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Sin City Movie Trivia Quizzes

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4 Sin City quizzes and 40 Sin City trivia questions.
  Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Ten minutes after watching "Frank Miller's Sin City", I was writing a quiz about it. This movie, based on the comic of the same name, is one of the best new movies I've seen in a long time. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 25 07
kyleisalive editor
3210 plays
  Sin City   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
If anyone hasn't seen this incredible film, I strongly recommend it - however, I also recommend that if you haven't seen it, DON'T do this quiz, as it contains spoilers!
Average, 10 Qns, josieposie, Sep 30 05
3961 plays
  "Sin City" Quotes    
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 10 Qns
I feel that this is absolutely brilliant film and it's just filled with great one-liners. See how many you recognise and have fun.(Beware of spoilers!)
Average, 10 Qns, jesus_rocks, Feb 09 06
2086 plays
  "Sin City" Spectacular    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Take a walk through "Sin City" and watch how the lives of many of its citizens become entwined.
Average, 10 Qns, sarrie22, Aug 31 08
1605 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who says this line? "Turn the right corner in Sin City, and you can find anything. Anything."

From Quiz ""Sin City" Spectacular"

Sin City Trivia Questions

1. What color are The Customer's eyes?

From Quiz
"Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: green

Although the movie is in black and white, certain items are in color, like The Customer's red lips. When she puffs on her cigarette, her eyes glow bright green for just a second, before fading to black and white again. We discover that The Customer actually hired The Man (Josh Hartnett) to kill her, which is a very strange twist because we never find out why.

2. Who says: "I could pump you full of lead right now and I wouldn't even be arrested."?

From Quiz "Sin City" Quotes

Answer: Senator Rourk

This is said in a hospital, some time after Hartigan is shot by his partner Bob, as he is now attached to tubes to keep him alive. Senator Rourk is played by Powers Booth, who's great at playing intimidating characters, such as Cyrus Toliver in "Deadwood".

3. What is the name of Marv's parole officer?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Lucille

Marv, played by Mickey Rourke, is a rather large street fighter. When we first meet him, he's sleeping with a beautiful woman named 'Goldie', and when he wakes up, she's dead. He tries to get revenge by killing the one responsible, but along the way, he's captured along with Lucille (played by Carla Gugino). In the end, Marv kills his captor and eventually gets sent to the electric chair for killing Cardinal Roark. Lucille is also killed at Kevin's farm when mercenaries shoot her.

4. What does the road sign on the way into Sin City say?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: Basin City, 700ft

The 'Ba' at the beginning of 'Basin' has eroded slightly, making it almost seem to read as 'sin'. We see this sign a number of times as cars drive to and from Roark's Farm.

5. Why does the cop pull Dwight over?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: busted tail light

Although Dwight is having a conversation with a very dead Rafferty, it is all in his head. Dwight tells the officer that he's the designated driver because it appears that Rafferty is just slumped over in the front seat, passed out from drinking to much. The cop lets Dwight off with a warning, which is a good thing for him because if he had discovered that Rafferty was dead, Dwight would have been forced to kill the patrolman (his second for the night since it is revealed that Rafferty is also a cop).

6. How old was Nancy when she was abducted?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Eleven

In the very beginning of the movie, Hartigan, played by Bruce Willis, is on his last day on the job, and he's searching for an abducted girl named Nancy Callahan. He eventually finds her and her captor, Junior, but he gets shot by his partner Bob just as he's about to kill Junior. The police are on the way, and Nancy is safe, but Hartigan needs to go to the hospital.

7. What colour is Jackie Boy's car?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: Blue

As you will know if you have seen the film, it is shot in strongly contrasting monochrome (to make it convincingly resemble the graphic novel on which it is based) with certain objects picked out in colour. Dwight's car, in which he follows Jackie Boy's blue car, is red.

8. What is Miho's weapon of choice?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: swords

Deadly little Miho kills all of Rafferty's goons in an instant, when she thrusts her swords through the roof of his car. The swords that Miho uses are the same that were seen in the "Kill Bill" movies.

9. What is the name of Goldie's twin sister?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Wendy

After Goldie (played by Jaime King) is killed, Wendy suspects Marv of murdering her. The first time that Marv sees Wendy is when she hits him with her car and shoots at him. Later, she and some of her friends take him and tie him up in order to get information out of him, but they realize that he didn't kill Goldie; he's actually trying to kill the real murderer. Wendy and Marv end up going to Kevin's farm for revenge.

10. Which cult director randomly guest directed a single scene in 'Sin City'?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: Quentin Tarantino

According to the opening credits, this director was Tarantino. The scene he directed is apparently the one in which Dwight follows Jackie Boy's car. (Robert Rodriguez was the guy who directed the whole feature.)

11. How does Marv ultimately kill Kevin?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: beheads him

This is a very violent scene and I'm still having nightmares from it. Kevin killed Marv's beloved Goldie earlier in the film and so Marv devises an elaborate plan to lure Kevin out of his house of horrors. Once out, Marv beats Kevin and handcuffs them together so Kevin can't escape. Marv does cut off Kevin's limbs and feeds him to the dog. But Kevin never makes a sound - he just stares at Marv until finally Marv cuts his head off. Marv then proceeds to Cardinal Roark's to present him with Kevin's mortal remains. Oh yeah, Marv kills the Cardinal too. I guess for Marv, revenge is truly sweet.

12. Who says: "I love hit men. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad."?

From Quiz "Sin City" Quotes

Answer: Marv

Marv says this in the narration, when a couple of hit men take him outside of Kadie's bar. He then demonstrates his point by shooting one of them and ramming the other's head into a wall. Mickey Rourke is superb as Marv and it's been said by a few people that he really just is Marv in so many ways( I imagine he's not quite as homicidal though). I thought it was great line as well.

13. Who are the twin sisters with whom Marv falls in love?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: Goldie and Wendy

Goldie is the one he really falls in love with, and also the one who is killed early on. Marv frequently mistakes Wendy for Goldie in his agitated state of mind.

14. Hartigan receives letters from Nancy every week while he is in jail. Then suddenly after a few years, the letters stop. When he finally does get another one after months without, what is in the envelope?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: a finger

Hartigan (played by Bruce Willis) refuses to confess to crimes he didn't commit and figures Nancy will be safe while he is behind bars. When she writes to him, she always signs the letters as Cordelia. When a finger arrives in the mail, he assumes it is hers and that the crime lords have found her and are torturing her. He immediately confesses to the crime of kidnapping Nancy years ago and is set free. He sets off to find her and rescue her. Only later does he realize that the finger he received in the mail was a setup. Hartigan discovers that he led Roarke Jr. right to Nancy.

15. How many cronies does Jackie Boy bring to Shellie's apartment?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Four

In the second segment of the movie, Jackie Boy (Benicio Del Toro) is banging on Shellie's door. Inside, her new boyfriend, Dwight (Clive Owen) hides in the shower and ambushes Jackie Boy in the bathroom. As Jackie Boy recovers after their small scuffle, Dwight hides again and they leave the apartment. Dwight decides that he needs to stop Jackie Boy before he harms somebody, so he chases after him.

16. How long does Hartigan spend in prison for the crime he did not commit?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: 8 years

We know this partly because Hartigan tells us in his voiceover, but also because Nancy is 11 when he is put away, and 19 when he is released.

17. How does Nancy describe the gun she has hidden under her car seat?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: "kicks like a mule"

Nancy (Jessica Alba) and Hartigan leave the bar together and attempt to get out of Sin City in Nancy's car. Hartigan, just having been released from prison, doesn't have a weapon on him but Nancy gives him hers. They realize that Roark Jr. is following them and Hartigan leans out of the car and fires at him. Roark Jr. skids off the road and crashes his car, but when Nancy and Hartigan go to investigate, Roark Jr. is gone.

18. The word "Yeesh" is used 3 times in this film. Who does not say it?

From Quiz "Sin City" Quotes

Answer: Jackie Boy

This word is used initially by Dwight when Jackie Boy falls onto a sharpened Swastika. It is then used by Gail, when Jackie Boy's chronies are made more compact for the journey to The Pits. Finally, the word is used by a female Irish mercenary, when Jackie Boy's head is recovered from the pits by her collegues. It's a weird thing to point out about a film but it stood out to me for some reason. All usage of the word "yeesh" is well-founded though, since there's a decent amount of gore in the relevent circumstances.

19. Who kills Jackie Boy?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Miho

As Dwight left Shellie's apartment, he thought that he heard her yell "Stop!", but she was actually saying "He's a cop!". After wandering into Old Town, the girls kill Jackie Boy and his cohorts when he pulls a gun on Becky in a dark alley. While searching through Jackie Boy's pockets, Dwight finds Jackie Boy's police badge, and everyone realizes that they may have just made a huge mistake.

20. Which Hollywood actor has a brief, but memorable, role as a hitman who kills young women and hookers?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: Josh Hartnett

Hartnett only appears in the very first and the very last scenes of the film. You almost forget he's in it until he appears again at the end.

21. When Hartigan goes to Kadie's Club to search for Nancy, what two characters are sitting at the bar together?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: Marv and Jackie Boy

Both are watching Nancy dance and Shelly (Brittany Murphy) is the waitress who points Hartigan in Nancy's direction. Hartigan's story is featured early and late in the movie - the early segment being when Nancy was kidnapped as child and then later when she is an adult and tries to escape with Hartigan. It is interesting to see Marv sitting at the bar in the last scene because we witnessed his execution earlier in the movie. And we all know what becomes of Jackie Boy!

22. Who was the spy in Old Town who told Manute about Jackie Boy's death?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Becky

After driving Jackie Boy to the tar pits, Dwight is attacked by mercenaries who blast him into the tar pits. Just as he is about to die, Miho and Dallas save him and tell him about the situation. After another fight, Miho and Dwight chase the Irishman through the sewers and reclaim Jackie Boy's head, and they trade it to Manute for Gail. Becky then tells Gail that she had to side with the cops to save her mother. Manute and his army get killed, Becky gets away, and Gail and Dwight kiss in the alley. "The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter... and so am I."

23. How many lines does Elijah Wood speak during the course of the film?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: None

Wood neither speaks nor utters a single sound whilst playing Kevin (the cannibalistic farmhand), even when he is dismembered by Marv and then fed, fully conscious, to a wolf. The effect is pretty disturbing, but not so disturbing as Elijah's trademark scary eyes, which first became famous when he played Frodo in 'Lord of the Rings'.

24. How does Nancy die?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: she doesn't

Hartigan kills Roark Jr. and sends Nancy ahead, telling her he'll catch up with her after he calls the police and shines a light on the city's corruption. But he is lying to her. After she leaves, Hartigan shoots himself. He believes that his death will ultimately preserve her life.

25. The first line in the movie is: "She ______ in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree."

From Quiz "Sin City" Quotes

Answer: Shivers

This is said by the mysterious hit man who appears twice in the film. In this case he is describing the woman in the red dress on the balcony. The first scene was shot by Robert Rodriguez before holding any rights to the film. He managed to persuade several actors, as well as Frank Miller, to take part in the film, purely with the opening scene. I take my hat off to the man.

26. What name does Nancy sign her letters to Hartigan with?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Cordelia

In the third and final segment of the movie, Hartigan wakes up in a hospital bed and learns that Junior (Nick Stahl) is in a coma. Nancy says that she loves Hartigan and that she'll write to him with an alias. He starts getting letters from Nancy every Thursday, like clockwork, until one day they stop arriving about eight years later. He signs a confession for everything that happened, and searches for Nancy.

27. What nationality are the mercenaries who steal Jackie Boy's severed head from Dwight?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: Irish

The mercenaries come across as a sort of IRA-type terrorist group in the film, as they all have strong Irish accents and use grenades.

28. Who is Becky talking to on her cell phone in the hospital elevator?

From Quiz "Sin City" Spectacular

Answer: her mom

Becky is one of the prostitutes from Old Town and after Rafferty and his men were killed, Becky sides with the Mob and betrays the other girls. During the shootout, where Dwight and the prostitutes take on the Mob, Becky manages to escape but is injured. She is later seen at the hospital with her arm in a sling, and The Man is right next to her.

29. Who used to be Hartigan's partner?

From Quiz Walk Down the Right Back Alley in "Sin City"...

Answer: Bob

Bob (played by Michael Madsen) shoots Hartigan to cover everything up in the beginning of the movie, but eight years into the future, when Hartigan is released from prison, they patch things up. Since being in jail, Hartigan's wife has moved on, gotten married and had children, so he headed straight to Nancy's house where he was led to the bar where she works. They decide to leave and escape danger, but the yellow man follows them. Hartigan shoots him, and when they go back to his crashed car to confirm the kill, he's gone.

30. At the beginning of the film, which part of Roark, the paedophile, does Hartigan shoot off?

From Quiz Sin City

Answer: All three

Hartigan removes Roark's "weapons" - his gun is in his hand when it is shot off. He then proceeds to do so. Roark has reconstructive surgery later on which turns him into a hideous, bright yellow man.

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