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The Pickwick Papers Trivia Quizzes

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Dickens's first novel is actually a series of loosely-related stories, held together with an over-arching premise of the characters traveling around England to gather stories for the other members of the club.
5 quizzes and 85 trivia questions.
  The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 14-30   popular trivia quiz  
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 20 Qns
This is the second installment in my series of quizzes on Charles Dickens' first major work of literature The Pickwick Papers. I hope you will enjoy this quiz and its friends!
Average, 20 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Mar 06 04
thejazzkickazz gold member
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  "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 1-13   popular trivia quiz  
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One of the seminal works of English literature, the Pickwick Papers is certain to keep you aroused, from the opening of chapter one to the final page. Enjoy these questions on the first quarter of the book!
Tough, 20 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jul 23 07
thejazzkickazz gold member
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  "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57    
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 15 Qns
The final 11 chapters of the Dickens book "The Pickwick Papers" are quite eventful, thus inspiring this quiz. See if you can recall the events and individuals that help wrap up this extraordinary tale.
Tough, 15 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jul 22 04
thejazzkickazz gold member
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  The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46    
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The story is really starting to heat up! Let's follow our Pickwickian friends as they continue their adventures through Southern England...taking stops along the way to review the key points in their travels.
Tough, 20 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jun 26 04
thejazzkickazz gold member
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  Pickwick Papers    
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 10 Qns
"The Pickwick Papers" was Charles Dickens' first published novel. Here are some questions to see how well you know it.
Average, 10 Qns, scotspanlit, May 22 06
474 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the 'turnkey' who first guides Pickwick through the dank Fleet prison?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46"

The Pickwick Papers Trivia Questions

1. What is the full title of "The Pickwick Papers"?

From Quiz
Pickwick Papers

Answer: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club

"The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" was based on an idea of illustrator and caricaturist, Robert Seymour. The novel followed the success of "Sketches by Boz" published serially from 1836 to 1837.

2. In chapter 31 Mr. Pickwick, along with Sam and his personal lawyer Perker, go to converse with the attorney assigned to defend Pickwick. What is this rather disinterested fellow's name?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46

Answer: Snubbin

¯P´p"¬ Snubbin seems to have every intention of avoiding any work whatsoever in regards to Pickwick's case, and displays this quite clearly by foisting poor Pickwick off on a relatively new lawyer, Mr. Phunky. At this point, the reader senses trouble, considering that Pickwick has made clear his intention of not paying a cent of any damages that may be incurred in a court loss!

3. Who first notifies Bob Sawyer and Ben Allen about the marriage of Arabella Allen?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: Ben's Aunt

Of course Arabella and Winkle are terribly afraid of these two young fellows, so they send Pickwick and Sam Weller off to relay the news. Just prior to their arrival, however, Ben Allen's aunt comes with the distressing news of Arabella's marriage. Ben's and Bob's reactions are so violent that it causes the auntie to pass out. Sam Weller's quote, upon seeing her on the floor, is priceless. "Here's a wenerable old lady a lyin' on the carpet waitin' for dissection, or galwinism, or some other rewivin' and scientific inwention." Ha! Pickwick finally reveals the identity of Ben's new brother-in-law, and convinces Ben and Bob to accept this reality.

4. To which small town are the Pickwickians off to in the second chapter?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 1-13

Answer: Rochester

Rochester, a small town in Kent (southeast England), is the first destination of what will become a wonderful adventure, in the true Pickwickian sense!

5. What was the name of Mr Pickwick's landlady?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: Mrs Bardell

Mrs. Bardell is Samuel Pickwick's landlady at his lodgings in Goswell Street.

6. Which storyteller from an earlier chapter in the book pays his second visit to our cast, relating a new tale in chapter 49?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: The bagman

This time the bagman tells a tall tale about his uncle that he of course claims is absolutely true! His uncle encounters a ghost chaise and falls in love with a beautiful woman all in one evening, waking the next day with only the memories of his ghostly visits the night before. He vows to never marry again, having vowed himself to the specter of a woman.

7. Sam Weller writes a charming 'walentine' to his dear Mary in chapter 33. After a bit of thought on the issue, and some discussion with his father, how does he sign his love letter?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46

Answer: Pickwick

Sam Weller is convinced that one must never sign a valentine with his own name, so Pickwick it is! Naturally Mary will realize immediately that Sam wrote the letter, so this is all academic. Following the mailing of the valentine, Sam and his father proceed to a temperance meeting hosted by Mr. Stiggins, the red-nosed hanger-on of Mrs. Weller. Mr. Stiggins displays bizarre behavior by declaring the meeting 'drunk', inspiring a raucous free-for-all. Sam's father takes advantage of the chaos to get a bit physical with Stiggins before Sam pulls him away. His first act of physical revenge.

8. In which year was the book originally published?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: 1837

The novel, originally a loose collection of Samuel Pickwick's adventures, was published as a book in 1837. It was a huge success. Chapman & Hall originally printed 1,000 copies of the first monthly installment. This figure rose to over 40,000 copies by the end of serialisation. It made Dickens a celebrity.

9. On the road to meet Winkle's father, Bob Sawyer creates quite a scene while riding on the top of the chaise cart, hats exchanged with Sam Weller and quite drunk to boot. What item is he holding in his hand, other than a bottle of drink?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: Sandwich

Both Bob Sawyer and Sam Weller are holding enormous sandwiches in their hands, and they also have exchanged hats. The drunken Sawyer is creating quite a scene while straddled atop the chaise cart, much to the delight of Mr. Weller. Mr. Pickwick is initially annoyed by the attention being called to the cart, but soon he joins in the bacchanalia after a few drinks of the milk-punch!

10. Mr. Alfred Jingle makes his reappearance at Mrs. Hunter's little fête champêtre, which the Pickwickians also attend. What is the freshly minted nom de guerre by which he is known to Mrs. Hunter?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 14-30

Answer: Captain Fitz-Marshall

The fraudulent Mr. Fitz-Marshall resides at Bury St Edmunds, according to Mrs. Hunter who refers to him as 'a gentleman of fortune'. A fine fortune indeed, imagine the Pickwickians who release their silverware without a care for whence it might fall!

11. Who was Sam Weller?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: Samuel Pickwick´s valet

Sam Weller is Pickwick's faithful man servant. He councils Pickwick with Cockney shrewdness.

12. In what town does Winkle's father reside?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: Birmingham

On the way, not only do Pickwick, Bob Sawyer and Ben Allen get rather inebriated, they also dine once or twice. They arrive at Birmingham a bit out of sorts, probably not the best presentation for the elder Winkle to behold.

13. During the trial, which friend of Pickwick, through his complete ineptness, ends up hurting Pickwick's case?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46

Answer: Winkle

Poor Winkle, he just never seems to get anything right. Somehow, during his testimony he manages to leak the instance wherein Pickwick accidentally stumbled into a certain Miss Witherfield's room at the Great White Horse inn. Later he was to be found back at the George and Vulture, head buried in the sand!

14. In chapter three, we are regaled with the first of many short tales within the novel. What is the tale called here, as told by a fellow with the unfortunate moniker 'Dismal Jemmy'?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 1-13

Answer: The Stroller's Tale

"The Stroller's Tale" is a dismal yarn about a dying pantomime actor. The portion we see in the novel is a fraction of the actual story according to the editor's notes in the Penguin edition.

15. What is the name of the bullying red-faced lawyer in the novel?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: Sergeant Buzfuz

Sergeant Buzfuz represents Pickwick's landlady in a lawsuit. He bullies his witnesses into saying whatever he wants them to.

16. The most entertaining testimony during the trial comes from the inimitable Sam Weller. When asked whether he spells his name with a 'W' or a 'V', what is his first response?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46

Answer: That depends on the taste and fancy of the speller, my lord.

Sam continues, 'I never had occasion to spell it more than once or twice in my life, but I spells it with a 'V'.' Sam's father is the one who shouts about the 'we', almost landing him in contempt. Sam's testimony does relatively well for Mr. Pickwick, but not well enough...the case is lost.

17. The tale of the Parish Clerk is told in chapter 17. Who is the main character of this tale of unrequited love?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 14-30

Answer: Pipkin

Nathaniel Pipkin falls in love with the daughter of Old Lobbs, Maria. Unfortunately for the lovestruck Pipkin, Maria only toys with the boy, directing her true affection for a cousin (hopefully distant!).

18. Chapter four includes the introduction of the Wardle family, the patriarch being a friend of Mr. Tracy Tupman, one of our faithful Pickwickians. We also meet with the servant boy of the Wardle family, a slothful boy who goes by what given name?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 1-13

Answer: Joe

Poor Joe is a constant target of Dickens' amusements; it seems he can't get enough sleep... or enough food! The young fellow sleeps more than a koala bear, and could probably eat 10 times the eucalyptus.

19. Which place inspired Dickens to write the story?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: Corsham

The town of Corsham, in the English county of Wiltshire, was the inspiration for the novel. The name "Pickwick" itself is likely to have come from that of the nearby farm, Pickwick Lodge. This part of Corsham is on the road from London to Bristol.

20. A marvelous row occurs between Mr. Pott, of Eatanswill political fame, and a member of the opposing Buffs. Who is the insidious character who eggs Pott on brilliantly with his slanderous rhetoric?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: Slurk

Mr. Slurk, the editor of the Eatanswill Gazette, wields a carpet-bag while Pott grabs a fireplace shovel. On the verge of inflicting serious injury upon each other, their brawl is cut short by a quick-thinking Sam Weller, who wraps a meal-sack over Pott's head. Soon subdued, they return to their rooms to lick their wounds and formulate the next slanderous articles in their tabloid newspapers.

21. What are the damages awarded to Mrs. Bardell in the case?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46

Answer: 750 pounds

Bardell wins the case, and the jury returns the damages, 750 pounds. Pickwick refuses to pay!

22. What article of dress characterises Mr Pickwick?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: His spectacles

Retired businessman, Samuel Pickwick, was founder and chairman of the Pickwick Club. The spectacles perched on his nose were very characteristic.

23. Who is the only major character to pass away in the book "The Pickwick Papers"?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: Mrs. Weller

Sadly, in chapter 52 Sam Weller learns of the passing of his mother-in-law in a virtually unreadable missive from his dear father. In the end, the elder Weller is rather broken up over the death of his poor wife, despite her connections with the insidious Mr. Stiggins. We only know the value of those around us when they're gone!

24. Later in chapter 18 we first learn of the court case against Pickwick brought by Mrs. Bardell. What is Mr. Pickwick accused of in the letter addressed to him from the lawyers Dodson and Fogg?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 14-30

Answer: Breach of promise of marriage

According to the letter sent to Pickwick on 28 August, 1830, he is accused of breaking a marriage contract with Mrs. Bardell. She seeks fifteen hundred pounds in damages. Pickwick is aghast at learning of the court case, while even his followers wonder if it could be true...

25. Chapter five now and our friends are riding to Manor Farm, Dingley Dell. What unfortunate incident befalls the Pickwickian friends on their way to this destination?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 1-13

Answer: Their chaise (cart) is dashed to pieces on a bridge

The inept Mr. Winkle begins the trouble by his inability to ride a horse. When Pickwick descends the chaise to assist the befuddled Winkle, he manages to further stir up the horse's passion. In turn, the horse pulling the chaise is spooked and runs off with Tupman and Snodgrass aboard. Their journey is short, however; they both bail out of the chaise just prior to it being smashed to pieces on a small bridge. The friends are forced to walk.

26. What characteristic could best summarise Mr Alfred Jingle?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: He is a charlatan

Alfred Jingle is a wandering rascal. He makes friends with Pickwick and goes with his group to the Wardle home at Dingley Dell. He tries to elope with Miss Rachael and is hunted down by Rachel's brother.

27. Which character gets kicked around a bit in chapter 52?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 47-57

Answer: Mr. Stiggins

Poor Mr. Stiggins! Attempting to take advantage of the death of Mrs. Weller, he insinuates himself into the good graces of Tony Weller, or so he thinks. Not only does Tony Weller refuse to contribute to Mr. Stiggins' favorite cause, himself, he gives him a good battering. I would venture to guess that in the end, only his ego was truly damaged in this attack, despite the relish with which Tony Weller physically assaults poor Stiggins. We know for certain that he won't be returning to the Weller household anytime soon!

28. After an unfortunate misunderstanding involving night clothes, a door blown shut by the wind and a certain Mrs. Dowler, which Pickwickian finds himself in the 'comfortable' company of the raging Bob Sawyer and vengeful Ben Allen in chapter 38?

From Quiz The Pickwick Papers, Chapters 31-46

Answer: Winkle

Naturally, the lovable but klutzy Winkle gets himself once again into an odd situation. (I think this gent is our comic relief!) After answering the door late in the evening he finds himself confronted with Mrs. Dowler in her chaise, he wearing only his nightclothes! So embarrassed, he makes off for Bristol where he finds Sawyer and Allen, both of whom are conspiring revenge on whomever the 'secret' love of Arabella Allen might be (we know it's Winkle himself!)

29. The Pickwickians make it out to the Wardles' country house after an exhilaratingly long walk. After freshening up they are reunited with the Wardle family, including the charming old mother of Mr. Wardle. From what disability does she suffer?

From Quiz "The Pickwick Papers", Chapters 1-13

Answer: Hard of hearing

Old Mrs. Wardle is quite deaf, but seems to hear better when she really wants to... especially for that (snake) charmer Jingle and his clever quips.

30. What misfortune does Pickwick suffer at the hands of his landlady?

From Quiz Pickwick Papers

Answer: He goes to prison

Pickwick's landlady is persuaded to sue Pickwick for a breach of promise to marry her. Pickwick refuses to pay damages and is consigned to the Fleet prison. She is then sued by her lawyers for costs and consigned to prison too. The benelovent, bespectacled Mr Samuel Pickwick pays the penitent woman's costs to have her released.

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