17. Which founding father of the USA, known for inventing bifocals, sat naked in his window in the winter to help with air circulation and prevent disease?
From Quiz A Sandwich Short of a Picnic
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790} was a true Renaissance man - diplomat, politician, scientist, inventor, writer, and philanthropist. He was one of the drafters of Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and helped to negotiate the Treaty of Paris. He raised funds for the first public hospital and helped to start both the first lending library and the first all-volunteer fire brigade in the USA. His inventions ranged from bifocals, a lightning rod, a flexible urinary catheter, and swim fins to the "Franklin stove" a metal-lined fireplace that reduced smoke.
In addition to his "air baths", some of his scientific experiments raised more than a few eyebrows. The most famous is when he ventured into a storm armed with a kite and a metal key to prove the existence of electricity. Another, which almost cost him his life, was when he tried to kill and cook a turkey for guests using electrocution. Unfortunately, he was holding some of the wires; instead of electrocuting the turkey, he sent the current through his own body. He often carried out electrical experiments with guests and is said to have once rigged a portrait of King George to give those touching it a jolt.