) are using the program to send hypnotic messages to bring humans under their control The Masters, concerned that human military technology is too close to their own, have decided to try a different strategy and use their superior knowledge of psychology and mind control.

10. Returning home from their recruiting trip, Will and his companion witness a method of execution in a town. What unusual method is used?

From Quiz The Tripods: The Pool of Fire

Answer: Hunted down

The Capped people of the town treat the executions like a festival. Food and drink are sold and people sell tickets for spots on the roofs of buildings. One man is even seen selling wooden models of Tripods. In this area of the world, criminals who have committed serious crimes are held in jails until the fall when Tripods come to hunt them down. In theory, Will tells us, if a criminal makes it out of the area and across the river, he is safe. In actuality, that has never happened. Will is disgusted by this practice and compares it unfavorably with the practice of hanging such criminals in England. When he tells Fritz he does not wish to witness this, Fritz replied that they must, in case they can learn something that will help the rebellion. Will is able to stomach some of these executions before he is physically sick. Will leaves the area at this point, although Fritz stays to the end. When Will sees Fritz next, he is described as looking even more serious than usual.

11. When Matthew and Billy meet up with the first small group of survivors, what injury does Andy have?

From Quiz A Wrinkle In The Skin

Answer: Broken leg

The first person Matthew and Billy meet is the "religious fanatic" who is raving and insane. They get away from him as quickly as they can, and Matthew actually resorts to throwing stones to drive him away. When they come upon Miller's 'gang' they are wary but relieved to have found people they can join up with for the safety in numbers.

12. One day when the others are out of the home, Laurel receives a visit from his Uncle Ian and cousin Nathanael. What does Uncle Ian bring?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: A Cap

Uncle Ian's family is much wealthier than Laurie's and normally they don't interact that much. In addition, Laurie is surprised to see them since their homes are about 100 miles apart. Ian and Nathaniel are there on a mission, however. They have brought Caps (described by Laurie as a webbing of rubber and metal). Nathaniel had previously been hypnotized by "The Trippy Show" and joined a group that hung around one of the Tripods in Britain. Presumably when Ian attempted to retrieve him, he also fell under the control of the Masters. Ian attempts to place the Cap on Laurie's head. Fortunately for him, the rest of the family returns home by then and he is able to avoid that fate.

13. In Chapter Four, Will and Beanpole meet a hermit on a small island. What do they notice about the hermit?

From Quiz The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead

Answer: The hermit has no Cap.

Will describes the appearance of Hans, the hermit, with hair on the back of his head but none on the top, showing the lack of a Cap. He had moved to the island with his father when he was young. Since his father died the year Hans would have been Capped, Hans said he just never bothered. Though he does not have a Cap, he is largely indifferent to the Tripods and, indeed, most of the outside world. He grows vegetables on a few acres of cleared ground and rows to a nearby village on the mainland about twice a year (perhaps to trade for what he cannot grow). He has Will and Beanpole work on his farm in return for food and board. Though he had suggested he would row them to the mainland, the amount of work there is for the boys to do suggests that it may be a long time, and certainly after the games. Beanpole convinces Will that they need to take Hans's rowboat to escape. Will describes a look of despair on the face of Hans when they do so. Being well into middle age and with a bad shoulder, Hans might not be able to build a new rowboat.

14. After crossing the English channel in a boat, Will finds himself in a French coastal town where he is imprisoned in a room. Who frees him?

From Quiz The Tripods: The White Mountains

Answer: Jean-Paul

Jean-Paul Deliet, roughly the same age as Will and Henry, frees the two boys from the room and joins them on their journey to the south. He has been raised by an aunt and uncle who have provided for him in a basic way, but do not seem to have much affection for him. (Earlier in the story both Will's father and Henry's father were described as somewhat cold and distant. Though all four individuals were also Capped, this trait was not necessarily caused by the Cap as several other Capped individuals, such as Henry's deceased mother, were or will be described as kind and/or loving.) Jean-Paul is highly intelligent and curious. Reading about the idea of eyeglasses and possessing weak eyesight, he is able to create a set for himself that may look odd, but is functional. He has pondered other ideas about which he has read, including a steam engine. Jean-Paul is usually referred to by Will and Henry as "Beanpole" due to his tall, thin frame and how his name sounds when said by the French-speaking Jean-Paul. Just as Jean-Paul is also called Beanpole, John Christopher was a pen name used by Sam Youd (1922-2012), who published works in several genres, but may be best known for his Tripod books.

15. As Matthew and Billy walk to England across the sea bed, which of the Channel Islands do they find "riven almost in two" from the force of the earthquakes and tsunami?

From Quiz A Wrinkle In The Skin

Answer: Alderney

Matthew had hoped that Alderney, being a plateau, would have been spared the worst effects of the devastation and have survivors, but they found no-one left alive. The damage is described "as though a giant meat axe had slammed down across the island..."

16. Not long after the encounter with Uncle Ian, Laurie and Andy's school is evacuated during the day. What has caused this?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: A Tripod is approaching the area.

The chapter, in fact, opens with the Headmaster warning the students not to accept a Cap from anyone. Nonetheless, more people have fallen under the control of the Masters. The school is evacuated when word has come that a Tripod is approaching the area. It is thought that the students will be safer in their homes. Andy convinces a leery Laurie to ride their bikes closer to the Tripod to try to observe it. What scares Laurie the most is that there were numerous Trippies who were holding onto the legs of the Tripod. Though the various nations destroy the Tripods that were currently on the Earth, Laurie realizes that many of those people were also unavoidably killed.

17. In Chapter 5, the boys enter and spend two days travelling through an area where they encounter no other people or Tripods. What sort of area is this?

From Quiz The Tripods: The White Mountains

Answer: A large city now in ruins

Will describes for us a large city with broad, tree-lined areas in Northern France that is almost certainly Paris. Earlier the boys have speculated about how many used to live there, with a suggestion of hundreds of thousands or more. This chapter suggests that the Earth's population is greatly reduced from before the Tripods came. The large cities mentioned in the book are generally described as abandoned and/or in ruins, and even in rural areas the population is rather scattered. In the city the boys find and gather several supplies available to the pre-Tripod world, including plastic containers and a weapon that sounds like grenades (an egg-shaped object that explodes shortly after a pin is removed). They also find tin cans that held food, although the contents have long since expired. In one store, Will secretly takes a wristwatch similar to the one his father owned. They also see a grave of a teenage girl who died in 1966. Though there are many wonders in the city, the boys find the emptiness of the location somewhat unsettling, and are not sorry to leave. Before they have arrived in Paris, the boys have secretly traveled using a method Beanpole calls the Shmand-Fair, which is rather like a small train (it runs on tracks) but uses teams of horses rather than an engine (steam, diesel, or electric) to pull the cars. As looney_tunes pointed out to me, the French term for a train is "chemin de fer". Earlier Will has indicated that he does not know much French, and Beanpole is uncertain how to translate the word into English. My guess is that the author is having Beanpole use the French term and Will is spelling it incorrectly in his mind based upon what he hears.

18. After their encounter with Captain Skiopos, what is the only item of food that Matthew and Billy take away with them when they resume their journey?

From Quiz A Wrinkle In The Skin

Answer: Chocolate biscuits

Their sojourn on board the stricken tanker is perhaps the most surreal episode of the entire book. Captain Skiopos is quite obviously mad, but Matthew and Billy just cannot resist the lure of clean clothes, hot baths, and soft beds. They are also overjoyed to be able to eat properly for a while, having thought that bread and butter etc would be impossible to come by for the forseeable future.

19. As the situation grows worse, Laurie's father and grandmother decide the family should leave England. To which island do they escape?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: Guernsey

Guernsey is one of the Channel Islands. Laurie's grandmother Martha has a home there. Earlier in the book, Laurie described a used boat that his father owned. While it had been used more frequently at first, Ilse's bouts of seasickness led to it being used less in more recent times. The family decides to use the boat for an escape, since the family does not own a private plane and the public ports and airports have been closed by the government. On the ride to the boat's mooring, Laurie's father and grandmother have to speak to policemen, but are allowed to proceed. The weather is stormy and several members of the family are seasick, but the family is able to safely make it to Guernsey.

20. Once the boys arrive at the City, what is *not* a difference they notice about the environment inside the city compared to the outside world?

From Quiz The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead

Answer: The light is brighter.

The first characteristic Will notes about the interior of the City is the heaviness of the gravity that pulls on him and the other humans like a lead weight (hence the title of this book). The gravity is approximately twice what is typical for earth. He later learns that there are machines inside the city that create this artificial gravity. Once he moves further into the City, he notices other changes in the environment. The temperature is much hotter (roughly 100 degrees Fahrenheit), in areas meant for the Masters, and it spills into the areas designated for humans. There is also a greenish tint to the atmosphere that actually blocks some of the sunlight and makes things somewhat dimmer for the humans. In addition, the humidity level in the City is very high. He describes many of the Masters as bathing in large tubs multiple times a day. He also states that the clothing the humans wear in the City is never truly dry.

21. When Will is injured he is cared for by a family of wealthy aristocrats, including their daughter Eloise. Though Will initially thinks she should join them on their trip to the White Mountains, what ultimately changes his mind?

From Quiz The Tripods: The White Mountains

Answer: She has already been Capped.

Since Will is relatively short for his age, he assumes that anyone smaller than him is younger. He is surprised to discover Eloise is a year or two older than him. Ever since he has met her she has worn a turban on her head. One day when they are playing, he accidentally knocks it off and is shocked to find a Cap on her shaved head. Their relationship becomes somewhat more distant after that. Before this discovery, he says that he imagined their group would be four, not three. After that, more shockingly, he considers allowing himself to be Capped so that he could stay with Eloise. In addition, this chapter shows that an individual can be Capped and still be pleasant or kind. Eloise and her mother and father all show kindness towards Will. Eloise's mother actually suggests that they would like to adopt or at least foster Will. One of the criticisms that is raised about The Tripods series is the lack of female characters in the books. The four main characters (Will, Henry, Beanpole, and a fourth who will be introduced in the next book) are all male. Even among secondary characters, Eloise and possibly her mother are the only ones who are female. When asked about this, John Christopher said the general understanding at the time he wrote the Tripod books was that girls would read books about male characters but boys would not read books about female characters. Though I can understand his point, the books do seem to have such a misbalance that even a few additional details or scenes with characters that he does mention (such as Will's mom or Henry's mom or Beanpole's aunt) or a girl traveling as part of this group going to the White mountains) could have done quite a bit to help balance things a bit.

22. The family decides to test one of the Masters' mind control devices. Who ends up undergoing the test?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: Laurie

Laurie's father reasons that it would be best for a smaller family member to wear the Cap, reasoning if the wearer "Tripped", the others would be more easily able to control that person. Laurie is the smallest member of the family, save Angela. Laurie's father takes the precaution of loosening some of the connections, hoping that will make the device not fully operative. Though Laurie fears that he will "trip", he finds that he is unaffected because his father has broken the right connections on the Cap. The family can then use this information to deactivate the Caps that Uncle Ian had left them. Wearing them, they will be able to travel more freely and reach their ultimate goal: Switzerland.

23. How do the Masters treat the main character boys they have claimed in the City?

From Quiz The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead

Answer: One is relatively kind, one is cruel.

We do not learn the name of any of the Masters in this book. Will's master is described by him and Fritz as relatively kind, viewing Will as more like a pet. He has modifications made to Will's room in his home and from time to time asks Will about his life before coming to the city. Fritz's master is very cruel and frequently beats him. After trying to determine the mistakes that he is making, Fritz concludes that his master simply like to hurt him. Both Masters, however, as all the other Masters are, appear very alien by human standards. Standing nearly twice the height of a human, much about their physiology seems based on triangles and/or the number three. Their heads and torsos are roughly pyramid shaped, narrowing from about four or five feet at the base to about one foot at the top of the head. Their bodies sit on three squat legs. Their upper limbs are three tentacles. Their three eyes are arranged in a triangular shape near the tops of their heads. Of the two lower openings on their heads, the higher one is used for speaking and breathing while the lower one consumes food and drink. The architecture of the City is also odd, with many pyramid shaped buildings. Though there are thousands of Masters in the City, they lead fairly solitary lives. Will never meets a Master who shares an apartment with another. They appear to visit each other fairly infrequently during their private hours. Will mentions that they seem to have a way of communicating without speaking (telepathy perhaps), so perhaps they are not quite as isolated as he thinks.

24. Fritz and Will lead a team of rebels into the City of the Masters from which they had escaped. How do they plan to interrupt the Masters' control of the City?

From Quiz The Tripods: The Pool of Fire

Answer: Poisoning the water supply

Will and Fritz and several others are able to use scuba gear built by the scientists and technicians to travel upstream through the river into the City. They have brought a few pieces of equipment, and will scavenge other parts and materials found in the City to create stills that they will use to produce alcohol to be dumped into the water supply. Fortunately there are buildings in the city that are largely unused. The humans face several disadvantages, however. The gravity is artificially increased, the air is poisonous, and the humidity of the atmosphere is very high. They must try to largely stay out of sight of the Masters. While there are communal areas set aside for human slaves in the City, they only provide temporary refuge. Slowly, the supply of alcohol grows.

25. Shortly before Will leaves Eloise's home he witnesses a tournament at which the local people have gathered to compete. What additional news about Eloise does Will learn that distresses him greatly?

From Quiz The Tripods: The White Mountains

Answer: She is going to the city of the Tripods.

At the tournament Eloise is chosen as the Queen of Beauty. Her reward for this--as she tells Will--is to be chosen to travel to live at the City from where the Tripods come forever. When Will expresses his distress at this, she tries to comfort him, but is clearly overjoyed at living with the Tripods. This news does put the offer her parents make for Will to live with them in perspective: it may have been motivated in part by their potential sadness at being separated from their daughter, who will be separated from them forever. Earlier Will had mentioned that Eloise had two older brothers who were living away from home for a few years with other aristocratic families, a fact which saddened her parents. Any remaining thought Will had of staying with the family dies, and he leaves as soon as he deems it safe to do so. Earlier he describes the disbelief and disappointment that Henry and Beanpole had shown at the idea he might stay with Eloise.

26. As Matthew and Billy approach the mainland they find a sign advertising "TEAS, PICNIC BASKETS, ICE CR." Which Harbour was it washed out from?

From Quiz A Wrinkle In The Skin

Answer: Poole

They end up opposite Poole Harbour in Dorset and realise they are too far West. Matthew was aiming for Bournemouth so he can look for his daughter Jane. He is convinced she will have survived and that he will find her. When they do make landfall, Bournemouth itself has gone, and only the "contour of the land" remains to show where they are.

27. The family decides that their ultimate destination should be Switzerland. What method do they use to get there?

From Quiz The Tripods: When the Tripods Came

Answer: They hijack a plane.

The family is able to accumulate enough money to purchase tickets on a flight from Guernsey to Heathrow Airport, near London. Once the plane is in the air, Laurie's father is able to use a gun to convince the pilot to divert to Switzerland instead. The pilot is, oddly, not too resistant. As he flies the family, he mentions that he has begun to think humanity should rid itself of some unnecessary modern technology such as planes and cars. This will later come to fruition in the main trilogy when we see a world of pre-modern technology. During the flight, Laurie also considers that, if the Capped people are under mind control, they also seem far more peaceful than people normally are.

28. Who does one of the boys see inside of the Pyramid of Beauty?

From Quiz The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead

Answer: Eloise

Will's Master, in an attempt to be kind to him, takes him to different locations inside the city. Most of these Will finds either confusing or horrendous. He describes what may be a concert with different sounds playing while the Masters lounge in tubs. Another activity that he says almost all of the Masters enjoy viewing is the Sphere Chase. In this activity Masters in smaller Tripods toss a golden sphere to each other in an arena and try to pass it through one of several hoops. Will and other humans believe that it is a form of game although the rules are not exactly clear. On one trip, Will's Master takes him to the Pyramid of Beauty. In the building, enclosed areas are set up with human-friendly air. Each area contains a scene with plants and/or animals. All of the plants and animals, however, are dead, although preserved. This is a taxidermy exhibit. In one exhibit are the dead, though preserved bodies, of many young girls, including Eloise (with whose family Will lived for several weeks while he was travelling to the White Mountains). Will's Master speaks of the appreciation that some of the Masters have for beauty, saving the best of each species. During this conversation, Will's Master mentions that their ship will be returning to earth in about four years. He expresses the hope that Will will be able to see it. (In his way, the Master is actually offering a kind thought, as four years would be a very long lifespan for a human slave in the environment of the City.) Once the ship has returned, the Masters will construct machines that will convert the earth's atmosphere to the gases that they breathe and are poisonous to humans. The best humans will be able to hope for is that small areas will be set up with a human-friendly atmosphere where a few people will be able to live as if in a zoo. Will realizes that he and/or Fritz need to get out as soon as possible in order to warn the rebellion.

29. The human rebels have attacked all three Cities of the Masters simultaneously and taken control of two. In which city did their attack fail?

From Quiz The Tripods: The Pool of Fire

Answer: The City in the Americas

The Masters have no city in Africa. Will and Fritz lead the expedition to the City in Europe. Though several of the rebels die, they are able to dump enough alcohol into the water supply to incapacitate the Masters. The Masters use a large amount of water each day, both for consumption and for bathing. While the Masters are unconscious, the humans are able to flood the city with our air, killing the Masters. By now, the machine which controls the Caps has been broken and several of the former slaves assist the rebels. Will was worried that the attack on the City in Asia would fail. He describes communication problems with the rebels he meets from Asia, "slim, yellow-skinned boys, who spoke little and smiled less". One of the criticisms about The Tripods trilogy is how Christopher portrays non-Western cultures. Having these fellow rebels from Asia be more than voiceless bit players could help to answer this concern. It is the attack on the City in the Americas (presumably somewhere on or near the Isthmus of Panama) that fails. Because it was decided that three attacks should occur simultaneously, the poisoning there occurred during midday while the others were at night (when the Masters were less active). Henry was part of this attack. Though they were able to dump some alcohol into the water supply, the rebels were not able to take control of the City from the Masters. Though two Cities have been destroyed, the Masters are not fully defeated. Their response is too kill the human slaves who are in the City. The rebellion will need to find another way to defeat the final City.

30. After leaving Eloise's home, Will is captured by a Tripod which implants a tracking device on him. Where is the tracking device located?

From Quiz The Tripods: The White Mountains

Answer: In the armpit

When Will is captured by the Tripod, he temporarily blacks out while behind held by one of the Tripods in midair, though whether this is stress related or caused by the Tripod is uncertain. In either case, Will does not realize that the marker has been implanted at first, until it is discovered by Beanpole. Henry considers the idea that the tracking device might be similar to a Cap, but Beanpole answers that if Will had been Capped he would have tried harder to hide it. Having determined that the metal tracking device is only near the surface and not near any main artery, Beanpole decides to cut it off of Will's body. This surgery was performed without any anesthetic and only with a knife that Beanpole has. Since it causes Will great pain, Henry must hold him to limit his movement during the surgery.

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