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True Grit Movie Trivia Quizzes

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7 True Grit quizzes and 85 True Grit trivia questions.
  True Grit (2010)   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
"People do not give it credence that a young girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood, but it did happen." So begins the Coen Brothers' 2010 adaptation of "True Grit", based on the 1968 novel by Charles Portis.
Average, 10 Qns, jmorrow, Mar 03 22
jmorrow editor
Mar 03 22
710 plays
  The Ultimate True Grit Quiz   great trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
John Wayne's greatest film role deserves at least one more quiz. This is my personal favorite of all The Duke's films. Hope you enjoy, pilgrims.
Average, 15 Qns, terrydd333, Sep 13 16
3436 plays
  "True Grit" Horses   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
"True Grit" is my favorite John Wayne movie. More than The Duke, or Glen Campbell, or Kim Darby, Rooster, LaBoeuf, or Mattie, are the horses. See if you can answer these questions about them.
Average, 10 Qns, RJCogburn, Sep 07 07
803 plays
  True Grit Quiz for Experts   great trivia quiz  
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 20 Qns
'True Grit' featured possibly John Wayne's greatest role as the 'one-eyed' 'Rooster Cogburn'. This movie is a real American classic. Enjoy the quiz.
Average, 20 Qns, l84golf, Dec 31 13
3505 plays
  Do You Have "True Grit" (2010)?    
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 10 Qns
"True Grit" held its own by being one of the most popular remakes in recent Hollywood history. Do you remember this 2010 great real well? Find out now with this quiz! Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, CAGuy0206, Sep 05 11
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  "True Grit" Medical Matters    
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 10 Qns
"True Grit" is my favorite John Wayne movie. It's not just a great Western, with a little attention and imagination, it is also a source of medical fun. See if you agree.
Difficult, 10 Qns, RJCogburn, Sep 05 07
899 plays
  "True Grit": Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne    
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 10 Qns
"True Grit" is my favorite John Wayne film. Everybody knows about "Fill yer hands" and Lucky Ned's messed up lower lip. This quiz is for those who have really paid attention. Enjoy it, at Judge Parker's convenience.
Difficult, 10 Qns, RJCogburn, Jan 29 17
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trivia question Quick Question
How much did Mattie have to pay Rooster to hire him to track down Tom Chaney?

From Quiz "True Grit"

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True Grit Trivia Questions

1. In the opening narration, Mattie stated that Tom Chaney killed her father. She mentioned that he took two gold pieces of her father's from what state?

From Quiz
Do You Have "True Grit" (2010)?

Answer: California

The movie began with a narration from one of the central characters, Mattie. She claimed how a ruthless man named Tom Chaney killed her father and took everything from him. She stated that this included two gold pieces he had from California.

2. What is Bo's cause of death?

From Quiz "True Grit" Horses

Answer: Gunshot

Rooster bravely faces down Ned, the Parmelees, and Mexican Bob, riding across the meadow with the reins in his mouth, firing a rifle with one hand and a pistol with the other. He shoots down each of the Parmelees, Bob flees, but Ned is able to shoot and hits Bo, who falls and lands atop Rooster pinning him underneath. Rooster finally extricates himself but Bo has been shot and dies.

3. Camped one night and drinking, as usual, Rooster relates that he worked for a time, hauling freight in Colorado. He worked for a fellow who was always "down with something". What specific malady does Rooster recall?

From Quiz "True Grit" Medical Matters

Answer: Tapeworm

Rooster is sitting around at night drinking and talking to Mattie and LaBoeuf. He relates how he was a pretty fair hand with a jerk line when he was freighting in Colorado. He tells them he worked for a fellow who was carrying around a twenty one foot tapeworm. He went on to say that the man's wife commenced to running the business and he was not about to work for her.

4. According to Lucky Ned Pepper, who is the Parmelee that is the most "tetched"?

From Quiz "True Grit": Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne

Answer: Ma Parmelee

Lucky Ned has captured Mattie. With him are Tom Chaney, Mexican Bob, and the Parmelee brothers, Harold and Farrell. Harold never speaks, but makes animal sounds. Mattie asks Ned what the matter with Harold is. Ned replies that all the Parmelee family is "tetched". While he first says that Harold is the worst, meaning the most "tetched", he corrects himself and says that their ma is the worst. Ma is never seen in the movie and no more is said about her, except for the reference below, leaving Ned's "diagnosis" the only information as the to the mental health of the matriarch of the Parmelees. When Ned, Bob and the Parmelees ride off, leaving Mattie with Tom Chaney - Chaney having lost his horse - Ned promises to send back a horse for Chaney. Ned says he'll see Chaney that night at "ma's". The ma he is referring to is the Parmelees' mom. There is no mention of any "Old Man Parmelee" in the movie.

5. Rooster shot "Lucky" Ned Pepper in the lower lip. What was he aiming for?

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: his upper lip

Rooster: "He was lucky that day, alright."

6. Rooster Cogburn was a:

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: Federal Marshal

7. The Sheriff mentioned to Mattie that Lucky Ned Pepper and his gang robbed a mail employee on which river?

From Quiz Do You Have "True Grit" (2010)?

Answer: Poteau

Mattie spoke with the Sheriff early on in the film as to whether Mr. Chaney had been captured but he told her the bad news was he was still at large and not a major priority to the U.S. Marshals. He stated that it was possible Tom Chaney was mixed in with Lucky Ned Pepper, who along with his gang robbed a mail worker right at the Poteau River. Mattie spoke of her desire to hire a bounty hunter to pursue Mr. Chaney.

8. Mattie attends the hanging of three men, where she locates the Sheriff of Fort Smith. She presses him for information about hiring a U.S. Marshal to pursue Tom Chaney. What does the Sheriff tell Mattie about Reuben "Rooster" Cogburn?

From Quiz True Grit (2010)

Answer: That he is the meanest Marshal

The Sheriff informs Mattie that Chaney isn't a very high priority for the U.S. Marshals, so she enquires about placing a bounty on Chaney's head. "Well, nothing prevents you from offering a reward and so informing the Marshals," the Sheriff says. "It would have to be real money, though, to be persuasive." When Mattie asks for the name of the best Marshal, the Sheriff has to think it through. He tells her that William Walker is half Comanche and the best tracker, and that the meanest Marshal is Rooster Cogburn, who he describes as "a pitiless man, double tough and fear don't enter into his thinking". After some thought, the Sheriff concludes that the best Marshal is L.T. Quinn, because he tries to bring his prisoners in alive, and believes that "even the worst of men is entitled to a fair shake". Mattie reveals that she is probably more interested in vengeance rather than justice when she asks the Sheriff, "Where can I find this Rooster?" Mattie eventually sees Marshal Cogburn at the Courthouse, where he is giving evidence in the prosecution of one Otis Wharton. The Defense counsel attempts to paint Cogburn as a trigger-happy killer, but this only seems to strengthen Mattie's resolve in her choice of Marshal. She walks up to Cogburn after the hearing to make her proposition, and says to him, "They tell me you're a man with true grit."

9. What is Little Blackie's cause of death?

From Quiz "True Grit" Horses

Answer: Exhaustion

After the showdown with Ned, the Parmelees, and Mexican Bob, Rooster returns to rescue Mattie. She has been bitten by a rattlesnake and her arm is broken. Rooster knows he must get her to medical attention, such as it is, as soon as possible, if she is to survive. Little Blackie must carry them both. After the showdown Rooster says, "He's all I could catch". It is too much for the horse as Rooster pushes on despite Mattie's exhortations to stop, that it is killing Little Blackie. Finally Little Blackie collapses, his coat covered with foam. Rooster picks up Mattie in his arms and presses onward on foot.

10. The cause of LaBoeuf's death is most likely what?

From Quiz "True Grit" Medical Matters

Answer: Epidural hematoma

LaBoeuf rescues Mattie from Tom Chaney, disarms him, and sends him to wait off to the side, while they watch Rooster face down Lucky Ned Pepper, the Parmelees, and Mexican Bob. As they walk back, Chaney strikes LaBoeuf on the head with a large rock, knocking him out. Later, Laboeuf awakens and pulls Rooster and Mattie out of the snake pit before falling off the horse dead. The history of head injury, loss of consciousness, brief return to consciousness, and death, suggests an epidural hematoma as the most likely cause.

11. Who does the Fort Smith sheriff say is the best tracker?

From Quiz "True Grit": Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne

Answer: Bill Waters

Mattie wants to have Tom Chaney, who killed her father, brought to justice, and asks the Fort Smith sheriff who the best Marshall is, since the sheriff has no jurisdiction in the Indian Nation. He mentions three, telling her "the meanest" is Rooster Cogburn. The sheriff begins to mention Marshalls and the first one he names is Bill Waters, the best tracker. Next he mentions L. T. Quinn, and finally Rooster. When the sheriff describes Rooster as not only the meanest but, "double tough, fear don't enter into his thinking", she asks "Where can I find this Rooster?" Neither Bill Waters nor L.T. Quinn appear in the movie and neither is mentioned again. L. T. Quinn is a Marshall, but he is "the straightest." LaBoeuf is, of course, the Texas Ranger who goes with Rooster and Mattie. R. Ryan is the undertaker, seen when Mattie and Yarnell go to see her father's body. Ryan has a sign on the door that he has gone to the hanging, and he has signed it, "R. Ryan". Ryan is played by the actor Hank Worden, who appeared in several John Wayne movies, including the character Mose Harper in the John Ford directed classic, "The Searchers".

12. For what crime was Tom Chaney wanted in Texas?

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: killing a state senator named Bibbs

Rooster: "$500. Very little for a man who's killed a senator." LaBoeuf: "Bibbs was a little senator."

13. What was Mattie's father originally going to Fort Smith to buy?

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: Texas Mustang Ponies

14. What was Mattie's father's first name?

From Quiz Do You Have "True Grit" (2010)?

Answer: Frank

Mattie spoke to someone who had business ties to her father and it was at this meeting that she mentioned that his first name was Frank. They also spoke of business as well, since there were still some unsettled affairs. Mattie spoke of a saddle horse of Frank's which had been stolen.

15. Frank Ross's plan to breed ponies would not have worked with those he is said to have purchased from Col. Stonehill. Why?

From Quiz "True Grit" Horses

Answer: They are geldings

Mattie goes to see Col. Stonehill after her father has been killed. He points out horses that he says are part of the estate of Frank Ross. Mattie wants money from him for her father's horse and saddle which were stolen from Col. Stonehill's place, as well as a refund for the horses, since they are geldings, meaning they have been castrated and cannot breed.

16. Were it up to Rooster, J. Noble Daggett's parents would have given little J. Noble this - had it been available in the nineteenth century.

From Quiz "True Grit" Medical Matters

Answer: Human Growth Hormone

Mattie mentions her lawyer, J. Noble Daggett at various times in the movie. When he finally appears, to pay Rooster the remainder of the money owed to him for going after Tom Cheney, as well as a bonus for saving Mattie's life, Rooster is briefly taken aback by Daggett's appearance. He is a small and slight man. Rooster remarks, "Yer shrunk". Had Daggett's parents provided HGH, he would have grown taller. Steroids in childhood would not have helped and would have been detrimental overall. There is no reason to think he was diabetic, thus needing insulin. Amphetamines might have made little J. Noble more alert and perhaps helped with his studies, but without long term benefits.

17. The stew at the Monarch Boarding House is deemed a public health hazard by one of the folks eating there. What bodily system is it supposed to adversely effect?

From Quiz "True Grit": Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne

Answer: Vision

The patrons of the boarding house are eating. Mattie admits the food is alright, but thinks 25 cents is a lot for "a little flour and grease" - referring to the dumplings of the chicken and dumplings being offered. LaBoeuf enters late and one patron warns LaBoeuf, as he sits down at the long dinner table, that the stew will hurt his eyes. When LaBoeuf asks how so, the patron replies, "It'll hurt your eyes looking for the chicken."

18. What is "Rooster" Cogburn's full, given name?

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: Reuben J. Cogburn

19. When Mattie went to Fort Smith after her father's death, what did she witness?

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: A Hanging

20. Mattie told Rooster Cogburn that her father was killed in front of which place?

From Quiz Do You Have "True Grit" (2010)?

Answer: Monarch Boarding House

After Rooster testified at a trial, Mattie spoke with him in the hallway about retaining his services to hunt down Tom Chaney. She stated how her father had been murdered in front of the Monarch Boarding House and of her wanting to capture Tom Chaney as soon as possible. She also gave her name to Rooster at this time.

21. LaBoeuf, the Texas Ranger, is subjected to a string of put-downs and insults from Mattie when they meet for the first time. In a moment of frustration, what does LaBoeuf confess he gave some thought to stealing from Mattie as he watched her sleep?

From Quiz True Grit (2010)

Answer: A kiss

Mattie awakens at the boarding house to find LaBoeuf sitting at the foot of her bed, smoking a pipe. He informs her that he has been tracking Chaney from Waco, Texas for shooting a Senator, and hopes to collect a sizable bounty on his head. Mattie is quick to discourage the Ranger. "My man will beat you to it," she informs LaBoeuf confidently. "I've hired a Deputy Marshal, the toughest one they have." When LaBoeuf proposes that they join forces, Mattie will have none of it. "When Chaney is taken, he's coming back to Fort Smith to hang," she says. "I'm not having him go to Texas to hang for shooting some Senator." LaBoeuf appears unimpressed. "It is not important where he hangs, is it?" he asks. Mattie replies that it is, and asks why it matters to LaBoeuf. "It means a great deal of money to me," he explains. "It's been many months' work." Mattie is unsympathetic, and replies bluntly that she's sorry that LaBoeuf has been "eluded the winter-long by a halfwit". This proves to be too much for LaBoeuf to bear, and he rises to his feet in anger. "You give out very little sugar with your pronouncements," he says to Mattie. "While I sat there watching you I gave some thought to stealing a kiss, though you are very young and sick and unattractive to boot. But now I have a mind to give you five or six good licks with my belt." Mattie remains completely unfazed through the Ranger's outburst. "Well, one would be as unpleasant as the other," she retorts, before adding, "If you wet your comb it might tame that cowlick."

22. What is C. C. Wharton's cause of death?

From Quiz "True Grit" Medical Matters

Answer: Gunshot

C. C. Wharton does not appear in the movie but in the trial of his brother in Judge Parker's court, Rooster recounts the episode in which he captured him. He had "only winged him, or he wouldn't be here to pay up". Rooster recounts how he shot the other two, "C. C. and the old man hit the ground dead."

23. What is Mattie's mother's maiden name?

From Quiz "True Grit": Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne

Answer: Sperling

After Rooster shoots Quincy, following Quincy's stabbing Moon, Mattie tells Rooster about the gold coin they find on Emmitt Quincy's body. "Grandpa Sperling gave Poppa two gold coins when he married Momma." Apparently they were minted in California. The other is on Tom Chaney's body in the snake pit, but Rooster does not retrieve it when he rescues Mattie from there. Ross is Mattie's and her dad's name. Nola is Rooster's wife's first name, the grass widow who goes back to her first husband who is cleking in a hardware store in Paduca. LaBoeuf fought in the War Between the States with General Kirby Smith, which he mentions when being critical of Capt. Quantrill under whom Rooster served.

24. LaBoeuf tells Rooster that Mattie should continue on the mission because...

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: she's won her spurs.

Rooster: (contemptuously) "I don't care who's won whose spurs."

25. Who or where was the only place you could appeal a decision in Judge Parker's court?

From Quiz True Grit

Answer: The President of the US

The only appeal to his court was to the president himself.

26. What name did Mattie give her pony?

From Quiz Do You Have "True Grit" (2010)?

Answer: Little Blackie

Mattie got a pony in order to set out for her journey with Rooster Cogburn and LaBoeuf and was pleased at how he handled himself with her. She decided that a good name for the pony would be Little Blackie. She thanked the young boy who gave her the pony and rode off to speak with Rooster.

27. Cogburn leaves to pursue Chaney without Mattie, leaving her with no option but to play catch-up. What does Mattie do at the river crossing that impresses Cogburn?

From Quiz True Grit (2010)

Answer: She crosses the river without the aid of a ferry.

Cogburn agrees to go after Chaney and the Ned Pepper gang for $100, but does not plan on taking Mattie along for the pursuit. He tells her to meet him in his room behind the Chinese grocery the next morning, but sets off earlier in the hopes of leaving Mattie behind. All she finds is an old Chinese man and a note from Cogburn, enclosing a train ticket for her journey home to Yell County. Mattie rushes to the river crossing and finds Cogburn and LaBoeuf already on the other side. When the ferryman tries to escort her back to Fort Smith to hand her to the Sheriff, Mattie throws an apple at his head, and rides Little Blackie across the river without the aid of the ferry, her head barely above the water for most of the way. "That is quite a horse," Cogburn says to Mattie, after she crosses the river successfully. "I will give you $10 for him." Mattie is not in the mood for idle talk, and accuses Cogburn of stealing the $50 advance she had given him, as their agreement was for her to accompany him for the pursuit. "If I go back, it is to the U.S. Marshal's office to report the theft of my money," she informs Cogburn pointedly. "And 'futile', Marshal Cogburn, 'pursuit will be futile'?" she adds, referring to the note he left her, "It's not spelled 'f-u-d-e-l'." At this point, LaBoeuf dismounts and marches over to Mattie to administer a spanking for her impertinence.

28. Tom Chaney wants to ride double with one of the Parmelees after Rooster and LaBoeuf agreed to leave and let Ned and his gang ride off. Why?

From Quiz "True Grit" Horses

Answer: Chaney lost his horse

Chaney lost his horse in the confrontation with Mattie at the stream at the bottom of the hill where she shot him with her father's pistol. The bullet broke one of his short ribs. As Rooster and LaBoeuf come to help Mattie, Ned and others shoot at them. Chaney's horse is lost in the commotion. When the gang goes to leave, Ned notes there are five men but only four horses and Chaney, having been the one to loose a horse, must stay behind. The other men refuse Chaney's pleas to ride double with any of them.

29. What is the most likely disease Grandma Turner has?

From Quiz "True Grit" Medical Matters

Answer: Dementia

Grandma Turner is lying motionless and apparently asleep in bed at the Monarch Boarding House. Mattie will need to stay with her as the rooms are all taken due to the hanging in Fort Smith. Grandma Turner is used to "doubling up". Her elderly appearance, lack of communication and apparent bed-ridden condition suggests dementia. She is too old for premenstrual tension, while hemophilia and gout are primarily male conditions and would not present in that fashion.

30. What will Rooster do for any Texas waddie he meets who has not drunk water from a hoofprint, beyond shaking his hand?

From Quiz "True Grit": Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne

Answer: Buy him a cigar

When they are camped, LaBoeuf is telling Mattie and Rooster that he has had to drink water from a hoofprint and was happy for it. Rooster is not impressed. "If I ever meet one of you Texas waddies who hasn't drunk water from a hoofprint, I think I'll shake his hand and buy him a Daniel Webster cigar."

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