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Kurt Vonnegut Trivia Quizzes

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Whether you're travelling to Tralfamadore with Billy Pilgrim in 'Slaughterhouse Five' or exploring Bokonism in 'Cat's Cradle', you can enjoy the eclectic writing of Kurt Vonnegut.
15 Kurt Vonnegut quizzes and 180 Kurt Vonnegut trivia questions.
A Kurt Vonnegut Duology
  A Kurt Vonnegut Duology   best quiz  
Fun Fill-It
 10 Qns
We'll take a look at the opening lines of two of Kurt Vonnegut's masterpieces, "Slaughterhouse-Five" and "Breakfast of Champions". Fill in the missing nouns of these popular works.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, trident, Apr 20 24
Very Easy
trident editor
Apr 20 24
117 plays
  Harrison Bergeron   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz tests players' knowledge of the dystopian short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut. Best of luck!
Average, 15 Qns, Triviaballer, Mar 03 09
Triviaballer gold member
650 plays
  Slaughterhouse Five - Part III   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
My third and last quiz about about Kurt Vonnegut's great novel "Slaughterhouse Five". This quiz focuses on the last chapters of the book and all questions are multiple choice.
Average, 15 Qns, oofahlandian, Oct 29 15
758 plays
  Who Am I?: Kurt Vonnegut's 'Galápagos'    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
'Galápagos' is a novel about the extinction of the human race, save for a colony on the fictional island of Santa Rosalia, who evolve into a seal-like species. Match the descriptions with the characters.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Nov 07 18
Kankurette gold member
Nov 07 18
90 plays
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
What do you know about Kurt Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse-Five'?
Average, 15 Qns, TripleThreat, Oct 11 21
Oct 11 21
2888 plays
  Deadeye Dick    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Kurt Vonnegut's 'Deadeye Dick' tells the story of Rudy Waltz, a pharmacist from a dysfunctional family who accidentally murdered a pregnant woman in his youth.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Sep 21 20
Kankurette gold member
Sep 21 20
108 plays
  Slapstick, or Lonesome No More!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'Slapstick, or Lonesome No More!' is a story about an extraordinary pair of dysfunctional geniuses, one of whom grows up to become the President and give everyone new names as a means of combatting loneliness.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Nov 30 18
Kankurette gold member
Nov 30 18
99 plays
  Kurt Vonnegut's Sirens of Titan   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quick quiz on Kurt Vonnegut's classic book 'The Sirens of Titan'. Enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, quogequox, Oct 20 10
857 plays
  Slaughterhouse-Five - Part II   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
My second multiple-choice quiz on Kurt Vonnegut's classic "Slaughterhouse-Five", focusing on the middle chapters of the book.
Average, 15 Qns, oofahlandian, Jan 28 07
783 plays
  God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut !    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is a tribute to the writer Kurt Vonnegut. If science-fiction and comedy had an illicit affair, he would be the illegitimate child. Do yourself the justice, and read one of his works !
Average, 10 Qns, BNess, Jul 24 13
1390 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the woman Billy is on Tralfamadore with?

From Quiz "Slaughterhouse-Five"

  Slaughter-House Five - Part I   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A multiple-choice quiz on Kurt Vonnegut's classic "Slaughterhouse-Five", focusing on the first half of the book.
Average, 15 Qns, oofahlandian, Jan 23 07
1274 plays
  Kurt Vonnegut and Co.    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This one will test your knowledge of one of America's premiere black humorists. A 'Laughing prophet of doom'.
Average, 10 Qns, boneponio, Oct 14 06
1726 plays
  Isn't Kurt Vonnegut Brilliant?    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge of seminal curly-haired German-American fiction god Kurt Vonnegut. His books are really brilliant. If you get less than 3 out of 10 on this quiz, you don't know what you've been missing!
Tough, 15 Qns, cowswithguns, Jan 02 10
1535 plays
  So you want to become a Bokononist?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I have before me one of the greatest literary works of the post-war period "Cat's Cradle", in which the mighty Kurt Vonnegut sets out the beliefs of Bokonon. Complete this quiz and all the wonders of the universe will be yours.
Average, 10 Qns, boofhead54, Apr 25 10
290 plays
  "Happy Birthday, Wanda June"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Happy Birthday, Wanda June" is Kurt Vonnegut's only published play. If you haven't read or seen the play, this might be a difficult quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, UVcatastrophe, Mar 29 06
308 plays
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Kurt Vonnegut Trivia Questions

1. What type of text appears several times throughout the book?

From Quiz
Deadeye Dick

Answer: Recipes

Rudy spends a lot of time in the kitchen with the family servants as a child, as it is the only warm place in the house. He learns to cook and bake from Mary Hoobler, the family cook. This skill comes in handy later when his older brother Felix leaves home, the family are unable to keep the servants and Rudy has to take care of his parents, neither of whom can cook. Some of the recipes are Haitian, as Rudy and Felix are living in Haiti in the present day and have bought a hotel there, the Hotel Olofsson (a real place, where Vonnegut had stayed). In the author's note, Vonnegut describes the recipes as 'musical interludes for the salivary glands'. Although they are based on recipes from real cookery books, which Vonnegut notes every serious cook should own, he warns the reader not to try the recipes at home as he has tinkered around with the ingredients.

2. What are Wilbur and Eliza's full names?

From Quiz Slapstick, or Lonesome No More!

Answer: Wilbur Rockefeller Swain and Eliza Mellon Swain

Wilbur and Eliza's parents are young, rich and not very bright. They are repelled by their freakish children; both Eliza and Wilbur have polydactyly, extra nipples, and the prominent foreheads and jaws of Neanderthal humans. Mr and Mrs Swain's advisors tell them not to raise their children in the family home, believing that the children are mentally disabled and a liability, so Eliza and Wilbur are locked away in a mansion in an orchard, staffed by servants to watch over them.

3. What are the basic tenets of the Bokononist faith?

From Quiz So you want to become a Bokononist?

Answer: It is folly to pretend to discover, to understand the will of God.

I must warn you Bokononism is outlawed in its birthplace, San Lorenzo and punishable by the 'hy-u-o-ook-kuh' (hook).There are no other punishments for stealing,arson or rape there is just the 'Hook', which equates to a very unpleasant and painful death. Needless to say there is next to no crime in San Lorenzo, except the covert practice of Bokononism, which everyone practices.

4. What individual's "naive idea about human equality" does Vonnegut ask the reader to think about while reading the story?

From Quiz Harrison Bergeron

Answer: Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche critiqued both Christianity and Egalitarianism in his philosophical works. Nietzsche's major themes include the will to power of living beings and the Übermensch. Nietzsche introduced the concept of the Übermensch in his book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in 1883. The Übermensch is essentially the advancement of humanity over time with the goal of achieving an ideal state.

5. The Tralfamadorians see all time at once. According to one of the aliens, how does the universe end?

From Quiz Slaughterhouse Five - Part III

Answer: A fuel test by a Tralfamadorian

The Tralfamadorians destroy the universe (including the Earth) by testing a new fuel for their flying saucers. Billy is shocked. "If you know this, isn't there some way you can prevent it? Can't you keep the pilot from pressing the button?" The response is oh-so-typical of an alien that sees in four dimensions: "He has ALWAYS pressed it, and he always WILL. We ALWAYS let him and we always WILL let him. The moment is STRUCTURED that way."

6. On the night of his daughter's wedding, Billy became "unstuck in time" and watched a movie backwards. What was the movie about?

From Quiz Slaughterhouse-Five - Part II

Answer: American Bombers in World War II

Vonnegut's description is fantastic: "American planes, full of holes and wounded men and corpses took off backwards from an airfield in England. Over France, a few German fighter planes flew at them backwards, sucked bullets and shell fragments from some of the planes and crewmen. They did the same for wrecked American bombers on the ground, and those planes flew up backwards to join the formation." (And so on.)

7. What did Harrison Starr, the movie maker, say when the narrator said he was writing an anti-war book?

From Quiz Slaughter-House Five - Part I

Answer: "Why don't you write an anti-glacier book instead?"

From the book: "What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that, too."

8. Who is the main character of Vonnegut's critically acclaimed novel, "Slaughterhouse-Five"?

From Quiz God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut !

Answer: Billy Pilgrim

Billy Pilgrim, the midwestern boy who became a captured soldier in Germany during World War II, was the protagonist of Vonnegut's, "Slaughter House Five".

9. Kurt Vonnegut originally wrote the play "Happy Birthday, Wanda June" under this title.

From Quiz "Happy Birthday, Wanda June"

Answer: Penelope

It was never produced under the name Penelope. Kurt Vonnegut's reason for the play's failure was that "it was a lousy play".

10. What did Winston Niles Rumfoord fly into?

From Quiz Kurt Vonnegut's Sirens of Titan

Answer: a Chrono-Synclastic Infundibula

Along with his dog, Kazak, Winston flew into the Chrono-Synclastic Infundibula by accident only two days out from Mars. This resulted in the pair being spread not only through space but time as well. Winston materializes back at home only often enough to bother his wife.

11. So what kind of bird did Kilgore Trout look after during his years on Bermuda, where he was born?

From Quiz Isn't Kurt Vonnegut Brilliant?

Answer: Bermuda Ern

It's the Bermuda Ern...

12. What is the name of the lead character in 'Slaughterhouse-Five'?

From Quiz Slaughterhouse-Five

Answer: Billy Pilgrim

Billy Pilgrim is the central character. The others do not even appear in the book.

13. The heir to a vast charitable foundation seemingly goes nuts, moves to a small town, and is hounded by his family and a spiteful lawyer:

From Quiz Kurt Vonnegut and Co.

Answer: God Bless you, Mr. Rosewater

14. What unusual euphemism does Rudy Waltz use for death?

From Quiz Deadeye Dick

Answer: Peepholes closing

When a person is born, Rudy says that 'their peephole opened', and when they die, he says that 'their peephole closed'. He describes his birth as starting out as a 'wisp of undifferentiated nothingness' before becoming aware of light and sound. He gets the idea of peepholes from a black woman he meets in the cells at the local police station, who has been arrested for attacking a racist bus driver. She says that when she was born, her peephole just opened one day and she heard people saying, "That's a black one there. Unlucky to be black." When Rudy tells her that he accidentally shot a woman dead, she says, "You done closed a peephole."

15. What secret are Eliza and Wilbur keeping from the servants and their parents?

From Quiz Slapstick, or Lonesome No More!

Answer: They are actually highly intelligent

Eliza and Wilbur discover that there is a mansion hidden within the mansion, with hidden passages and stairways, and they are able to access the mausoleum of Professor Elihu Swain, the ancestor who built the mansion. They also discover copious amounts of books and sneak off to read them. However, in order to keep the servants in a job and make them feel like they are doing something worthwhile, the twins pretend to be mentally disabled and incapable of talking properly or behaving appropriately.

16. What is the "blue white gem" that becomes the "waxing wampeter" all our characters should fear?

From Quiz So you want to become a Bokononist?

Answer: Ice-nine

Invented to solidify mud and thereby make fighting wars much less unpleasant. There is however one nasty drawback - Ice-nine has the potential to freeze all the water in all the puddles and streams, rivers and oceans and oh yes, us too.

17. In what year was everybody finally equal?

From Quiz Harrison Bergeron

Answer: 2081

The first two lines of "Harrison Bergeron" read: "The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law".

18. Tralfamadorians have fought in some terrible wars. Typical of their four-dimensional world view, however, how do they deal with them?

From Quiz Slaughterhouse Five - Part III

Answer: They ignore them

They ignore the wars and focus on good times, the zoo guide tells Billy. "That's one thing Earthlings might learn to do, if they tried hard enough: ignore the awful times, and concentrate on the good ones." His words of course are quite different from what they mean to us. The Tralfamadorians don't really live in any one time.

19. What is the subtitle of "Slaughterhouse-five"?

From Quiz Slaughter-House Five - Part I

Answer: The Children's Crusade

The narrator promised Mary O'Hare he would call any such book about the war this. It eased her temperment.

20. "Slaughterhouse-Five" is actually based on Vonnegut's experiences as a prisoner of war in World War II. In which German city was Vonnegut held captive?

From Quiz God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut !

Answer: Dresden

Vonnegut's captivity had him witness the horrific bombing of Dresden, Gemany by allied planes in 1945. The city, which supposedly was constructed mostly from wood, erupted in a violent firestorm as a result of the bombing.

21. This classical play inspired Kurt Vonnegut because the homecoming seemed "cruelly preposterous".

From Quiz "Happy Birthday, Wanda June"

Answer: The Odyssey

One of the central characters, Harold Ryan, was modeled as a modern- day Odysseus.

22. Malachi Constant inherited his vast business empire from his father Noel. What is the name of Malachi's company?

From Quiz Kurt Vonnegut's Sirens of Titan

Answer: Magnum Opus

Noel Constant began Magnum Opus by buying shares that matched the letters of the words of The Bible. his first investment was in International Nitrate. His business advisor considered him the luckiest man on Earth.

23. In which district of New York does Kilgore Trout live?

From Quiz Isn't Kurt Vonnegut Brilliant?

Answer: Cohoes

He lives in Cohoes. Billy Pilgrim's from Ilium, and Scipio and Athena are where the action in 'Hocus Pocus' mostly takes place.

24. What is the occupation of Billy Pilgrim?

From Quiz Slaughterhouse-Five

Answer: Optometrist

Billy was a soldier for a period of time, but his profession was optometry.

25. The end of the world as we know it occurs, but not before the very few survivors end up on an island to sort things out:

From Quiz Kurt Vonnegut and Co.

Answer: Galapagos

There are asterisks beside all of the characters who will die throughout the book.

26. Otto Waltz, Rudy's father, is a collector of art and weaponry. Which (in)famous Austrian was a friend of his, and also sold him one of his paintings?

From Quiz Deadeye Dick

Answer: Adolf Hitler

In his youth, Otto Waltz had met Hitler in Vienna while studying art and bought one of his paintings. After Hitler becomes Chancellor in 1933, the Waltzes (minus Rudy) go to visit him and he gives them a Nazi flag, which Otto flies from the weathervane, although he eventually takes it down when the US goes to war with Germany. He also has a Hitler Youth uniform made for Felix and expects Felix and his friends - one of whom is Jewish - to greet him with 'Heil Hitler', although by the time Rudy is older, Otto has stopped praising Hitler as it is making local people angry. The painting owned by the Waltzes, 'Minorite Chapel', is a real painting by Hitler.

27. On their 15th birthday, Wilbur and Eliza eavesdrop on their parents in the library. What do they hear Mrs Swain say about them?

From Quiz Slapstick, or Lonesome No More!

Answer: "I hate them, I hate them, I hate them."

Wilbur and Eliza spy on their parents through a hole in the wall of the library, and hear Mrs Swain saying she hates them, and calling then 'Count Dracula and his blushing bride' and 'a pair of drooling totem poles'. They decide to reveal their true personalities to their parents, but their parents are unable to cope with this revelation, so Eliza and Wilbur revert to pretending to be mentally disabled. Wilbur thinks their parents cannot handle the fact that two monstrous creatures are asking to be treated with respect.

28. What is a "Sinooka"?

From Quiz So you want to become a Bokononist?

Answer: The tendrils of a life

I understand these' tendrils' to be the invisible forces that bind us together and tie us to our 'wampeter'. In chapter four, Mr Vonnegut describes his experience with 'sinookas' as a "Tentative Tangling of Tendrils". Beyond these descriptions one must experience the pull of a 'sinooka' to fully understand one.

29. What Amendments to the Constitution helped ensure that everyone was equal?

From Quiz Harrison Bergeron

Answer: 211, 212 & 213

One can only wonder what exactly the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the Constitution stated in Vonnegut's short story. I wonder what the 28th to 210th Amendments were about as well.

30. When Valencia said she would lose weight for Billy, the latter told her not to worry. "I like you just the way you are," Billy said. What motivated him to say this?

From Quiz Slaughterhouse Five - Part III

Answer: He had seen the future

To quote from the book: "He had already seen a lot of their marriage, thanks to time-travel, knew that it was going to be at least bearable all the way."

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:47 AM
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