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The Books of Samuel tell some fascinating stories. There's love and heartbreak, war and peace, politics and art. Take the quizzes here to learn more about the people who made these stories happen.
11 quizzes and 110 trivia questions.
  Jonathan   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Jonathan is without a doubt the best name in the Bible. Can you complete the potted biography of this interesting Old Testament figure? New International Version (NIV) of the Bible used throughout.
Average, 10 Qns, jonnowales, Jul 27 24
jonnowales gold member
Jul 27 24
143 plays
  The Biblical Story of Bathsheba   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Bathsheba will for all time be connected with King David. How much do you know about this interesting woman and her relationship with David? The New International Version of the Bible was used; one question asks about the New Testament.
Average, 10 Qns, bigwoo, Apr 17 22
bigwoo gold member
Apr 17 22
2410 plays
  Saul, First King of Israel   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is about the biography of King Saul as recorded in the first book of Samuel, and his interactions with next king, David. An English Standard Version of the Bible was used in the creation of this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, albinerhawk, Feb 11 10
597 plays
  The Story Of Abigail   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
The story of Abigail (1 Samuel 25, KJV) is pivotal in understanding the soul of king-to-be David and sheds light on the Biblical view on monarchs and the monarchy. This quiz is a salute to this fascinating woman.
Average, 10 Qns, gentlegiant17, Nov 16 07
874 plays
  Facts About David's Wives: True or False?    
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 10 Qns
David had a number of wives. This quiz takes a look at some of them with all answers being either true or false. You have a 50 per cent chance of getting each question correct even if your Biblical knowledge is limited.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Oct 20 12
351 plays
  The Biblical Story of Hannah   popular trivia quiz  
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Hannah was a remarkable woman of faith. I hope this 10 question quiz will be a joy and an encouragment. The NIV was used for the answers.
Average, 10 Qns, bigwoo, Dec 17 10
bigwoo gold member
3468 plays
  Facts About Tamar: Are They True or False?   popular trivia quiz  
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Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, is definitely one of the more interesting women in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the English Bible. How much do you know about her? All answers are either true or false.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Mar 11 20
Mar 11 20
437 plays
  Facts About Bathsheba: Are They True or False?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Bathsheba is the best known wife of King David and one of the most colorful women in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament of the English Bible. In this quiz, you simply answer 'true' or 'false' to the facts stated about her.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Apr 08 18
432 plays
  Facts About Abigail: Are They True or False?    
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 10 Qns
Abigail was a wife of David and while Bathsheba seems to capture all the attention, Abigail's story is highly interesting. How much do you know about her? All answers are true or false. (The NIV was used for this quiz.)
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Nov 21 11
308 plays
  Joab - Blood Avenger or Murderer?   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Joab was a very controversial character even in his own times, but he faithfully served David. This quiz deals with some of his more questionable acts.
Average, 10 Qns, tazman6619, Aug 27 09
tazman6619 gold member
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trivia question Quick Question
Where did David begin his rule?

From Quiz "The Life of David"

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How much do you know about Joab, a biblical figure in 1 and 2 Samuel? Take this quiz to find out!
Average, 10 Qns, Mustelidae, Mar 10 10
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Samuel (I and II) People Trivia Questions

2. What was Bathsheba doing when David first saw her?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: Taking a bath

2 Samuel 11:2 - David could not sleep and was walking on his rooftop patio. Bathsheba as was the custom was bathing at night in the water that was heated by the desert sun that day.

3. What was Joab's occupation?

From Quiz Joab

Answer: commander of the army

Joab was a commander of the army under David and was highly respected. He was an obedient commander to David and did almost everything David wanted him to do.

4. What two promises did Hannah make to God if He would give her a son?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Hannah

Answer: The son would be given to God and no razor would be used on his head

I Samuel 1:11

5. In the eleventh chapter of first Samuel, Saul was greatly enraged by the siege against Jabesh-gilead. Which invading people did Saul rally the troops to fight against?

From Quiz Saul, First King of Israel

Answer: Ammonites

The Ammonites were led by Nahash. The Ammonites were descendants of Lot, who was Abraham's nephew. The Israelites were descendants of Abraham through Isaac. The people of Jabesh attempted to sign a treaty to serve Nahash, but Nahash stated he would agree only if he could "gouge out all your right eyes" (1 Samuel 11:2). Buying seven days from Nahash, the besieged city sent out messengers. When Saul heard the news, he cut up the oxen he had been using and sent it as pieces throughout the land with the threat that those who failed to fight would lose their oxen in a similar manner. However, the people were also roused by the Spirit of God to come fight and successfully routed the Ammonites. Saul's leadership as king was reaffirmed at Gilgal after this campaign.

6. If Abner had fled to a city of refuge, could the city elders have rejected his staying in the city?

From Quiz Joab - Blood Avenger or Murderer?

Answer: Yes, the issue had to be investigated and if it was a premeditated murder he was given up to the avenger of blood

Cities of Refuge were set up to protect people who accidentally killed someone (manslaughter), not to protect willful murderers. If someone sought refuge their case was to be investigated and if the murder was premeditated and not an accident, the person was to be denied refuge. Exodus 21, Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 19.

7. Abigail's husband is introduced first: "Now the name of the man was Nabal" (1 Samuel 25:3). The Hebrew name is Naval. What is the meaning of Naval in Hebrew?

From Quiz The Story Of Abigail

Answer: Villain

Hebrew words stemming from the root N.B.L are usually of negative connotation: "naval" (noun) is "villain", "naval" (verb) is "withered", "nibel" (verb) is "talked obscenely", "nevel" (noun) is "wine vessel" (used later in this chapter) and also "harp", "nevela" is "carcass". And, to remove any doubts as to Nabal's character it is explicitly mentioned later in this verse that he was "churlish and evil in his doings". Later in the chapter Abigail uses this word game, in her speech to David.

8. Who was Bathsheba's husband when David fell in love with her?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: Uriah the Hittite

2 Samuel 11:3 - Uriah was a soldier in David's army. The Hittites were a group of mountain dwellers who lived north of Canaan.

9. Who was Hannah's husband?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Hannah

Answer: Elkanah

I Samuel 1:1 - He seemed to be a loving and supportive husband.

10. In chapter thirteen, Samuel prophesied that the throne would be taken away from Saul's family. What had Saul done to deserve this punishment?

From Quiz Saul, First King of Israel

Answer: Gave an unlawful sacrifice

Saul went out to meet the long time enemy of Israel, the Philistines. The battle seemingly was against Israel and the soldiers were afraid. Saul waited for Samuel to arrive at Gilgal, but he grew impatient and offered the sacrifices. When Samuel arrived, he chastised Saul's actions as Saul had failed to trust in the Lord. Samuel prophesied that, instead, the kingdom would go to a man who sought after the Lord's heart. In chapter fifteen, the Lord reiterated his regret that Saul was king, as Saul did not keep the Lord's commandments.

11. According to Josephus what was the real reason Joab killed Abner?

From Quiz Joab - Blood Avenger or Murderer?

Answer: Abner had become a threat to Joab's command of David's army

Josephus says that Joab forgave Abner for killing his brother because it was done in self defense. Joab later killed him because Abner had gained favor with David and threatened Joab's leadership of the army.

12. "and the name of his wife Abigail" (1 Samuel 25:3). Now follows a unique description of Abigail. What are her two characteristics which are unfolded to the reader at this introductory stage?

From Quiz The Story Of Abigail

Answer: Smart and beautiful

"and she was a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance" (1 Samuel 25:3). There are more than a few smart, or even wise, women told of in the Bible, but none of them is also described as beautiful with such clear words.

13. Struck by her beauty, King David sent for Bathsheba. After their "fling" Bathsheba sent a message to David that she was pregnant. How did David initially try to resolve this dilemma?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: He tried to persuade her husband to have sex with Bathsheba

2 Samuel 11:6-14 - David sent for Uriah, who was fighting in the war. After getting a report on how the battle was going the king encouraged Uriah to go spend the evening with his wife. The loyal soldier refused saying that it would not be right to enjoy the affections of his wife while his fellow soldiers were at war. The next night David even got Uriah drunk but the husband refused to have sexual relations with his wife.

14. On the day of sacrifice, Hannah's husband would give a portion of the meat to his other wife (Peninnah) and her children. What would he give Hannah?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Hannah

Answer: a double portion of meat, because he loved her

I Samuel 1:4-5

15. With Saul out of the Lord's favor, Samuel anointed David among his family in chapter sixteen. By the end of the chapter, David entered into Saul's court. How did David initially serve Saul?

From Quiz Saul, First King of Israel

Answer: As a musician

David would serve as a soldier in Saul's army and marry his daughter, but he first arrived as a musician. According to this passage, Saul was tormented by a harmful spirit. He commanded his servants to find a skillful lyre player to soothe him. David made such a hit with Saul that he also became his armor-bearer. David's playing refreshed Saul, "and the harmful spirit departed from him." (1 Samuel 16:23) David is more well known for the next chapter, which tells of his fight with Goliath. Saul's actions in the tale of Goliath also indicated his loss of faith in the Lord.

16. After his initial plan did not work David had Bathsheba's husband murdered. How did he have him killed?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: David arranged for him to die in battle

2 Samuel 11:14-24 - David sent a note by Uriah to give to his general Joab. The note laid out a plan to have Uriah killed. Joab was to place Uriah on the front line of the fiercest battle than have all the men but Uriah retreat leaving Uriah to die at the hands of the enemy.

17. Who was Joab's father?

From Quiz Joab

Answer: not mentioned

Joab had a father (obviously) but he was never mentioned. In 1 Chronicles it states that David had a sister Zeruiah who, in turn, had three sons: Joab, Asahel, and Abishai.

18. What would Hannah's rival (Peninnah) do when they would go to the House of the Lord?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Hannah

Answer: Provoke Hannah

I Samuel 1:6-8

19. Despite the service David gave to Saul, Saul became extremely jealous of the younger man. Yet his jealousy was not shared by his family. What was the name of Saul's son, who became a great friend to David?

From Quiz Saul, First King of Israel

Answer: Jonathan

Jonathan had previously shown great courage in fighting the Philistines, including a secret attack with his armor-bearer. David's and Jonathan's friendship began following David's success against Goliath. David grew suspicious of Saul's jealousy when Saul threw a spear at him. Jonathan was instrumental in ascertaining his father's true feelings and secretly signaled to David that his life was in danger. Saul was less than pleased with Jonathan's loyalty, telling him, "You have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame" (1 Samuel 20:30). Saul recognized David as a threat to the throne and could not understand how Jonathan would throw away his own chance to be king.

20. David replaced Joab as commander of the army with Amasa after the rebellion had been defeated. How was Amasa related to David and Joab?

From Quiz Joab - Blood Avenger or Murderer?

Answer: David's nephew and Joab's cousin

Amasa was the son of David's sister Abigail and therefore David's nephew and Joab's cousin. Amasa was also a cousin to Absalom whose army he led. 2 Samuel 17:25

21. Upon hearing of her husband's death, what did Bathsheba do?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: Mourn

2 Samuel 11:27 - After Uriah's death Bathsheba mourned, but after an appropriate time she married David and moved into the palace.

22. What is a reason why King David wished vengeance against Joab?

From Quiz Joab

Answer: He shed innocent blood

King David wished vengeance against Joab for the killings of Abner, Amasa, and Absalom. However, David didn't get to carry out the orders because he died. He told Solomon to avenge him for Joab, Adonijah, and Shimei.

23. Why did the priest accuse Hannah of being drunk?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Hannah

Answer: She was praying intently.

I Samuel 1:9-14 - Though Hannah's lips moved to the words of her prayer, she did not use her voice. This looked suspicious to the priest.

24. Saul's son was not the only family member Saul viewed as a traitor. David was married to Saul's daughter, Michal. How did Michal aid David's escape in chapter 19 of 1 Samuel?

From Quiz Saul, First King of Israel

Answer: She pretended that he was sick in bed.

Saul first promised his elder daughter, Merab, but she was then married to Adriel. Michal actually fell in love with David, and Saul decided to use it as a trap. He told David that he needed to bring Saul a hundred foreskins of the Philistines to become the king's son-in-law. David went and killed two hundred and paid the bride-price. When it became apparent that Saul intended to kill David, she helped him out a window. She used an idol to form his shape in the bed with goat's hair at the head. Later, Michal claimed that she had helped him because David had threatened her.

25. In a dramatic and beautifully constructed speech, Abigail tries to convince David to abandon his violent plan. Which strategy does she NOT apply in her speech?

From Quiz The Story Of Abigail

Answer: Offers herself to David

Abigail's speech (1 Samuel 25:23-31) is a superb rhetorical show of strength. Abigail diminishes herself by calling herself "handmaid" (6 times) and by calling David "my lord" (14 times). She hints to David's victory over Goliath by using the word "sling" twice (verse 29). She detaches herself from her husband by criticizing him ("for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him", verse 25 - see also Q1). She also makes it clear that she wasn't aware of David's request and Nabal's rejection. She keeps detaching David from the heat of the moment by prophesizing him a great future as Israel's king, and promises him that God will take care of his enemies. At no stage is she required to lose her dignity to the point of offering herself to David.

26. What happened to the baby that was conceived during David and Bathsheba's affair?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: He died a few days after his birth

2 Samuel 12:15-24. The firstborn son of David and Bathsheba became ill. For days David prayed and fasted but the child died. David's servants were baffled by his reaction. After the baby died, David got up, ate and worshipped God saying, that he had hoped God would spare the child's life but now that he is dead, David said, "I will go to him, but he will not return to me." David comforted Bathsheba and their love for each other was strong enough to overcome this tragedy. Later they were blessed with more children.

27. God did bless Hannah with a son. What did she name him?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Hannah

Answer: Samuel & Shemuel & Shmuel

His name sounds like a Hebrew phrase that means 'heard of God'. 1 Samuel 1:20

28. David briefly took refuge at Nob after fleeing from Saul. What did Saul do when he learned how David was cared for?

From Quiz Saul, First King of Israel

Answer: He killed the priests.

The priests were unaware that Saul was after David. Previously, David had been one of Saul's chief soldiers. When Saul heard how the priests at Nob helped him, he sent for them all and accused them of conspiring against them. He ruled that they were now his enemies and ordered them killed. No one would obey the order except Doeg the Edomite. Eight-five people were killed that day. One man, Abiathar, managed to escape and joined David. The story is told in chapters 21 and 22 of 1 Samuel.

29. David and Bathsheba had a second son. What did they name him?

From Quiz The Biblical Story of Bathsheba

Answer: Solomon

2 Samuel 12:24 - Solomon became king after David's death. He is known for his wisdom.

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