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Laurence Yep's 'Dragon' tetralogy is an adaptation of Chinese mythology into the fantasy genre.
4 Laurence Yep quizzes and 60 Laurence Yep trivia questions.
  "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz on the second book in this wonderful dragon series. Be sure that you've played my quiz on the first book in the series, "Dragon of the Lost Sea," first!
Average, 15 Qns, SilverNaiad, Nov 01 06
139 plays
  "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz on book Number Three of Laurence Yep's wonderful "dragon series," in which Monkey tells the tale as he and his four companions travel through the Green Darkness and Cloud Pass, and also loose a terrible evil... Enjoy!
Tough, 15 Qns, SilverNaiad, Nov 01 06
128 plays
  "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A probably average quiz on the first book in one of my favorite dragon series. Enjoy!
Average, 15 Qns, SilverNaiad, Nov 01 06
152 plays
  "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz on the fourth and final book in Laurence Yep's "dragon series," in which Monkey, Shimmer, Indigo, and the rest fight the final battle against the cruel and evil Boneless King.
Average, 15 Qns, SilverNaiad, May 24 06
135 plays
trivia question Quick Question
When Shimmer and Thorn were locked in Sambar's dungeons, who had the idea to rearrange the tumblers in the lock on their cell?

From Quiz ""Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep"

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Laurence Yep Trivia Questions

1. What does Monkey privately think that the Green Darkness should be called?

From Quiz
"Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: The Green Bore

Monkey thinks that the Green Bore would be a much more suitable name, since everywhere you look, all you can see is green. Monkey would much rather have a nice, pine-covered mountain with plenty of waterfalls.

2. What is Shimmer's first rule of survival?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Always assume the worst

Shimmer overlooks this rule when she and Thorn are being chased by the flame bird, but they somehow make it anyway, just as Thorn says they always do.

3. When Shimmer first goes into Amity, Thorn is claiming to have seen what kind of magical animal?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Unicorn

The villagers at the well are trying to get Thorn to tell them about how he saw the unicorn-not that they believe him. Stones are thrown at him, and when she sees how Thorn bears the pain and is still kindhearted, Shimmer says without thinking, "Yes, there's still a touch of a unicorn's light to him." When the villagers hear her say this, they turn on her as a new target for stones and cruel words.

4. What colors are Monkey, Shimmer, and Indigo when they turn themselves into horses?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Monkey is golden, Shimmer is grayish-blue, and Indigo is black

Monkey transforms himself into "what he thought was a handsome golden horse," Shimmer turns herself into a grayish-blue horse (Monkey guesses this is as close as she can get to green), and Shimmer turns Indigo into a black horse.

5. Needleweed is said to have once been the hair of who or what?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: A sorceress

Civet tells a rather disgusted Indigo about this. After the adventure in the lake, however, Indigo boils down the needleweed and makes a juice which can be spread on the feet, allowing the wearer to walk on water.

6. What are Sambar's numbers?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: XII

Sambar is the High King and also Shimmer's uncle. His title is "Sambar the Strong," but Shimmer says that all the magnificence and pomp in the world can't change what Uncle Sambar is - a worm lolling around on a head of lettuce.

7. When Civet sends the paper warrior to kill Thorn, what kind of weapon does Knobby come into the kitchen with?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: A crossbow

Knobby (a fat, bowlegged man, as Shimmer describes him), comes into the kitchen with a candle and a crossbow. He says, "Stop where you are. I'm a deadly shot with this, the champion of four districts." Shimmer doubts this, however, since Knobby had forgotten even to pull back the crossbow string.

8. While Monkey, Shimmer, and Indigo are still disguised as horses and are pulling the Boneless King's wagons, they stop at a village where a small girl says that they should give the horses water. What is the girl's name?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Dawn

The little girl, Dawn, also gives Shimmer a lump of slightly grimy sugar. Shimmer, always superior, says that she must have just had an eye for beauty.

9. Which two of the travelers can see the door to the crypt at the bottom of the lake?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Thorn and Civet

Neither Monkey, Shimmer, nor Indigo can see the door at first. Thorn and Civet can, however, and she identifies it to be made out of obsidian.

10. When Shimmer and Thorn were locked in Sambar's dungeons, who had the idea to rearrange the tumblers in the lock on their cell?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Indigo

Indigo says she's no magician, but that if Shimmer could just rearrange the locks, that would work, since it's really just a form of shape changing.

11. When Shimmer and Thorn are going into the Keeper's dense, sinister forest, Shimmer says that they'll need to put on disguises. What two things does Thorn ask to have for his disguise?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Big muscles and a sword

But Shimmer doesn't want to frighten Civet off, so instead, Thorn gets bowlegs and thin, sallow arms.

12. What is the name of the main street in Ramsgate?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Diamond Way

This was probably named after Prince Diamond.

13. When Monkey, Thorn, and Civet are in the crypt beneath the lake, the dead sorceress is wearing rectangles of jade all over her. What color is the jade?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Lavender

The sorceress is also wearing a tiara decorated with human-faced phoenixes and a pearl.

14. What kind of room were Shimmer, Indigo, and Thorn in when they were escaping Sambar's guards and when Shimmer turned them into fish?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: The old ballroom

The two guards who are after them are the pesky lieutenant from the southern seas and another, unfamiliar dragon. The unfamiliar one thinks she saw one of the fishes turn from green to silver, but the lieutenant (eager for a promotion), doesn't believe her and chases off after nothing. "Think Heaven that you can count on some people to be so consistently stupid," Shimmer thinks.

15. When the Keeper - wanting the pearl - chases Shimmer and Thorn, what kind of pet is he riding on?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: A wasp/deer/crane

The Keeper has many pets, all made of different pieces of animals.

16. While on the Boneless King's war galley, who said that the fire was an illusion and to just ignore it?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Horn

Horn, becoming just a little too sure of himself after the dragons' illusion of the terrifying creatures from the bottom of the sea, insisted that the fire was just another illusion. But it wasn't.

17. What does Thorn use to destroy the pearl on the sorceress's tiara?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Wine

Thorn has this idea when he remembers the time that his old master, Knobby, was entertaining some rich guests at the inn. Thorn was made to dress up and wait on them, but he accidentally spilled some wine on the lady's pearl necklace, which upset the lady greatly because she said it would erode the gem.

18. When they're stranded on the salt floor of the Lost Sea, what does Shimmer use to shield Thorn from the blowing wind and stinging salt?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Her body

Shimmer (confused and irritated at her affection) can't bear to see Thorn shivering on the ground, so she uses the side of her body and her wing to protect him from the blowing salt. Just before Thorn wakes up, though, Shimmer crawls back to her original place.

19. After they've escaped Pomfret by using the needleweed juice, Shimmer insists that Indigo leave and go live a normal life. Indigo refuses, however, saying that she loves Shimmer. What does the shocked Shimmer say after this pronouncement?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: "Me? With my temper?"

Unused to love, Shimmer jerks her paw away from Indigo as if Indigo had suddenly turned into a red-hot coal.

20. While flying through Cloud Pass, soldiers begin shooting at Monkey and the others. Why aren't the soldiers immediately visible?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: They're wearing camouflage

At first Monkey, Shimmer, and the rest of their companions can't figure out where the arrows are coming from. But they keep seeing fleeting glimpses of white-clad heads moving on the snowy slopes, and finally can see that there are soldiers in camouflage all over the pass.

21. When Shimmer, Thorn, and Indigo are settling into the room that the dragons of the Lost Sea have given them, Chukar, Bulbul, and many others come and play some music for "Her Highness." What is the first song that they play?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: The Weaver's Lament

Shimmer is almost in tears by this point. Then some of the other dragons bring in delicious foods, like jelly cakes. Shimmer can hardly believe that the dragons would go to so much trouble for her.

22. When Monkey, Shimmer, Thorn, Indigo, and Civet are trapped on the Nameless One's island, the big white dog comes and drops a sack near them. What things are mentioned to be inside the parcel?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: A hammer, needles, spools of thread and yarn and rawhide, glue, an axe, and an adz

Indigo looks for a snack inside the bag, but doesn't find anything edible. Then the dog leads them over to a smoked trout, and everyone feasts on it.

23. When Shimmer is using the dream pearl to create the illusion of the dragon army, Monkey can see in it Indigo, still a dragon. In the illusion, Indigo wears blue-lacquer armor edged with what jewel?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Ruby

She also wears a helmet of blue spikes. Monkey can also see himself, wearing a clean robe and his tiger skin, whirling his staff over his head so that the golden rings form a blurred circle.

24. Who first finds the jar containing the Boneless King?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Monkey

The jar Monkey finds the evil skin in feels light enough, but when he shakes it, he hears a dry rustling inside - like autumn leaves scratching pavement.

25. After Lady Francolin's insides are ruined by the sulfuric acid from the forge, what one food is she supposed to eat?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Kelp

Though Chukar brings Lady Francolin a bucket of mussels, the poor Lady can't eat them, as she's only supposed to eat kelp because of her upset stomach.

26. Where did Monkey say that he'd seen Thorn's face before?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: He couldn't remember where

Thorn is eager to know who his parents are, but then he's let down when Monkey doesn't remember where he saw Thorn's face before.

27. What is Civet disguised as when she enters River Glen to flood it?

From Quiz "Dragon of the Lost Sea," by Laurence Yep

Answer: An old woman

Civet is disguised as an old woman who's taking water to use with her master's ink. Monkey, always the trickster, decides to "play" with Civet by drinking all the water out of her buckets. Meanwhile, Shimmer is trying to get out the window, muttering that the fool ape never gave her time to tell him about the mist stone.

28. When the dragons are making holes in the galleys to sink them, Monkey goes over to one and begins to pound on it with his staff. Wort swims over and says that the ship is already sinking. Monkey, trying to cover up his mistake, makes what excuse?

From Quiz "Dragon War," by Laurence Yep

Answer: That he's curious about the wood

Monkey says, "I...uh...knew that. I was just curious about the wood. It's oak, I think." And Wort replies, "I wouldn't know, sir. I've never seen a tree."

29. While in the Butcher's army camp, Shimmer and Indigo are disguised as hermits. Which element does Indigo say that Shimmer is "afraid" of?

From Quiz "Dragon Cauldron," by Laurence Yep

Answer: Earth

Indigo says this because she knows that if Shimmer were buried, she could hold her breath long enough to transform into her true form and rescue them all.

30. What does the dragon mirror say around its rim?

From Quiz "Dragon Steel," by Laurence Yep

Answer: "Do not deceive"

Thorn finds the dragon mirror, but at first neither he, Shimmer, nor Indigo can figure out what to do with it. Then Shimmer looks into it and sees that it only shows the one thing that isn't a duplicate, but is the real, magical object.

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