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Dick Movie Trivia Quizzes

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3 Dick quizzes and 35 Dick trivia questions.
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you haven't seen Dick, you should! It's a fun movie explaining some of the biggest events in United States 1970's history in its own quirky way.
Average, 10 Qns, monkeyroo722, Nov 18 14
1129 plays
  'Dick' (The Movie)    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This a hilarious movie! Enjoy the quiz. Please don't take the quiz unless you have really seen the movie!
Average, 15 Qns, Lost_Player, Jul 21 06
888 plays
  The Movie 'Dick'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's a quiz depicting the famous Watergate Era. Good luck and have fun!
Tough, 10 Qns, sprinkles, May 22 04
1484 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What did Arlene's father do for a living?

From Quiz "The Movie 'Dick'"

Dick Trivia Questions

1. Where does Arlene live?

From Quiz

Answer: In the Watergate

This is where the Nixon scandal takes place.

2. What do Betsy and Arlene believe the cops are at her home for?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: They're arresting jewel thieves.

The man they ran into in the stairwell was using the word "gemstone" as a codeword, which made Betsy and Arlene believe he was a jewel thief.

3. What does Betsy love from McDonalds?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: french fries

They ended up missing the trip and received some....obscene gestures.

4. What was Dick's dog's name?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: Checkers

President Richard Nixon, or Dick, named Betsy and Arlene Official Whitehouse Dog-walkers for his dog Checkers.

5. When Woodward first met Betsy and Arlene, what age did they say they were?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: 23

'Is that your combined ages?'

6. What was the job the girls were given by the President?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: Official White House dog walkers

7. What is in the jar of walnuts?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: Marijuana

Betsy's brother tells Betsy and Arlene that they're leaves from the walnut trees, but it's actually his secret stash.

8. Arlene said that it looked like George Washington was wearing ______.

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: blush

9. What type of cookies did the girls bake for the President?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: Hello Dollies

The girls baked Hello Dollies with a very interesting ingredient in them.

10. How did the 'CREEP' list get ruined?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: Betsy's dog ate it.

11. What part of her looks did Arlene change to impress the President?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: She got contacts

12. What song is playing when the girls are at the busy public skating rink?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: Hooked On A Feeling

Later, the girls build their own skating rink in the style of the oval office. They're skating in it at the end of the movie to "Dancing Queen."

13. With the help of Larry, what did the girls open up?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: a roller rink

Larry invented quaaludes.

14. Who was the President in the time era of the movie?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: Richard Nixon

Also known as Dick, hence the title of the movie.

15. What is Betsy's brother's name?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: Larry

Larry is Betsy's druggy brother who was drafted right before the end of the war.

16. What error did Betsy make when typing at the very beginning?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: the 2 in '1972'

17. Who is driving the plumbing company van that is following the girls?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: Arlene's mother's boyfriend, Robert.

If you watch closely, you'll notice that the handsome Robert, who Arlene believes would never date someone like her mother, is also the driver of the van.

18. What was the name of the man that Helen started dating?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: Robert

He was really a spy for the White House.

19. Why do Woodward and Bernstein say they won't release the identities of Betsy and Arlene?

From Quiz Dick

Answer: They think it's too embarrassing.

The Washington Post journalists Woodward and Bernstein are too ashamed to admit their source for the biggest story of the year, were a couple of 15 year old girls.

20. What did Arlene's father do for a living?

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: shoe salesman

Nixon tells her this after he went over the girls' files.

21. At the end of the movie what did Dick go away in, when the girls showed him their sign?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: A Helicopter

22. Complete this quote: 'I've met ______ with more going on upstairs.'

From Quiz The Movie 'Dick'

Answer: yams

Haldeman was referring to just how smart the girls were.

23. When Betsy said, 'Isn't cutting up the flag illegal?' what did Arlene reply with?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: 'Not if you sew it back together'

24. When Arlene was trying to tell Betsy that they were being bugged by the President, what song did she put on?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: 'The Locomotion'

25. What was the name of the President's dog?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: Checkers & Checker

26. In the very beginning of the movie the two reporters started fighting. What did one say the other smelled like?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: Cabbage

27. Who was Arlene's love in the very beginning of the movie?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: Bobby Sherman

28. At the end of the movie, where did Arlene and Betsy open up a new Roller Rink?

From Quiz 'Dick' (The Movie)

Answer: The President's office

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