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Kemp Paul S Quizzes, Trivia

Paul S. Kemp Trivia

Paul S. Kemp Trivia Quizzes

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3 quizzes and 35 trivia questions.
  Star Wars: Crosscurrent    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I haven't found any quizzes about this novel by Paul S. Kemp, so I've created this for all those interested.
Tough, 15 Qns, EUMAN10, Oct 08 20
Oct 08 20
99 plays
  The Old Republic: Deceived    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about Paul S. Kemp's second Star Wars novel.
Average, 10 Qns, EUMAN10, Oct 08 20
Oct 08 20
122 plays
  "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz of Paul S. Kemp's second "Star Wars" novel.
Average, 10 Qns, EUMAN10, Oct 08 20
Oct 08 20
108 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who does Darth Wyyrlok send to capture Jaden Korr?

From Quiz ""Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz"

Paul S. Kemp Trivia Questions

1. Which Jedi Master does Darth Malgus kill?

From Quiz
The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: Ven Zallow

During the battle between the Jedi and the Sith in the Jedi Temple, Darth Malgus engaged Jedi Master Ven Zallow in a lightsaber duel. Malgus won the duel by killing Zallow via impaling him with his lightsaber. Zallow's death sparks the A-plot of the novel.

2. Which novel is this book a sequel to?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Crosscurrent

"Riptide" is a sequel to the novel "Crosscurrent", which was Paul S. Kemp's first "Star Wars" novel. This novel directly continues "Crosscurrent"'s story; in fact, it takes place just two days after the closing events of that novel. The story that Kemp uses for this book is one that had been greatly implicated just as "Crosscurrent"'s two major stories came to their end.

3. From what year did Relin Druur and Saes Rrogan come in order to be in 41 ABY?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: 5000 BBY

5000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin, depicted in "Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope" [or, as commonly titled,, "Star Wars"], for those not in the know) was the era of the Great Hyperspace War. Due to a malfunction in the hyperdrive of Saes Rrogan's ship, the "Harbinger", he, his crew, and Relin Druur were all transported more than 5000 years into the future. Interestingly enough, it was because of this incident that the "Harbinger"'s sister ship, the "Omen", crashed onto the world of Kesh, where the Lost Tribe of the Sith would be formed.

4. Where was Jedi Padawan Aryn Leneer during the Sacking of Coruscant?

From Quiz The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: On Alderaan

Aryn Leneer was on Alderaan with Jedi Knight Satele Shan, as the two Jedi were awaiting to commence peace talks with the Sith. When Aryn felt her Master's death in the Force, she knew something was wrong. Nevertheless, Shan reminded Aryn that in spite of what the Sith did, it became even more vital for them to commence the peace talks.

5. Who is Soldier a clone of?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Jaden Korr

One of the clones to have escaped from the cloning facility back in the previous novel, Soldier, is a genetic copy of Jaden Korr. After Jaden finds out about this, he begins to wonder how this could be, since Grand Admiral Thrawn's cloning project came about during his campaign to remove the New Republic from leading the galaxy, which was, at the time, preceding Jaden's admittance into the Jedi Academy. For those not in the know, Thrawn was a military and tactical genius of the Galactic Empire who very well almost overthrew the New Republic five years after Emperor Palpatine died.

6. From which specific battle was Jaden Korr partially traumatized?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: The Battle of Centerpoint Station

In one of the final battles of the Second Galactic Civil War, the Battle of Centerpoint Station, Jaden was forced to kill several enemies by locking them in an airlock and sending them out into space unprotected. This was a serious deal for Jaden, as it was the crossing of a moral boundary for him that would haunt him throughout the novel. The Battle of Centerpoint Station was depicted in the seventh novel of "Legacy of the Force" series, "Fury".

7. Who did Aryn Leneer meet on the way to Coruscant?

From Quiz The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: Zeerid Korr

Zeerid Korr was a former Republic soldier with whom Aryn once worked. During the course of the novel, he is a smuggler. Aryn seeks Zeerid's help in getting to Coruscant.

8. Who does Darth Wyyrlok send to capture Jaden Korr?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: The Nenn siblings

The Nenn siblings, brother Nyss and sister Syll, were sent by Wyyrlok to retrieve Jaden Korr for the One Sith. Specifically, Wyyrlok showed the siblings holovid footage taken by the late Kell Douro of his involvement throughout the course of the previous novel. The key image inadvertently projected by Douro that coerced Wyyrlok into sending the Nenns into going after Jaden was when he used Force lightning, a dark side trait, on the clone of Kam Solusar, Alpha.

9. How many times did Relin Druur and Saes Rrogan face off?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Two

Relin Druur and Saes Rrogan fought each other twice throughout the course of the novel. The first time they fought was in 5000 BBY, just before the "Harbinger" was blasted into the future. The second time that Relin and Saes fought was in 41 ABY, where Relin killed Saes and then sacrificed himself to destroy the "Harbinger".

10. Who stalks Aryn's partner during the course of the novel?

From Quiz The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: Vrath Xizor

Varth Xizor is an agent sent by the Hutt Empire to spy on Zeerid Korr. During his time tailing Zeerid, Vrath learns that he has a daughter who he hopes to help through his job. Vrath serves as the secondary antagonist in the novel.

11. Who does Jaden contact for the Jedi Order to be informed on the events of the previous novel?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Luke Skywalker

As Jaden and his friends try to track down the clones that escaped the frozen moon base back in the previous novel, Jaden contacts Luke Skywalker to tell him of what happened on that moon. One thing that visibly struck Skywalker was when Jaden mentioned that one of the escaped clones may very well be of his late wife, Mara. While the novel is ambiguous about this, it is implied that one of the clones, Hunter, is indeed a clone of Mara.

12. Who was NOT part of Jaden's vision that led him into the Unknown Regions?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker was not one of the three characters who told Jaden to search for whatever object needed to be found in the Unknown Regions. However, of these three characters, Kam Solusar was the only one who was still alive, unlike Mara or Lumiya. Of course, given what Jaden would confront in the Unknown Regions, it probably isn't a surprise...

13. Who does Varth Xizor go to regarding Aryn Leneer and her partner?

From Quiz The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: Darth Malgus

Vrath arrives to Coruscant early and warns Malgus of the incoming infiltrators. He tells the Sith Lord of Aryn and Zeerid's intentions. As a result, Vrath is made part of the effort to stop the renegade Jedi and smuggler.

14. Who was the leader of the clones?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Seer

Seer was the nearly-unchallenged leader and prophet of the escaped clones, who said that she was having visions of an entity known as Mother, who was guiding all of them to her home. The only one to question Seer's authority was Soldier, who was the most faithless out of all the clones. It is revealed by this novel that she is a clone of the late Lumiya, who died back in "Legacy of the Force"'s "Sacrifice".

15. Who was stalking Jaden for the entirety of the novel?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Kell Douro

Kell Douro was a Force-sensitive Anzati who sucked the life forces out of others in order to sate himself. He had an obsession with Jaden, as he believed their fates would intertwine in a special way when he sucked up Jaden's life force. Kell did have an association with the One Sith, with Darth Wyyyrlok as his connection.

16. Where do Jaden and his friends track down the clones?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Fhost

By happenstance, Jaden and his friends track the clones down to Fhost, which was one of the most likely destinations that the clones could have went to in the Unknown Regions. Coinciding with Jaden and his friends' hunt for the clones are the Nenn siblings, who are not only looking to capture Jaden, but also one of the clones who is known as the Prime. What happens on Fhost is one of the novel's biggest action set pieces.

17. Who had sanctioned the cloning project on the unknown, snowy world?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Grand Admiral Thrawn

As Jaden and Khedryn Faal studied the ruins of the abandoned science base on the unknown world, they found evidence that indicated how old the cloning project was. A direct recording provided evidence that Grand Admiral Thrawn funded the project. Why it went out, even in the midst of Thrawn's death, is the mystery of the novel.

18. What is the name of Darth Malgus's love interest?

From Quiz The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: Eleena Daru

Eleena is a female Twi'lek who served as Malgus's sex slave. During the battle between the Jedi and the Sith that preceded the Sacking of Coruscant, she was seriously wounded. Though she survived her injuries, Malgus's concern for her was seen as a weakness by the rest of the Sith.

19. Who do the clones capture?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Khedryn Faal

When the clones manage to capture the medical frigate that they've been trying to find, they take an unconscious Khedryn, who tried to stop them, so that they could learn from him how Jaden was able to find them. When Khedryn wakes up, he tells them that it was simply through happenstance, and the clones ultimately decide that they don't need him any longer. His life, however, doesn't simply end like that...

20. Nyss Nenn is able to kill which two clones?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Riptide" Quiz

Answer: Runner and Hunter

The first clone that Nyss, who managed to sneak aboard the medical frigate, was able to kill was Runner (who is a genetic copy of Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, Jaden Korr's own Master). Nyss was able to do this through one-on-one combat with the clone, who was just minutes, if not moments, away from venting Khedryn Faal out into the vacuum of space. Hunter died last after Nyss was able to use the darkness around him to simply shoot her dead with his crossbow.

21. Who killed Kell Douro?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Khedryn Faal

When Jaden and Khedryn investigated the mysterious Imperial base, and they split up, Kell nearly killed Khedryn by almost sucking his life force away. But Kell held back at the last second so that he could savor his appetite for Jaden. This proved a big mistake for him, for when Kell did prepare to suck up Jaden's life force, Khedryn appeared and blew Kell's brains out with his blaster.

22. Who does Zeerid Korr kill by the end of the novel?

From Quiz The Old Republic: Deceived

Answer: Vrath Xizor

After a short but brutal fight against Vrath aboard a shuttle that Zeerid eventually steals, Vrath tells Zeerid that he knows about his daughter. Zeerid then realizes that if he lets Vrath live, he'll tell his employers about her, so they'll go after his child. As a result, Zeerid forces Vrath into an airlock and sends him out into space without protection.

23. Who was Alpha the psychotic clone of?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Kam Solusar

When Jaden confronted Alpha, the clone of Jedi Master Kam Solusar, one of the three people to appear in Jaden's vision, Jaden and Alpha ended up in a violent lightsaber duel. This duel resulted in Jaden losing most of his fingers in one hand. But in the end, he triumphed and ended Alpha's life by impaling him with his lightsaber.

24. Saes Rrogan is the same species as which other "Star Wars" character?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: General Grievous

Saes is the same species as General Grievous, featured in "Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and much of the Clone Wars multimedia. The name of that species is Kaleesh. Unlike Grievous, however, Saes is not a cyborg.

25. From what world did Khedryn Faal become aware of the likes of Luke Skywalker?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: Niriuan

Khedryn was one of the offspring from the survivors of the destroyed Outbound Flight project, which was marooned on the Unknown Region world of Niriuan since before the Clone Wars began. Outbound Flight had been rediscovered by Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker along with a Chiss discovery team before the Yuuzhan Vong War began. Thanks to the Skywalkers and the Chiss, Outbound Flight's survivors and offspring, including Khedryn, were escorted off Niriuan to live new lives elsewhere in the galaxy.

26. How did Relin Druur destroy the "Harbinger"?

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: He used Lignan

Lignan was a Force-enhancing mineral extracted by the "Harbinger" from the world of Phaegon III's largest moon back in 5000 BBY. Near the climax of the novel, both Relin and Saes used the Lignan around them to enhance their Force powers in their final fight. After Relin killed Saes, he used the last of the Lignan's energies around him to blow the "Harbinger", and himself, up.

27. Complete this quote by Jaden Korr: "There be ______."

From Quiz Star Wars: Crosscurrent

Answer: dragons

This quote by Jaden was meant to symbolize the unknown of the future that Jaden would have to face, even in the midst of the tragedies that plagued him in his past. Specifically, a major threat that Jaden would have to face would be the insane Force-using clones that escaped the Imperial science base. But he'll face them with Khedryn and Marr at his side.

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