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Kingdom of the Crystal Skull The Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull The Quizzes, Trivia

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trivia

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trivia Quizzes

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5 quizzes and 55 trivia questions.
  "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
Indiana Jones is finally back! This quiz examines the first half of the fourth movie. Don't take the quiz if you haven't seen the movie, because it does contain spoilers!
Average, 10 Qns, skunkee, May 05 10
skunkee gold member
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  "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
Indiana Jones is finally back! This quiz examines the second half of the fourth movie. Don't take the quiz if you haven't seen the movie, because it does contain spoilers!
Average, 10 Qns, skunkee, Apr 26 14
skunkee gold member
1760 plays
  "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
No "Indiana Jones" film would be complete without some witty dialogue - how much do you remember from "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"?
Average, 15 Qns, skunkee, Jul 24 08
skunkee gold member
1229 plays
  Indiana: "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Harrison Ford returns to the big screen as the fictional archaeologist Indiana Jones after a gap of 19 years in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Jul 24 08
zorba_scank gold member
2065 plays
  "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes    
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 10 Qns
In this quiz, I will list a quote from the film, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", and you tell me which character said the line(s). Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, CAGuy0206, Aug 07 11
336 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who said, "Nah, I just lied about being a double."?

From Quiz ""...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes"

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trivia Questions

1. Who claimed, "I had no reason to believe that Mac was a spy."?

From Quiz
"...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: Indiana Jones

At the beginning of the movie Indiana Jones was kidnapped by Russians (who were dressed like Americans) and taken to an American facility where he was confronted by Dr. Irina Spalko. He was also there with his friend Mac and the two of them were seen in a trunk. Mac would a little bit later reveal he was actually a spy for the Soviets.

2. Indiana and Marion fall into a sand pit and are sinking fast. When asked if they've fallen into quicksand, how does Indy respond?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2

Answer: He talks about the differences between quicksand and the sand they are sinking in.

Always the teacher, Indy can't resist the impulse to instruct. He points out that quicksand is wet and the sand they are sinking in is dry. He comments about how dry sand might be even more dangerous because you are fighting a vacuum in dry sand. He then gives Marion instructions on what to do when 'the kid' returns, and she picks that moment to tell him that 'the kid' is really his son.

3. When asked if he had any last words, who offered up the patriotic "I like Ike."?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: Indiana Jones

Believing him no longer useful, the Russians obviously intended to kill Indiana. Taunting him before the deed was done, Colonel Spalko asked him if he had any "defiant last words". His reply of "I like Ike.", referring to the American president at the time, was defiant indeed. It made it obvious that he was a loyal American, against the Communist threat that Russia represented at the height of the Cold War, which was going on at the time the film was set. Indiana was played by the incomparable Harrison Ford.

4. In the beginning of the movie, Indiana Jones is forced to lead a group of Soviet soldiers to a U.S. military base called Hanger 51 in search of a crate. What does the crate contain?

From Quiz Indiana: "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

Answer: Remains of an extra-terrestrial creature

The extra-terrestrial had crashed in Roswell, New Mexico 10 years earlier. Indy himself was unaware of the exact contents of the crate as is shown later in the movie.

5. Who said, "A leave of absence is all."?

From Quiz "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: Charles Stanforth

Indiana Jones was seen teaching a class at a university when Charles Stanforth, a Dean, interrupted the class to talk to him. He stated that the head of the university decided to place Indy on a leave of absence, as he was embroiled in issues with the FBI and because of his ties to Mac, who was allied with the Soviets. Charles said the leave of absence was being enacted so he could avoid being fired.

6. When Mutt returns to the sand pit where Indy and Marion are trapped, he has brought something to help pull Indy and his mom out of the sand. What is it?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2

Answer: a snake

After pulling his mother to safety with the snake, it's Indy's turn to pull himself out. But as any good fan knows, Indy is frightened of snakes. Mutt assures him that it's a harmless Rat Snake but Indy argues that Rat Snakes don't grow that big and asks Mutt to get something else. Finally Indy does grab the snake and allow himself to be pulled out, but only after Mutt calls it a rope instead of a snake.

7. Having escaped, but still being pursued by the Russians, Indy finds himself in a quaint little town. He runs up to a house, pounds on the door and enters. What does he find inside the house?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1

Answer: a family of mannequins, arranged as if they were watching TV

Indy realizes that the entire town is made up of mannequins, as he knocks over the fake paper boy and bumps into a plastic girl with a ball. What he has stumbled into is the imminent test firing of an atomic bomb, a fact he realizes when he hears the warning siren. He hides himself in a lead lined refrigerator, which is thrown clear by the force of the blast. The Russians, who had been pursuing him in a car until the siren went off, are unable to outrun the blast and are consumed by the explosion.

8. Who observed that they had "...reached the age when life stops giving us things and starts taking them away."?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: Dean Stanforth

After being placed on leave by the university, because of his association with Mac, who turned out to working with the Russians, Indy was pretty upset. He commented to his friend, Dean Stanforth, that it had been a hard year, with both his father and Marcus Brody having passed away. Stanforth replied with the above philosophical comment about life. This was one of a number of comments made to emphasize the fact that this was an older, wiser Indiana. With 19 years between this movie and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", dialogue such as this was inserted to bring the viewer up to speed on what has happened with Indy in the intervening years. Dean Stanforth was played by Jim Broadbent.

9. Which actress played the role of the Soviet Colonel, Doctor Irina Spalko?

From Quiz Indiana: "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

Answer: Cate Blanchett

Her look and mannerisms are modeled on the character of Colonel Rosa Klebb in the Bond film 'From Russia with Love'. Cate won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2007 for her role as Jude Quinn in 'I'm Not There'.

10. Who admitted, "Oxley said he found it this time."?

From Quiz "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: Mutt Williams

Indy was riding on a train when Mutt Williams rode on his motorcycle beside the train, so he could speak to Indy. He asked Indy if he knew of someone named Dr. Oxley. Indiana said he did and therefore asked to be let off the train so he and Mutt could talk. During their conversation, Mutt mentioned to Indy that Oxley claimed he found a famed crystal skull in Peru.

11. What happens to Indy when he returns to the university?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1

Answer: He is placed on an indefinite leave, with pay.

Because of his association with Mac, who has turned out to be a double agent, Indy is viewed suspiciously by the intelligence community. The FBI have ransacked his office and the university wants to fire him. His friend, Dean Stanforth, has talked them into making it an indefinite leave, with pay, but has had to resign his position to obtain that concession.

12. "You want to be a good gotta get out of the library." Who offered this sage advice?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: Indiana Jones

Riding a motorcycle with Indy perched on the back and pursued by a car full of Russians, Mutt took a detour through the library, where the Russians couldn't follow. Some of Indy's students, bent over research books, looked up in astonishment, so Indy delivered this advice. This comical remark was a reference to previous "Indiana Jones" movies, where Indy was heard telling his students that the bulk of all archeology was conducted in a library and that "X never marks the spot". These teachings, of course, were contradictory to Indiana's actual experiences in the field.

13. After Indy escapes from the Soviets, he accidentally reaches a nuclear test town. How does he manage to escape the blast?

From Quiz Indiana: "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

Answer: He hides in a refrigerator.

Indy tries to flag down a U.S. military car when the blast is announced but is unsuccessful, however he managed to find a lead lined refrigerator in one of the houses and survives the blast by hiding in it.

14. Who demanded, "Put down gun."?

From Quiz "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: Dovchenko

In the opening scene Indiana Jones was taken captive by a bunch of Soviet agents and they were ready to kill him. When Irina asked Indy if he had any last words, he simply stated that he liked Ike (this was in reference to President Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower who was President during the film's timeline). Dovchenko then advised Indy to drop his weapon, which Indy did.

15. Who gets into a sword fight with Irina Spalko?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2

Answer: Mutt Williams

Col. Spalko's fascination with swords is evident throughout the movie, as she always has one nearby and usually has one strapped to her hip (although she's not adverse to using a gun when the situation warrants). After Indy tells Mutt to find something to fight with, he finds the box with some of her swords, selects one and the fight is on. They are both standing on moving vehicles while this is happening, and possession of the skull is passed back and forth a few times before the fight is over.

16. Shia LaBeouf plays Mutt Williams, whom we later find out is Indy's son. How does Mutt make his entrance in the movie?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1

Answer: on a motorcycle, at the train station

Looking very much like the late, great James Dean, Mutt emerges, on his motorcycle, from a blast of steam. He rides beside the train that Indy is sitting in, as it is slowly pulling out of the station, talking to Indy through the train window. Indy cautions him that he's going to run out of platform, but Mutt says some things that pique Indy's interest and he manages to get off the train (we do not see how).

17. In a tone laden with incredulity, who asked "You're a teacher?"

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: Mutt Williams

Searching for the entrance to the burial chamber, Mutt and Indy were set upon by natives with blow darts. Indy cautioned Mutt that the darts were poisonous, but Mutt was unable to get out of the line of fire. Just as one native was prepared to blow a dart at Mutt, Indy rose up and blew into the other end of the dart gun, causing the attacker to swallow his own poisonous dart. Obviously shaken, Mutt made the above comment, indicating his shock that someone who spent his time in a classroom could be so useful in a fight. Mutt had already established the fact that he didn't have much use for education. Indy's amusing reply to this was "Part time." Mutt was played by Shia La Beouf.

18. Who said, "Nah, I just lied about being a double."?

From Quiz "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: George "Mac" McHale

During the scenes where Indy and his friend Mac were held hostage, Mac turned his coat on Indy and showed his allegiance to the Soviets. Indy mentioned to Mac how he could not believe what he was doing, so he sarcastically asked Mac if he was a triple agent. Mac responded that he'd lied about being a double agent, as he always sided with the Soviets even when supporting Indy in fighting them.

19. After the jeep goes over the third waterfall and everyone makes it to land, what is Marion holding?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2

Answer: the steering wheel from the jeep

Throughout the difficult journey down rivers and over three waterfalls ("it drops three times"), Marion valiantly clutches the wheel of the jeep and tries to steer it safely through. Holding together through the first two drops, the jeep breaks apart on the third drop, but Marion does not give up her grip on the steering wheel.

20. Indy and Mutt go to a restaurant, filled with teenagers, to talk. What disgusting thing does Mutt do while there?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1

Answer: He dips his comb into a stranger's drink, and then combs his hair.

Mutt combs his slick-backed hair at various points in the film, often when nervous. This time, however, he reaches over and dips his comb into the drink of a guy at a neighbouring table. Before the guy really has a chance to react (although he does look disgusted), Indy sees Russians enter the restaurant and encourages Mutt to start a fight so that they can escape in the resultant confusion.

21. Who explained that the mummified conquistador had been "...wrapped for 500 years...air doesn't agree with him."?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: Indiana Jones

Indian and Mutt found the burial chamber of the Conquistador Orellana and his party, who had gone missing in the 1500s, when seeking the mythical city of gold, El Dorado. Indy cut open the wrapping around one of the bodies, revealing a mummified man underneath. Within seconds the mummy aged and turned to dust, totally freaking out Mutt. Indy offered this explanation to Mutt, as to why that had happened. It was in this tomb that they found the crystal skull that Ox had hidden there.

22. Who said, "She says he was obsessed, deranged."?

From Quiz "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: Indiana Jones

Indy and Mutt went to a place where they believed they could get clues on where to track down Professor Oxley. Indy spoke to a nun in a foreign language and relayed back to Mutt in English what she was saying. He mentioned to Mutt that the nun stated her opinion that Dr. Oxley was an obsessed individual.

23. When they finally reach the temple where the skull is directing them, they are again set upon by natives. How are the natives held at bay, giving the party time to find their way into the temple?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2

Answer: They back away from the power of the skull.

As the natives approach, Indy turns to Ox and asks him how he managed to get past the natives the last time he'd been there. Ox unwraps the skull and points it at the natives who fall back, giving the party time to figure out the entrance to the temple.

24. With the Russians in pursuit, Indy and Mutt ride on Mutt's motorcycle, throughout the campus. One of the Russian cars crashes into a statue, whose head falls off and strikes their car. What familiar face is on the statue?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1

Answer: Marcus Brody

Dr. Marcus Brody was the museum curator in the earlier "Indiana Jones'" movies who bought many of the artifacts that Indy recovered. He was also a good friend of Indy's, who accompanied him in the quest for the Holy Grail in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". We find out later in the film that both Marcus and Indy's father, Henry Jones Sr, had died in the previous two years. Denholm Elliott, who played Brody in all three films, died in 1992.

25. Who cryptically explained that "The skull does not speak to everyone, it seems."?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: Colonel Irina Spalko

Convinced that Ox knew where to take the skull, Spalko was determined to communicate with him. However Ox had been driven mad by spending too long staring into the skull's eyes. Spalko had the theory that Indy would be able to communicate with Ox, if he were to stare into the skull's eyes for a shorter period of time. The above line, delivered in response to Indy's question about why it had to be him, indicated a disappointment that the skull had not chosen to communicate with her. Irina Spalko was played by Cate Blanchett.

26. Mutt tells Jones that his mother and Professor Oxley both have been kidnapped and he asks for help to get them back. In which country had Oxley disappeared?

From Quiz Indiana: "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

Answer: Peru

Professor Oxley had discovered a crystal skull in Peru and had disappeared shortly after that. Mutt gave Indy a letter sent by his mother which had been written by Oxley. Indy deciphers the riddle written in Mayan which directs him to the Nazca lines in Cusco, Peru.

27. Who said, "Look at their skulls, man."?

From Quiz "...Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Quotes

Answer: Mutt Williams

Indy and Mutt were seen crawling through a cave while they continued to search for Professor Oxley and they came upon some bizarre sights. One such sight, which freaked Mutt out, was seeing the skulls of dead people. He got scared, so Indy told him to be careful as they navigated the perilous cave. They encountered these scary skulls while in search of the Crystal Skull of Akator, which eventually led them to the grave of Francisco de Orellana.

28. How do the Russians, who are following the trail of transmitters that Mac has left behind, get past the natives?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 2

Answer: They shoot them.

This is something that we do not actually see happen, but we do see the Russians in the temple below, so they obviously got past the natives. Later, when our friends are escaping the temple, you can see the bodies of the natives who have obviously been shot, lying behind them.

29. In Peru, Indy and Mutt examine the cell in which a raving Harold 'Ox' Oxley had been kept, before he was taken away from the asylum by "men with guns". What word(s) had Ox written over and over on the walls of his cell, in different languages?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Part 1

Answer: return

Mutt and Indy puzzle over what this word means, and later find that it means that Ox is trying to return the skull to the place it had been stolen from, many years before. Ox has gone mad from gazing into skulls eyes (so to speak) and it is the skull itself that is driving Ox to return it. Unable to gain entry to the right place, Ox hid the skull in the burial site of Orellano, a Spanish Conquistador whose party vanished in the 1500s, where Indy and Mutt find it.

30. Who exclaimed "You broke my nose!"?

From Quiz "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Quotes

Answer: George "Mac" McHale

In a previous discussion, Indy had promised to break Mac's nose at the first opportunity because of Mac's having sold out to the Russians. Tied down and forced to stare into the eyes of the skull, Indy passed out (or did he?). Cut free, he slumped to the ground, but quickly regained his feet and punched Mac in the nose. When Mac protested that Indy had broken his nose, Indy's response was "I warned you." Mac was played by Ray Winstone.

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