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Repo Man Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Repo Man Trivia

Repo Man Movie Trivia Quizzes

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Written and directed by Alex Cox, this 1984 sci-fi comedy stars Emilio Estevez as a trainee 'repo man', learning the trade of car repossession.
3 Repo Man quizzes and 35 Repo Man trivia questions.
  Have you seen 'Repo Man'?    
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If so, this quiz should not present a huge challenge. If not, go out, rent the film, then take this quiz, which should not present a huge challenge!
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 06 03
thejazzkickazz gold member
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  'Repo Man' Quiz    
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How much do you know about the funniest movie of 1984?
Average, 10 Qns, col.kurtz, Dec 02 06
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  Repo Man    
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 15 Qns
I only saw one quiz thing for this totally awesome movie, and I was bored and decided to make another one. Enjoy!
Tough, 15 Qns, LoftyHavens, Feb 12 13
677 plays

Repo Man Trivia Questions

1. What band makes an appearance in this movie?

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Repo Man

Answer: The Circle Jerks

Actor Zander Schloss, who played Kevin the Nerd, joined the band after filming 'Repo Man.'

2. What is the state of the license plate of the car in question?

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Answer: New Mexico

The car was from Roswell.

3. According to the Repo Men, who was the 'greatest American that ever lived!'?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: John Wayne

John Wayne wasn't his real name.

4. What was the Repo value of the car in question?

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Answer: $20,000

The amount is shown on a printout which appears in the movie.

5. Who was originally supposed to play Bud, and why didn't he?

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Answer: Dennis Hopper; because he felt that the movie would never get the financing

Dennis Hopper loved the film, and wanted director Alex Cox to be on Hopper's special list of directors, but it never happened.

6. What is the make and model of the car in question?

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Answer: Chevy Malibu

'$20,000 for a Chevy Malibu?

7. What was Emilio Estevez (Otto) afraid of when Del Zamora (Lagarto Rodriguez) carried him out of the FBI people's rooms?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: That he would be dropped

Del said that Emilio didn't need to be afraid, because he was really light, but Emilio worried anyway.

8. What band plays in the night club scene?

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Answer: Circle Jerks

They play a painfull slow version of 'When the s... hits the fan'.

9. Otto visits his parents out in 'Edge City' during the film. Upon entering the home he finds both his mother and father glued to the television, watching their favorite television preacher. What is this reverend's name?

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Answer: Reverend Larry

Reverend Larry is commanding his 'flock' to send money. One of the best lines of the film comes from Larry, who states unequivocally, 'I do want your money, because God wants your money.' Finally an honest televangelist!

10. Who can be seen in the background when the Repo Men comes to beat up Mr. Humphries?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: Otto's nerdy friend Kevin

Zander Schloss (Kevin) said that Alex Cox was either trying to suggest something about the character, or he was just grovelling for his job back. In his pajamas. Right.

11. What is the name of the two brothers in the film?

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Answer: Rodriquez

'Those God-dammed Rodriquez brothers.'

12. Who made the noises when Dick Rude's character was dying in the store?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: Alex Cox

Alex Cox can still make those convincing dying sounds.

13. Where does Leila work?

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Answer: United Fruitcake Outlet

There is a sign on the wall as Otto and her walk in the building.

14. Otto gets to talking with one of the repo men, a very odd sort named Miller. Miller talks metaphysics with Otto in what has to be one of the most disjointed speeches of the film. What food dish does he mention in his odd monologue?

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Answer: Plate o' shrimp

Miller's longest monologue is as follows: 'A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.' Otto responds by asking Miller if he 'ate a lot of acid...back in the hippie days'.

15. Why did Harry Dean Stanton get mad at Alex?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: He wouldn't let him use a real baseball bat in one of the scenes

The camera guy, Robby Muller, said he 'felt ze vind of a real baseball bat' and refused to shoot any more of the scene unless Stanton was given a fake one.

16. What jingle does Kevin sing to get Otto upset at the supermarket?

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Answer: 7-up

'Feeling 7-up, I'm feeling 7-up...Feeling 7-up, I'm feeling 7-up...'

17. Otto meets a girl during the film named Leila that he takes a liking to. Aside from her work at the 'United Fruitcake Outlet' (notice the initials) and her bizarre theories about alien beings, what other odd activity does she clearly relish?

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Answer: Torture

Leila shows a clear relish for torture when she appears in the control room of a torture chamber, with Otto as the 'test subject'. She happily delivers an electric shock to her erstwhile boyfriend. She also announces, 'I'd torture someone in a second if it was up to me.' Later in the film when she sees Otto again she is quoted, 'I'm glad I tortured you!' All in fun, of course...

18. Which actor, even though it was very necessary, didn't know how to drive?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: Fox Harris

In the scene where the Rodriguez Brothers steal the Malibu, Fox earlier hit a gas tank at the station.

19. What kind of beer do Bud and Otto buy at the liquor store?

From Quiz 'Repo Man' Quiz

Answer: Beer

All products are generic in the movie.

20. Who performs the title song on the soundtrack?

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Answer: Iggy Pop

All contribute, but Iggy sings 'Repo Man'.

21. At the end of the film, which two characters take off in the glowing Chevy Malibu?

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Answer: Otto and Miller

Miller, who doesn't drive throughout the film, and in fact criticizes the act of driving, sits in the driver's seat of the Malibu. He then invites Otto in and the glowing car takes off in flight over Los Angeles. A crazy end to a crazy movie! Thanks for taking the time to play this quiz, I hope you have enjoyed it. Please feel free to try my other quizzes if this one tickled your fancy.

22. What is the older Rodriguez Brother, Lagarto, wearing on his head?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: A hairnet

There appears to be no real reason for him wearing this, except maybe he felt like it.

23. What is special about the guy who Otto gets in the car with at the end of the movie?

From Quiz 'Repo Man' Quiz

Answer: he's the only guy who does not drive

He is the guy who talks about time machines and UFO's being the same thing.

24. When Otto throws up, what was it?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: Chunky Vegetable Soup

And there's corn in it, Zander says, 'because you have to have a cup of corn every day.'

25. According to some cast and crew members, what actor enjoyed running around in his briefs?

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Answer: Emilio Estevez

In the scene where he's being carried, Zander Schloss reported that Emilio was 'very happy, because he got to parade around in his jockeys.'

26. Where did Leila work?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: The United Fruitcake Outlet

And we all know that 'United Fruitcake Outlet' is really a cover-up for 'UFO.'

27. What singer makes a cameo appearance in the movie as a photographer?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: Jimmy Buffet

I think he's the one with his back turned, but anyway, he's in the scene where the FBI guys are burning the body of J. Frank Parnell.

28. What car got stolen during the filming?

From Quiz Repo Man

Answer: J. Frank Parnell's car

Alex Cox was driving the car, and he parked it and it was stolen. They later found it, of course, after they had already bought another Malibu.

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