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Most people have heard of "War and Peace", but have you actually read it? What about "Anna Karenina", with its oft-quoted opening sentence, "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"?
5 Leo Tolstoy quizzes and 70 Leo Tolstoy trivia questions.
  Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I   best quiz  
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Often hailed as Leo Tolstoy's greatest masterpiece, "Anna Karenina" has become one of the most recognized novels in Russian literature. (Quiz based on the translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky.)
Average, 15 Qns, trident, Dec 13 09
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  Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II   best quiz  
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Often hailed as Leo Tolstoy's greatest masterpiece, "Anna Karenina" has become one of the most recognized novels in Russian literature. (Quiz based on the translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky.)
Average, 15 Qns, trident, Sep 27 11
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  Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III   best quiz  
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Often hailed as Leo Tolstoy's greatest masterpiece, "Anna Karenina" has become one of the most recognized novels in Russian literature. (Quiz based on the translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky.)
Average, 15 Qns, trident, Mar 12 11
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  Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. IV   best quiz  
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Often hailed as Leo Tolstoy's greatest masterpiece, "Anna Karenina" has become one of the most recognized novels in Russian literature. (Quiz based on the translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky.)
Average, 15 Qns, trident, Sep 27 11
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  Characters in "War and Peace"    
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Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) began to write "War and Peace" in 1863. This is one of the best book I've ever read. Do you still remember some of the characters in it?
Average, 10 Qns, mrhoujr84, May 27 11
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Upon meeting Vronsky's friend Golenishchev in Italy, what hobby did Anna say the count had taken up?

From Quiz "Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III"

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Leo Tolstoy Trivia Questions

1. The Countess Lydia Ivanovna set upon the fallen Karenin in an attempt to win him over. In her scheme to make Karenin love her back, what did she try to convince him about his wife?

From Quiz
Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. IV

Answer: Anna didn't love her son, Seryozha.

The countess quickly swept in and took over Karenin's household. While she didn't directly admit to her love for him, she offered to care for him while at the same time trying to convince him Anna no longer deserved to see her son. Her arguments were based on what she considered Anna's abandonment of Seryozha.

2. Vronsky found a note written by Anna to come see her while her husband was at work. When he had reached the house, whom did he meet at the doorway?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: Karenin

Home from a meeting that ended early, Karenin was just on his way out the door when he met Vronsky, who entered. It was an awkward moment for Karenin and Vronsky; both knew the consequences of his visit.

3. At the beginning of Part Two, what was Kitty's condition?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: She had come down with an illness.

Distraught over Vronsky's virtual rejection of her, Kitty had come down with an illness. The family doctor suggested the beginnings of tuberculosis, but also suspected some other cause. Others believed that Kitty was merely upset because she had rejected Levin's proposal, and had then been disappointed by Vronsky.

4. While discussing her pregnancy, Anna declared to Vronsky that she had a dream of a French-speaking peasant who was fumbling about in a sack. What did she claim the dream was to be interpreted as?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: She would not survive through childbirth

Anna was frightened that the dream was a terrible omen that she would not survive childbirth. She decided that the torment she had been putting her and Vronsky through would be over upon her death. Vronsky refused to believe her prophecy, but failed to convince her otherwise.

5. The first action of the novel consists of the misery of Darya Alexandrovna Oblonskaya (Dolly). She practically locked herself in her room because she was so upset, and wouldn't let anyone in to talk. What had caused her to take such drastic actions?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I

Answer: Her husband had an affair with a French governess.

Dolly's husband Stiva had accidentally allowed his wife to discover a letter that gave proof to his affair. Her reaction was to lock herself up in her room, inconsolable. After their many years of marriage and many children, Dolly felt the betrayal deeply. She told her husband that he was disgusting and that she didn't want to talk to him.

6. This dashing, daring and intelligent but arrogant prince fought bravely against French twice in the book. He was injured and taken prisoner in the first and killed in the latter. Who is he?

From Quiz Characters in "War and Peace"

Answer: Andrei Bolkonsky

He is one of my all-time favorite characters. It was a pity that a great young man like him died so early in the war.

7. What did Karenin bring to the Petersburg lawyer in an attempt to secure a divorce with Anna on the grounds of involuntary detection of adultery?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: Vronsky's love letters to Anna

Karenin, in an attempt to divorce Anna and keep Seryozha at the same time, stole the letters Vronsky gave to Anna and went to a lawyer to make his case. However, the lawyer advised Karenin that letters were merely a partial confirmation, but in order to truly prove their affair, they must be caught in it by witnesses. Karenin was unsure if he wished to go about getting the divorce in such a way.

8. Confounded over his situation at home, who did Stepan Arkadyich believe could help allay Dolly's fears over his love for his wife?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I

Answer: Anna Karenina

Anna is Stiva's sister, and a close friend to Dolly. Stiva placed all his hopes on Anna, believing that she could persuade Dolly to keep their marriage intact. Anna's visit did eventually help Dolly make up her mind to stay with Stepan Arkadyich.

9. This extremely beautiful and intelligent daughter of Count Ilya Andreyevich Rostov married Pierre after Prince Andrei Bolkonsky's death. Who is she?

From Quiz Characters in "War and Peace"

Answer: Natasha & Natalya

Natasha was a foolish little girl when she feel in love with Prince Andrei. She made mistakes like all young people do. Prince finally forgave her for her foolishness, although it was a little too late.

10. At Stiva's dinner party, the intellectual conversation between Pestsov and Koznyshev became most heated when what issue came up?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: Women's education

Pestsov, perhaps the most liberal-minded of the group, advocated for a higher participation of women in government and their inclusion in higher education. Others, such as Koznyshev and Karenin, argued over whether women were up to the task of the duties afforded by such rights.

11. During Oblonksy's visit to Levin's estate, what did Stiva do that upset Levin?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: He made a deal with a shady merchant that Levin knew was much too low.

Oblonsky was a bit confused over why Levin was so upset over something that was truly none of his concern. The forest that Stiva wished to sell was under Dolly's name, so perhaps it had upset Levin that Stiva wasn't trying harder to get a better deal. The possibility that Levin was still frustrated over Kitty could have also played a part, as Oblonsky had previously mentioned the topic.

12. During his trip to Moscow, where did Levin first come upon Kitty?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I

Answer: At an ice skating rink

Levin met Kitty at the skating rink at the Zoological Gardens, where he guessed she might be. He was known for being an accomplished skater, and quickly did a few moves in front of Kitty. As he had been a close family friend when she was young, she became embarrassed by his advances, and distanced herself from him.

13. She took good care of Prince Andrei's son, little Nikolei, as if he is her own child. Who is she?

From Quiz Characters in "War and Peace"

Answer: Marya

Daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky and brother of Andrei, she is plain in looks but well educated and sensible. She performs all her duties to the best of her abilities; as a devoted daughter to her moody father, dutiful guardian to her nephew, loving sister to Andrei and understanding wife to Nikolai.

14. Which character did the most to convince Anna that she should seek the divorce with Karenin?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. IV

Answer: Dolly

Dolly, Anna's sister-in-law, decided to visit Anna after leaving Levin's place. While there, she talked to Anna about going through the divorce Karenin had offered, especially for the sake of Anna's children. Anna didn't think she could go through such a humiliating ordeal. In the end, she decided to get the divorce after speaking it over with Vronsky.

15. Through which medium did Kitty and Levin make up and show their love for each other?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: Chalk written on a card table

They played a word game in which each person had to write the first letter of each word in a sentence on the card table. When one person was finished and the clue guessed, the next person erased the original clue and wrote another. Through this method, they were able to express their desires. Levin proposed to her once again and this time she accepted.

16. What was the name of Count Vronsky's horse which he rode during the races?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: Frou-Frou

During the races, Vronsky fell and the horse became injured. Anna was visibly concerned for Vronsky, which was not a wise thing to do in public. Frou-Frou was killed because it could no longer serve as a racehorse. Gladiator was the name of Vronsky's opponent's horse.

17. In an attempt to be completely honest with his new fiancée, what did Levin's journals reveal about him that disappointed Kitty?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: He had slept with another woman out of wedlock.

Kitty was upset over the fact that Levin had been with another woman, but she forgave him quickly because he had admitted it to her. She also found out about his tendencies toward agnosticism.

18. After the horse races, Anna admitted to Karenin that she was in love with Vronsky and that she no longer loved him. Karenin was surprised, but kept himself cool. What did he suggest they do?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: Continue to make it look like their marriage was still sturdy

Karenin knew that a divorce would be a bad idea, and yet, relations with his wife would be impossible to continue without her cooperation. He demanded that she make their marriage look credible while they figured out what they would do with their relationship.

19. What worried Princess Shcherbatskaya (Kitty's mother) when it came to the marriage of her daughter?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I

Answer: Russian women of Kitty's age liked to pick their own husbands rather than having arranged marriages.

The old princess was concerned that her daughter would not choose a husband who was the best choice for her. She wanted Kitty to marry the young Count Vronsky, an up and coming officer who held a high status in society. She firmly disliked the idea of Kitty marrying Konstantin Levin, who she considered a country bumpkin. Ironically, Kitty's father thought kindly on the idea that Kitty marry Levin, a man he knew for many years.

20. He was a fearless soldier during the war and settled for farming after his marriage. Who is he?

From Quiz Characters in "War and Peace"

Answer: Nikolei Rostov

He finally found his true love in Marya. Sonya acted surprisingly generous letting go of Nikolei.

21. While at the German spa, Kitty met Madame Stahl, a highly religious Russian woman. She also met what other acquaintance who convinced her to do acts of goodness?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: Varenka

Varenka's disposition was generally agreeable amongst all who met her, and Kitty was taken by her immediately. Though Varenka was not the daughter of Madame Stahl, the invalid took care of her like she was her own. Kitty and Varenka took care of many of the consumptive patients at the German spa.

22. This young man ruined prince Andrei's engagement with the daughter of Count Rostov. Who is he?

From Quiz Characters in "War and Peace"

Answer: Anatol Kuragin

Prince Andrei forgave him for what he had done when he saw Anatol had his leg amputated.

23. What was Levin's first emotional reaction when he saw his newborn son?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. IV

Answer: He was fearful.

Though Levin later found joy in his newborn after it had sneezed, he was at first fearful. He feared that he now had another vulnerability in his life and also that his son would ever have to suffer.

24. Which character in "Anna Karenina" survived after shooting himself in the chest?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky

For Count Vronsky, the pain of seeing Anna near death was too much. He shot himself with a pistol in the chest, but ultimately survived due to his servant who found him.

25. Why did Kitty stop visiting her patient, Petrov?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: His wife had become jealous of the visits.

Petrov's wife thought that her visits served no medical purpose, but that Kitty and her husband had some romantic connection. Under the advisement of Varenka, she no longer visited the patient.

26. Stiva went to the train station to meet Anna, his sister. There he also met Count Vronsky. Who do we learn that Anna had talked to on the train all the way from St. Petersburg?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I

Answer: Countess Vronsky

Anna had discussed Countess Vronsky's son with her the whole journey, and Vronsky seemed abashed that he had been the topic of conversation between the two women.

27. Who did Count Bezukhov engaged in a dual with over his wife Elena's alleged affair.

From Quiz Characters in "War and Peace"

Answer: Dolohov

Again, they forgave each other. Leo Tolstoy made his point very clearly that one should give generous forgiveness for a meaningful life in return.

28. In Karenin's conversation with Stiva, he said he would be willing to admit that he was the adulterer in their marriage in order to grant Anna the divorce she desired. What had changed Karenin's attitude toward the matter so drastically?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. III

Answer: His genuine feelings toward Anna's daughter

Karenin's character was profoundly altered with the birth of Anna's daughter, whom he wanted to take care of himself. He proposed several solutions to their dilemma. He said he could allow the affair to continue if there were no incidents which would embarrass his family. He also offered giving Anna a divorce and taking the brunt of the adultery charges to save her embarrassment. However, Anna rejected the offer, believing a divorce at this point would not matter.

29. What did Prince Shcherbatsky suggest about Madame Stahl that changed Kitty's perspective of her?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. II

Answer: She was not an invalid, but was only embarrassed by her stubby legs.

The prince was somewhat disgusted over Madame Stahl's vanity. He believed that she wasn't ill, but only didn't want to get out of bed because her legs were stubby. Kitty heard the comments and her view changed about how sincere the woman actually was about other things.

30. What event happened at the train station that drove Vronsky to give rubles to a woman?

From Quiz Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" Pt. I

Answer: A train ran over a worker and he gave money to the widow.

The worker being killed by the train was seen as a bad omen for Anna. She saw kindness in the act that Vronsky did for the woman, even though she secretly believed that he had done it because of her.

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