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This collection of fourteen short stories was first published in 2002. A number of the stories had originally appeared in magazines before being collected here.
3 Everything's Eventual quizzes and 40 Everything's Eventual trivia questions.
  "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories   best quiz  
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 15 Qns
In Stephen King's "Everything's Eventual" you can read fourteen short stories of horror and drama featuring familiar faces and dark situations. One question comes from each story and there's a fifteenth general question. Good luck!
Tough, 15 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 28 06
kyleisalive editor
1106 plays
  Everything's Eventual    
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 10 Qns
This is a fairly easy quiz taken from the stories compiled in "Everything's Eventual", my favorite collection of Stephen King's short stories.
Easier, 10 Qns, ripple09, Jun 10 06
1025 plays
  Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'    
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 15 Qns
I loved the stories in 'Everything's Eventual' by Stephen King- especially 'Riding the Bullet'. Hope you enjoy the quiz.
Tough, 15 Qns, fab88, Oct 01 08
1009 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of L.T.'s cat in "L.T.'s Theory of Pets"?

From Quiz ""Everything's Eventual" Short Stories"

Everything's Eventual Trivia Questions

1. What sport was Howard playing before he was examined in "Autopsy Room Four"?

From Quiz
"Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Golf

In the first short story, a stockbroker named Howard is pronounced dead on a golf course and he realizes he's still alive as his autopsy begins. Soon, he desperately tries to show his morticians that he's still alive, and just in the nick of time, they discover that he was knocked unconscious due to a rare venomous snake bite on the golf course. In the end, he stays alive, but has to recuperate for four years after his near-death ordeal in autopsy room four.

2. Which story has a depressed man who's struggling to write a book about rest-stop graffiti?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: All That You Love Will Be Carried Away

"All That You Love Will Be Carried Away" is partially based on Stephen King's short stint at recording rest-stop graffiti in a journal.

3. What happens to Howard in 'Autopsy Room 4' that makes people believe he is dead?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: He was bitten by a snake

A snake bit Howard while he was golfing. Lucky for him someone found the snake in his golf-bag...Sorry, no comment on how the coroner found out Howard was alive. If you can't remember, you'll have to read it again. :-)

4. What was Gary's brother allergic to in "The Man in the Black Suit"?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Bees

This story is told by an old man who experienced the events when he was a child. His brother had died of a bee sting a year earlier and he was going fishing down at a creek. During this, a man smelling of sulfur wearing a black suit arrived and he realized it was the devil. He manages to escape and he returns with his father to find that the man has left. Now, as an old man, Gary wonders if the man in the black suit will return when he is ready to die.

5. Roland the Gunslinger is entangled in a mysterious tent inhabited by other-worldly witches. In which story does this event take place?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: The Little Sisters of Eluria

The setting of this story is somewhat similar to the Queen's tent in "The Talisman".

6. In 'Autopsy Room 4', what is Mike's temperature when the coroner began the autopsy?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: 94.2

His temperature was 94.2. Pete then said. "Gee, that ain't too shabby. This guy could almost be alive, Katie...Dr. Arlen"

7. What motel does Alfie stay at in "All That You Love Will Be Carried Away"?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Motel 6

Alfie checks into a Motel 6 on the interstate in Nebraska to kill himself, but he can't seem to part with a small notebook of graffiti that he has been adding to for many years. In the end of this short story, Alfie considers throwing the book into a nearby farmer's field, where no one will ever find it again, but he struggles to let go of the one thing that has seemingly given him meaning over the years on the road. It is unknown whether Alfie kept the book and lived, or whether he tossed it and used the gun.

8. At a yard sale, a horror writer buys a disturbing painting that follows him through town. What is the name of this haunting story?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: The Road Virus Heads North

This story is probably my favorite of King's short stories because of its Hitchcock-esque ending.

9. In 'The Man in the Black Suit,' what was the name of the column that Gary wrote for twenty years for the Castle Rock 'Call?'

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: 'Long Ago and Far Away'

I don't think I'll ever go fishing again...

10. Who is the narrator in "The Death of Jack Hamilton"?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Homer

This is a story about a gang of bank-robbing criminals and the last days of a member of their gang. After Jack Hamilton is shot, Homer and John take him to a town and are forced to flee to a small house occupied by another gang. Here, they attempt to perform surgery, but it's not enough to save their friend and they watch him slowly die. In the end, Homer and John go on to rob one more bank.

11. What story is about another horror author that goes to a hotel to write about a room that's filled with paranormal activity?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: 1408

Although all these stories take place in a hotel room, "1408" is the only one that has a haunted theme.

12. Which award did Stephen King receive for 'The Man in the Black Suit'?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: 'O. Henry Award'

Mr. King won the 'O. Henry' award in 1996 for the 'Best Short Story' competition.

13. "In the Deathroom" was a story involving a reporter from which newspaper?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: The New York Times

In this story, a man named Fletcher is captured by the government of a South American country for siding with Communists that the leaders are opposing. Fletcher is threatened to reveal information for a panel of three or else he will be shocked by a machine that killed the last visitor of the blood-stained deathroom. He manages to devise a plan and ends up killing everyone in the room before escaping and returning to New York.

14. Which story takes place inside a paralyzed man's head as he is mentally tortured in a hospital?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: Autopsy Room Four

This story was inspired by a episode of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents".

15. In 'All That You Love Will Be Carried Away,' what was the name of the motel that Alfie Zimmer was planning to commit suicide in?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: Motel 6

The First line of the story--"It was a Motel 6 on I-80 just west of Lincoln, Nebraska." I found this story very interesting. Does anyone else think it might be based on a true story?

16. Who is the Sister from "The Little Sisters of Eluria" who helps Roland escape the other nurses?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Sister Jenna

This short story follows the "Dark Tower" storyline, but it occurs before the first book, "The Gunslinger" and after Roland's time in Mejis (as mentioned in "Wizard and Glass"). In this story, Roland is nearly killed by Slow Mutants in the small town of Eluria, but he's somewhat saved by the Little Sisters of Eluria. These Sisters act as nurses and heal Roland's wounds, but they keep him drugged through his food. One sister, Jenna, reveals that the 'doctors' are actually bugs that are healing the patients, and the Sisters control them with their dark bells. He discovers that the Sisters are vampires when a nearby patient is killed in the night. Roland is protected by a cross that he found on a body in Eluria while Jenna manages to sneak a powerful herb under his pillow that counters the drug that the sisters are using to keep Roland from healing. Eventually, he and Jenna escape, but Sister Mary tries to stop them. In the end, Roland is saved by a dog with a cross-shaped patch of fur and after he and Jenna claim that they love each other, she turns into 'the doctors' in the night and he continues on his quest for the Dark Tower.

17. The "Dillinger Gang" travel across the midwest commiting crimes in which one of the short stories?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: The Death of Jack Hamilton

Although John Dillinger did exist, this story is a fictional account of his life.

18. In 'The Death of Jack Hamilton,' how did Jack die?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: He was shot

"Little Bohemia Shootout"

19. In the story "Everything's Eventual", who hires Dinky Earnshaw?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Mr. Sharpton

Mr. Sharpton discovers Dinky after one of his workers realizes that he has special powers. After training at the Trans Corporation Headquarters in Peoria, Dinky is told to get to work. His work involved sending messages to people online and through letters using symbols he created. He gets paid $70 a week, but the fringe benefits are amazing. He gets his own house and whatever he wants every week (excluding dirty magazines). When Dinky realizes that his job involves killing the recipients of his letters, he decides to send one to his boss.

20. In which story does a young boy encounter the devil while fishing at a stream with a deadly past?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: The Man in the Black Suit

Stephen King won the O'Henry Award for Best Short Story for this tale that was inspired by a story that King's friend had told him about his grandpa.

21. Who are 'The Little Sisters of Eluria?'

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: Vampires

This is one of the many stories linked to 'The Dark Tower' series. I can't wait until Part Five is published!

22. What is the name of L.T.'s cat in "L.T.'s Theory of Pets"?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Lucy

In this story, L.T. tells the story about how his wife got him a Jack Russell Terrier (Frank) for their first anniversary, and how he got her a Siamese Cat (Lucy) for their second. Over time, the pets ended up being loyal to the ones that bought them rather than their intended owner, and because of the pets, L.T. and his wife Lulubelle went their separate ways. L.T. tells the story to his friends at work and to others, but he hopes that Lulubelle is out there somewhere despite the idea that she and Frank may have been murdered.

23. In 'The Little Sisters of Eluria,' what is engraved on the medallion that Roland found on the dead boy?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: James Loved of family. Loved of God

The boy was found in a 'Ironwood trough' with a medallion that said "James Loved of family. Loved of GOD," in italics. I believe the medallion wound up around Roland's neck after he was admitted to 'the hospital.'

24. Where does Richard Kinnell live in "The Road Virus Heads North"?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Derry

Derry is a recurring location in Stephen King's works. In this story, a famous author stops at a yard sale and buys a painting that was created by the teenage son of the previous owner who previously hanged himself in his basement studio. Every time he looks at the painting, it seems to change. For example, the menacing smile of the driver in the picture widens and the background changes. He throws the picture into a ravine, but he finds the picture in his house as good as new. When he discovers that the lady who sold him the picture has been decapitated (like in the picture), he calls his aunt to whom he showed the picture before returning home. He finds that she's safe, but after taking a shower, he realizes that the man from the picture is in his house.

25. A married couple blames their breakup on their pets, a cat and a dog. In which story does this happen?

From Quiz Everything's Eventual

Answer: L.T.'s Theory of Pets

King says this is his favorite story to read aloud because of its variety of emotions.

26. The short story 'Everything's Eventual' was published previously in what magazine?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: 'Fantasy and Science Fiction'

This short story was published in October/November 1997 issue of 'Fantasy and Science Fiction.' It was also published on 'Stephen King's F-13' CD ROM.

27. What is the name of the insane maître d' in "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe"?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Guy

In this story, a man named Steve returns home to find that his wife has left him. Less than a month later, he's set to meet his wife and her lawyer to discuss the divorce at the Gotham Café and he buys an umbrella before arriving. The maître d' serving the table tells Steve not to bring his dog into the restaurant, but all he has is his umbrella. When they sit down, they talk about the divorce, but they're interrupted by the maître d' screaming random phrases and shouting "Eeeeeeeee!". The maître d' kills Diane's lawyer and while everyone runs out of the café, Steve and Diane run through the kitchen to safety. Guy follows them and Diane nearly gets Steve killed as they try and leave out the back. Luckily, they make it out, but Steve and Diane argue over who was getting the other killed. In the end, Steve wonders why Diane would hate him after he saved her life, and why Guy wanted to kill him.

28. What is the name of the cat in 'L.T.'s Theory of Pets'?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: Lucy

'Lucy' is the Siamese cat that appeared in this story. I guess this proves all theories that cat people should marry cat people and dog people should marry dog people. The only exception is that you should find out which animal likes you! :-)

29. In "That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French", where are Carol and Bill taking their second honeymoon?

From Quiz "Everything's Eventual" Short Stories

Answer: Florida

In this short story, Carol and Bob are driving through Florida on the way to a resort for their second honeymoon, but everything Carol is seeing seems oddly familiar. As they near the resort, Bob's glasses melt to his face and his eyeball bursts causing Carol to scream, but she finds that it's a dream. Soon, she goes through the same events realizing that she recognizes the surroundings and events from her dream, but she can't stop the inevitable. When the time comes again, she wakes up once more on the plane and repeats the process. This repetition is how she suffers in her own version of Hell.

30. What do the 'The Road Virus Heads North' and 'Rose Madder' have in common?

From Quiz Stephen King's 'Everything's Eventual'

Answer: A picture that changes

These stories have a 'picture that changes'. In "Rose Madder," Rose uses hers to escape, as she was a victim of domestic violence. In "The Road Virus Heads North," Richard is an author that tries to escape his...Both are great stories.

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