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One distinguishing feature of religions is their understanding of the nature of divinity, and its embodiment in one or more gods and/or goddesses.
6 Divinity quizzes and 55 Divinity trivia questions.
  The Nature of God   great trivia quiz  
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Approximately 85% of the world's population believes in the existence of 'God', 'gods', or simply - the 'divine' (Source: CIA World Factbook). However, their beliefs about its *nature* aren't the same...
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  Elemental, Essential Divinity   popular trivia quiz  
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Divinity appears in many guises - can you spot the divine amidst these elements and essential items? Good luck!
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kyleisalive editor
Jan 11 23
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  How Many Gods?   popular trivia quiz  
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One, two, many, or few? See if you can identify major world religions from these numerical clues.
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  One God Only?    
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As a child of deeply religious parents, I had an upbringing strictly adhering to their views. As an adult I have conducted my own casual search among the religious views of the world and this quiz is about some of them.
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  The Myth Surrounds Gods of these Religions    
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For this quiz simply match the deity with the Religion.
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  Living Goddesses    
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There are many Goddesses who are still worshipped as divine around the world. What do you know about them?
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Divinity Trivia Questions

1. The Hindu god Agni, who first appears in the holy scriptures, the Vedas, is associated with what element?

From Quiz
Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: Fire

Appearing in many of the oldest Hindu scriptures, Agni appears as fire in many of its forms (including as flames, lightning, and the sun), and it's why in many Hindu festivals and celebrations, fires are used as symbolic fixtures. Agni is also a word seen in Buddhist and Jain texts, though Agni has varying meanings, even within single belief systems. In some, Agni brings the offerings of human beings up to heaven in the flames of sacrifice; in others, Agni's flames are meant to purify both humanity and nature on a physical and spiritual level.

2. What is the 'study of the nature of the divine' called?

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: theology

When the word 'GOD' is spelt with a capital 'G', as in 'God', it is thought of as a *single* all-powerful God, while 'GOD' spelt without a capital 'g' is usually used to refer to one of a set of divine beings.

3. Who is the Chinese Goddess of compassion, fertility and newlyweds?

From Quiz Living Goddesses

Answer: Kwan Yin

P'an Chin Lien is the Goddess of prostitutes; Pi-Hsai Yuan Chin is the Goddess of childbirth and labour, bringing good luck and health to both mother and child; and Tien-Mu is the Goddess of lightning.

4. The Bible was where I started my investigations. What was the seemingly ungrammatical reply given to Moses when he asked God what name he should give the Israelites, if they asked His name? (NEV)

From Quiz One God Only?

Answer: I Am has sent me to you

According to Exodus 3:14, in the NEV Bible, the reply to Moses' question was, "This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I Am has sent me to you.'" Maybe something has been lost in translation? Even in a more simple time, the people asked questions. This was not enough for me though and I continued to look.

5. Who is the Hindu Goddess of knowledge and creativity?

From Quiz Living Goddesses

Answer: Saraswati

Anapurna is the Goddess of food, Chandika is a demon-slaying Goddess, who epitomizes the war of good over evil, and Lakshmi is the very popular Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

6. Some Christian sects suggest that God has three distinct personae. What is this concept known as?

From Quiz One God Only?

Answer: The Holy Trinity

Religious debate continues on this subject. God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Spirit) are in some sects seen as three outward manifestations of One being. Yet other sects believe them to be three separate beings with One joint purpose. It is a difficult subject.

7. Angra Mainyu is the god of darkness in which pantheon?

From Quiz Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: Zoroastrian

Angra Mainyu, or Ahriman, is opposed to Ahura Mazda, who is regarded as the wise god of light, and the two of them act as adversaries providing the classic balance of light and dark, good and evil, and order and chaos. Though considered a god of darkness and cast to the darkness beyond, Ahriman better represents darkness as a metaphor, being an embodiment of evil dichotomizing Ahura Mazda's position as the creator of the world. It's believed that Ahriman's analogue in Christianity would be Satan.

8. Which Norse Goddess is called "Queen of the Valkyeries"?

From Quiz Living Goddesses

Answer: Freya

Gefion is a vegetation and fertility Goddess, Hel is the Goddess of death and the underworld (and where we get the name of the place of Christian punishment) and Var is the Goddess of contracts and agreements, known to punish those who break promises. Freya has many aspects -- She is Goddess of love, sexuality, fertility, a battle goddess, a champion of peace, mistress of magic and the Goddess called upon during shamanic initiations. Fiercely independent, Freya refused to be forced into marriage. She was free with Her favours, sleeping with Gods, giants and dwarves at Her own will. Pigs are especially sacred to Her, as are cats. She chooses half of all warriors who die in battle to join Her in Her hall in Valhalla. All of these Goddesses continue to be worshipped by Pagans in Scandanavia, Iceland, and around the world.

9. With what natural phenomenon is the ancient Hindu god Rudra associated?

From Quiz Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: Storms

Rudra (who later became affiliated with the more well-known god, Shiva) was especially associated with sandstorms. Considered a mighty god, Rudra's name may be derived from the fact that in texts and pictures, he was always depicted in the colour red, implying his fierce temperament. Rudra is said to have borne numerous sons, called the Maruts, all of whom are storm deities who ride into battle on wind and thunder. In Buddhist writings, Rudra was considered a demon; it's not hard to assume why.

10. There is a certain belief that God *does* exist, but is very much unlike what most perceive God to be: instead, God is cruel, arrogant, abusive, and a liar. God is not worthy of worship. What is this belief called?

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: Maltheism

Maltheists believe that God is dependent on the worship and adoration of human beings to survive, without which God will "wither" and die. They hence try to discourage people from worshipping God.

11. Who is the Celtic Goddess of fire, poetry, inspiration, smithcraft, weaving, the healing arts, war, fertility and childbirth?

From Quiz Living Goddesses

Answer: Brighid

Anu is Goddess of the Moon, fertility and prosperity. Maeve is Goddess of both fertility and war, but not of Brighid's other attributes. Rhiannon is the Celtic Goddess associated with the Moon, horses and birds, symbolizing charms and enchantments. The early Christians could not get the Celts to stop worshipping Brighid, so they converted Her into a saint instead. St. Brigid is venerated by many Irish Catholics to this day, and is said to be the midwife and companion of Mary, mother of Christ. However, Celtic Pagans managed to preserve the memory of what Brighid the Goddess truly is, and She is still honoured around the world - especially at Imbolc (Candlemass in the Christian church).

12. In ancient Greece, many Gods lived on Mount Olympus and Zeus was their leader. Zeus only became leader after overthrowing his own father. What was his father's name?

From Quiz One God Only?

Answer: Cronus

Cronus or Kronos had previously overthrown his father, so Zeus was following the family tradition. Hades and Poseidon were brothers of Zeus and Hera was his wife/sister.

13. Belief in two gods is sometimes referred to as what?

From Quiz How Many Gods?

Answer: Ditheism

Moral dualism is a belief in the conflict (or complement) between good and evil, positive and negative, or benevolent and malevolent forces. It can exist within a monotheistic system and does not necessarily imply belief in two (or any) gods. "Ditheism," "duotheism," or "bitheism" are all terms used to refer to belief in two gods.

14. The Taras are Tibetan goddesses associated with what natural objects?

From Quiz Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: Stars

There are many forms of Tara in Buddhist teachings but they tend to be split between green and white (with a few additional colours). While Green Taras are seen to be overseers of enlightenment and peacefulness, the White Taras oversee elements of human life, being responsible for everything from arts to wisdom to vitality to wealth and on and on. The Taras are depicted as female goddesses and, in addition to the name Tara being translated directly to 'fixed star', they're meant to be directives for spiritual guidance. In mythology, one of the Taras was said to be married to Sron Tsan Gampo, who introduced Buddhism into Tibet.

15. ___ is the belief that everything in the universe, including plants, animals, minerals, air, water, fire and earth, is inhabited by spirits.

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: Animism

Many believe that animism was the first form of worship and human religion.

16. Who is the very active Hawaiian volcano Goddess?

From Quiz Living Goddesses

Answer: Pele

Na-maka-o-kaha'i is the Goddess of water and the ocean, Laka is Goddess of the hula, and Poliahu is the Goddess of snow-capped mountains. All of them are honoured by Hawaiian shamans. Pele herself lives in the crater of Mount Kilauea on the big island of Hawaii. She is tempestuous by nature, with a terrible temper and intense jealousy. The eruptions of the volcano are said to be displays of Her rage, and the lava that results are considered Her children. If you go to Hawaii, it is recommended that you do not just take lava home with you -- ask Pele's permission first, and leave something in return -- a pretty flower, seashell, and gin (the alcohol) placed (or poured) on the ground might all be accepted. If after making your offering you still feel it is not okay to remove the lava, do not take it. The Hawaiian post office gets thousands of pounds of lava shipped back every year, many with notes enclosed telling of the terrible bad luck the hapless tourists have had since taking the lava without Pele's permission.

17. In ancient Egypt there were many Gods. Ra was considered to be the King of the Gods. What was his primary area of influence?

From Quiz One God Only?

Answer: Sun

Ra, God of the Sun, was worshipped as the one who created the world anew every day. Although Ra has been depicted with many different forms, the most common one is that of a man with the head of a bird of prey wearing a crown in the shape of the sun.

18. What religion is commonly said to be a religion of 330 million gods?

From Quiz How Many Gods?

Answer: Hinduism

A prominent Hindu, Sri Ramakrishnah, once wrote that there could exist "as many Hindu Gods as there are devotees to suit the moods, feelings, emotions and social backgrounds of the devotees," and it is commonly said that Hinduism is a religion of 330 million gods. However, this number is symbolic, and certainly not precise, and Hindu belief systems can range from monotheistic to polytheistic.

19. The Chinese concept of Tao is central to both Taoism and Confucianism. What object is the Tao frequently compared to?

From Quiz Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: A road

The Tao literally means the "way", but metaphorically it carries many meanings, especially important for Taoism because it's reflective of the natural order; experience and wisdom are gained by travelling through life. Most belief systems follow similar concepts wherein fate and destiny are affected solely by the flow of experience. The catch here is that there is no one unified idea of what Tao requires or is, save for a naturalness of following that path; one person or belief's Tao could be very different from another's. Naturally, Taoists, Buddhists, Confucians, and even Christians and Western practitioners don't necessarily have aligning ideas in this regard.

20. This belief says that there is only *one* God, which may or may not be manifested in the forms of the 'gods' or 'avatars' of various religions. What is it called?

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: Monotheism

Polytheism would be the opposite of monotheism, i.e. the belief in more than one God.

21. Which religion has many gods, the great high god of which is known as the Jade Emperor?

From Quiz How Many Gods?

Answer: Taoism

Different Taoist deities are worshipped in temples by various sects. Yu-huang, knows as the Jade Emperor, is the great high god and all other deities report to him.

22. In Hinduism, the Gandharvas were tasked with creating what drink?

From Quiz Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: Soma

Brought up in the ancient Rigveda texts, Soma was created by the Gandharvas, Vedic celestial half-deities of the atmosphere who existed in the space between passing and rebirth. Soma was alleged to cause immortality in those who imbibed in it though over time, the phrase was somewhat perverted by literature and other media. Soma appeared as a drug in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", acting as a drug to placate and uplift the masses. This is a bit of a stretch based on the original records of soma, which had varied uses from empowering warriors to purifying one of their sins.

23. Kathenotheism means the worship of one god at a time. Different gods are worshipped, depending on the kathenotheist's locality and the time. By whom was the term 'kathenotheism' coined?

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: Max Mueller

Friedrich Max Müller originally coined the term with reference to the Vedas, which are the ancient religious scriptures of the Hindus.

24. The Church of Scientology was formed by L. Ron Hubbard in the mid-1950s. How do the church members refer to God?

From Quiz One God Only?

Answer: Supreme Being

The Church of Scientology promotes the belief that the human spirit is immortal. The practices of the Church are designed to help individual members understand themselves and their relationship with the Supreme Being. I spent some time talking with members of the Church of Scientology on my way to Brighton beach when I was going through a difficult time in my marriage. Their methods did help to straighten out my thinking.

25. This religion believes in many "kami" or deities, including guardian kami of particular clans.

From Quiz How Many Gods?

Answer: Shintoism

The kami are viewed as typically benign beings that sustain and protect the people.

26. The belief that 'God is the universe' and 'the universe is God' is called ___ .

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: Pantheism

The Hindu religion is said to be pantheistic, as every object is said to be 'God'. If you are in India and you happen to touch your foot to a book, even accidentally, somebody might tell you not to do so 'because it is God'. A quote by a Hindu saint sums up this belief: "One day, it was suddenly revealed to me that everything is Pure Spirit. The utensils of worship, the altar, the doorframe - all Pure Spirit! Man, animals and other living beings - all Pure Spirit! Then, like a madman, I began to shower flowers in all directions. Whatever I saw, I worshipped. "One day, while worshipping Shiva, I was about to offer a bel-leaf on the head of the image, when it was revealed to me that this universe itself is Shiva. "Another day, I had been plucking flowers when it was revealed to me that each plant was a bouquet adorning the universal form of God. That was the end of my plucking flowers! "I look on man in just the same way. When I see a man, I see that it is God Himself who walks on Earth." (Taken from this site: ) I must mention, however, that most Hindus aren't all this religious.

27. In Hinduism, what word refers to all within a plane of existence?

From Quiz Elemental, Essential Divinity

Answer: Loka

Loka stands for all things, encapsulating the world around us and all that exists. Though there are other loose takes on what Loka stands for, in Hindu beliefs, there are several Loka, with the Trailokya representing Earth, Heaven, and Hell. In some Hindu texts, there are fourteen separate Lokas, seven of which are Heavens occupied by various gods and seven of which are Hells, not unlike the concept of the Seven Circles of Hell in Christianity. Buddhist texts take another direction wherein there are six Lokas in the Desire Realm, or the kamadhatu.

28. There is a belief that while there is a 'perfectly good' God, there is also an evil deity of equal strength. What is this belief called?

From Quiz The Nature of God

Answer: Dualism

According to dualist belief, both 'good' and 'evil' exist simultaneously, and neither can survive without the other. 'Good' and 'evil' both 'balance' each other. Manichaeism, an ancient religion founded by the prophet Mani (210-275 B.C.), is an example of a religion with a dualist belief. Info on this religion can be found here:

29. Although my search is ongoing, I decided to become a Pastafarian, an official member of a church that emerged in 2005. What is its name?

From Quiz One God Only?

Answer: Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster suits me for now as they accept members on their own terms, as long as they are respectful of others. Being a Pastafarian does not mean giving up membership of other religions. In 2005, 24-year-old university student Bobby Henderson wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education in protest at changes to the curriculum with regard to the teaching of evolution. His main argument was against the suggestion that religion be treated as a science. When the board did not reply, Bobby posted his letter on his website and the rest, as they say, is history.

30. Mystical Judaism teaches, in the Kabbalah, that there are multiple "emanations" of God. How many emanations are there?

From Quiz How Many Gods?

Answer: 10

While Judaism teaches that there is only one God, Kabbalah discussed the many "emanations" or life-forces (powers, radiances, eluminces, etc.) that come from God. These are referred to as the "ten sefirot" and include crown, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, might, loving-kindness, beauty, acknowledgment, victory, foundation, and kingdom.

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Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:53 AM
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