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H. Rider Haggard Trivia

H. Rider Haggard Trivia Quizzes

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A number of Henry Rider Haggard's adventure stories set in exotic (often African) locations have been turned into films, including "King Solomon's Mines", its sequel "Allan Quatermain", and "She".
3 quizzes and 35 trivia questions.
  "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz based on the classic novel "King Solomon's Mines". It is true to the novel, not any films!
Average, 10 Qns, Yarabokin, Mar 11 21
Mar 11 21
366 plays
  "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
After winning a kingdom (unfortunately, for someone else), and making good his escape from the desert, our brave hero Allan kicks his heels for a while. But then his friends Good and Curtis get in touch and once again we're off.....
Average, 15 Qns, Yarabokin, Nov 28 08
206 plays
  "She" by H. Rider Haggard    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about "She", the great adventure novel by H. Rider Haggard.
Tough, 10 Qns, Simmmba, Nov 28 08
311 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is Umslopogaas' last living act?

From Quiz ""Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard"

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H. Rider Haggard Trivia Questions

1. The book opens with news of which sad event?

From Quiz
"Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: The death of Allan's son.

Allan's son, Harry, was qualified as a doctor. Curtis in particular thought very highly of him, as on a hunting party Harry once shot Curtis in the leg, and then cut the pellets out himself, pointing out how useful it is to have a doctor around. Unfortunately, Harry volunteered to work in a small-pox hospital, and succumbed to the disease. Allan was distraught.

2. Although "not a literary man", Allan Quartermain is devoted to the Old Testament and which other reading material?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Ingoldsby Legends

"The Ingoldsby Legends" are a collection of stories written by Richard Harris Barham under the pen name Thomas Ingoldsby. They first appeared in magazines of the Victorian period. Quartermain quotes from them every now and then, but mustn't have read them as much as he thinks; he seems to get a little confused with his quotes.

3. In the introduction, the author (as narrator) explains how he acquired the manuscript for "She". How did it come into his possession?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: A gentleman he had met once mailed it to him.

The narrator was visiting a university and was introduced to Horace Holly and Leo Vincey by a friend. Later, Mr. Holly mailed the manuscript to him to publish or not, as he saw fit. The narrator explained that he chose to publish it as written, making only minor changes to protect the true identities of the characters.

4. At the start of the novel, how long is it since the three heroes returned from Africa?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Three years.

Our heroes are sick of the trappings of civilisation. Allan has nothing to stay for with the death of his son, and Good and Curtis have equally valid reasons. Good reckons he is getting too fat, and Curtis is "sick of shooting pheasants and partridges". It's a tough life!

5. Who first told Allan about the legend of the mines?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Evans

Evans is only briefly mentioned. Allan met him on an elephant hunt about thirty years prior to the events of the novel. The poor chap was killed by a wounded buffalo the following year. Not a nice way to go!

6. On their journey upriver, during a sneak attack by the Masai tribesmen, Allan relieves one of them of something. What is it?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: A hand.

With our heroes dozing in canoes in the river, the Masai swim out and attack, killing one of the native bearers. Mild mannered, unassuming, God fearing Allan instantly whips up a battle axe and chops off one of the Masai's arms. The Masai go away.

7. What was the name of the Zulu who sacrificed his life to save Good on the elephant hunt?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Khiva

Continuing with the brutal animal deaths, Khiva is ripped in two by an elephant. This is not far fetched. Although loved by all in zoos, elephants can and do kill people regularly in the wild.

8. Why did Mr. Holly address Billali as "Father" when he met him for the first time?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: The men travelling with Billali addressed him as "Father", so Holly did the same.

Initially, Mr. Holly addressed Billali as "Father" because he had heard the natives use that term. He later found out that Billali was considered the one "Father" of the tribe. The Amahagger people traced their lineage maternally, and did not acknowledge individual fathers.

9. What is the name of the Zulu who accompanies the three men on their adventure?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Umslopogaas.

Umslopogaas is seriously not to be messed with. His axe has notches marking the number of men he has killed in hand to hand combat. There are 103 of them, and that doesn't count people he hasn't ripped open (a native custom) or "those whom another man had struck". Oh yeah. He's hard.

10. What was Jose da Silvestra doing when encountered by our heroes?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Not much. He was frozen to death

Not only frozen but extremely well preserved, Da Silvestra had been there for 300 years. But not doing much. Da Silvestra wrote the original directions to the mines that our heroes were following.

11. What caused the fight to break out during the "feast" thrown by the Amahagger while Billali was away from the tribe?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: The Amahagger were planning to kill and eat Mahomed.

The "feast" was an Amahagger ritual. They were known as "the people who place pots upon the heads of strangers". The victim was killed by having a white-hot pot placed over his head.

12. Who runs the mission house on the Tana river?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Mackenzie.

The mission house is a beautiful place, tended lovingly by Mackenzie and his wife. Allan is struck by the splendour of the gardens. A home away from home! "You are very venturesome people" says Mackenzie to our heroes. He has no idea!

13. What made the Amahagger initially believe that Holly, Leo, and Job were powerful magicians?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: They smoked tobacco.

Although tobacco grew in Amahagger territory and the people used it medicinally and as snuff, they had never seen it smoked before.

14. Due to his fighting style with his axe, Umslopogaas has acquired a nickname. What is it?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Woodpecker.

Umslopogaas' axe, called Inkosi-kaas, had a cutting edge, but also a spike, with which the killing blow was delivered. Umslopogaas considered this much more sporting than a mere slash. The axe's name means, in Zulu, "Chieftainess" due to her habit of "prying very deep into things". A barrel of laughs Umslopogaas was not.

15. How old is the evil witch Gagool?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Very old, you just never actually find out

Gagool's age is never stated, but she does hint that she has lived for many generations of her people. She's a sly one though. I wouldn't trust a thing she says.

16. What was unusual about Ayesha's servants?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: They were all deaf and dumb.

Since Ayesha believed that deaf-mutes made the best servants, she instituted a breeding program designed to produce a race of deaf-mutes to wait on her.

17. What excuse does Alphonse, the cowardly chef, make for the crime that made him flee France?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: The heroic blood of his grandfather made him do it.

Alphonse lays out his tragic life story to our heroes. Falling in love, his conscription, deserting, trip back to France, loss of love, fleeing the authorities. Our heroes' response? They choke with laughter. But I do have to admit, Alphonse is a grade one chump.

18. What happens to the dead kings of the Kukuanas?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Preserved in stalagmites

The dead kings of the Kukuanas sit around a table, preserved in stalagmites, in the Place of Death. Presiding over them is a colossal figure of Death, hewn from a single great stalagmite. Even our brave Allan is quite overcome and only manages to stay in the cave because, in time honoured tradition, Curtis "caught me by the collar and held me".

19. How did Ayesha save Leo's life?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: She asked Holly to give Leo a drug she had made.

Leo was almost literally breathing his last breath when Holly gave him the drug created by Ayesha. Chemisty was Ayesha's main hobby.

20. What did Allan have especially made in Birmingham, that helped during the battle at the mission house?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Chainmail shirts.

Wearing chainmail had worked for our heroes before, in "King Solomon's Mines". "They can do most things in the way of steel work in Birmingham" says Allan. What about Sheffield?

21. How does Gagool meet her grisly end?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: Crushed by a closing rock door

Gagool, in a fiendish last move stabs Foulata and kills her, breaking the heart of Good. But Foulata holds onto Gagool just long enough to slow her down, and the descending rock door crushes her flat. But hey, we have no sympathy.

22. When Ayesha first saw Leo, she believed he was the reincarnation of someone from her past. Who was it?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Kallikrates

Ayesha believed Leo to be the reincarnation of Kallikrates, a man she had been in love with 2000 years earlier. She killed him in a fit of anger because he refused to choose her over Amenartas.

23. After their terrifying trip downriver, and just before their arrival at Milosis, how do our heroes try to impress the locals?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Shoot a hippo.

Yes, of course it's all about shooting. Our heroes try to blow the heads off a few hippopotami to impress the natives. That's what all the women love! However, this backfires when we find out that the priesthood venerate hippos as a sacred animal. Whoops.

24. What is tattooed around the body of Umbopa (Ignosi)?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: A snake

The snake around his body is a (nearly) sure symbol that Umbopa is the rightful king. The chiefs need some more convincing though, and Good, with the aid of his trusty almanac pulls the old "total eclipse of the moon" chestnut out of the bag. Nice thinking chaps!

25. What happened to Ayesha after she went into the Flame of Life?

From Quiz "She" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: She began to age quickly and died.

Ayesha went into the fire a second time to show Leo that it was safe. She also hoped to increase her power and beauty, if possible. She never imagined that the flame could hurt her. However, when she emerged, she began to quickly progress to her true age and died within minutes.

26. The two beautiful queens of Zu-Vendis, Nyleptha and Sorais, meet the adventurers. Which of our heroes catches the eye of both the queens?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Henry Curtis.

Ah, but now it starts. Nyleptha and Sorais both fancy Curtis. Good is after Sorais. Curtis falls in love with Nyleptha. "Oh my word!" Allan thinks " the ladies have come on the stage, and now we may look to the plot to develop itself." And Umslopogaas, he doesn't care as long as he can chop someone's head off at some stage.

27. What was the name of the crack regiment of troops who made a brave and decisive "Last Stand"?

From Quiz "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard.

Answer: The Greys

It's a tough old battle, this one, and The Greys are all but wiped out at the conclusion. Our heroes get knocked about a bit, climaxing with a duel between Henry Curtis and Twala, the outgoing king. Well, he didn't want to be outgoing but after Curtis chops his head off it gets sort of difficult to get respect from the populace.

28. The country our adventurers is in is called Zu-Vendis. What does this mean?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Yellow Country

Allan isn't quite sure why this is the case, but reckons it has something to do with either the quantity of gold that can be found, or the yellow grasses. Still, it doesn't matter, our heroes are here to stay.

29. Agon, the high priest who hates our heroes, is "persuaded" to marry Curtis and Nyleptha. How is this persuasion carried out, considering death threats are not an option?

From Quiz "Allan Quatermain" by H. Rider Haggard

Answer: Denying him food.

"Well, I cannot execute a High Priest" says Nyleptha "But I can leave him to contemplate the altar of the Sun without anything to eat". Agon had not had breakfast and quickly agreed. Proving two things. One, Agon's spiritual development is perhaps a tad below par, and two, Curtis' marriage may be a little "bumpy".

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