7. Where was Mary's father, James V of Scotland, when he heard the news of her birth?
From Quiz Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Falkland Palace
Mary herself was born at Linlithgow Palace. James V, returning from a disastrous defeat at the hands of the English at the Battle of Solway Moss, stopped at Linlithgow to visit his pregnant wife, Queen Marie, before moving on to Falkland Palace. It was there, in bed, that he received news of his daughter's birth. He declared: "It cam wi' a lass and it'll gang [go] wi' a lass." - referring to the Stewart dynasty which had come to the Scottish throne through Marjory Bruce, daughter of King Robert I and mother of Robert II, the first Stewart king. The king died shortly afterwards. His death has traditionally been put down to grief but this now seems unlikely and the actual cause remains unknown.
James V was the son of James IV and his wife, Margaret Tudor, the daughter of Henry VII of England and the sister of Henry VIII. It was through Queen Margaret that the Stuarts would derive their claim to the throne of England.