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Singles Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 Singles quizzes and 35 Singles trivia questions.
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 20 Qns
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen, although it is often overlooked. If you feel like this movie is the story of your life then play on...
Average, 20 Qns, reddelicious, Aug 16 10
1215 plays
  Average Singles Quiz - 15 Questions    
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 15 Qns
This is one of my favorite movies. Hope you enjoy.
Average, 15 Qns, deanalyn26, Dec 15 02
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What is Janet's dream occupation?

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Singles Trivia Questions

1. An easy one first: Where is the movie set?

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Answer: Seattle

Cliff's band is part of the "Seattle Sound".

2. Who is the first character we meet when the movie opens?

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Answer: Linda

In the first scene in the movie we see Linda in front of her new apartment with a garage door opener in her hand.

3. What famous actor has a cameo playing the mime?

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Answer: Eric Stoltz

Eric was the star of "Some Kind of Wonderful". I never knew this until I stopped and looked at the credits.

4. How old is Janet (played by Bridget Fonda)?

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Answer: 23

When we meet Janet in the movie, she says, "I'm 23. Remember how old 23 seemed when you were younger...I mean I thought people would be traveling in flying cars and I would have 5 I am 23."

5. What color is the T-shirt that Steve leaves at Linda's after they spend the night together?

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Answer: blue

This answer is revealed to us at the coffeshop when his friends ask if he 'did anything like leave a note' to which he replies, 'no but I left my blue T-shirt'.

6. What did Cliff do to win Janet back?

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Answer: said "bless you" when she sneezed

Cliff did all of these things, but it was the "bless you" that finally won her over. The stereo broke all her windows in her car.

7. At the party Linda attends in college, what are they giving out for free?

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Answer: condoms

Linda attends a safe-sex party where everyone is supposed to dress up as their favorite contraceptive. It is at this party that she meets her friend Andy, whom she dates on and off.

8. What is the name of Janet's plastic surgeon who is going to perform her implant operation?

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Answer: Dr. Jameson

The only time the viewer actually sees the doctor's name is right before they show Janet in the waiting room of the office. Dr. Jeffrey Jameson is written on the door to the office in white letters.

9. What food is Linda eating when Steve proposes to her?

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Answer: Chili Dog

Linda says to Steve, 'don't do this, don't make me rememeber this chili dog forever.' Steve replies, 'make that a historic chili dog, in fact you don't even need to speak, just take a bite if the answer is yes.'

10. The band Alice in Chains is playing in the club when Linda and Steve meet. What song are they playing?

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Answer: Would

One of the many great songs on the soundtrack. If you don't have it, run out and get it!

11. What does Steve say right before he and Linda get into an accident?

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Answer: That light has been yellow way too long.

Linda is driving and they are talking about basketball, Steve comments about the light and they get hit on the side by another car. Linda is admitted to the hospital and she miscarries. Linda is obviously devestated and decides that to ease herself out of her depression, she will go on the trip to Alaska that she had set up at work. This is pretty much where Steve and LInda break up.

12. When Cliff is being interviewed at the club after his band, Citizen Dick, performs, where does he say a big record off their new album just broke?

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Answer: Belgium

This part of the movie is hysterical becuase it is so obvious that Cliff is making it up. The band, throughout the movie, gets nothing but bad reviews, especially Cliff and his singing. The only good part about the band is that Eddie Vedder, of Pearl Jam, plays one of the band members.

13. What is the first thing Andy says to Linda when they meet at the safe sex party?

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Answer: It's okay to loathe these people.

Andy was Mr. Sensitive pony-tail man.

14. Debbie Hunt is described by Steve as consuming what instead of food?

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Answer: men

Steve says this to Linda when they are sitting in the empty fountain outside of his apartment.

15. How much money did Debbie want from Pamela for Jami (the bicycle guy)?

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Answer: $200

The first price she said was $200. That was what she payed for him. She settled for $80 and Pam doing the dishes for a month.

16. What is Janet's dream occupation?

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Answer: architect

After breaking up with Cliff, she enrolls herself in architecture classes...and her first project is to redesign the fountain in front of her apartment complex (where Steve, Debbie, Bailey and Cliff all live). She tells Steve that the fountain "will always remain empty so we can sit in it."

17. In Debbie's video she is shown flying beside a famous landmark. What landmark is it?

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Answer: Space Needle

The film was set in Seattle, so of course it was the Space Needle.

18. Finish this quote said by the very talkative mime that Steve asks for directions, 'I'll tell you about love, love disappears baby, everytime I've been broke, the babe has been off like a ____ ____?'

From Quiz Singles

Answer: prom dress

When we first meet the mime, Steve and Bailey want directions. To their surprise, he is loud and obnoxious. He offers to give them directions, if they give him a ride. At the same time, a couple comes and asks where the same club is because their car broke down. So they all pile in Steve's car.

19. What does Steve say to Linda when he appears at her door the very first time that they spend the night together?

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Answer: I was just nowhere near your neighborhood

This is the most amazing line of the movie, well one of them.

20. How many telephone numbers will Bailey's new watch hold?

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Answer: 20

He ended up getting 20 numbers at the club that night.

21. What does Linda break when she is at Steve's apartment for the first time?

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Answer: dish

They are drying dishes and one falls out of Linda's hands and breaks on the floor. Linda apologizes and Steve replies "it's cool." They both sit down on the floor, Linda still holding the broken old song that Linda likes comes on the record player ('Waterfall') and they almost kiss for the first time.

22. Steve's best friend, Bailey, claims that he lives his life like what?

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Answer: a French movie

Bailey is bragging to Steve about his new watch which holds 20 numbers, which he intended to fill when they go to the club. When Bailey says this, much like the audience, Steve says "what" because he has no idea what that is supposed to mean. If you watch the tape, there is a really bizarre added scene after the credits about this quote.

23. Who in the building used to date?

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Answer: Steve and Janet

They were still good friends.

24. On Debbie's video dating tape what is the last thing that she says?

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Answer: Come to Debbie Country

Steve and Bailey had bought Debbie a gift certificate for a video dating service known as Expect the Best. Debbie decides to use the gift and makes this ridiculous video selling herself to perspective dates. After she gets back the videos of the guys who "want her", she and her friends decide on the Bicycle guy because "he's like her soulmate."

25. What is the one thing that Janet looks for in a man (she originally had a long list but narrowed it down to just one thing)?

From Quiz Singles

Answer: someone that says 'God bless you' when she sneezes

Steve asks Janet what she looks for in a guy while they are waiting for Janet's plastic surgeon to call her in for her operation. In the end of the movie, Cliff fulfills this criteria of Janet's when they are in an elevator.

26. When Steve goes to the market to buy Linda a pregnancy test, he runs into an old classmate. This classmate tells Steve, very loudly, that Steve is the what?

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Answer: King

One of the funniest scenes of the movie. I continue to call my sister this.

27. What traffic-solving idea does Steve try to sell to the mayor?

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Answer: His idea for the supertrain

Steve believes that if you give people great music and great coffee then his idea would work like a charm (although he uses different words, I just didn't want to give it away). Unfortunately the mayor does not share Steve's enthusiasm and the idea is rejected, making Steve quit hs job.

28. After Cliff and Janet break up, he calls her and sings her a song on her answering machine. The first line of the song is what?

From Quiz Singles

Answer: I'm walking down the avenue

Janet comes back to her apartment to find her name spelled out in roses and a message on her answering machine from Cliff. This part kills me becuase it took me like 10 times watching it before I really paid attention to the ridiculous lyrics that Cliff is singing to her....I love it now and find it so silly.

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