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6 Macintosh quizzes and 65 Macintosh trivia questions.
  Macintosh Troubleshooting for OS 9   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A humorous quiz about fixing some common Mac problems, both on individual computers and on networks. It's funny, really! This is pre-OS X stuff, for us geezer-types.
Average, 10 Qns, crisw, Jun 07 14
crisw gold member
2344 plays
  Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright... on My Laptop!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz for true Mac OS X geeks! And possibly Unix geeks, too! What can you recall about Mac OS X 10.4, known as Tiger, released back in 2005? Favored by retrocomputers long after Apple discarded it! ***NOTE: A relatively technical quiz!***
Average, 10 Qns, gracious1, Apr 01 23
gracious1 gold member
Apr 01 23
436 plays
  Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Apple's Macintosh computer has long held a place in the hearts of enthusiasts as well as respect from PC users everywhere. Can you ace this quiz regarding its evolution and history?
Average, 10 Qns, unbelievable1 , Nov 25 20
Nov 25 20
1228 plays
  Mac OS X    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about Apple's OS X operating system. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, stefan_11_17, Nov 14 19
stefan_11_17 gold member
Nov 14 19
1864 plays
  Basic Apple Knowledge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A bunch of Apple questions for you lot. They're all pretty easy, one or two tricky ones. Good luck and please be careful.
Average, 10 Qns, decampos, Mar 22 17
2201 plays
  Apple and the Mac OS    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Yet another quiz about Apple, the Mac, and the MacOS. This one has many varied questions.
Difficult, 15 Qns, avromf, Jun 14 18
Jun 14 18
1759 plays

Macintosh Trivia Questions

1. The Apple company was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and...

From Quiz
Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: Steve Wozniak

Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. The company was originally founded to sell the Apple I personal computer, machines hand built by Steve Wozniak in the living room of the Jobs household. 200 of these machines were eventually built.

2. Which computer did Apple release in January 1983?

From Quiz Basic Apple Knowledge

Answer: The Apple Lisa

Apple Newtons were Palm-like devices introduced in the early 1990s.

3. The ______ is an important part of the desktop. It contains application icons, minimized documents, and the Trash Can.

From Quiz Mac OS X

Answer: dock

The dock is a new innovation for OS X. It can be positioned on the left side, bottom, or right side of your screen.

4. What was the original cost of the Apple I (in US $)?

From Quiz Apple and the Mac OS

Answer: $666.66

Only 220 copies of the Apple I were made until they came out with the popular Apple II. Now, they are collectors items worth much more than {$666.66.}

5. A not-too-computer-literate user comes up to you and complains that he can no longer open the application Microsoft Word. What's the first question you should ask him?

From Quiz Macintosh Troubleshooting for OS 9

Answer: Are you trying to run the program from the Apple Menu?

In my experience, most users don't understand that Apple Menu items are just aliases to their programs, and that if the program is moved somewhere new on the hard drive, the alias will no longer work. Fixing the alias usually makes 'em happy.

6. With a feature called Dashboard, Mas OS X Tiger used a mini-applications layer based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. What were these mini-applications known as, in Tiger?

From Quiz Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright... on My Laptop!

Answer: widgets

Dashboard is a layer that appears when its icon is clicked in the Dock, when the cursor is moved into a hot corner, or when a hot key is pressed. (Hot keys and corners are set by the user). Some examples of widgets are stopwatches, timers, FTP interfaces, stickies, and reminders. Historical note: "Desk accessories" is a term from the early days of Macintosh (the 1980s), when the System (as it was called) had little to no multi-tasking capability. The Desk Accessories, or DAs, were very small, helper-type programs (e.g. Alarm Clock) that were actually a special class of driver that could run while other applications, such as MS Word or MacPaint, were running. They were directly installed into System's DRVR resources. In 1991, System 7 introduced co-operative multitasking, which eliminated the need for DAs, but they continued to be supported through Mac OS 9.

7. Which Macintosh was the first to have color capabilities?

From Quiz Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: Macintosh II

The Mac II was the first Mac with color capabilities--a graphics card could be installed capable of handling up to 16.7 million colors! It originally sold for $3,898 for the basic system, and at $5,498 for 1 MB of RAM, one 800K floppy disk drive and one 40 MB internal SCSI hard disk drive.

8. A lot of the ideas for the user interface of the computer Apple released in 1983 come from Xerox's PARC. What is that an acronym of?

From Quiz Basic Apple Knowledge

Answer: Palo Alto Research Center

The modern mice, windows, and icons style of software interface was invented at PARC along with the laser printer and the local-area network.

9. What is the key shortcut for creating a new folder?

From Quiz Mac OS X

Answer: Command+Shift+N

This is something new in OS X as well. In previous operating systems, Command+N created a folder. Now it opens a new Finder window.

10. A former CEO of Apple used to work for a corporation related to food. What was that company?

From Quiz Apple and the Mac OS

Answer: PepsiCo

It was John Sculley. Apple also came out with a Mac Classic. Their answer to Coke Classic? You decide.

11. Apple's Lisa was the first commercial computer to have a graphical user interface (GUI) and a mouse. What did Apple claim the acronym Lisa stood for?

From Quiz Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: Local Integrated System Architecture

The Apple Lisa was a computer project which started in 1978 and eventually built in the early 1980s. The Lisa project was the first commercial PC with a graphical user interface (GUI) targeted specifically at business consumers. Although not directly linked with the Macintosh project, the Lisa was a more advanced system than the first Macintosh.

12. What specifically did Apple's CEO Steve Jobs see at PARC that impressed him the most?

From Quiz Basic Apple Knowledge

Answer: The 'Smalltalk' Environment running on an Alto

Smalltalk was a graphic oriented programming language developed at PARC.

13. Holding the ______ key and then clicking with the mouse brings up a menu.

From Quiz Mac OS X

Answer: Control

This is the same thing that happens when you right-click on a two button mouse.

14. Apple sought to improve accessibility to handicapped users, so as part of the Universal Access suite, Mac OS X Tiger added an improved built-in screen reader, called what?

From Quiz Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright... on My Laptop!

Answer: VoiceOver

VoiceOver treated the user interface as a series of elements with which it interacts. By clicking in a textbox, for example, it would read what the user typed. VoiceOver was later added to the operating systems of the iPods and the iPhones. VoiceOver used the same voices of Fred, Junior, Kath, Ralph, and Victoria, and Zarvox, introduced in the MacInTalk Pro speech synthesizing technology of the 1990s. Unlike the earlier technology, however, VoiceOver could not only read the text on a monitor, it could also read refreshable Braille displays, which are electro-mechanical devices with round-tipped pins that emerge through holes to form braille characters. Historical notes: Universal Access was introduced with Jaguar (10.3) and provided capabilities to the blind, deaf, dyslexic, and other disabled persons in one preference pane of System Preferences. Features included sticky keys, inverse colors, flashes for alert sounds, larger cursor size, etc.

15. The Macintosh 128k came with two applications designed to show off its GUI. MacWrite and...

From Quiz Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: MacPaint

The Macintosh 128k was the original Apple computer. It was first introduced in January 1984 at the price of US$2495, and included a keyboard and mouse. The Macintosh 128k was packaged in a beige case which included a built-in 9in - yes 9 inch - monitor.

16. Jobs says the people at PARC showed him three things - personal computers on a LAN using email, print servers etc, the graphical user interface and what else?

From Quiz Basic Apple Knowledge

Answer: Object Oriented Programming

He says this on the programme 'Triumph of the Nerds'.

17. What special mode is there in ResEdit?

From Quiz Apple and the Mac OS

Answer: Pig mode

If you hold down the Command(Apple)-Option-Shift keys and select About ResEdit from the Apple menu you get into pig mode. What does it do? Well, nothing.

18. While working on your Mac, you notice a little eyeball on your menu bar. What the heck is going on?

From Quiz Macintosh Troubleshooting for OS 9

Answer: Your Network Administrator is watching you

It's a neat little feature of Network Security, so the admin can track down things like how many people are using a Filemaker Pro database, typing data into Excel...or downloading the latest hits from Napster!

19. Which Apple computer is regarded as the first affordable computer to include a Graphical User Interface?

From Quiz Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: Macintosh

Released with much fanfare in January of 1984, the Macintosh was the first affordable computer to include a Graphical User Interface. It was built around the new Motorola 68000 chip, which was significantly faster than previous processors, running at 8 MHz. The Mac came in a small beige case with a black and white monitor built in.

20. What is Apple said to have done with the thousands of unsold Apple Lisas?

From Quiz Basic Apple Knowledge

Answer: They buried them all like corpses

This is well documented. There are still unused Lisas available to buy at

21. OS X computers came with a program on them allowing you to run OS 9 applications. What is its name?

From Quiz Mac OS X

Answer: Classic & Classic environment

I found Classic quite helpful when OS X first came out because few applications were available for it.

22. What year was the first Power Macintosh introduced?

From Quiz Apple and the Mac OS

Answer: 1994

23. Included in the Safari 2.0 web browser in Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) were several new features. Three of those are listed below; which is something that was available in earlier versions?

From Quiz Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright... on My Laptop!

Answer: JavaScript support

JavaScript support had been standard on Safari (and most other web browsers at the time) for years by the mid-2000s, although Safari 2.0 offered improved speed. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, which is a website technology that allows publishers to syndicate data into web feeds or channels that regularly change their content. For example, RSS is particularly useful for news feeds. The user simply had to press the button on the address bar. This was a new, cutting-edge feature for the Safari 2.0 web browser packaged with Tiger in 2005. Future note: By the way, Safari 2.0.4, available on the Mac OS X Update 10.4.4 (the last Tiger update), was the last version of Safari released exclusively for Mac OS until version 6, when it was integrated into Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8).

24. Apple famously sued both Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard in 1988. Why?

From Quiz Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: Claims they infringed Apple's copyrighted GUI

In 1988 Apple sued Microsoft and Hewlett Packard on the grounds that they infringed Apple's copyrighted graphical user interface. Apple stressed the specific infringements related to the use of rectangular, overlapping, and resizable windows. After a four year trial, including multiple appeals, Apple eventually lost the case. Many in the software industry at the time accused Apple of blatantly trying to monopolise the GUI market.

25. What inspired the name 'Macintosh'?

From Quiz Basic Apple Knowledge

Answer: It was the name of one of America's favorite apples

While available worldwide, Macintosh apples are not among the most popular in England. 'The Apple Braeburn' sounds better to me anyway.

26. When coming out with the Power Macintosh Apple was switching from what CPU series to what CPU series?

From Quiz Apple and the Mac OS

Answer: 6800x0 series to PowerPC series

The newer PowerPC had a RISC based achitecture and was able to emulate the older Motorola 6800x0 chips.

27. The launch of Microsoft Windows 3.0 in 1990 forced Apple to do what that year?

From Quiz Mac Attack! A Brief History of Apple Computers

Answer: Launch three new computers at low price points -- the Macintosh Classic, the Macintosh LC and the Macintosh IIsi

Microsoft Windows 3.0 was released in May 1990 and became popular as it was more user-friendly and cheaper than the Macintosh platform. Apple responded by releasing a range of much cheaper Macs in October 1990 - the Macintosh Classic, Macintosh LC (US$1800) and the Macintosh IIsi (US$2500). All three machines sold well, but Apple's profit margin was considerably lower due to the price cuts.

28. What programming language was originally used for the Macintosh Toolbox APIs (routines)?

From Quiz Apple and the Mac OS

Answer: Pascal

Yup, it was Pascal with some OO extensions.

29. It's important to understand that at the core of Mac OS X is Unix (specifically Darwin). What security feature in particular was added to Tiger to make it more like other modern Unix-based systems at the time?

From Quiz Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright... on My Laptop!

Answer: access control lists (ACLs)

Darwin already had traditional Unix permissions, but added ACLs in a more sophisticated way - they tell the operating system which rights each user has to each object (directory, file, etc.). For the average user, this was neither here nor there, but for server operators and technicians this was a boon. Protocols like ssh were already supported by Darwin before Tiger. More technical info: Mac OS X prior to 10.4 supported traditional POSIX-compliant permissions. From 10.4 and beyond, Mac OS X added support for NFSv4 ACLS as well as traditional permissions. It also supported the classic Mac OS (9.2 and earlier) "Protected" file attribute (a non-Unix feature).

This is category 5517
Last Updated Mar 01 2025 5:46 AM
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