1. "Fight the Power" kicks off with a vocal sample from what civil rights attorney and activist, saying, "Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight"?
From Quiz Song by Song: "Fight the Power"
Thomas "TNT" Todd
Thomas N. Todd was known as "TNT" not only as his initials, but for his explosive oratorical skills. An activist attorney from Alabama, Todd was born on September 24, 1938. He attended Southern University at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he earned a B.A. in political science and later a law degree. As a lawyer for the United States Attorney's Office in Chicago, in 1968, he developed the first criminal case against a Chicago policeman for the deprivation of an individual's civil rights. He also organized and established the first Civil Rights Office in a local U.S. States Attorney's Office.
The beginning sample is sixteen seconds and continues, "Matter of fact, it's safe to say that they would rather switch than fight."