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Black Hawk Down Movie Trivia Quizzes

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4 quizzes and 40 trivia questions.
  Black Hawk Down (2001)   top quiz  
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"Black Hawk Down" was directed by Ridley Scott, and had a large cast of well known actors. It is a dramatization of the Battle of Mogadishu, that occurred on October 3rd-4th, 1993.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Mar 06 18
1413 plays
  Multiple Choice Quiz about Black Hawk Down    
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 15 Qns
This movie made a huge impact on me, and I have the utmost respect for the soldiers that took part, and especially of the brave soldiers who lost their lives in the battle. May they RIP.
Tough, 15 Qns, bertallica, Apr 15 14
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  Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"    
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 10 Qns
Here are a few quotes from the war drama "Black Hawk Down", I give you the quote, and you tell me which character said it. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, curiouslux, Apr 09 10
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  Black Hawk Down Multiple Choice Quiz    
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I thought this was a great movie, and not just because Josh Hartnett was in it!
Average, 5 Qns, happymal, Mar 16 10
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What kind of ball hits the table when Eversmann was writing in his notebook?

From Quiz "Black Hawk Down"

Black Hawk Down Trivia Questions

1. Where did the events in this movie take place?

From Quiz
Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: Somalia

Somalia is located on the east coast of Africa, on the Horn of Africa. In 1988, the Somali Civil War started. The UN sent in a coalition peacekeeping/making and humanitarian force in 1991. While originally appreciative, the Somali people eventually began to resent foreign intervention. Mohamed Farrah Aidid was the leader of the strongest of the warring clans, and took control of the capital, Mogadishu. In 1993, the U.S. forces learned of a meeting between Omar Salad Elmi, Aidid's foreign minister, and Mohamed Hassan Awale, Aidid's political advisor. U.S. military, without consulting the UN peacekeeping forces (Malaysia and Pakistan), put together an operation to capture these men. The operation was meant to take only thirty minutes, but numerous complications arose, including PFC Blackburne falling from a helicopter, a Black Hawk being shot down, and poor communication between units.

2. Name the Special Forces units involved in the movie.

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Delta Force, 160th SOAR, 75th Ranger Regiment

The ultra elite Delta Force unit took down the building and secured the hostages, the Rangers provided ground cover and the 160th SOAR, or Nightstalkers, flew the Blackhawks and Little Birds. Delta operators were also in the Blackhawks providing covering sniper fire for the ground units.

3. "We're asking to go down and set up a perimeter until ground support arrives."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Master Sgt. Gary Gordon

Master Sgt. Gary Gordon and Sgt. First Class Randy Shughart were the first soldiers since the Vietnam War to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for their rescue of Mike Durant.

4. Who falls out of the helicopter?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Blackburn

Blackburn was only 18 years old.

5. At the beginning of the movie, what animal was killed and roasted?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: Wild boar

The movie opened showing the plight of the Somali people under the reign of General Aidid, and showed militia taking over a Red Cross food shipment. The U.S. military was not allowed to intervene because they were not being fired upon, and had to leave the area. Next, the arrest of Osman Ali Atto was shown, with Hoot (played by Eric Bana) posing as a reporter in Somalia, who informed his fellow Deltas of Mr. Atto's departure. The Deltas disabled Mr. Atto's vehicle just outside of Mogadishu, and took him into custody. Mr. Atto was responsible for the construction of Aidid's technicals (trucks with machine guns mounted on them). A Black Hawk was then sent out to recover Hoot. On the way back to the base, the Deltas saw some running wild boars, and Hoot asked "Who's hungry?" while cocking his weapon. Back at the base, Captain Steele (Jason Isaacs) saw the pig roasting on a spit and asked Hoot if it had been another "Tax payer funded Delta safari" and reprimanded the Deltas for their "undisciplined" nature. Sanderson (William Fletcher) reminded Steele that Hoot hadn't eaten in three days, and asked Steele to cut him some slack. Steele also berated Hoot for not having his safety on while on the base to which Hoot replied with "this is my safety" and showed his finger.

6. Who was the first soldier killed in the battle?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Pilla

Sgt. Dominick Pilla, of the 75th Ranger Regiment, was the first soldier killed, on top of the humvee convoy, evacuating the injured Blackburn.

7. "What you boys fail to realize is the Sgt. here is a bit of an idealist."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Specialist Mike Kurth

Specialist Mike Kurth is having a discussion about Matt Eversmann's views on the war in Somalia.

8. How long was the mission supposed to take?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: 30 minutes

Some soldiers didn't even bring canteens because they thought they wouldn't need them.

9. What could SPC John Grimes (played by Ewan McGregor) do that precluded him from fighting?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: He could type.

The John Grimes character was actually based off of John Stebbins, who was the real clerk during the Battle of Mogadishu, though his character was replaced after he was convicted in 2000. John Grimes was stuck behind a desk because he was able to type (a rare skill, at the time), and was never sent out to fight, which greatly upset him. Instead, while his colleagues were out fighting, "getting to be Rangers", he learned the art of making coffee, for which he was ridiculed mercilessly. The day before the Battle of Mogadishu, Lt Beales had an epileptic seizure, and was not allowed to fight. Grimes was chosen to take his place as part of Chalk 4. Grimes had no actual experience in the field, and had to learn on the fly in order to survive. Despite being tossed around by multiple explosions throughout the film, Grimes was fairly lucky and didn't receive any substantial injuries.

10. What kind of helicopter is the movie named after?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: MH60 Black Hawk

Tragically, 2 went down. A third one, Super 62, made it back to base before crashing. There have been some people disputing that the answer should be UH60. The M, in this case, signifies that it was a specialized Black Hawk for Special Operations.

11. "Let it go, Captain. The guy hasn't eaten in a couple of days."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: SFC Jeff Sanderson

Sgt. Jeff Sanderson is trying to defend Sgt. Norm "Hoot" Gibson when Captain Steele is scolding him.

12. What was NOT one of Lieutenant Colonel McKnight's (Tom Sizemore) reasons for not being too thrilled about the attack plan?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: No artillery or armor support

After the mission briefing, Col Matthews asked McKnight what was wrong. McKnight sarcastically asked "What's not to like?" and listed that the operation was during the day, as opposed to night, that they were denied light armor and AC-130 Specter Gunship support, and in the Bakara Market, Aidid's stronghold where he could quickly mount a counter-offensive. He also mentioned that the indigenous population would be high on khat, a drug that causes excitement and euphoria. Harrell said "Life's imperfect", to which McKnight replied with "Yeah, for you two, circling above it at 500 feet, it's imperfect. Down in the street, it's unforgiving." McKnight, as the leader of the Humvee convoy, had to endure quite a few problems. At first, he was ordered to move to the crash site to evacuate the wounded, but could not reach it due to roadblock and other obstructions. He was eventually ordered to turn around and head back to the original target building, sustaining heavy casualties during the trip. Information concerning directions had to go from Surveillance, to the JOC, to Harrell in the C-2 helicopter, and finally to McKnight on the ground. This created a large lag time when receiving instructions.

13. What was the name of the Delta soldier defending the first downed Blackhawk?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Busch

Sadly, SSG Daniel Busch later died from his wounds. His name was mentioned very quickly by one of the Delta operators coming off of the Little Bird.

14. "I've been training my whole life for this."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Private First Class Todd Blackburn

Private First Class Todd Blackburn, played by Orlando Bloom, fell out of the helicopter during the raid in Mogadishu.

15. What do the American soldiers call the Somalians?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: 'Skinnies'

They also called them 'Sammies'.

16. Apart from UH-60 Black Hawks, what kind of helicopter was used to ferry the U.S. troops to the battle?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: MH-6 Littlebirds

The Black Hawks were used to ferry in the Rangers, which set up a four-corner perimeter around the target building while the Littlebirds dropped off the Deltas who entered the building and secured the prisoners. Littlebirds are much smaller and more agile than Blackhawks, and are actually considered attack helicopters.

17. Who is the President of the United States at the time of the conflict?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Clinton & Bill Clinton

Soldiers that fought in this battle were not happy with Bill Clinton's decision to withdraw the troops, following this battle.

18. "You say this your safety? Well this is my boot son!"

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Sgt. Dominick Pilla

19. What kind of ball hits the table when Eversmann was writing in his notebook?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: a basketball

It bounces on the table.

20. What was used as an early warning system to signal the impending arrival of the U.S. troops?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: Burning Tires

As the helicopters and Humvees were leaving the base (the Mogadishu Airport), a Somali lookout used a cell phone to call in the impending raid. Large roadblocks were set up to obstruct the convoy's path. Also, large piles of junk, in particular, tires, were set on fire to create massive smoke signals in order to get all the militia to converge on the U.S. soldiers.

21. Two Delta operators earned the first Posthumanous Medal of Honor since Vietnam. Who were they?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Shughart and Gordon

SFC Randy Shughart and MSG Gary Gordon were the first soldiers since Vietnam to receive the Posthumanous Medal of Honor, for their attempt to defend the second downed Black Hawk and its crew.

22. "Just don't fire that thing so close to my head I can barely hear as it is."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Specialist Shawn Nelson

Nelson says this to Twombly when they decide to go on foot and find the crash, Nelson eventually loses his hearing after the raid.

23. Which helicopter was shot down first during the battle?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: Super 61 (Wolcott)

Two helicopters were shot down in this movie, both Black Hawks, both by Rocket Propelled Grenades. The first Black Hawk to be shot down was Super 61, piloted by CW3 Wolcott (Jeremy Piven). Both pilots were killed and the two crew chiefs were wounded and had to be stabilized inside the crashed helicopter. A Delta Force operator, SSG Busch, was also injured during the crash, and managed to hold off the approaching Somalis before he was evacuated by Star 41, a Littlebird piloted by CW4 Jones. Super 68 came in and dropped off a team of medics that stabalized the wounded inside the crashed Black Hawk. The second Black Hawk to go down was Super 64, piloted by CW3 Mike Durant. It was overrun by the militia before the survivors of the crash could be rescued, and the site was not secured until Hoot led a small team of four men through the city. This team then moved to help the defenders of the first crash site.

24. Who is the soldier who cut off his cast to join the fight?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Sizemore

Spec. Dale Sizemore went into the fight, broken arm and all.

25. "Danny, you guys do not have to go back out there."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Lt. Colonel Joe Cribbs

Even though Lt. Colonel Cribbs told Lt. Colonel Danny McKnight that he didn't have to go back into Mogadishu, he went anyway.

26. What animal was seen wandering the streets of Mogadishu unattended?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down (2001)

Answer: A Donkey

SPC Nelson (Ewen Bremner) and SPC Twombly (Tom Hardy) were squad gunners of Chalk 4, and had set up a position on one of the four corners of the target building. Eversmann had taken the rest of the Chalk to the crash site of Super-Six One, and had told them to move out with the convoy. It was not made clear whether the convoy was supposed to come get the gunners, or if the gunners were to supposed to move to the convoy before it pulled out. The two men were left behind and the fighting moved away from them, towards the crash sites. Eventually, they came to terms with the fact that they had been left behind, and decided to make their way towards the crash site on foot. Another soldier, SSG Yurek (Tom Guiry), was accidentally separated from his Chalk and was forces to take cover in a school. He also started towards the crash site of Super Six One. The donkey passed by all three men as they were making their way through the streets of Mogadishu, and was used to orient the audience. Yurek, while running across a street, was nearly killed by Nelson. After hearing the sound of the weapon, Yurek knew that he was being shot at by Rangers, and all three soldiers made their way towards the crash site together, though they didn't know the exact location.

27. Whose thumb gets shot off?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: Galentine

It was sewn back on later.

28. "You touch my 'Limo' and I'll spank you Night Stalker."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Chief Warrant Officer Cliff Wolcott

In the beginning of the film two pilots, Mike Durant and Cliff Wolcott, are arguing over "Limo" being an actual word and Mike Durant says that it's coming off the scrabbleboard where Cliff Wolcott wrote it, and that's when Cliff says that quote.

29. What was the year of the battle?

From Quiz Black Hawk Down

Answer: 1993

October 3rd, 1993 was the actual date of the battle. A mission that was supposed to take 30 minutes extended another 13 hours.

30. "I gotta do something right now it's gonna hurt, I have to cause you more pain, but I have to do it to help you."

From Quiz Quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Answer: Kurt Schmid

Trying to save Jamie Smith, Specialist Kurt Schmid had to find and artery that was broken and clamp it. In this quote, Schmid reassures Jamie before he begins to operate.

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