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R.C. Sherriff Trivia Quizzes

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Robert Cedric Sherriff is best known for the play "Journey's End", based on his own experiences in World War I. This play was first presented by the Incorporated Stage Society in 1928, featuring a very young Laurence Olivier in the lead role. A production for the general public followed, in 1929.

Sherriff was nominated for a number of film awards as a co-author of such films as "Goodbye Mr Chips" (1939 version) and "The Dam Busters" (1955).

4 R.C. Sherriff quizzes and 50 R.C. Sherriff trivia questions.
  R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
R.C Sherrif was born on 6th June 1896 in Surrey, England. He joined the East Surrey Regiment in 1915. "Journey's End" was written ten years after WW1 ended and features some of his experience during his time in the army. This quiz is based on Act 1.
Average, 10 Qns, Rachel xx, Jan 08 11
Rachel xx
236 plays
  R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is on Act Two of the play, "Journey's End" by R.C Sherriff. I hope that you enjoy this quiz!
Average, 15 Qns, Rachel xx, Jan 08 11
Rachel xx
204 plays
  R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is based on the events on the final act of "Journey's End". Please check out my other "Journey's End" quizzes; I hope you have fun!
Average, 15 Qns, Rachel xx, Mar 31 17
Rachel xx
149 plays
  Who said what in "Journey's End?"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is based on quotations from R.C Sherriff's play "Journey's End", which was written in 1928 to commemorate the armistice.
Average, 10 Qns, Rachel xx, Jan 10 11
Rachel xx
228 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is Hibbert's excuse for seeing the doctor?

From Quiz "R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2"

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R.C. Sherriff Trivia Questions

1. Who said: "It's a feather in our cap, Stanhope."?

From Quiz
Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: The Colonel

This is from Act 3, Scene One, when it is revealed that the Colonel wanted glory and promotion from the raid which other men gave their lives for.

2. What is the first thing Stanhope calls for in Scene One of Act 3?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: Coffee

This isn't of real importance - I was just surprised Stanhope wasn't calling for more whisky, as that is what he mainly drinks and what he usually calls for. Stanhope admitted to Osborne in Act One that if he "went up those steps into the front line - without being doped with whisky", he'd go "mad with fright", so it is obvious that he depends on alcohol to keep him going.

3. Why does Act Two open with a conversation about Mason's atrocious cooking?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2

Answer: To lighten the mood after the sad ending in Act 1

It's important for the audience to be amused during the play as it gets them more involved with the characters; it is also important for them not to be bored or depressed during the play! Mason's meals are very questionable, as the porridge lumps from breakfast are saved for the next time they have boiled beef, to be used as dumplings.

4. Who is the first character we see in this play?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: Hardy

The stage directions for Act One show Captain Hardy "intently drying a sock over a candle-flame" as he "half sings, half hums a song". The first lines in the play are also from Hardy: "One and Two, it's with Maud and Lou; Three and Four, two girls more" etc. You don't see Hardy after his speedy exit from the trenches when Osborne takes over, as he doesn't want Stanhope to berate him over the mess the trenches were left in.

5. Who said: "You eat the men's rations when there's barely enough for each man?"?

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Stanhope

This was said to Raleigh when he ate dinner with the men rather than eating the luxury dinner after taking part in the raid. Raleigh insisted that he didn't want to eat the luxury chicken, or drink the champagne or smoke the cigars when Osborne and six other men died for it.

6. How many hours did it take the trench-mortars to blow one hole in the German wire?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: Three

The fact that there is only one hole in the enemy wire means that the Germans will know where the raid party (including Raleigh and Osborne) will attack! Stanhope realises this and mentions it to the Colonel but he says "It's no use worrying about that now", meaning that the men will be sacrificing their lives when the Colonel doesn't care very much.

7. Captain Hardy informs Osborne of what has happened previously - minenwerfers "blew us to bits". He says that "A dug-out got blown up and came down in the men's ______. They were frightfully annoyed." What is the missing word?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: tea

Osborne agrees and says that "There's nothing worse than dirt in your tea." This conversation is ironic and sarcastic, which is a way soldiers prevent boredom in the trenches. It also shows that war is so familiar to the men now that these events are seen as annoyances.

8. Which character asked Stanhope whether he "would like a nice plate of sardines"?

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Mason

Mason, as the officers' cook, provides them with their (often questionable) meals, makes them drinks such as tea, and performs other duties such as waking them when it is their turn to go on duty.

9. What does Osborne give to Stanhope before the raid?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: His watch, wedding ring and a letter

"If anything should happen", Osborne would like Stanhope to send them to his wife. Later in the scene, Raleigh sees Osborne's ring and picks it up. It is only then when the penny drops and Raleigh realises that Osborne will die.

10. The men in the war have been alienated from society, which is shown when Trotter mistakes the smell of a may-tree for gas. What is the name of the gas which "smells like pear-drops"?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2

Answer: Phosgene

The gas phosgene liquefies your lungs and so Trotter and his fellows immediately put on their gas masks when they smelt "that funny sweet smell" which should be familiar to them.

11. Why is Hardy seen as a inefficient officer?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: The dug-out is untidy

The dug-out is very untidy, with equipment hanging in a "jumbled mass" and items amongst "a litter of papers". He also says that the rifle grenades are "rusty". Hardy seems to not care about the men or look after them very well. This is shown when he replies "I don't know. The sergeant-major sees to that" when Osborne asks where the men sleep. All of these add up to Hardy being an inefficient leader.

12. Who says: "I thought there would be an awful row here - all the time"?

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Raleigh

This shows Raleigh's naivety at the start of the play, because he doesn't know much about the war, how it is fought and what he should expect. This quotation is from Act One, where he and Osborne talk.

13. When Osborne and Raleigh prepare for the raid, what do they NOT talk about?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: Margate Pier

Osborne wants to talk about anything other than the war, in order to protect Raleigh, but Raleigh insists that "it's so difficult to - to talk about anything else."

14. When will the battle take place?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2

Answer: Thursday morning

Stanhope informs Osborne of this on page 41 after he's had a talk with the colonel. The battle will happen at "dawn the day after tomorrow" and they "shall be in the front row of the stalls". This metaphor shows that Stanhope always has to be the iconic leader and hero.

15. What animal does Hardy compare Captain Stanhope to, and why?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: A fish, because he is an alcoholic

Hardy asked Osborne whether Stanhope is "drinking like a fish, as usual?" This is because Stanhope is an alcoholic at 21, who numbs his feelings of what he has seen in the war. Throughout the play, Stanhope manages to drink the majority of six bottles of whisky within two days.

16. Which character asks Osborne: "D'you see 'is eyes? All red. 'E told me in there 'e'd got 'ay-fever."

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Trotter

If you didn't know this, you might have had an educated guess because of the language used. Because Trotter didn't have as good an education as Osborne, Stanhope and Raleigh, he spoke colloquially. This quotation was from Act Two, after Hibbert had just tried to desert.

17. Who threatens to destroy Trotter's chart?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2

Answer: Stanhope

Stanhope says that he will draw a picture of Trotter being "blown up into four pieces" at the time of the battle. This shows that Stanhope is dark and bitter and has a sick sense of humour, but also shows that Stanhope is still childish and scared.

18. Which loyal officer states: "You don't know him as I do; I love that fellow. I'd go to hell with him"?

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Osborne

This quotation is from Act One, when Osborne talks to Hardy about Stanhope. This shows that Osborne cares a great deal about Stanhope and respects him.

19. What is the first thing Stanhope says to Raleigh when he returns from the raid?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: 'Must you sit on Osborne's bed?'

Yes, Stanhope merely says "Must you sit on Osborne's bed?" which gives the impression that he cared more about Osborne than he does for Raleigh. Some viewers may even feel that Stanhope blames Raleigh for returning alive, when Osborne did not. The other answers for these questions do not feature in "Journey's End" at all.

20. Why did Osborne join the army?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2

Answer: To protect his children and the next generation

At forty-five, Osborne didn't have to join the army but wanted to anyway as he has young children whom he didn't want fighting too.

21. What was forgotten when the mess box was packed?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: Pepper

Trotter and Osborne insisted on having pepper, as it is a disinfectant and because war without pepper is "awful". When Mason, the servant soldier, said that "it was missed", Stanhope became menacing due to displacement anger towards Raleigh.

22. What causes Stanhope and Raleigh's argument?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 2

Answer: Stanhope wanting to censor Raleigh's letter

Stanhope doesn't want Raleigh to inform Madge (Raleigh's sister) about his drinking and how he has changed since he left home. However, when Stanhope "clutches Raleigh's wrist and tears the letter from his hand" and gets Osborne to read it for him, it is seen that Raleigh is actually too complimentary about Stanhope. He writes that "Dennis is the finest officer in the battalion, and the men simply love him", showing that Raleigh still loves and admires Stanhope enough to protect him.

23. Which character is described as a "small, slightly built man" with a "little moustache" and a pale face?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: Hibbert

Hibbert is first seen on page 24 of Act One, when he comes in from duty. Within the play, Hibbert is seen as quite weak, due to his constant complaints of "beastly neuralgia".

24. Who brags: "Then I started doing about sixty down all sorts of roads - I went round a corner with those girls' hair on end - didn't have any more trouble from them!"

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Hibbert

Hibbert begins to show off to impress Stanhope, although this doesn't work. This conversation happens after the raid, in Act Three.

25. What was Raleigh's reason for not joining the other officers for the celebratory meal?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: He couldn't celebrate because Osborne died

Hibbert informs Stanhope that Raleigh "liked being up there with the men better than down here with us." Feeling sad that Raleigh doesn't hero-worship him any more, Stanhope gets upset and angry. He also doesn't want to be replaced by becoming the favourite and the new hero. When Raleigh admits he couldn't eat the luxuries "when Osborne's - lying - out there", Stanhope breaks and shows his true feelings. He says: "The one man I could trust - my best friend - the one man I could talk to as man to man". This part of the play is very dramatic because of the conflict between these two friends and very moving because it shows how war has changed them.

26. What do the other officers call Osborne?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: Uncle

Osborne is seen as the uncle of the group because he is "level-headed", supportive and very loyal. He is kind to Raleigh when he arrives and supports Stanhope and keeps him sane.

27. Who insists: "No man of mine's going sick before the attack"?

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Stanhope

Stanhope is talking about Hibbert at this point in Act One because he thinks Hibbert is just using his neuralgia as a way to "wriggle home". Later in the play, we find out this is true.

28. Who tries to delay going into battle?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act 3

Answer: Hibbert

Hibbert asks for water and "sips it very slowly", deliberately stalling. Stanhope tells him "The longer you stay here, the harder it'll be to go up", but he is also talking to himself. Stanhope never does go up and participate in the Big Attack, however.

29. What is Stanhope doing at the end of Act One?

From Quiz R.C Sherriff's "Journey's End" - Act One

Answer: Sleeping

Stanhope had to be put to bed by Osborne because he is drunk and he says he aches all over and feels sick. This moment is important because it shows that the only person Stanhope can talk to openly in the trenches is Osborne.

30. Who says: "Lord! I must get my fat down"?

From Quiz Who said what in "Journey's End?"

Answer: Trotter

Trotter is known for being fat and cheerful, so this question shouldn't have been much trouble if you know the play well! This quote was from Act Two, when Trotter gets up to go on duty.

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