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5 NOES 1 quizzes and 50 NOES 1 trivia questions.
  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
A group of teenagers face their fears when a shadowy figure from their nightmares appears in their dreams, in this Wes Craven horror classic from 1984. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 27 18
kyleisalive editor
Aug 27 18
755 plays
  My Favourite Flicks: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is the fifth in a series that counts down my all-time favourite films. Continuing this quest, with number 6 on my list, let's explore the 1984 film, "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Enjoy!
Easier, 10 Qns, poshprice, Jan 06 13
479 plays
  The First "Nightmare"    
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10 questions that take you back to Elm Street.
Tough, 10 Qns, H.M.S.III, Nov 28 03
6844 plays
  "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz    
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 10 Qns
If you've seen the movie a few times, this should be easy. Since this is my first quiz, please let me know what you think of it.
Average, 10 Qns, smilinglizard4me, Jul 30 04
7453 plays
  The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Warning: Some of these questions are about obscure details. You will need extensive knowledge of the film for this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, rieker01, Oct 18 19
rieker01 gold member
Oct 18 19
391 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Whose face is seen first in the movie?

From Quiz ""A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz"

NOES 1 Trivia Questions

1. While Nancy spent the night at Tina's house an object fell off the wall onto her pillow. What object almost hit Nancy on the head?

From Quiz
The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Crucifix

Nancy and Glen were spending the night with Tina at her home. Tina was really freaked out by a dream she had and asked the two to stay. Nancy was sleeping in Tina's bed when the crucifix fell off the wall. The wall behind Nancy started to expand outwards toward her. Freddy was trying to come out of the wall to attack Nancy. Nancy heard something behind her and the figure went back into the wall. Nancy turned around to look at the wall and it was back to its normal shape. Nancy knocked on the wall and it was solid. Nancy then placed the crucifix back on the wall.

2. Which master of horror, who first cut his directing teeth with 1972's "The Last House on the Left", wrote and directed the 1984 film, "A Nightmare on Elm Street"?

From Quiz My Favourite Flicks: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Wes Craven

Wes Craven's name has long been synonymous with horror film-making greatness, and as a director, writer and producer, he has had an incredible amount of success in the film industry. Prior to his work on the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" film franchise, he had a hand in making several horror film favourites, including "The Last House on the Left" (1972) and "The Hills Have Eyes" (1977). Moreover it was Craven himself who came up with the iconic Freddy Krueger, who was based on a boy who once bullied him as a child.

3. The first dream seen in the film is Tina's. Where does she find herself?

From Quiz A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Answer: A boiler room

The film opens with Tina, a high school girl, who finds herself in a dark, dank boiler room in her nightgown. She feels as though she's being watched as she traverses the narrow catwalks. The screeching of metal on metal pursues her through the room before a shadowy figure emerges behind her. That's when she wakes up. Looking down she sees that her nightgown is torn, almost as though she was clawed by something. Tina, Nancy, and Glen head to school in the morning and Tina tells the couple about her dream. They assure her that everything will be okay. That evening, the three decide to spend the night at Tina's house and have a good time so that they can put her mind at ease.

4. In the opening scene (Tina's Nightmare) there is an animal running through the hall. What is this animal?

From Quiz The First "Nightmare"

Answer: a lamb

I guess the lamb was one of Freddy's many victims. It wasn't seen later in the movie and it didn't make it to any of the sequels.

5. Whose face is seen first in the movie?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: Tina

We see parts of Freddy but it's Tina we see first.

6. Freddy was chasing Tina in an alley in her nightmare. What did Freddy tell Tina?

From Quiz The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Freddy told Tina to watch as he cut off his own fingers.

This was the second dream Tina had about Freddy. He was taunting her while he chased her through the alley. Tina made it to her backyard when Freddy suddenly appeared from behind a tree. He told Tina to watch as she cut off his last two fingers with his knife glove. Freddy laughed as he cut off his fingers. Freddy attacked Tina as she was transfixed at what Freddy had just done to himself.

7. When Tina encounters the man from her dreams in the alleyway, what abnormal thing does he do?

From Quiz A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Answer: Extends his arms to reach the width of the alley

When Tina and Nancy have a chance to talk, Tina says that she can still remember everything and she feels as though she can still hear her assailant's metal fingernails from her dream. Nancy is shocked -- she says she can remember her dream too; she was pursued by a man in a dirty red and green sweater and he wore glove almost like finger-knives. That's when they hear something out in the backyard, almost like screeching. When they go out to check, they find it's none other than Rod, Tina's boyfriend. They immediately head up to the bedroom while Glen and Nancy lock the doors and head to bed themselves. Later that night, Rod admits to having a nightmare of his own. He and Tina go to sleep. Tina wakes up to hear something at the window; someone is throwing stones at the pane. When she gets up to look outside, one of the rocks nearly goes right through. Someone whispers her name from outside. Meanwhile, an ominous figure stretches through Nancy's bedroom wall and disappears when she wakes up. She finds a crucifix in her hands; it fell off the wall in the night. Tina nervously goes outside to investigate the noises. When she goes out into the alley behind her house, that's when she sees him, the man in the green and red sweater. He extends his arms to scrape the metal fence with his claws and she prays for her God.

8. On the way to school, Nancy, Glenn, and Tina are talking about their dreams. Then the school bell rings and Glenn runs to class. What does Tina ask him as he's running?

From Quiz The First "Nightmare"

Answer: "Did you have a nightmare too?"

Glenn never answers her. He's in denial the entire movie - that is until he dies.

9. How many jump-roping children are visible on screen the first time we see them?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: 4

The first time we see them is when Glen is pulling up to park at the school.

10. In the beginning of the film, Freddy was chasing Tina in a boiler room. What kind of animal startled Tina in her dream?

From Quiz The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Sheep

Tina was running away from Freddy when a sheep appeared. The sheep made a "baaing" sound which is really what startled her. The sheep then ran off and Tina continued to be taunted by Freddy. The film offered a lot of different experiences that had not been seen in the genre yet. The addition of what is considered a gentle creature in a nightmare is just one example. The sheep was barely visible and that made it seem menacing. Plus the fact that the sheep seemed to come out of nowhere added to the effect it had on Tina.

11. Ironically, which character, who eventually made it to the end of the film alive, told her friends at the very beginning, that "Everybody has nightmares once in a while - no biggy"?

From Quiz My Favourite Flicks: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Nancy

Nancy said these words to her friends Tina, Glen and Rod at the beginning of the film, as they were making their way to school. It certainly seemed that, unlike the others, she was reluctant to talk about her dreams, and so she attempted to brush them off, much to the frustration of her best friend Tina, who wished to discuss them further. Indeed Tina seemed to be the only one to feel that their dreams were a foreshadowing of something, which was made especially clear when she mentioned the possibility of an earthquake occurring. Refusing to let the subject drop, she commented that "Maybe we're gonna have the big earthquake. They say things get weird before that..."

12. What is the occupation of Nancy's father?

From Quiz A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Answer: Police chief

Tina flees from her pursuer and returns to her yard. When he appears right behind her, she watches as he slices his own fingers off. She tries to open the back door to the house but he tackles her to the ground. She screams for help as she tears his face off with her hands, revealing the skeleton beneath. Rod wakes up to find Tina thrashing about in the bed. When he pulls the covers off he sees her stomach get slashed, almost impossibly, before she is hurled around the room and along the ceiling. By the time she drops to the floor, she's dead. Nancy and Glen break into the room to find that Rod has escaped out the window. The police believe that something like a razor is the murder weapon; Rod must be the killer since he fled the scene. Nancy's father, a police chief, asks her what happened and she believes that Rod couldn't have done it. She tells her parents that Tina dreamed this would happen -- that's why they were there. The next morning, Nancy wakes up and heads to school. Her mother suggests that she stay home, considering the previous night, but Nancy feels it would be better to keep busy. On her way to school, she encounters Rod hiding in the bushes down the street. She asks if he did it and he says he never would have. That's when Nancy's father appears. As Rod makes a run for it, he's captured by the police; they find a switchblade on his body.

13. When Tina is being killed her body swings through the air and smacks Rod. He hits his head on what?

From Quiz The First "Nightmare"

Answer: a lamp

Later in the movie, Rod says he never touched her - guess he was lying.

14. When Glen and Nancy are at Tina's, they hear a noise outside and it's Rod making the noise. What does Rod use to make the "Freddy" noise?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: garden claw

Which proves he was having nightmares, too.

15. Why did Tina believe she was having nightmares?

From Quiz The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Tina thought an earthquake was about to happen.

Tina, Nancy, and Glen were all in front of their high school. Tina was telling Nancy about the dream she had the previous night. The bell rang and Glen ran off to get to class. Tina told Nancy that maybe a really big earthquake was about to happen. She said things get really weird right before an earthquake. Nancy and Tina both laughed at her suggestion. The two then went to class.

16. Which unfortunate teen was the first to be killed by Freddy Krueger, while their helpless lover watched in horror?

From Quiz My Favourite Flicks: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Tina

It was poor Tina Gray who was the first to be killed by the psychopathic dream killer, Freddy Krueger, and her boyfriend, Rod, could only look on in horror, as his girlfriend was torn apart by what appeared to him to be an invisible killer. Interestingly enough, as Tina's mother was out of town, Tina and Rod had slept in her bed, and Nancy had taken Tina's. Earlier on in the film, when Tina first evaded Freddy's clutches, she had a crucifix directly above her bed, which, (in light of subsequent events), seemed to deter him. This same crucifix was eventually shown to protect Nancy when, on the night of Tina's death, as Nancy slept in her friend's bed with the crucifix beside her, the outline of Freddy's face and hands were imprinted on the ceiling above it. However they soon disappeared, as instead, he went after Tina who, without the protection of her crucifix, proved to be vulnerable, and thus went on to become the film's first victim.

17. When Nancy falls asleep at school she has a nightmare. Who does she run into in the school hallway?

From Quiz A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Answer: A hall monitor

Nancy heads to her English class and ends up nodding off during a presentation. As she turns to look at the door she sees Tina in a bloody bodybag. She looks away and turns to the door again to find the bag gone, but a bloody streak along the floor. Getting up and following this, she sees the bag being pulled by an invisible force. When she races around the corner she inadvertently runs into the hall monitor who, while wearing a red and green shirt, brandishes a clawed glove. Nancy heads into the basement to find the boiler room and here she finally comes face-to-face with Tina's killer. He traps her amongst the machinery; a wall appears where there wasn't one before. When she seems cornered she takes drastic actions by burning her arm on a nearby pipe. This causes her to wake up screaming in her classroom. She rushes home. Nancy later heads to the prison to talk with Rod. He says that someone was definitely in the room with them when Tina died -- he saw her get cut by something invisible, something with four razors. He admits that he had the same dream of the man with knives for fingers and he probably could've saved her.

18. What is Nancy's last name?

From Quiz The First "Nightmare"

Answer: Thompson

Her name is mentioned several times in the movie.

19. Who's the picture of on Lt. Thompson's desk?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: Nancy

You can see her picture on the right corner of his desk.

20. What did Glen's cousin, Barry, live next to?

From Quiz The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: An airport

Tina had Nancy and Glen spending the night with her. Tina told Nancy she could not believe Glen's mom was letting him spend the night. Nancy told Tina that Glen lied to his mom and told her he was at his cousin's house. Barry's house was always noisy because he lived by an airport. Rod, Tina's boyfriend, had made a mix tape of airplane noises for Glen. Glen called his mom and played the tape in the background. He told his mom it was noisy as normal at his cousin's house. Glen was about to hang up the phone when the tape went from airplane noises to drag racing. It got progressively worse from there until Glen stopped the tape. Tina and Nancy were both laughing hysterically while Glen just hung his head.

21. Which award-winning Hollywood actor, known for his roles in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, played Nancy's easy-going and respectable boyfriend, Glen?

From Quiz My Favourite Flicks: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Johnny Depp

"A Nightmare on Elm Street" was Johnny Depp's first foray into the film world, and in a remarkable twist of fate, he initially only went along to the auditions in order to support his friend, actor Jackie Earle Haley, who would eventually go on to play Freddy in the 2010 remake of the film. However it was Depp who ended up securing the role of Glenn, which was the same role that Earle Haley had auditioned for. Throughout the film, Glen stubbornly refused to believe that it was their dreams that were responsible for the death of his friends, which eventually came back to bite him in the behind when Freddy eventually came for him too.

22. What was the number on the jersey Glenn wore the night he died?

From Quiz The First "Nightmare"

Answer: 10

In another Wes Craven flick, "Scream", Tatum is a wearing a very tight shirt with the number 10 on it.

23. What are the names of Nancy's parents?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: Donald and Marge

They address each other after Tina's murder in his office.

24. What kind of weapon did Rod pull on Glen in Tina's backyard?

From Quiz The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Switchblade

Glen and Tina heard a noise in her backyard. Nancy went along with them as they investigated what was making the noise. Glen was calling out for what he hoped was either a dog or a cat. He turned to the girls who were behind him. He shrugged because he did not know what the sound was. Suddenly Rod tackled Glen from behind which startled Nancy and Tina as well as Glen. Rod asked what was going on and Glen made a rude reply. Rod then pulled a switchblade on Glen. Nancy went over took the blade from Rod and told him it was just a sleepover.

25. What color is the bath pillow Nancy uses?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: Blue

We can see it before Freddy sucks her into the tub.

26. What kind of decorations did Tina's mom have on her bedroom wall?

From Quiz The Original "Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: Two decorative metal peacocks

Tina and Rod were in her mom's bedroom. The two had just reconciled from a fight they were having. Rod revealed to Tina that he was having nightmares too. Tina had fallen asleep and was deep in her nightmare. She started screaming for Rod to help her. Rod removed the sheet covering Tina and she rose up into the air. As Tina rose up, we saw the two metal peacocks on the walls. The pieces were the kind of art that was prevalent in the 1970s. The pieces were placed on the wall a little above each other as if they were looking at one another. Tina was killed by Freddy and her blood covered the entire room including the peacocks.

27. The skipping rope rhyme, which included the words, "three, four, you better lock your door", was first heard near the beginning of the film, prior to the first murder. What then did it signify?

From Quiz My Favourite Flicks: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Answer: A prelude to Freddy's arrival or continued presence

The skipping rhyme was sung by a group of little girls who were playing together with a skipping rope. The words to the rhyme gave clear instructions on how to avoid Freddy, even though, as the first line stated, it was a certainty that he was "coming for you". The little girls and their rhyme first appeared in the background at the beginning of the film, as the four friends walked to school together. The rhyme illustrated, more than anything, the fact that even in daylight, while they were wide awake, Freddy Krueger was continually present in their subconscious. It also served as a foreshadowing device, so that whenever the rhyme was heard, viewers could bank on the fact that it wouldn't be long until Freddy appeared.

28. According to Nancy's mother, what was Fred Krueger?

From Quiz A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Answer: A child murderer

Back at home, Nancy hears her mother talking on the phone in the kitchen and heads in. Nancy hasn't been sleeping and the doctor says it will only make it crazier. Her mother says she threw away the dirty hat, but Nancy finds it in a drawer. The assailant's name is on the hat: Fred Krueger. After Nancy comments on her mother's drinking habits, she discovers that Fred Krueger is dead. Her mother insists it's just a nightmare. On a walk, Glen tells Nancy about the Balinese way of dreaming. The culture creates its art and literature from dreams and finds strength in their imagination and subconscious. If they create something undesirable, they simply turn away from it and it disappears, otherwise they are consumed by it. When he finds that Nancy is reading a book about booby traps, she says she's 'into survival'. She heads home to find the windows barred; her mother says it's security and tells her to come to the cellar. Downstairs, her mother opens the furnace and shows her inside. She says that Fred Krueger was a child murderer-- he killed twenty children in the neighbourhood. When they caught him, he was freed on a technicality, so the parents hunted him down, found him in an old boiler room, and burned down the building. She pulls a bundle from the furnace to reveal the glove of knives inside.

29. Who does Nancy ask to see Rod at the precinct just before Rod dies?

From Quiz The First "Nightmare"

Answer: Garcia

He's the cop who couldn't find the keys to the jail cell. If he had them readily available able Rod might have survived.

30. What class is Nancy in when she has a nightmare and sees Tina?

From Quiz "A Nightmare On Elm Street" Quiz

Answer: English

Glen later says that he heard she freaked out in English class.

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