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Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

4 Ant-Man quizzes and 40 Ant-Man trivia questions.
  Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania   top quiz  
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Scott Lang and co. manage to get pulled into the Quantum Realm in "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" (2023), the first film of Phase 5 of the MCU, only to face off against a new and complex evil being bent on revenge. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 06 23
kyleisalive editor
Aug 06 23
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  Ant-Man   great trivia quiz  
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In this 2015 film, burglar Scott Lang gets involved in a new job after serving time in prison only to get embroiled in the heist that will change his life forever. "Ant-Man" was the twelfth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 24 19
kyleisalive editor
Aug 24 19
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  Ant-Man and the Wasp    
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This twentieth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe picks up on Scott Lang's story as he gets a vision from the Quantum Realm. In "Ant-Man and the Wasp" (2018), he dons the suit once more to go subatomic. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 24 19
kyleisalive editor
Aug 24 19
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  Marvel's "Ant-Man"    
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All about the 2015 movie "Ant-Man" starring Paul Rudd as Scott Lang.
Average, 10 Qns, Shadowmyst2004, Aug 24 19
Shadowmyst2004 gold member
Aug 24 19
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  Ant-Man [Entertainment] (4 quizzes)

Ant-Man Trivia Questions

1. Since saving the universe, Scott Lang has written what type of book?

From Quiz
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Answer: Memoir

During her time trapped in the Quantum Realm, Janet Van Dyne lived a generally solitary, but humble life. One day, a craft crashed down along the horizon. Racing out to encounter it, what she found was unexpected. Trapped in the wilds there by rapidly-dividing beings, she was saved at the last minute by a visitor, Kang, who did not know where he had just arrived. In the present day, Scott Lang walks the streets of San Francisco as a noticeable hero. A lot has changed; he takes pictures with a lot of dogs. He's dating Hope van Dyne as well, and she's taken over her father's company and used the Pym Particle to instigate global change for the better. In the meantime, Scott's written an international bestseller, 'Look Out For the Little Guy!', and he's been on a book tour for it. While on a stop on his tour, Lang gets a call from San Francisco County Jail-- his daughter, Cassie, was put in jail for her peaceful protesting...during which she shrunk a cop car. She was there trying to stop the cops from dismantling a homeless camp for those who were displaced during The Blip. Lang worries that she might lose important weaponry, but it turns out she has her own suit. He just wants her to be safe. The three head to dinner at Hank and Janet's place, living in the moment while they discuss the goings-on in their lives. It leads to an argument. Cassie's just disappointed her dad's not doing anything but signing books.

2. Where was Scott Lang in prison?

From Quiz Ant-Man

Answer: San Quentin

In 1989, while the Triskelion was being constructed in Washington D.C., Hank Pym entered the boardroom with the claim that his research was being copied by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s people. Howard Stark, believing that it could be put to good use, urged him to relax. Instead, Pym resigned from S.H.I.E.L.D., suggesting that as long as he was alive, no one would have the formula for the Pym Particle. In the present day, Scott Lang leaves San Quentin Penitentiary and gets picked up by his old cellmate, Luis, who was a set free a year earlier. Scott, knowing he has a daughter on the outside, says he looks forward to not getting involved in anything dangerous or illegal anymore. And that's why he takes his job back at Baskin-Robbins...and immediately gets found out and fired.

3. Which character was shown tendering his military resignation before the opening credits rolled?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: Hank Pym

Pym was the creator of the technology that allowed humans to shrink to the size of an ant. He was upset with the military for attempting to go behind his back and duplicate his research.

4. What is the name of Darren Cross's weapon?

From Quiz Ant-Man

Answer: Yellowjacket

Hank heads through San Francisco on foot, eventually getting back to Luis' place to meet Kurt and Dave, the former of whom was in Folsom for five years. Luis tells the guys that Hank did that Vista Job, taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor, kind of like a cat burglar. Luis explains that he has the perfect job for all of them, but Scott holds firm, too far from eager to take the mantle back up. Hank Pym visits Pym Technologies for the first time in a while having been forced out by his daughter, Hope, and his former colleague, Darren Cross. The reason for his arrival is a bit mysterious, and Hank doesn't know too much about it, but when he finds out that Cross has been researching a way to minimize the space between atoms while increasing density and strength, it becomes clear that he's started to unlock the truth behind shrinking a human being. Cross claims it's the end of warfare as they know it-- the Yellowjacket, a weapon of war designed to shrink down the wearer for the ultimate combat advantage. As the investors depart, Pym warns Cross away from his research, fearing that the results could be terrible for the planet. When Cross leaves as well, Hope tells her father that they need to make their move soon, especially while she has Cross' full trust. Hank, however, says there's still time, especially since he found a potential candidate.

5. Where did Scott Lang get a job after getting out of prison?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: Baskin Robbins

He lied about his name and was working under the name of Jack. His manager found out about the false name and fired him. It was the only job he could find, despite having a master's degree in electrical engineering. Baskin Robbins is an ice cream and dessert, fast food style restaurant.

6. Which criminal, who holds a component needed for the Quantum Tunnel, decides to claim the technology for himself?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp

Answer: Sonny Burch

To get the tunnel working, Hank and Hope need a specific component, so they tell Scott to get ready; he owes them, after all. They don't notice someone watching them as they leave. Hope arrives at a hotel to meet with criminal Sonny Burch, who's been selling her pieces that she can use to help create the tunnel. The two of them have a serious talk, especially since he knows her true identity. He takes her money but refuses to hand over the component, so when she moves to depart, she returns minutes later as the Wasp and fights his thugs until she gets the cash back. At the end, she heads out with the component she needs, having one-upped the criminals with wings, size changes, and blasters. As Hope heads out of the lobby though, a cloaked figure able to shift in and out of an ethereal form attacks, aiming to take the component. Hank has no choice but to send Scott in wearing his own winged suit, and while Scott takes to it instantly, helping Hope by joining the fray, they lose sight of both the figure and the component...and Hank's lab, shrunken down and left in the van.

7. What did Scott get his daughter for her birthday?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: A stuffed rabbit

Scott wasn't invited to her birthday party, but showed up anyway. The stuffed rabbit had a face that would scare most children, but his daughter fell in love with it. The daughter's name was Cassie.

8. How is Scott able to break open Hank Pym's safe?

From Quiz Ant-Man

Answer: By freezing it

The night of the heist, Kurt knocks out the phone lines as Scott hops over the fence and climbs into an upper floor window of the target house, blocking the alarm system for twenty minutes on his way. Heading inside, he beelines straight for the basement and finds the safe. He's put off by a fingerprint scanner on the door, but with quick thinking he uses a piece of tape and manages to extract a full print from a household item, unlocking the safe door instantly...and finding a second safe. This one is an older model, though a strong one, and Scott gets to work quickly, drilling into the door and freezing the lock mechanism to burst it open. There's not much in the safe-- just an old motorcycle suit and some useless blueprints. He takes it anyways, not noticing that someone is watching from a camera the size of a small bug. Pym, from a surveillance room, spies on the whole operation. In the labs, Darren Cross tries to shrink larger and larger creatures without any ethical concern. Once again, it doesn't work.

9. How did Scott get the Ant-Man suit?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: He stole it from Hank Pym.

Scott was trying to find a way to get his own apartment so he could get visitation of his daughter, which drove him back into a life of crime. He chose to break into Pym's mansion and ended up stealing the suit. It turned out that it was a set up though, and Pym had wanted him to get the suit.

10. M.O.D.O.K. is actually which former Scott Lang foe?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Answer: Yellowjacket

The Natives make moves to flee their temporary home but there's no time. The Hunter's ships fly in and start firing on the encampment before the Natives can be rid of their visitors, and as the guards touch down a battle commences. While some get away, Jentorra is momentarily captured, leading Cassie to reveal that she's brought her own supersuit. It's just in time-- The Conquerer's strongest weapons fly in to wreak havoc. As the dust settles, The Hunter reveals himself to Scott, welcoming him back to the Quantum Realm and indicating, despite his metal exterior, that he knows Ant-Man quite well. He's actually Darren Cross-- formerly Yellowjacket-- having survived his tumble into the Quantum Realm many years ago. Now, he's simply known as M.O.D.O.K., and there's nowhere to run. The Conqueror is here and all he needs is Scott. Taking Scott and Cassie to a pair of prison cells, Darren explains what happened after Scott sent him to the Quantum Realm. Found by The Conquerer, he was rebuilt and made into the ultimate weapon: a Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing (M.O.D.O.K.). M.O.D.O.K. was the one who found Cassie's signal and helped bring Lang and his family into the Quantum Realm. In their stolen ship, Hope reminds her mother that they need to find Scott and Cassie but it's clear that Janet is still hiding something, specifically that someone is out there that she'd prefer they not meet. He said he was a scientist and a traveller cast off-course. He had a ship, but it was not something she'd ever seen. It could travel the multiverse. They tried everything to recharge the ship's energy core but nothing worked. Until something did.

11. Where did Scott hide Pym's Ant-Man suit during his house arrest?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp

Answer: In a trophy

After leaving Bill Foster's, Hank informs the others that his great idea would never work since he got rid of suit defractors in the most recent model. Fortunately, Scott never destroyed his old suit like he promised the F.B.I. he would. Instead, he shrunk it down and mailed it to his daughter for safekeeping. The only problem is that he hid it inside a small trophy he was given as a gift and his daughter decided to bring it to school for show and tell. Because of this, Scott and Hope have to shrink down and nab what they need. And it works. As soon as Pym calibrates the defractor, they locate the lab's signature and follow it. While Hank waits in the van, Scott and Hope fly inside and find the lab waiting on a table, but the infiltration fails when the phasing woman wakes up and knocks them out.

12. Where is Scott when he tries on the suit for the first time?

From Quiz Ant-Man

Answer: In the bathroom

Scott, at his end, takes a look at the motorcycle suit in his bathroom and assembles its pieces before trying it on in front of the mirror. Luis and the guys return home and, in a panic, Scott presses some of the buttons on the outfit, unwittingly shrinking himself to no more than the size of an ant and falling into the bathtub. Luis, not seeing him, runs the water in the tub while Scott hears Hank Pym's voice through the helmet. What follows is a test ride where, too small to be noticed, he falls through the floors of Luis' apartment building, crashing through parties, into vacuums, and out windows to the street. He finally reverts back to his normal size when he lands on a taxicab outside. Pym assures him he'll be in touch. It doesn't much matter. Scott rushes back to Pym's basement that night and puts the suit back, but the cops arrive and haul him off to jail where, after a short time, Paxton informs him that his lawyer is there to speak to him. This is interesting since Scott doesn't have a lawyer. Instead, it's Pym, and he makes a compelling case: Scott can stay in prison or he can go back to his cell and await further instructions. After all, Pym put this whole plan into motion, leading Scott to show up in his basement, from the moment he left prison. Sure enough, when Scott goes back to his cell, the suit is delivered to him by ants which, when controlled, blow it back up to human size. Seizing the opportunity, Scott speedily dons the suit and shrinks down to ant size, making a very unorthodox prison break. Hank's ants swoop in and fly him away before anyone can spot anything.

13. Hank kept a spare Army tank laying around in case he needed it. Where was it kept?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: On his keychain

Pym had used the same technology he pioneered to make the Ant-Man suit to shrink the tank down to the size of a keychain and carried it around with him for years. The keychain was shown earlier in the movie as a bit of foreshadowing before Hank and the rest of the crew used it later. In the early scene it was only shown, with the camera lingering on it longer than the viewer would expect, and not explained until later when the tank was used to escape from inside Pym Technologies. Several other items were shrunken down for both storage and hiding as well.

14. The 'ghost' woman who can phase through solid objects goes by what name?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp

Answer: Ava

When Scott awakens, the phasing 'ghost' woman reveals that her name is Ava and she is happy to keep them all alive provided she can get what she needs from his head. When Bill Foster reveals himself, emerging to join Ava's side, Ava reveals that she is the daughter of another of Pym's old colleagues, Elihas Starr, who Pym had fired and discredited. When Starr tried to continue his research and create a Quantum Tunnel, it got him and his wife killed in a horrible blast that destroyed his lab. Ava, the only one to survive, found herself afflicted with molecular disequilibrium, implying that all of her cells would tear themselves apart and reconstruct themselves every day to sustain themselves. Bill was by her side after the accident and he was the one who helped her as much as he could. S.H.I.E.L.D. weaponized her, giving her a suit and forcing her to work. When S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed, Foster took her in and built her containment unit, but it could only slow down the inevitable. She would die of her disease unless she had quantum energy and the message from Janet Van Dyne would be the way to extracting that energy. Pym believes, however, that doing this would kill Janet. It takes a little bit of acting, but Pym manages to get himself, Scott, and Hope free by faking a heart problem and getting Bill to let his ants loose. They leave with the things they need.

15. Who donned the Yellowjacket suit to battle Ant-Man?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: Darren Cross

Cross was the CEO of Pym Tech, having taken over when Hank Pym retired. After many years he had managed to duplicate Pym's technology and make his own suit. Unlike the Ant-Man suit though, Yellowjacket was equipped with many types of weapons.

16. When Scott enters the Probability Storm, what happens?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Answer: He multiplies.

Kang opens the way for Scott and points him in the direction of the power core and, with that, they emerge into the wasteland of the Quantum Realm where Janet activated the Pym Particles. It was a multiversal engine core, Kang claims, but Janet blew it up. Scott will need to shrink down even further and pass through the eye of the storm then, once inside, he'll have to find the core and size it back down. M.O.D.O.K. warns Scott to move fast; the longer he's inside, the more his mind will come undone. None of them are aware that Janet and the others are flying over, most of the way to the core already. Scott dives in and shrinks to pass through the detritus of the power core and when he does he finds himself in a terrifying black void. Contacting M.O.D.O.K. on the other side he informs the others that he's heading in to collect what he came for...but that's when he divides in to two Scott Langs...and then two more...and then double that...and on and on. Scott is informed that he's in a probability storm, and what he's seeing is the possibility of other Scotts. Nonetheless it's enough to cause infinite Scotts to get confused. Hope, from the ship above, gets a read on Scott and leaps into the core, also dividing to see the multiple possibilities of herself. Janet reminds her that they are not really her as she dives in to save the real Ant-Man. The sound of Cassie in his earpiece causes Scott to pull up through the mass of Scotts who, subsequently, help the real Scott overcome the nightmare, all of them working together for the common goal of saving their daughter. But when Scott fires the Pym Particle at the core it doesn't work. As the Scotts tumble to the ground, the real Hope flies in and allows Scott to come to his senses. Together, they fire multiple Pym Particles at the core and, with that, they succeed in bringing it to its proper size.

17. Who is able to input the coordinates that can locate Janet in the Quantum Realm?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp

Answer: Janet

Hope places the last component into the Quantum Tunnel and worries that her mother may have changed during her time in the Quantum Realm. Scott assures her that her mother would never forget her on the other side. He gets a call from Luis about some plans, but after the two of them hang up, Luis and the guys are ambushed by Sonny Burch's men. Burch, seeking out Lang and Pym, opts to use Luis for his information (with some truth serum). Foster and Ava, realizing that Ava's chamber and equipment won't sustain her for much longer, estimate that she has only a few weeks left without being recharged. Ava decides that she has to act alone. When she visits Luis' office, Burch is just receiving Scott's whereabouts, and she races off to the woods to get to him first. Burch, knowing he can't beat Ava there, calls in the Feds. At the lab, Hank and Hope power up the Quantum Tunnel at long last, hoping that Scott will receive a message from Janet when they do. They get it, too. As the tunnel seems to power down, Scott gets behind the computer and changes the algorithm, revealing that Janet is able to communicate through him. Using subatomic frequencies, they're able to hone in on her signal and lock in. They need to act fast though; if they don't find her in the quantum wastelands within two hours, then she'll shift and be out of reach for, potentially, another century. But there's a problem.

18. Which member of the Avengers did Ant-Man battle?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: The Falcon

Scott was supposed to be breaking into an old warehouse that belonged to Howard Stark. Instead the building was upgraded and turned into a base for the Avengers. The Falcon was the only Avenger at the facility and they ended up in a fight. Ant-Man won the fight, and managed to snag the piece of technology he was there to get.

19. Who enters the Quantum Realm to save Janet Van Dyne?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp

Answer: Hank

Because Luis told Burch and Ava Scott's location, they all have to leave immediately. Further, since the Feds are now aware that something is up, he has to head home to prevent them from sending him back to prison. He rushes off to make a reappearance at home while Hank and Hope power the tunnel down and sneak out. Unfortunately, as soon as Pym shrinks down his office, the Feds roll in and take the pair into custody. As one of the Feds steals away with Pym's lab for Burch's sake, Ava intercepts him. In jail, Hank and Hope break free of their cuffs and prepare to use a shrinking device to take out one of the walls. Fortunately for them, Scott is already there. He uses the ants to deliver the Wasp suit and free the father and daughter without the cops noticing. Burch's men notice though, and they take up pursuit. Ava brings the lab to Foster and they work together to make the Quantum Tunnel operational again. Little do they know, Scott, Hope, and Hank locate the spot and bring Luis in for back-up. The ants circle Foster while Hank suits up in his old Ant-Man outfit and prepares to enter the tunnel himself. He has fifteen minutes, and he needs to get Janet out before the timer runs out.

20. Which Avenger does Scott face off against at the Avengers' HQ?

From Quiz Ant-Man

Answer: Falcon

There's one last thing Scott needs to do before infiltrating Pym Technologies. Specifically, he needs to stowaway onboard a plane and intercept a signal decoy made by Stark Industries as it heads to Avengers HQ. Scott launches with the Carpenter Ants in tow, arriving on the roof of the Avengers' warehouse only to be intercepted by Falcon, alerted to the arrival by a security alert. Scott resizes to human form and asks politely for the signal device, but Falcon tries to apprehend him instead, and it leads to a fight across the grounds. Though Falcon is easily able to locate Scott with his suit, Scott is able to shrink down and sneak into Falcon's gear to rewire some of the components, neutralizing the threat so that he can abscond with the tech he needs. Returning to Pym's house with the device, Hank criticizes his approach, but they all have to admit that his success is a positive. When Pym leaves the room he finds Darren Cross standing in his living room, apparently there to invite him to the Pym Technologies building the next day to celebrate the discovery of the proper formula. Cross doesn't locate any hint of the plans, but when he leaves he phones Hope, informing her that they'll need to triple security and place steel micromesh over all of the vents. Their new plan: they need a team to get in and depressurize the building's water main so Scott can get in. So they invite Luis, Kurt, and Dave in to help.

21. How did Scott sneak into the Pym Technologies building?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: Through the water main

Cross had doubled and tripled security, making most planned entrances impossible. The only way in was to have a security guard turn down the water pressure and sneak in through the water main.

22. Who's able to convince M.O.D.O.K. to rebel against Kang?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Answer: Cassie

Cassie manages to make her way through Kang's citadel, appearing before Jentorra and rescuing her from captivity. The pair decide to get a message out to anyone who can fight; they'll take down the citadel from within. Janet, meanwhile, discovers how large Kang's empire has grown, and since he intends to take it with him, he's virtually unstoppable across the Multiverse. As Kang demonstrates a message to his people and declares his plans, Cassie takes control of his communications and lets the message out, prompting the people of the Quantum Realm to rebel. Kang sends M.O.D.O.K. out to kill her while he loads the power core into his massive citadel ship. M.O.D.O.K. wastes no time and locates Cassie trying to free the other prisoners. As the two fight out to an outer deck, they feel the rumbling of something out in the distance. Scott, grown to massive size across the city, breaks through the barriers and starts smashing his way through the army while Hope flies through, the rebels flying close behind to support the revolution. Kang has no choice but to force the launch quicker. Scott is nearly able to pass through the rings of the citadel, but its power is too strong for him to make it in. Cassie, watching from within, races to help her father but M.O.D.O.K. blocks the way. Using Pym Particles, Cassie grows to a colossal size and punches M.O.D.O.K. down, telling him that he can choose not to be a bad guy before running off. It's a compelling argument. At last, Scott and Hope are able to cannonball through the rings, stopping the citadel from being able to move, breaking the rings and knocking them into the control room. The destruction knocks the power core off its spot and brings the motion to a halt. Outside, Scott, Cassie, and Hope are able to reunite. Inside the tower, Janet and Kang both rise from the rubble. Janet says it's over, but Kang knows better-- it's never over. He descends to the battle and begins to wipe out the enemy forces. The rebels have no choice but to retreat.

23. What was the name of Scott's favorite ant. (Hint it was the only one with a name instead of a number.)

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: Antony

ANTony, was a play on words for the name Anthony. Hank Pym had given all of the ants numbers, but as Scott got to know his flying friend he had to name him. Unfortunately for Scott, Antony was killed during their escape from the Pym building.

24. What fate befalls the Variant of Kang encountered in the Quantum Realm?

From Quiz Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Answer: He's killed.

Scott, Hope, and Cassie appear to be the only ones left to be able to face off against Kang but he proves to be immensely powerful, able to blast the trio away without taking a lick of damage. He reminds that he has killed many Avengers in many timelines while Scott does little more than talk to ants. That's when the ants arrive, with Hank leading the charge. As the swarms arrive, they wipe out Kang's army and force him to go on the defensive, shielding himself but struggling to maintain his power. The only thing that stops him is Darren Cross who, after having his mind changed by Cassie, breaks through the shield and allows the ants to carry Kang away. Darren feels in the right for having fought back and he thanks Scott for being so kind despite the obvious, but he succumbs to his wounds, claiming to have died as an Avenger. In the tower, Janet tells the others that she can give them one shot to get home, but they need to go immediately. The others say their goodbyes and reunite in the control room to find that a portal has been made, enabling them to make it back to the lab. Janet, Hank, and Hope are able to pass through with ease, but at the last second, Scott pushes Cassie through, narrowly allowing her to dodge a shot from Kang, who's survived the ordeal. Kang, his technology backfiring, makes a break for the portal but Scott leaps in the way, preventing The Conqueror from crossing to Earth. The pair spar with Kang having the clear upper hand, forcing Scott back over to the illuminated power core. He tells Scott that he could have gone home but he tried too hard to win, but Scott corrects him-- they both needed to lose. With that, Scott throws several Pym Particles at the core and leaves it to destroy itself once again. Kang makes another break for the portal but is blasted back by Hope who, returning for Scott, manages to force Kang back onto the orb. The resulting fusion of Kang with the orb destroys both, closing the portal with Scott and Hope still in the Quantum Realm. Scott and Hope embrace and profess their love for one another while they look out over the revolutionaries out in the realm, celebrating their newfound freedom from Kang the Conqueror. And in that short time, Cassie is able to reopen the portal and return them to their rightful home. Things return to normal for Scott and the others within short order. As he walks down the street with a birthday cake for Cassie he can't help but muse on the fact that Kang might not really be gone. After all, even if the Kang they knew died, there would be more to come. But maybe not. Life doesn't need to make sense. That night at dinner, he reminds himself again...things will probably be fine.

25. Members of which terrorist organization attempted to buy the Yellowjacket suit before Cross ended up donning it himself?

From Quiz Marvel's "Ant-Man"

Answer: Hydra

Hydra was the criminal organization used throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe on TV and in the movies for all releases in 2014 and 2015. The agents of Hydra battled the S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives across several movies and TV series. In this movie it was specifically mentioned that they were Hydra agents as they were giving Cross the money for the suit. The lead Hydra agent in this movie was a former S.H.I.E.L.D. operative turned evil agent. He actually worked with Hank prior to Hank's resignation from the military.

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