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8 Teachers quizzes and 80 Teachers trivia questions.
Legendary Teachers Through the Times
  Legendary Teachers Through the Times   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
I have had some amazing teachers in my life and am grateful for how this occupation impacts people. Come learn a bit more about some legendary people and how they put their mark on history.
Easier, 10 Qns, stephgm67, Aug 28 22
stephgm67 gold member
Aug 28 22
436 plays
  So You Want to Be a Teacher?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz goes over some of the basic information you will need to know to complete a course in teaching.
Easier, 10 Qns, pennygg, Jun 14 18
Jun 14 18
11143 plays
  So You Want to Be a College Professor?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Did you always love school? Are you passionate about a specific subject? Do you love to teach others? Do you genuinely care about others' learning? If you answered YES to these, then maybe you have what it takes to become a college professor!
Average, 10 Qns, pagiedamon, May 06 10
pagiedamon gold member
2733 plays
  Best of the Best: Teachers   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Throughout history there have been outstanding teachers who have found a way to instruct and motivate their students in addition to contributing to learning in general. See if you can identify the ancient and medieval teachers from the clues given.
Easier, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Nov 08 18
ponycargirl editor
Nov 08 18
426 plays
  My Dog Ate My Homework   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Think you can handle a career in English primary education? All of the questions refer to primary education in England. (Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are a bit different!)
Average, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Jan 14 18
AcrylicInk gold member
500 plays
  Unglorified Life of a Substitute Teacher (U.S.)   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Becoming and serving as a substitute teacher in the U.S. Generic questions that should apply to all school districts.
Average, 10 Qns, wjames, May 09 15
wjames gold member
599 plays
  The Middle School Blues    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Teaching middle school in South Carolina is a daily struggle. Test your teaching and/or parenting skills with this sometimes humorous quiz about the unique challenges of this age.
Average, 10 Qns, ferfer72, Jun 16 09
2075 plays
  Teachers and Students    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a very difficult and very trivial quiz about ancient teachers and their students.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, Dr.Rome, Mar 27 02
Very Difficult
1263 plays

Teachers Trivia Questions

1. To gain even an entry-level, part-time college teaching position for MOST fields, candidates must at least hold which degree?

From Quiz
So You Want to Be a College Professor?

Answer: Master's Degree

The master's degree is an advanced, post-baccalaureate degree awarded to students after completing an additional one-six years of graduate schooling. Some people pursue a Master's Degree because they want to work in academia. Others enroll in Masters programs to earn more money in their chosen fields, broaden their professional or personal horizons, to make themselves more marketable, and/or to change fields. For those who wish to teach at the college level, a Master's Degree is usually sufficient for teaching beginner courses.

2. "Middle schools" were established in the United States in 1909. What was the first one?

From Quiz The Middle School Blues

Answer: Indianola Junior High School in Columbus, Ohio

Any school that contains grades 5, 6, or 7 through grades 8 or 9 are considered "middle schools". They were established to help kids with the transition from elementary school (where they're with one teacher all day) to high school (where they change rooms for every class).

3. What does "cognitive development" refer to?

From Quiz So You Want to Be a Teacher?

Answer: the thinking processes

Cognitive development encompasses a very wide range of learning. One of the best known theorists on cognitive development is Piaget.

4. This pupil of Socrates founded a school in his hometown of Megara.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Euclides

Euclides's school was never of much importance (see Diogenes Laertius, 2.106-112).

5. In England, primary school is divided into Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2. Which year groups are in Key Stage 2?

From Quiz My Dog Ate My Homework

Answer: Years 3-6

Children are usually seven-years old when they begin Key Stage 2 in Year 3, and 11 years-old when they leave it in Year 6. KS2 builds on what the children learned in KS1, and prepares them for secondary education. In 2014, changes to the National Curriculum were brought in. One of the subjects that faced significant changes was Computing. Although it still featured in the 2014 curriculum, the focus moved away from using software like Microsoft Office to creating documents and presentations, and on to coding. By the end of KS2, children should be able to create and debug algorithms. They should be able to use logical reasoning, and understand how computer networks function.

6. In the process of qualifying as a substitute teacher, you have to complete a USCIS Form I-9. What does this form certify?

From Quiz Unglorified Life of a Substitute Teacher (U.S.)

Answer: That you are eligible to work in the U.S.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9 is titled "Employment Eligibility Verification" and, with appropriate additional proof, documents that you are eligible to work in the U.S. People so authorized can be natural-born citizens, naturalized citizens, a lawful permanent resident or an alien authorized to work.

7. What is the term (or buzzword) for students who are actively involved in their own education?

From Quiz The Middle School Blues

Answer: Engaged

Students who wilfully pay attention and care about their grades and understanding of material are called "engaged" students. Intelligent students can be engaged, but not all of them *are*!

8. This female pupil of Plato was said to have worn men's clothes.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Axiothea of Phlius

This is recorded by Diogenes Laertius, 3.46 (quoting Dicaearchus).

9. Every mainstream primary school has a SENCo. They are a teacher who has a particular role. What does the S in SENCo stand for?

From Quiz My Dog Ate My Homework

Answer: Special

A SENCo is a Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Their role involves assessing children who may have additional needs so that they can be referred appropriately. There are four areas of SEN: 1. Communication and interaction. 2. Cognition and learning. 3. Social, emotional, and mental health. 4. Sensory and/or physical needs.

10. As a substitute teacher, what is your MOST important responsibility?

From Quiz Unglorified Life of a Substitute Teacher (U.S.)

Answer: Safety of your students

You are responsible for up to 30 (or more) students for the entire class period, and their safety has to be your first priority. Know the school procedures for fires, "lock-downs" and other emergencies. Determine and refine your classroom management style, especially how to handle issues and problems that may arise. Only after your students are safe and secure can you begin teaching.

11. According to the "Journal of Educational Psychology", what happens to middle school students who develop close friendships at the beginning of sixth grade?

From Quiz The Middle School Blues

Answer: They are more likely to be more social, helpful, and cooperative.

These students are more likely to get better grades *and* become better adjusted socially. Students in middle school need to develop their identity, take risks (and yet be confident there is a safety net), and be challenged to become more independently organized. Having strong friendships gives kids a support structure to aid in these developments.

12. This Samian was said to have turned to philosophy in disgust when his teachers were unable to tell him the meaning of 'chaos' in Hesiod.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Epicurus

This story is found in Diogenes Laertius, 10.2 (quoting Apollodorus the Epicurean).

13. Read Write Inc is a programme used by many schools in Phonics lessons. What is the main purpose of it?

From Quiz My Dog Ate My Homework

Answer: To teach children to read and write English

Read Write Inc is used in Phonics where children learn to read and write English. The programme can begin in Nursery: children practise making different sounds with their mouths, and practise distinguishing one sound from another. In Reception and Key Stage 1, children learn the phonemes and graphemes used in English. In Year 2, they focus more on grammatical features within longer texts.

14. The teacher you are substituting for has indicated on the class roster that a student has a "504 plan" and has indicated where to find this document. What type of information is on a 504 plan?

From Quiz Unglorified Life of a Substitute Teacher (U.S.)

Answer: Accommodations for a physical or mental condition

Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 permits certain accommodations for students that have a physical or mental health disability that limits one or more major life functions. Accommodations could include such things as more time on tests, frequent restroom visits, etc., and they MUST be followed by all educators, including substitutes.

15. Which statement best describes job prospects for college professors?

From Quiz So You Want to Be a College Professor?

Answer: Gaining full-time work at a college/university is highly competitive.

Ever heard of a person with a PhD.D in history who is now working for a local technology department? What about the PhD-holder who sells real estate? These scenarios are common. Many people go through all of the schooling, dreaming of teaching Elizabethan Literature or Criminology, only to find that there are few full-time jobs available and that the market is supremely competitive. While the prospects for adjunct teachers is decent, getting the permanent job can be a grueling, long-awaited goal. Don't bother trying to become a professor because you think the money is pretty good and the job stability (once earned) is great. Unless you truly, absolutely love the subject you have decided to teach, and can't imagine doing anything else, this is not the field for you.

16. According to the US Department of Education, when is school most effective?

From Quiz The Middle School Blues

Answer: When parents are involved

Many parents behave as if the schools are supposed to raise their children for them. Wrong! This becomes most obvious in the middle school years, when students start to act like their parents in interactions with adults.

17. This head of the library of Alexandria taught the bucolic poet Moschus.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Aristarchus

The source is Suda s.v. Moschus.

18. According to Letters and Sounds, how many phonemes are in 'shout'?

From Quiz My Dog Ate My Homework

Answer: Three

Letters and Sounds is a phonics resource created by the Department for Education and Skills. It is similar to Read Write Inc, though the structure is different. 'Shout' has three phonemes: sh, ou, and t. Once children know all of the alphabet sounds, they are taught digraphs and trigraphs. These are two or three letters that go together to make one sound, or phoneme. 'S' and 'h' go together to make the 'sh' sound in 'shout'. Sometimes multiple digraphs can represent one phoneme. The 'ou' sound in 'shout' can be written as 'ow' in 'cow'. Similarly, the letters 'ow' represent different sounds in 'cow' and 'snow'. It's quite complicated, but ideally children should become fluent readers by the time they are seven!

19. A substitute teacher arrives for an assignment and learns that they will be in an "inclusion" classroom. What is an "inclusion" classroom?

From Quiz Unglorified Life of a Substitute Teacher (U.S.)

Answer: One with both special needs and non-special needs students.

Students with special needs (physical, mental, emotional, etc.) spend most of their time with non-special needs students in the inclusive classroom model. Schools using this model usually do not have separate classrooms for special needs students, instead placing emphasis on their full participation in the classroom for their social and educational development.

20. What is the mantra most academics must live and die by?

From Quiz So You Want to Be a College Professor?

Answer: Publish or perish

Due to the competitive nature of tenure-track positions at the college level, most instructors and professors must consistently make themselves "stand out" amongst a group of highly talented individuals. One of the best ways to distinguish oneself is to publish scholarly articles in reputable academic or scientific journals. No, the average person will never read these articles. However, the people who write the paychecks WILL!

21. Studies show that most people do not stay in school past whose highest level of education?

From Quiz The Middle School Blues

Answer: Their mother's

In areas where there is a high rate of teen pregnancy, many students don't make it past the 8th grade. Parents can help their children see the importance of school by going back to school themselves or volunteering at the school with their free time.

22. This freedman, whom Plutarch says was the first to have distinguished between the letters C and G, is further said to have opened the first fee-paying school in Italy in the third century B.C.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Spurius Carvilius

The source is Plutarch, Quaest. Rom. 54 and 59.

23. Which Science topic was introduced to the Year 6 National Curriculum in 2014?

From Quiz My Dog Ate My Homework

Answer: Evolution and inheritance

In Year 6, when children are eleven, they should recognise that fossils show living things have changed over time. They should also know that animals can adapt to their environment, which sometimes leads to evolution. Children do not need to know about genes and chromosomes, but they should understand that an animal's offspring will share similarities with the parent, even though they are not identical. Before 2014, evolution and inheritance was only compulsory in secondary education.

24. During middle school, children should move into which stage of cognitive development?

From Quiz The Middle School Blues

Answer: Period of Formal Operations

According to Jean Piaget, students should be encouraged to start using logic and abstract thinking by the 8th grade.

25. What do "fundamental movement skills" refer to?

From Quiz So You Want to Be a Teacher?

Answer: The basic skills needed to play all sports

FMS include static balance; sprint run; vertical jump; catch; hop; side gallop; skip; throw; leap; kick; two-handed strike and dodge.

26. This Gaul purportedly taught rhetoric to both Cicero and Julius Caesar.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Gnipho

The source is Suetonius, De grammat. 7.

27. What does SMSC stand for?

From Quiz My Dog Ate My Homework

Answer: Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development

It stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development, and schools must demonstrate how their pupils are developing in SMSC. The spiritual aspect is not just about religion, though respecting different faiths is part of it. It also covers learning about yourself as an individual, and being creative and imaginative. The moral part is about recognising right and wrong (and respecting the law), understanding that actions have consequences, and justifying views. In the social aspect, pupils should develop social skills. The cultural part involves celebrating diversity and participating in cultural activities.

28. All teachers, including substitutes, have to take annual training prescribed by their school district. One frequent course is abbreviated BBP - what topic is this, that may convince you to carry disposable gloves in your teaching kit?

From Quiz Unglorified Life of a Substitute Teacher (U.S.)

Answer: Blood-borne pathogens

Blood and other body fluids can carry blood-borne pathogens, so it is common medical practice to treat all body fluids as potentially infectious. Teachers may come into contact with blood, saliva and mucus, and should be prepared to protect themselves and others. Common BBP include HIV and Hepatitis B & C.

29. What does planning a lesson involve?

From Quiz So You Want to Be a Teacher?

Answer: thinking of desired outcomes and working toward them

Lesson planning involves building on what your students already know and finding a lesson that engages their learning processes.

30. This notorious blackmailer was said by Suetonius to have taught rhetoric to both Mark Antony and Augustus.

From Quiz Teachers and Students

Answer: Epidius

The source is Suetonius, De rhetor. 4.

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