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Arachnophobia Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 Arachnophobia quizzes and 35 Arachnophobia trivia questions.
  Are You Afraid of Spiders?   popular trivia quiz  
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Grab a rolled up newspaper and enjoy this quiz about the 1990 creepy crawly movie, "Arachnophobia".
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This is a quiz about the creepy crawly movie 'Arachnophobia'. Have fun!
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When Irv and Blaire Kendall are killed by the spiders, what game show are they watching?

From Quiz "Are You Afraid of Spiders?"

Arachnophobia Trivia Questions

1. To which country is the expedition, where they discover the deadly new species of spider?

From Quiz
Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Venezuela

Manley, the photographer, is the first to reference their location when he says he is late as he was stuck in Caracas, which is the capital of Venezuela. It is then mentioned a few more times by various characters throughout the movie. Dr James Atherton (Julian Sands) and his team are in the rainforest looking for new insect species when they come across some previously unseen spiders. They appear immune to the chloroform and are highly aggressive. The most fascinating thing for the scientists, however, is that they behave more like organised insects (ants/bees), having one fertile male, a queen and drones (soldiers). In real life, the Alpha male spider is actually a species of Bird Eating Tarantula and the soldiers are Avondale spiders, a harmless species from New Zealand.

2. Where does Doctor Atherton find the new species of spider?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Venezuela

Doctor Atherton's specialities are insects, spiders and undentifying new ones. While in Venezuela he discovers a new species of butterfly and suggested he call it the Photius Manlii.

3. What is the name of the town that falls victim to the killer arachnids?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Canaima

The town's name is said many times in the film but we see it first as the photographers' body is being driven home. The camera pans across a large sign which reads 'Welcome to Canaima'. Although it is a fictional town in California, Canaima is a real place elsewhere in the world. It is actually in Venezuela, where the new species is supposed to have originated from in the movie. Canaima National Park is the second largest in the country. The movie was filmed in Cambria, California.

4. What does Jerry Manley say his speciality is?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Football

Doctor Atherton: 'What's your speciality, Manley?' Manley: 'Football.' Jerry Manley is the photographer for Doctor Atherton.

5. How do the spiders get to the town in the first place?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: The male hitches a ride in a coffin.

While in Venezuela, Jerry Manley, the photographer hired for the expedition, is killed in his tent by the male spider. Thinking he was killed by fever, the team simply put his body in a makeshift wooden coffin. As they place Jerry (Mark L Taylor) inside we see the spider crawl through a hole which is then sealed, trapping the spider inside. It sustains itself on the journey by completely draining Jerry's body of blood (Yummy!) It then escapes when his body arrives at the mortuary in his home town of Canaima, where it mates with a common house spider, creating the deadly new breed!

6. What did Doctor Atherton NOT say was unusual about the spiders he discovered in South America?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: It had a large brain

Doctor Atherton: 'The fangs, the injectors are disproportionately large. Three poison sacs. No sex organs.'

7. What is Doctor Sam Metcalf doing, right before he is bitten and killed by one of the spiders?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Using the treadmill

Sam Metcalf (Henry Jones) is supposed to retire and hand all of his patients over to Ross Jennings (Jeff Daniels). However, after Ross and his family move their whole lives to Canaima, Sam changes his mind. After one of Sams' patients switches to Ross, he is complaining to his wife Evelyn (Frances Bay) about his methods of practice and public relations skills. We see the spider crawl onto the treadmill towards him only to roll off and scurry into one of his slippers. Sam then finishes his workout and puts on them on!

8. When Manley is bitten by the spider and dies, what does Miguel and Atherton think killed him?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Fever

Manley: 'I've been held up with a fever. To tell you the truth, I'm not over it yet.' Atherton: 'Be sick on your own time.' Miguel and Atherton find Manley dead and think that it was the fever that killed him.

9. What nickname do the residents of the town give Dr Ross Jennings, after the third person he examines dies?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Dr Death

Ross Jennings' only patient, Margaret Hollins (Mary Carver), is the first person to die. As Ross had recently changed her medication, Dr Metcalf openly blames him for her demise. The local football coach feels sorry for Ross so he hires him to give his team hernia exams. Minutes later, one of the team collapses and dies on the field. Although Sam Metcalf is already dead when Ross examines him, he still acquires this affectionate nickname! Sam had previously refused to allow an autopsy to be performed on either of the other bodies so Ross immediately orders them to be exhumed. Sam's wife had seen the spider bite him and Ross said he 'needed to be sure'.

10. What do they mainly refer to the spiders as?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Soldiers

Manley: 'If these are the soldiers, I'd hate to see the General.' They refer to them as soldiers many times throughout the film. Chris Collins also refers to them as drones.

11. When Irv and Blaire Kendall are killed by the spiders, what game show are they watching?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Wheel Of Fortune

Irv Kendall (Roy Brocksmith) is the town mortician; he and his wife live in the house attached to the mortuary. When Ross and the others believe the nest is there, they call to try and warn them. They cannot get through, however, as the Kendalls always unplug the phone during 'The Wheel'. The couple snuggle up on the couch under a blanket with some microwave popcorn and as their hands reach in we see a spider crawling along the inside of the bowl. They are so engrossed in the programme, they do not notice until it is too late. In fact, the last words we ever hear Blaire Kendall (Kathy Kinney) speak are "Buy a vowel".

12. What does Ross Jennings collect?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Wine

He turns his basement into a wine cellar. Delbert the exterminator says that he collects rare beer cans. He said that he had a 1974 Miller Lite with a misprint on the label.

13. What is Delbert McClintocks' pest control business called?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Bugs B Gone

Delbert (John Goodman) is the town exterminator. Kitted out with all manner of gadgets, gas masks and his own recipe insecticides, he provides the excellent comic relief to this movie. We first meet him when Ross discovers rotten wood in his wine cellar and, suspecting termites, calls Delbert. He tells Ross' wife that it isn't termites, just 'bad wood'. When she asks what they should do, his in depth answer is, "Tear out bad wood. Put in good wood!"

14. When the Jennings' just moved in to their new home, they find a spider in one of the boxes. Where do they put the spider?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: In the barn

They put it in the barn where it meets the spider that came back from Venezuela. They soon mate and create the deadly toxin that kills people in seconds.

15. When Ross falls into the nest, why is he not swarmed by spiders?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: There are no soldier spiders in the nest.

When Ross calls him, Dr Atherton initially sends his assistant, Chris Collins (Brian McNamara), to investigate as he does not think there is a real problem. Chris explains what a nest would be like, mainly that there would be no other spiders. This is because spiders are cannibals so the queen would not want any near her offspring. When the soldiers are swarming the house, Ross gets his family out but is trapped upstairs. In the struggle, he falls over the bannister and straight through the floor into the cellar, where the real nest is.

16. Where did the Jennings' move to Canaima from?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: San Francisco

At the end of the movie they movie back to San Franciso and now they must deal with earthquakes.

17. What is Irv, the mortician, always doing around dead bodies?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Eating

He's obviously become accustom to being around them. We see him eating several times around dead bodies throughout the movie.

18. Understandably, when it is all over, the Jennings family move away from the country. What happens on their first night back in the city?

From Quiz Are You Afraid of Spiders?

Answer: Earthquake

The city they move back to is San Francisco! Having just opened a bottle of wine and made a toast to life in the city, the ground starts to shake and alarms start to sound. Incidentally, the bottle of wine is referenced a few times in the movie. Ross' dream was to have a wine cellar and his prized posession was a bottle of Chateau Margaux which he said was too expensive to drink. He even protected it in the final battle with the spider! When he and his wife Molly (Harley Jane Kozak) go to check on the kids there is promptly an aftershock which knocks over the bottle and spills the contents onto the floor. Oh, the irony!

19. Who becomes Shelley Jennings' new friend?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Bunny

Molly Jennings: 'Bunny Beechwood popped over this morning, seems nice.'

20. What does Becky Beechwood say she is majoring in college?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Gym

Molly: 'So Becky, have you thought about what you're going to major in at college?' Becky: 'Gym.' The whole Beechwood clan are sport fanatics. The son plays football and the father coaches a local team called the Broncos.

21. What does Margaret say that she could compete in, to Doctor Jennings?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Triathlon

Margaret: 'I feel like I could compete in a Triathlon.'

22. Where does the spider bite Margaret?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Hand

As she was turning off a lamp the spider jumped on her and bit her on the hand.

23. What does Doctor Metcalf believe to be the cause of Margaret's death?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Heart Attack

Lloyd: So what do you think Doc?' Doctor Metcalf: 'Heart attack.' Doctor Metcalf blames Doctor Jennings because he took her off some pills that Doctor Metcalf believed she needed.

24. How old was Margaret when she died?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: 68

Doctor Jennings: 'Sixty-eight is kind of young isn't it?' Molly Jennings: 'The wine?' Doctor Jennings: 'No Margaret, to die at sixty-eight...'

25. What is the name of the football team that Henry Beechwood coaches?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Broncos

Henry Beechwood: 'Bobby here is the Bronco star quarterback. I coach the team.'

26. What does Doctor Jennings be hailed as by the townspeople?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Doctor Death

Shelley Jennings: 'Bunny Beechwood said that everybody's calling you Doctor Death.' Tommy Jennings: 'They say you want to cut people up into little pieces.' Doctor Jennings wanted autopsies performed and this was not a common thing to happen in a small country town and people didn't take that lightly.

27. Who plays the unorthodox exterminator, Delbert?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: John Goodman & Goodman

Delbert owns his own business called Bugs-B-Gone. John Goodman provides the more hilarious scenes in the movie.

28. When we first see Chris Collins, Doctor Atherton's assistant, what is he doing?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Playing table soccer

Doctor Atherton: 'Chris, are you equally busy tomorrow?'

29. During what game show does Irv and Blaire Kendall take the phone off the hook?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Wheel of Fortune

Lloyd: 'Irv takes the phone off the hook during Wheel of Fortune'. If they had the phone on the hook they may have survived. Doctor Jennings was trying to ring Irv and warn him about the spiders, but the phone was off the hook. When Doctor Jennings went around to Irv's place they were dead.

30. When they discover Irv and Blaire dead a spider crawls out from where?

From Quiz Arachnophobia

Answer: Irv's nose

They had been eating popcorn and the spider crawled in the popcorn and Blaire ate it. The spider obviously killed Blaire first, then worked on Irv.

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