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Residents of the small Maine town of Chester's Mill must cope with the situation when they are suddenly cut off from the outside world.
2 quizzes and 20 trivia questions.
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"Under The Dome" was released in 2009. King tells the tale of a town suddenly cut off from the rest of the world.
Average, 10 Qns, Gamemaster1967, Jul 23 11
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"It isn't about the dome. It's about the people, and what happens to society and civilization when the outside world is taken away."
Average, 10 Qns, jojanne1974, Sep 09 11
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Under the Dome Trivia Questions

1. What was the name of the small town encapsulated by The Dome?

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Under The Dome

Answer: Chester's Mill

Chester's Mill abutted the town of Tarker's Mills, but the folks on the Tarker's Mills side were the luckier ones. There were many accidents involving the transparent Dome, as it was to be called, on that first day. A plane crashed into it and a truck ran into it, and some folks were trapped and killed by being right in the middle of the wall. It was later explained by the military that it was more than just a dome. It appeared to them to be a force field capsule of sorts that rose thousands of feet high and extended about two miles below ground. The people in town that day were not getting out easily, if at all. Tarker's Mills was the setting of the 1985 film "Silver Bullet", as well as Stephen King's story "Cycle of the Werewolf".

2. A minor character with a major impact is Ollie Dinsmore. Along with two oxygen tanks, what saved Ollie's life during the firestorm?

From Quiz "Under the Dome"

Answer: Potatoes

Ollie's younger brother died in an accident. Both his mother and father committed suicide, leaving Ollie the only member of the Dinsmore family alive. At the dome he made a connection with Private Clint Ames. Ollie had been throwing rocks at the dome. He was hoping that one wouldn't bounce back and then he would be able to leave. When Private Ames asked him to stop the rock throwing because it was getting on his nerves, Ollie refused. He explained that it was his job to milk the cows but since the dome came down the grass had gone bad and the cows stopped producing milk. For this reason Private Ames nicknamed Ollie Cowkid. During the firestorm, Ollie hid in the basement of the barn under the pile of potatoes. The potatoes had been harvested three days before the dome came down and hadn't been sold yet. Lying under the potatoes, Ollie felt like he was buried alive in a potato avalanche. Using his Grampy Tom's oxygen tanks, Ollie forced himself to not move and breathe calmly. Even when the potatoes around him cooked and he became afraid that the oxygen tanks would explode from the heat, he forced himself to stay put. When the fire had burned itself out, Ollie dug himself out of the potato pile and made his way to the dome. There were only three dozen officers left on the outside of that section of the dome. They had been left behind to dismantle their equipment. Everyone believed there couldn't be anyone left alive after the fire. Everything was burnt and black; the dome itself had a layer of ash and soot. Ollie knocked on the dome, begging for someone to please be there. Private Ames was the officer that heard Ollie. While the other officers set up the fans, Private Ames told Ollie to clear a spot on the dome. He called Ollie Cowkid for encouragement. This spot allowed them to see each other, and for the air to get through the dome. Ollie asked that Private Ames call him by his name instead of Cowkid. A very touching moment was when Ollie realized that he was dying, and asked Private Ames to stay with him. Ollie didn't want to die alone; he said he was glad that the last voice he would hear would be that of Private Ames'. The dome was removed while Ollie was sleeping. Unsure if the dome would be coming back down, Private Ames grabbed Ollie and dragged him out. Ollie was one of the very few residents of Chester Mill that managed to survive the dome.

3. Which local cook was on his way out of town when the Dome arrived?

From Quiz Under The Dome

Answer: Dale 'Barbie' Barbara

Dale was former military and current short time cook in town. He'd been there for about six months when he was part of disturbance with the son of Second Selectman Big Jim Rennie. Junior Rennie was a devolving sociopath that had recently begun to experience agonizing headaches. While most folks liked Dale 'Barbie' Barbara well enough, it never paid to be on the wrong side of Big Jim. Big Jim was the ruler of the town, though he laid most of his dirtiest deeds at the feet of his First Selectman Andy Sanders. It was best that Barbie, as most folks called him, be on his way after being involved in an attempt to stop Junior from causing harm. He never made it out of town on that fateful October day, and much more was in store for him. He almost got a ride from a blonde woman he'd continue to be haunted by, as she had almost stopped for him. I described the Dome as arriving, as it was invisible and could not have actually appeared. Ben Mears was the protagonist in "Salem's Lot" (book and movie) and Lester Lowe was the werewolf in both movie and book by Stephen King- "Silver Bullet/Cycle of the Werewolf".

4. What was the military's first attempt to destroy the Dome?

From Quiz Under The Dome

Answer: missiles

They sent two missiles at the Dome, and both failed. They created a huge fire in Tarker's Mill and a smaller one inside the Dome. Most everyone watched the missile attempt via a laptop computer feed set up by thirteen year old Joe McClutchy. Morale was low in town after that failed attempt. It wasn't long after that the town had its first suicide. The man had lost his wife on Dome Day, and knew he couldn't live under the Dome without her. The second attempt to open the Dome was a corrosive agent, that not only did not work, but was absorbed by the Dome! A scheduled riot at Food City took place soon afterward, as did the suicide of Sammy Bushey. Big Jim scheduled and organized a riot to serve his purpose by putting key figures into place and ordering that the store be closed for the forseeable future.

5. What was Dale Barbara arrested for, and is he guilty?

From Quiz "Under the Dome"

Answer: Murder, no

After the dome came down two distinctive groups developed. The first group consisted of those who were trying to find a way out of the dome. The second group consisted of Big Jim and his supporters, including the newly appointed, hand-picked police officers. Barbie was chosen by the President of the United States to be his "in the dome" man. Big Jim didn't like Barbie, and was in favour of the dome. Big Jim mocked the President and thought Barbie would make a very good scapegoat. Working with his son, Big Jim created a plan that would incriminate Barbie. This plan included Junior breaking into Barbie's apartment to find something that could be planted on one of the bodies. Junior found Barbie's dog tags, planted the dog tags in Angie's hand, and then "found" the bodies. Big Jim stated that if the dome stayed the town couldn have their own trial and execution. Dale "Barbie" Barbara was arrested and charged with murder. The murder victims were Brenda Perkins, Angela "Angie" McCain, Doreen Sanders and Lester Coggins. Barbie was arrested at the hospital by officer Mel Searles. The dog tags were enough proof to convince several townspeople that Barbie had killed four people. After his arrest a small group developed consisting of those who believed Barbie had been framed. Acting as the town's doctor, Rusty Everett, found it suspicious that the bodies had been taken directly to the funeral home instead of the morgue. Since they were murdered there should have been an autopsy. This group, which includes two police officers, developed and participated in a plan to break Barbie out of jail. Brenda and Lester were both murdered by Big Jim when they threatened to expose his criminal activities. Angie and Doreen were murdered by Junior.

6. Dale Barbara was framed for what crime by Big Jim and Junior Rennie?

From Quiz Under The Dome

Answer: murder

Junior Rennie killed Dodee Sanders and Angela McCain and afterward spent several days visiting the women inside the McCain pantry, whom he came to think of as his 'girlfriends'. The murders were brutal and the criminal treatment of their corpses that followed showed a man who appeared to be slipping into insanity. Big Jim, Second Selectman and father to Junior, committed two murders after Junior. His were not crimes of passion, but of convenience. He killed Reverend Lester Coggins and Brenda Perkins to keep them quiet about his dirty dealings. Junior helped Big Jim cover up the murders and they convinced much of the town that Dale Barbara was the murderer. They even planted Barbie's dog tags in the hands of one of the women. It did not take long for the people who knew Barbie closely to realize Big Jim had likely framed Barbie for the crimes.

7. What persona had Phil Bushey taken on in the six months preceding the arrival of the Dome?

From Quiz Under The Dome

Answer: The Chef

Phil Bushey was, indeed, the chef. He was the one cooking up all the crystal methamphetamine for Big Jim and his cohorts. He was holed up at the local bible thumping radio station (WCIK), leaving many townies believing he'd skipped town or even died. His wife, Sammy Bushey, hadn't seen him in six months, but his meth dealing cronies knew he was out there. In his time out there, Phil 'The Chef' Bushey had begun to lose touch with reality. After the arrival of the Dome, many young people experienced what appeared to be Petit Mal seizures and mumbled about Halloween and pink stars. Phil Bushey, busy smoking his own product and being exposed to Dome related radiation, also talked of Halloween and Jesus coming back around that time frame. When First Selectman Andy Sanders went out to the radio station to tell Phil about Sammy Bushey's suicide, he half expected/hoped Phil would kill him and he could go to Heaven and be with his wife and daughter. Sammy had murdered newly appointed law enforcement agents Frank DeLesseps and Georgia Roux, who'd been a part of the brutal attack on her at her home. After she killed them, she took her own life. Phil seemed to calm in Andy's presence and came back to town to retrieve and bury his wife. While in town, he warned that he was dressing up as Jesus for Halloween and he was angry. Andy and The Chef bonded afterward, getting high on crystal (or glass as they also called it) and defending the supply on behalf of Christian soldiers everywhere. I think it's safe to say they both teetered on the edge of sanity.

8. Chester Mill, Maine had a population of approximately 2000. Of those 2000, how many survived to see the dome removed?

From Quiz "Under the Dome"

Answer: 26 and Horace

In the days after the dome came down on the town there were suicides, accidents and murders. On visitor's day there was a massive firestorm that killed most of the townspeople. Only 397 residents survived the fire. Within a few hours after the fire that number had been reduced to 106. By the next morning the number had dropped to 32. Before the dome was removed Big Jim, Aidan Appleton, Benny Drake, Carter Thibodeau and Thurston Marshall had died. Of the 26 remaining survivors, Sam Verdreaux does die. He is one of the 26 survivors because he died after the dome was removed. His last comment was about seeing the sky again and how blue it was. The remaining 25 survivors are: 1. Barbie (Dale Barbara) 2. Julia Shumway 3. Pete Freeman 4. Rose Twitchell 5. Dougie Twitchell 6. Joe McClatchy 7. Claire McClatchy 8. Piper Libby 9. Ollie Dinsmore 10. Joanie Calvert 11. Norrie Calvert 12. Rusty Everett 13. Linda Everett 14. Janelle Everett 15. Judy Everett 16. Alva Drake 17. Ginny Tomlinson 18. Jackie Wettington 19. Tony Guay 20. Alice Appleton 21. Harriet Bigelow 22. Lissa Jamieson 23. Gina Buffalino 24. Romeo Burpee 25. Little Walter Bushey 26. Horace (dog) "Under the Dome" has over 1000 pages (hardcover copy) and it is a very fast paced novel. It does end extremely abruptly with the removal of the dome. There is no further explanation of what happened after the dome was gone, or what happened to the remaining survivors.

9. Who killed Junior Rennie, just in time to save Dale Barbara from him?

From Quiz Under The Dome

Answer: Jackie Wettington

It was guessed by Eric "Rusty" Everett that Junior was suffering from a brain tumor, causing him to become psychotic/delusional. During Junior's brief hospital stay he decided he needed to kill his father and Dale Barbara. In the meantime, Jackie, Rusty and Linda Everett, Rose Twitchell, and Ernie Calvert organized a plan to break both Barbie and Rusty out of jail. Junior decided he'd kill Barbie first, and like the escape plan, he'd also take advantage of the big town hall meeting his father had scheduled for Thursday evening. Blame it on Junior's condition, or hand it to fate, both Rusty and Barbie escaped that night. Junior did kill several people in the police station, but not those two. Jackie descended into the lower level just as Barbie was most likely going to be killed, and she was able to get two bullets into Junior. One entered his lung and the other his heart. The whole lot got out and headed to the McCoy farm to hide behind the radiation belt imposed by the aliens. Meanwhile, in the town hall...

10. An unexplained dome set down and surrounded Chester Mill. The day this happened becomes known as dome day. What day is dome day and what upcoming holiday plays a part to the storyline?

From Quiz "Under the Dome"

Answer: October 21st and Halloween

Dome day is October 21st. Chester Mill is enclosed in an impenetrable barrier that conforms exactly to the borders of the town. The dome goes into the ground more than 100 feet (that is how far down that the military officers have managed to dig) and goes approximately 47000 feet above the town. The dome was put into place at 11:44 am. The dome has an energy field and when a person comes into contact with the dome for the first time they feel an electrical charge. It has an adverse effect on mechanical things such as ipods and pacemakers. Police Chief Howie "Duke" Perkins, upon being called to the dome, was killed when his pacemaker blew up. A very small amount of air can get through the dome, but nothing with any substance. Water can trickle through the dome but not the silt in the water. The United States government first tried to bomb the dome, and then attempted to use powerful acid but neither worked. There is a greenhouse effect going on inside the dome. The air is slowly going bad and the temperature is rising. After the firestorm the air inside the dome is toxic. The survivors are unable to move more than a couple feet from the dome. Trying to provide some fresh breathable air, soldiers set up massive fans on the outside of the dome, pointing them into the dome. These fans barely provide enough air to keep the survivors breathing. The remaining survivors are gathered at the edge of the dome, where the air is best but even with the fans they are slowly suffocating. Within the first 55 hours after the dome came down, over two dozen children experienced petit mal seizures. They subsided over time. Five year old Judy Everett during one of these seizures said "the pink stars are falling; the pink stars are falling in line." Her sister, Janelle also experienced a seizure. She warned of the great pumpkin, and how they had to stop it and they have to stop Halloween. Aiden warned of the pink falling stars and that on Halloween there would be no treats, just tricks. Rory Dinsmore before he died commented about the great pumpkin, how everyone needed to watch out for Halloween and to beware of the fire. Joe, after finding the power source, thought he had been dreaming about the pumpkins being on fire. The warning about the falling pink stars turned out to be a meteor shower seen through the pollution gathered inside the dome. The references to the fire and Halloween suggest that something is going to happen on or around Halloween. the warnings turn out that there was a massive fire that destroyed almost everything and everyone.

11. Who was NOT killed in the gun battle that occurred in the town hall meeting?

From Quiz Under The Dome

Answer: Big Jim Rennie

Third Selectman Andrea Grinnell came to that meeting with the express intention of killing Big Jim. She'd spent the last several days going through a cold turkey style drug rehabilitation of her own doing. She'd agreed with Big Jim to assure her drugs would be handed out to her for the last time. She'd become addicted to pain killers after a back injury, mostly because they dulled her unhappiness. She wanted the men of the town's government to hold no more leverage over her, so she rehabbed herself. She found Duke Perkins' VADAR file on Big Jim in her house, with the help of Julia Shumway's dog Horace, and read it. Instead of handing it over to Julia as Brenda Perkins had instructed before her death, Andrea read it and decided fate had handed her the job of ridding Chester's Mill of the plague of Big Jim Rennie. Unfortunately, she did not survive the night. Carolyn Sturges also died that night, October 26th, as she protected the lives of young Alice and Aidan Appleton. Her lover, Thurston Marshall, was devastated when he heard the news. He joined the escapees out on the McCoy farm afterward.

12. Who finds the power source for the dome?

From Quiz "Under the Dome"

Answer: Benny, Joe and Norrie

Three teenagers are responsible for finding the power source for the dome. They are Benny Drake, Joe McClatchey and Norrie Calvert. There is a group of people working to find a way out of the dome, who believe that finding the power source will be the first step in getting out of the dome. It is decided that the teenagers should be the ones to try and find the power source. No one will be suspicious of a group of teenagers outside with their bikes and a Frisbee. Everyone agrees that if there is a power source it would have to be located within the dome, and that someone has to find it. Mrs. McClatchey suggests that she thinks the power source would be centrally located. Norrie suggests that instead of being in the center of town that maybe it is above the town. The highest place in Chester Mill is Black Ridge. Along with their bikes and Frisbee the teenagers take a Geiger counter and head for Black Ridge. They find several dead animals along the way, most of them with broken legs. The closer they get to the Ridge the higher the number on the Geiger counter goes. Just before the Ridge the counter reads +200 which is just before the red danger zone. Before they can get a closer look the three teenagers pass out. Joe thinks he has dreamed about pumpkins being on fire. After they regain consciousness Norrie sees the transmitter flashing a purple light. They agree that they have found the power source/transmitter and that they have seen enough. They return to town, inform the adults and later bring Rusty to the power source so he can examine it.

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