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Children of the Corn Movie Trivia Quizzes

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4 quizzes and 40 trivia questions.
  The Ultimate Children of the Corn Quiz   best quiz  
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Based on a short story from Stephen King's "Night Shift" collection, this 1984 horror film is about a town of children worshiping 'He Who Walks Behind the Rows' in rural America. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 23 18
kyleisalive editor
Aug 23 18
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  Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)    
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Welcome to my quiz on this horror classic based on a short story by the master of the macabre, Stephen King. This is part one of a two-part quiz.
Tough, 10 Qns, rieker01, Jun 29 20
rieker01 gold member
Jun 29 20
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  More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)    
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Welcome to part two of my quiz on this scary movie based on Stephen King's short story. Good luck and enjoy it.
Average, 10 Qns, rieker01, Mar 22 22
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Mar 22 22
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  Children Of The Corn Test Your Knowledge    
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This is a great movie. Enjoy the trivia!
Average, 10 Qns, boogymn, Aug 23 18
Aug 23 18
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Vicky had convinced Burt that it would be best to get out of Gatlin. What was Sarah doing when the two encountered her?

From Quiz " Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984) "

Children of the Corn Trivia Questions

1. Burt decided to go back into town to check out Town Hall. What happened to Vicky while Burt was in town?

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More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Vicky was abducted by Malachi and his followers.

Vicky stayed behind with Sarah while Burt went back into town. Vicky asked what Sarah was doing in the house all alone. Sarah told her she was drawing. Sarah told Vicky Malachi did not like for her to draw. Vicky told Sarah to draw her a picture, and she wouldn't tell anyone. As Vicky waited for Burt to return, Malachi and his followers surrounded and entered the home. They abducted Vicky and took her to the cornfields. Isaac instructed Malachi to get Burt too. They were both to be sacrificed to the children's god that evening. Vicky was tied to a cross made of corn. As she looked over in the cornfield, Vicky would scream. There was the skeleton on a policeman on a corn cross in the cornfield as well.

2. Job and his dad had just left the Sunday morning sermon at their church. Where did the two go after the church sermon was over?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Cafe

Joby and his dad, Dave, went to the local diner, Hansen's Cafe, after the service. Joby's mom and sister did not join them as Joby's little sister, Sarah, was ill that day. Joby's dad went to make a phone call to check on his daughter. Joby was asked by the owner of the diner, Mr. Hansen if he wanted his usual. Joby replied, "Yes, a strawberry shake." Several teenagers entered the restaurant, which was packed with the after-church crowd. Joby would look over at the corner of the diner and see Malachai. Malachai was playing a pinball machine. Joby would quickly come to understand his world would be changed forever.

3. In what state is the town of Gatlin?

From Quiz Children of the Corn

Answer: Nebraska

Three years ago in Gatlin, Nebraska, just after church got out, a tragedy befell the town. While one boy watched outside, the children and teenagers of Gatlin violently murdered all of the adults. Three years ahead, in the present day, the town still exists, but under the rule of the children who spend their time preparing the harvests and living free of moral influence.

4. What is the name of the church in the opening scene?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: Grace Baptist Church of Gatlin

5. Isaac told Malachi their lord was upset with him. What reason did Isaac give to Malachi for their gods' disappointment in him?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Malachi had killed Diehl and Joseph,

Malachi brought Vicky to the cornfield in preparation for the sacrifice. Malachi asked Isaac if their lord had given him any instructions. Isaac told Malachi his actions had displeased their god. Isaac explained that Joseph was killed by Malachi with no offering to their god. He also said that they still needed the fuel and oil from Diehl. Malachi had murdered both of these people. Malachi would say maybe their lord was displeased because they had not offered Joby and Sarah to him. Isaac told Malachi not to question him that he was the giver of their gods' word.

6. Dave and Job arrived at their after church destination. What did the teenage girl use to kill the majority of the adults?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Poisoned Coffee

As the diner was filling up with people, we saw the young waitress standing by the coffee pot. She would pour a small envelope of white powder into the pot of coffee. The waitress then served all the customers a cup of coffee. One older lady was excited for the cup of coffee . Shortly after the patrons drank the coffee, they started to grasp at their throats. The poison had kicked in rather quickly. The patrons who had not drunk any coffee tried to assist but were murdered by the teenagers. Joby watched as the teens killed his father also.

7. Which young person's voice do we hear first on this movie?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: Job

Job narrates several times throughout this movie.

8. Malachi was second in charge to only Isaac. Who played the role of this bloodthirsty youth?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Courtney Gains

Malachi often served as the muscle for Isaac. He was the one that carried out all of the plans laid down by Isaac and their god. Malachi really seemed to enjoy his work too. In the scene where he abducted Vicky, she would ask Malachi what he wanted. Malachi with a menacing smile on his face said, "To bring you peace". Courtney Gains played the role of Malachai Boardman. This was one of Courtney's first roles. He also starred as Hans Klopek in "The 'Burbs". His co-stars in "The 'Burbs" were Carrie Fisher and Tom Hanks.

9. Burt and Vicky were staying at a motel. What gift did Sarah give Burt for his birthday?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Engraved Lighter

Vicky had locked the door to their motel room. She reached into the nightstand and pulled out a noisemaker. Burt, who was asleep, was awoken by Vicky when she blew the noisemaker at him. Vicky wished Burt a happy birthday. She then handed him his birthday present. The lighter was engraved with Burt's name. It also had M.y D.arling inscribed on it. The M and D were done this way because Burt had recently finished medical school and was headed to do his residency. Vicky would also serenade Burt with a song for his birthday. The song was also in honor of Burt's finishing medical school.

10. When Burt and Vicky are at the motel, she gives him a birthday present. What is it?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: lighter

Vicky even had it engraved for him.

11. While in town looking for Vicky, Burt came across a ritual. Where did Rachel stab Burt as he left the church?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Chest

Burt encountered a group of children in a church. Amos, who had just turned 19, was carving a symbol into his chest. He collected the blood from the chest in a cup made of corn. Amos handed the corn cup to Rachel. She was about to drink from the container when Burt entered the church. Burt asked Amos what he was doing. On his 19th birthday, Amos explained he would join their lord. Burt told him that it was a pretty sick way to celebrate his birthday. Rachel told one of the children to get Malachi. As Burt was trying to leave the church, Rachel stabbed him in the chest with a knife. Burt was able to escape the church with Rachel and the other children running after him.

12. While driving Burt hit a young boy on the road. What did Burt discover about the boy that concerned him?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: The boy's throat had been cut.

Burt and Vicky were looking at a map while driving. They had decided to take the backroads. They soon would find out the backroads were no more scenic than the main highway. All they saw around them was corn. Vicky would look up and tell Burt to watch out. In the middle of the road stood Joseph; he was bleeding from his neck. Burt could not stop the car and struck Joseph with the vehicle. Burt went and checked on the boy to see if he could still be alive. Burt turned the body of Joseph over and saw the cut on his throat. Burt would tell Vicky to go back to the car and lock the doors. He told her there was something not right about the boy's death. Burt revealed to Vicky that Joseph's throat had been cut before they hit him. Burt said that Joseph was already dead before they struck him with the car.

13. While Burt and Vicky are driving down the highway we get a good shot of a paperback book on the dashboard of their vehicle. What is the title of this book?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: Night Shift

Stephen King's 'Night Shift' is a book of short stories. One of the stories in this book is 'Children of the Corn'.

14. Surrounded by the children in the center of town, it looked like Burt would meet his demise. Who inadvertently caused a distraction long enough for Burt to escape?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Malachi

As the children were closing in around Burt, Malachi would scream out to him. Malachi caused the children to look away from Burt momentarily. Burt would manage to escape the onslaught of the children by running away. He ran through alleyways and finally ducked into a building. Malachi entered the building and drew his knife from its sheath. Burt had managed to secure a weapon of his own. As Malachi walked by, Burt struck him on the leg with a crowbar. Burt would run into Job, who showed him a place to hide. Job took Burt to where he and his sister, Sarah, hid from everyone.

15. Job and Sarah were playing a very popular board game in their old home. What game were the two youngsters playing?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Monopoly

Malachai had forbidden the two children from listening to records and play board games. Sarah and Job were in their old home, doing both of these things. The two children were also playing dress-up. Joby tried to cheat at the game, but Sarah called him on it. Joby told Sarah that the top hat piece should represent Isaac. He would take the game piece and put it on the jail square of the game. Sarah asked what if he got a get out of jail free card? Joby took all the cards and throw them behind him; this caused both children to laugh. Just then, a butcher's knife would land in the center of the game board. Malachai had caught the two children breaking his rules. Both Sarah and Joby looked up at Malachai with petrified looks on their small faces. Monopoly is perhaps one of the most popular board games of all time. Its origin date back to the early 1900s. The game has had several different themes over the many years, but the objective has always been the same.

16. Who is the only adult who still lives in Gatlin, three years after the tragedy occurred there?

From Quiz Children of the Corn

Answer: The mechanic

While Burt checks the fields, Vicky doesn't notice the teenager with the bloody blade approaching the vehicle. Burt comes back before anything can happen though and he places Joseph's body into the trunk of the car. They check the suitcase that was left in the field to find odd religious artifacts, eventually coming across an old mechanic's shop and the town of Gatlin's only surviving adult. The old man sends them away towards the highway, and for that he's killed by Malachai and others as a storm rolls in overhead. Burt and Vicky end up driving towards Gatlin anyways; someone seems to have been messing with the road signs.

17. Who tries to escape through the corn, but perishes in the process?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: Joseph

While trying to escape through the cornfield, Malachai slices his throat.

18. Isaac and Malachi were arguing about the sacrifice of Vicky. What did Malachi order to be done to Isaac?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Isaac was to be sacrificed to their god.

Malachi had pulled a coup and seized control of the children. He ordered Isaac to be sacrificed to their god along with Amos. Amos who had turned 19 was willingly going to be sacrificed. Isaac however was not so compliant. Both Amos and Isaac were secured to the crosses of corn and raised up. Isaac who was visibly upset kept saying they were making a grave mistake by offering him as sacrifice.

19. Malachai would take Joby and Sarah directly to Isaac. Who played Isaac the leader of the children?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: John Franklin

Malachai wanted the two children punished for breaking the rules. Malachai told Isaac of his findings and also gave him a drawing of Sarah's. The picture was of Burt's car heading into Gatlin. Gatlin, Nebraska, was where Isaac and his followers resided. Isaac told Sarah she had the gift of sight. Isaac seemed to be already aware that Burt and Vicky were on their way. Malachai asked what was to be done to Joby and Sarah for breaking the rules. Isaac told him to return them to where they were. Malachi was upset by this decision but followed Isaac's command. Isaac said Malachai was doing as he, too, was commanded by their leader. John Franklin would play the role of Isaac Chroner. He would reprise this role in the 1999 film, "Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return". In my opinion, Isaac was far more menacing then Malachai. He just had an eerie look about him. He was calm and calculated as well. In my humble opinion, he is one of the creepiest characters in horror films.

20. Who do Burt and Vicky find in a house in Gatlin?

From Quiz Children of the Corn

Answer: Sarah

Isaac leads his congregation in worship in the fields and he tells his followers that he had a dream in the night in which 'He Who Walks Behind the Rows' warned him of Joseph's betrayal and the arrival of two outlanders who would need to be sacrificed. Sure enough, Vicky and Burt arrive in Gatlin proper to find the town nearly deserted. They end up stumbling upon an unlocked cafe to find the place covered in corn husks, but otherwise empty. They don't seem to notice the children watching their every move until they go back to their car. On their way out of Gatlin, they see a door open at Job and Sarah's house and investigate finding only Sarah inside. Sarah tells them that her parents-- all of the parents-- are in the cornfield, and Isaac put them there. Burt decides he wants to go to town hall to report the body in his trunk, so Vicky decides to say with Sarah and the car.

21. Job and his sister Sarah are playing a board game in their old house. What is the name of this game?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: Monopoly

22. Job had told Burt about the person who previously had tried to stop Isaac and his god. What was the occupation of the person who failed to stop the evildoers?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Police Officer

Officer Hodgekiss had learned the secret to destroying the demon. He had found a verse in the bible. The verse gave the Officer the idea to burn the fields down. However, he was not successful and was stopped by Malachi. Burt would learn of the verse through Joby. Vicky would work it out that the cornfield needed to be destroyed to defeat the demon. In an earlier scene, we saw the skeletal remains of Officer Hodgekiss. He had been secured to a cross of corn and offered as a sacrifice to the children's god. He still had his Police Officer hat on too.

23. Isaac told Malachai to go talk to the old man. What was Diehl, the old man's occupation?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Mechanic

Isaac wanted to make sure Diehl did not talk to Burt or Sarah about the ongoings in Gatlin. Diehl was working on fixing a beat-up old truck. He told his dog, Sarge, that pretty soon it would be done. Diehl looked up from his dog and see a car approaching. Diehl said this was becoming a regular highway because that was the third car he saw that month. Burt would get out of his car to talk to Diehl, who immediately told Burt he didn't have any gas. Burt continued to try to explain to Diehl what he wanted. Diehl cut him off at every question. As Burt drove off, Malachai and his group entered Diehl's garage. Diehl was upset because the children had killed his dog. Diehl, armed with a tire iron, went into the garage looking for revenge. Unfortunately for Diehl, much like his dog, he was murdered by the children.

24. Vicky is prepared as a sacrifice in the cornfield. What do they do to her?

From Quiz Children of the Corn

Answer: Hang her from a cross.

While Burt searches Gatlin, Vicky is found by the children (led by Malachai) in Sarah's house and seized; they carry her out to the corn. Ironically, Sarah's most recent picture depicts Vicky getting taken by the other children. Burt, meanwhile, ends up finding town hall and discovers that something is truly amiss. When he gets back to the house he finds that his car has been filled with corn and rendered unusable. In the fields, Vicky is prepared for sacrifice while Isaac argues with Malachai about his actions, mainly because Malachai spilled too much blood without offering and killed their main source of fuel in the old man without discussion. The children will still need to obtain Burt.

25. What does Isaac call his Lord?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: He Who Walks Behind the Rows

He Who Walks Behind the Rows is the one that Isaac follows.

26. The film was released in 1984. Who was the director of this horror movie?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Fritz Kiersch

The film was based on a short story by author Stephen King. It tells the story of a group of children who are under the leadership of a child preacher, Isaac. Isaac convinces the children that their lord wants them to kill their parents. The children then grow and tend to corn. They offered any living grownups of Gatlin as sacrifices to the demonic force. The corn is actually alive in the film. It is almost as if it is a character in the film. This is evident when the corn howls when Joby is helping Burt cut the corn off himself. Fritz Kiersch was born in Alpine Texas in 1951. He, in my humble opinion, did a great job with the film. In an interview with the author of the book, Stephen King, he said he was very pleased with the way the film was directed. Stephen was a very harsh critic of movies about his books, he was seldom pleased with the final cut of the film. Fritz would direct a number of television programs. He however is best known for "The Children of The Corn".

27. Burt and Vicky had made it to the center of Gatlin. They quickly discovered it seemed abandoned. Where did they go to try and make a phone call?

From Quiz Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: Cafe

Unbeknownst to Burt and Vicky, they were being watched as they drove through town. Vicky had remarked that she had not seen a single person as of yet. Burt noticed Hansen's Cafe and pulled into the front of the diner. Both Vicky and Burt entered the restaurant and were taken back by the condition of the establishment. Vicky especially asked what it was about this town and corn. As the two searched the cafe, they again were being watched. Burt spotted the payphone and went to use it. Vicky would scream out and jump back. There was a giant rat on the counter of the cafe. Burt and Vicky would look out the window of the diner and see three kids going through their car. As Burt went to speak to them, the kids ran away.

28. The children of Gatlin are only kept alive until what age?

From Quiz Children of the Corn

Answer: 19

Burt heads out to the fields to find that a path has formed supernaturally in the corn for him to follow. He's led to the field next to the nearby church, but that's not where Vicky is being placed onto a corn-decorated cross. Instead, he finds children performing a horrifying blood ritual for one of their peoples' nineteenth birthday. One of them stabs him before he flees to evade capture, going on a lengthy chase through Gatlin until Job helps him find a good hiding spot in a storm cellar with him and Sarah. Out in the fields, Malachai takes the lead of the children, demanding that the others place Isaac on a cross as well to be judged by 'He Who Walks Behind the Rows' himself. Malachai also uses Vicky as bait to call out Burt, but Burt doesn't show until Job tells him what's been going on in the fields anyways.

29. On the night of which birthday do the children go to their Lord?

From Quiz Children Of The Corn

Answer: 19th

They go to He Who Walks Behind the Rows the first night of their 19th year.

30. Isaac said he was the receiver of the word of their god. What name was the unseen villain referred to as in the film?

From Quiz More Stephen King's "Children of the Corn" (1984)

Answer: He Who Walks Behind The Rows

Isaac had said their leader was the God of Hell. We never saw the demonic presence in his true physical form throughout the entirety of the film. He did at one point however inhabit the body of the recently sacrificed Isaac. Malachi had Isaac placed on a cross as a sacrifice to their God. Isaac was taken by He Who Walks Behind the Rows. Malachi was certainly surprised when the possessed body of his former leader, Isaac returned. Isaac told Malachi that their God was displeased and wanted him too. Isaac would snap Malachi's neck with his two bare hands.

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