3. Sachs and Aaron meet for the first time in a New York bar in the middle of a snowstorm in 1975. Aside from the barman, they are the only people in the bar. Why were they there?
From Quiz "Leviathan" by Paul Auster
They had both been asked to perform a recital of their work
When the weather closed in, Aaron suspected that the event would be called off but, as he had forgotten to take the number of the literary agent who had booked him, he traveled in the hope that it was still going ahead. On arriving, he was told by the barman that the event was cancelled with the words, "Poetry's a beautiful thing, but it's hardly worth freezing for."
As Aaron drank a bourbon to warm himself for the long journey home, a dishevelled beanpole of a man walked in asking if the recital was still on. On being given the same response by the barman, he walked over to Aaron and introduced himself as Ben Sachs. Sachs revealed that the reason Aaron had been invited was down to him. He had recently discovered his work in a number of journals and felt he had to meet him. Thus, their friendship began.