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Hacksaw Ridge Movie Trivia Quizzes

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3 Hacksaw Ridge quizzes and 30 Hacksaw Ridge trivia questions.
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"Hacksaw Ridge" tells the incredible true story of Desmond Doss, an ardent Seventh Day Adventist and pacifist, who has the strength of his convictions tested during the second world war.
Easier, 10 Qns, jmorrow, Aug 17 17
jmorrow editor
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  Hacksaw Ridge Test Your Knowledge   top quiz  
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"Hacksaw Ridge" told the true story of Medal of Honor recipient Desmond T. Doss, who received his decoration for saving lives as a medic during World War II. Mel Gibson directed.
Average, 10 Qns, spanishliz, Aug 17 17
spanishliz editor
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  All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'    
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'Hacksaw Ridge' is a great film that tells the story of Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who served in World War II as a medic but refused to carry a weapon.
Average, 10 Qns, The_Cyclist, Aug 17 17
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Hacksaw Ridge Trivia Questions

1. Which actor plays the main character Desmond Doss?

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All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield plays the main character Desmond Doss. Garfield is an American-British actor who was born in Los Angeles and brought up in Surrey in England. Garfield is well known for playing Spider-Man in the 2012 film 'The Amazing Spider-Man'. Vince Vaughn plays Sergeant Howell in 'Hacksaw Ridge'. George Clooney and Benedict Cumberbatch are not in 'Hacksaw Ridge'.

2. During a childhood tussle, young Desmond thought he had nearly killed his brother Hal. What weapon did Desmond use?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: A brick

Desmond and Hal were rough housing in the yard outside their home, with their father looking on and telling their mother that he would only have to punish the winner. Suddenly, Desmond picked up a brick and struck Hal on the head, causing the latter to drop to the ground. While his mother fussed over Hal and father started to remove his belt (to whip Desmond), Desmond studied the wall hanging of the Ten Commandments, lingering on "Thou shalt not kill". Hal survived his injury and later joined the Army after the US entered WWII. The young brothers were played by Darcy Bryce (Desmond) and Roman Guerriero (Hal). Rachel Griffiths portrayed mother, Bertha, and Hugo Weaving was Tom Doss, their father.

3. When Desmond first meets nurse Dorothy Schutte what is she doing?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: Taking blood donations

Desmond goes to the hospital with a man who has been injured in an accident while fixing a car. While he is there he meets a nurse called Dorothy Schutte who is taking blood donations. Desmond and Dorothy start dating and eventually get married.

4. Thomas Doss visited the graves of his friends who died during the Great War more than once during the movie. Where did he and his friends serve?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: Belleau Wood

Tom Doss mentioned having served at Belleau Wood, in France, when he dressed in his Great War uniform to ask a general with whom he had served to intercede on Desmond's behalf when the latter was about to be court martialed for standing up for his beliefs. The elder Doss had lost most of his friends in the Great War, and had turned to alcohol to ease his pain. He could be a belligerent drunk, and became quite upset when Hal enlisted. Desmond's aversion to firearms was strengthened by one drunken episode. Tom did, however, do his best to help Desmond when the time came. The three incorrect choices were battles in other wars in which the USA was involved: the Spanish-American War (San Juan Hill), WWII (Iwo Jima) and Vietnam (Khe Sanh).

5. On their first day of training all the soldiers are given nicknames by the sergeant. What nickname is given to Smitty Ryker?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: Private Idiot

Prior to Sergeant Howell entering the soldiers' dormitory Smitty and another soldier have been messing around throwing a knife. When the sergeant enters the other soldier mistimes his throw and the knife goes into Smitty's foot. Because he has a knife in his foot the sergeant thinks he must be pretty foolish and nicknames him 'Private Idiot'.

6. Where did Desmond meet Dorothy, the woman he would later marry?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: At the local hospital

Desmond was working inside his church when he witnessed an accident just outside. A car had fallen on a young man and his leg was bleeding severely, so Desmond used his own belt to fashion a tourniquet. He and another took the victim to hospital in a pickup truck. The doctor praised Desmond for his work, and while he waited to retrieve his belt, Desmond spied a young nurse, who turned out to be Dorothy. She was taking blood from donors, and Desmond promptly volunteered to donate some of his. When he returned the next day, Dorothy told him he couldn't donate again so soon, and they ended up going to see a movie together. The adult Desmond was played by Andrew Garfield, and Teresa Palmer played Dorothy Schutte.

7. Desmond is sent to join a rifle company at Fort Jackson and does well in his training, until they discover that he is a conscientious objector, and won't touch a weapon. How do most of the men in Desmond's company feel about this?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: They think he is a coward.

Desmond gets along with his bunk mates and manages to hold his own during the drills and training, until they get to rifle practice. When Desmond announces that he cannot touch a gun, Sergeant Howell can't believe his ears. Desmond is brought before Captain Glover, who is similarly confused. "You're a conscientious objector, and you joined the Army?" he asks in disbelief. "Well, no, sir, I'm a conscientious cooperator," Desmond replies. "I volunteered. I ain't got no problem with wearing my uniform, or saluting the flag and doing my duty. It's just carrying a gun and the taking of human life." Captain Glover doesn't mince his words. "You know quite a bit of killing does occur in a war?" he asks. "I mean, that is the essential nature of war." Desmond is deferential, but remains steadfast in his beliefs. Captain Glover tries to put Desmond in for a psychiatric discharge, but Colonel Stelzer determines that his religious beliefs are genuine, and that "he must be allowed to work as a combat medic, provided he qualifies in all other areas of his training". Sergeant Howell interrupts rifle practice to make an announcement. "Gentlemen! I want you to meet Private Desmond Doss," he says. "Apparently, Private Doss does not believe in violence. He does not practice violence. He will not even deign to touch a weapon. You see, Private Doss is a conscientious objector. So I plead with you, do not look to him to save you on the battlefield, because he will undoubtedly be too busy wrestling with his conscience to assist." Desmond interrupts at this point to disagree, but the Sarge orders him to remain silent, before continuing. "Now, I realize some of you might have strong feelings about this. It is what we men fight for. To defend our rights, and to protect our women and children. Even if Private Doss' beliefs might cause women and children to die. So I will expect everyone in this company to give Private Doss the full measure of respect he is due for the short time he will be with us." Most of the men regard Desmond with open contempt. Smitty, in particular, picks on him back in the bunk by snatching away his bible and calling him half a man. "I don't think this is a question of religion, fellas," he says as he confronts Desmond. "I think this is cowardice, plain and simple."

8. Which day does Doss tell the Captain is his sabbath?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: Saturday

After Doss tells the Captain that he won't carry a weapon the Captain asks him if there's anything else he needs from the Army. Doss replies that he doesn't want to work on Saturdays because, as a Seventh-Day Adventist, that is his sabbath and he shouldn't work on it.

9. What religious denomination did Desmond consider himself to be?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: Seventh Day Adventist

Desmond mentioned his affiliation with the Seventh Day Adventist church when he was explaining to his superiors in the Army why he could not work on Saturday, which was the Sabbath for Seventh Day Adventists. This was in addition to his refusal to carry a rifle or take a life. He explained that he wanted to serve and do his duty, and had therefore volunteered, but that he saw his way of serving to be as a medic, not a rifleman. Captain Glover (played by Sam Worthington) and Sergeant Howell (Vince Vaughn) tried to 'persuade' Desmond to leave the army, by refusing leave and giving him all the worst jobs to do in camp. His fellow soldiers (most of them) called him a coward and even beat him up, but Desmond refused to give in. He completed training and qualified in all respects (other than marksmanship) to serve.

10. Why was Desmond in danger of being court martialed?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: Refusing to obey a direct order

Although Desmond had qualified in all other respects and was due to marry Dorothy during his leave, his refusal to even touch a rifle was too much for his colonel, who ordered him to take another soldier's rifle and show that he was qualified in all respects. Desmond's refusal to do so resulted in a charge of insubordination, and led to a hearing as a preliminary to court martial. It is at this hearing that Tom Doss appeared in uniform, bringing a letter from his own former commanding officer which stated that a conscientious objector, such as Desmond, was protected by an Act of Congress from being ordered to do anything that contradicted his beliefs. The charges were dropped, Desmond married Dorothy and continued his training to qualify as a medic.

11. At his court martial, Desmond changes his mind at the last minute and decides to contest the charges. The evidence is clear-cut and the judge is inclined to rule against him, until someone intervenes unexpectedly. Who?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: Desmond's father, Tom

Tom Doss dresses up in his uniform from the Great War and visits Brigadier General Musgrove, his old company commander in Washington, D.C., before showing up at his son's court martial. Inside, the judge is asking Desmond why he feels that he must serve in a combat unit when he won't even touch a weapon. "Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, I took it personal," Desmond explains. "I had a job in a defense plant and I could have taken a deferment, but that ain't right. It isn't right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve. I got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic, right in the middle with the other guys. No less danger, just while everybody else is taking life, I'm going to be saving it. With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together." The judge commends Desmond for his sentiments but cannot see any way around the charge and is about to rule against him when they hear a commotion outside. The door bursts open, and two MPs stumble into the room with the troublemaker. Desmond is surprised to see that it's his father. The judge allows Tom to submit the letter he has obtained from Brigadier General Musgrove, which states that Desmond's "rights as a conscientious objector are protected by an Act of Congress and he cannot be compelled to waive those rights". With that, Colonel Sangston withdraws the charges, and the judge dismisses the case. "Private Doss, you are free to run into the hellfire of battle without a single weapon to protect yourself," the judge says to Desmond. "You may resume your duties and begin training as a combat medic."

12. Where was Hacksaw Ridge?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: Okinawa

A subtitle identified the setting for the coming fight, and Desmond's gallantry, as "Okinawa May 1945". As the incoming soldiers advanced, they passed trucks full of dead and wounded soldiers, returning from earlier attempts to take Hacksaw Ridge. The ridge itself presented as an almost sheer cliff-face, which the attackers ascended by means of cargo nets, usually used for disembarking from troopships. Desmond had been kept busy attending to the wounded and helping them back to the cliffside so they could be lowered and taken to an aid station. During a night spent in a foxhole with one of his former tormentors, Smitty (Luke Bracey), the latter had admitted to having been wrong about Desmond. Although they had some initial success, and spent a night dug in on top of the ridge, a Japanese counter-attack drove the Americans back the next day. When they reached the bottom of the ridge, it was discovered that close to a hundred men had been left behind, dead or wounded. One man had stayed purposely, to help those others. This was Desmond Doss.

13. What does Doss not want to leave behind when he is being evacuated from Hacksaw Ridge after being injured?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: His bible

Doss is injured in the leg kicking away a Japanese grenade. As he is being stretchered away he realises he has lost his bible and asks for it to be found. The bible is special to him because it was given to him by Dorothy when he first left to join the Army and he has a picture of her inside it. The bible is found and given to Doss just before he is lowered from the Ridge.

14. Working alone through the night, Desmond lowered man after wounded man down the cliff-face by rope, to the surprise of the guards left below. What prayer did he make throughout that time?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: For the strength to help one more

Those left at the foot of the cliff quickly realised what was happening, and organised transport to the aid station for the wounded men Desmond was lowering down to them. Doss was seen to become exhausted as he worked, but kept muttering his prayer, to be able to save "just one more". His eventual tally of men saved, one at a time, was 75.

15. Which medal for valor is Doss awarded for his efforts in saving men at Hacksaw Ridge?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: US Medal of Honor

Doss was awarded the US Medal of Honor for his exploits at Hacksaw Ridge. According to the medal citation he saved around 75 men from the ridge. Doss was the first conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor. At the end of the film there is archive footage of the real life Desmond Doss receiving his medal.

16. Who directed 'Hacksaw Ridge'?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: Mel Gibson

'Hacksaw Ridge' is directed by the American actor and director Mel Gibson. It is the first film that Gibson has directed since 'Apocalypto' in 2006. Gibson has been nominated for many awards for directing the film.

17. Why did Desmond pick up a rifle when he found Sergeant Howell lying wounded?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: To fashion a litter

Howell commented that it was a bit late for Desmond to decide to get into the fight, but Doss had no intention of firing the rifle. Instead he used it as a handle to pull Howell across the ground on a makeshift litter (possibly using a poncho or groundsheet). The Japanese were coming up fast, and Howell sat on the litter firing his weapon at them while Desmond sprinted for the cliff. They went over together on the rope, and the soldiers below gave them covering fire. Captain Glover had by that time learned from some of the rescued soldiers what Doss had done, and like the others had revised his opinion of Desmond.

18. Which actress plays Dorothy Schutte?

From Quiz All About 'Hacksaw Ridge'

Answer: Teresa Palmer

Teresa Palmer plays the Doss's wife Dorothy Schutte in the film. Palmer was born and brought up near Adelaide in Australia. Palmer has said that she really wanted a role in the film and that she 'auditioned' for the role by sending an i-Phone recording to Mel Gibson.

19. How was Desmond wounded?

From Quiz Hacksaw Ridge

Answer: By a grenade

A short time later, another attempt to take Hacksaw Ridge was made, with Desmond and his unit again participating, after Desmond had said a prayer for them. Captain Glover made sure he had time to finish his prayer. On top once again, some enemy soldiers pretended to surrender, then threw grenades at the Americans. Desmond kicked one away from the captain and himself, but a second one exploded, wounding Doss. One of his friends retrieved his Bible (that Dorothy had given him) and made sure Desmond had it before he himself was lowered to safety. The Ridge was taken, and Desmond recovered to receive the Medal of Honor from the hands of President Truman, the first conscientious objector to be so honored. Newsreel footage of this event was used in the film, showing the real Desmond T. Doss being decorated.

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