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10 Genitourinary System quizzes and 100 Genitourinary System trivia questions.
  The Urinary System   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
How much do you know about the urinary system?
Average, 10 Qns, Morrigan716, Jun 29 16
Morrigan716 gold member
10044 plays
  A Wee Quiz on Urine   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We all produce it and although most people would prefer to 'pass over' this topic, knowledge is always beneficial and being so freely available has plenty more history than you'd think. Let's hope it makes the 'number one' quiz!
Tough, 10 Qns, satguru, Jul 20 09
satguru gold member
3305 plays
  Dialyse or Die   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As a dialysis patient, this quiz is close to my heart (or should I say kidney). I hope you enjoy this quiz and find it informative.
Average, 10 Qns, nurf, Jan 11 25
Jan 11 25
2981 plays
  The Genitourinary System   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We all have a body and it is a marvel of engineering and function. Let's see how well you know your genitourinary system. I'll make it easy on you (at first) as I know you are already wincing.
Easier, 10 Qns, einsteinII, Mar 17 23
Mar 17 23
1059 plays
  Who's Afraid of a Little Pee?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Urine has gotten a bad rap over the years, but it can, in fact, be a highly useful diagnostic tool in the clinical laboratory. Test your knowledge on urinalysis!
Tough, 10 Qns, volleybuff33, Jan 30 18
3835 plays
  The Reproductive System    
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 10 Qns
This quiz is about both the male and female reproductive system.
Average, 10 Qns, Morrigan716, Apr 09 16
Morrigan716 gold member
6612 plays
  Escape From Al Catraz   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Nate the sodium ion is trapped in the body of Alan Catraz. Can you help him escape? (Best played in "Flash" mode since interesting information may include clues to answers of subsequent questions.)
Tough, 10 Qns, uglybird, Jan 21 15
835 plays
  Welcome to Your Kidney!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about kidneys? Here's a little quiz to see! I hope you like it.
Average, 10 Qns, psycho_mom, Mar 16 13
5770 plays
  Urine for a Surprise: The Urinary System    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is designed for the extremely biologically knowledgeable.
Tough, 10 Qns, ThurstAsh, Dec 28 15
340 plays
  Urinary System    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A difficult quiz on the urinary system.
Difficult, 10 Qns, s.k.o.l.940, Feb 23 14
4278 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the inability to produce urine?

From Quiz "The Urinary System"

Genitourinary System Trivia Questions

1. In the third step of embryogenesis, gastrulation, the primary germ layers become distinct and develop. Which of the primary germ layers does the kidney derive from?

From Quiz
Urine for a Surprise: The Urinary System

Answer: Mesoderm

After the female's ovum has been fertilized by the male's sperm, the process of embryogenesis begins with cleavage. The second step, blastulation, is then followed by gastrulation. Gastrulation is the stage where the three primary germ layers become distinct and develop. The kidney and the other urogenital organs develop in the mesoderm, as well as all the body's muscle, bone, and connective tissue. In addition, some mesoderm cells will also be determined as the dermis of the skin and the entire cardiovascular system. The endoderm is responsible for the creation of all the epithelium that line the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory system, and the urogenital system. The ectoderm most notably becomes the nervous system, the pituitary gland, medulla, along with the cornea and lens of the eyes. In addition, it will also become the nasal, oral, and anal epithelium.

2. How many kidneys are there in a normal human body?

From Quiz The Genitourinary System

Answer: two

A straightforward one to start with. Most of us have two kidneys but some of us are born with only one. Sometimes the two kidneys are fused together at their base in what is known as a horseshoe kidney. Occasionally the two kidneys will be found on the same side with one being "ectopic". Kidneys usually have just one drain (ureter) to the bladder but sometimes there will be two and then the kidney may be two functional units in one. This is called a duplex kidney. The normal kidney is bean shaped and hidden deep in back for protection.

3. What germs will you find in healthy fresh urine?

From Quiz A Wee Quiz on Urine

Answer: None at all

Healthy urine should be virtually sterile. Any bacteria are a sign of an infection and not something you would normally see. This is one reason urine tests are so important as any germs present will point to an infection somewhere in the body.

4. Just when you thought you had it bad, in the early 1700's, urine was used commonly as what daily product?

From Quiz Who's Afraid of a Little Pee?

Answer: mouthwash

Oddly enough, Pierre Fauchard, the father of dentistry, recommended urine as a dentifrice and toothache remedy because of its strong ammonia content.

5. What is a physician who specializes in the male reproductive system?

From Quiz The Reproductive System

Answer: urologist & andrologist

A urologist treats diseases of the male reproductive system as well as the urinary system. Male infertility is usually managed by an infertility specialist.

6. What is a specialist who deals with the urinary system?

From Quiz The Urinary System

Answer: urologist & nephrologist

A urologist deals with the urinary tract in both sexes, and the genital tract in the male. A nephrologist deals with the kidneys.

7. What are the narrow tubes that transport urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder?

From Quiz Urinary System

Answer: ureters

The word, 'ureter' is sometimes mistaken for 'urethra'.

8. The urea that makes up a portion of the urine that leaves our body is made in the liver. What is the main purpose of urea?

From Quiz Urine for a Surprise: The Urinary System

Answer: To eliminate the excess nitrogen in the body

The liver creates urea in order to rid the body of excess nitrogen that comes with breaking down proteins in the liver. The structure of urea is a carbonyl with two amine groups attached to the carbonyl carbon. Once created by the liver, urea is released into the bloodstream and then ultimately excreted out within urine.

9. What is the likeliest reason for colourless urine?

From Quiz A Wee Quiz on Urine

Answer: Drinking too much fluid

Healthy urine should be straw coloured. Anything darker means more fluid should be drunk. Clear urine, usually in larger quantities than usual, is often a sign of drinking too much, especially of diuretics such as caffeine or alcohol. You can drink too much water and this is a clue if you have. As far as I know the other choices do not have this effect.

10. If the doctor suspects kidney disease, he will order a blood test to detect what?

From Quiz Dialyse or Die

Answer: creatinine

Creatinine is the waste product from muscle. When the creatinine level reaches about 900mg/ml, the doctor will recommend dialysis. Creatinines are not poisons but merely the most common way to detect kidney failure.

11. There are many types of urine specimens, classified by the time the sample is taken. A "postprandial" urine collection is often ordered for diabetic monitoring. When is this type of sample collected?

From Quiz Who's Afraid of a Little Pee?

Answer: after a meal

"Pradium" is latin for "a late breakfast or lunch".

12. How many phases took place in the glomeruli to produce urine?

From Quiz The Urinary System

Answer: 3

Urine formation begins with the filtration of liquids. The next phase is reabsorption, where substances are moved out of the renal tubules into the surrounding peritubular capillaries. The third step is secretion, during which substances move from the surrounding capillaries into the urine.

13. Within the kidney,where does 80 percent of nephron reabsorption occur?

From Quiz Urinary System

Answer: Proximal Convoluted Tubule

Nephrons are located within the kidney that filters the blood and produces urine. The parts and percentage of nephron reabsorption are as follows: 5 percent of reabsorption occurs at the Bowman's capsule, 5 percent of reabsorption occurs at the Loop of Henle, 10 percent of reabsorption occurs at the distal convoluted tubule, and 80 percent of reabsorption occurs at the proximal convoluted tubule.

14. What do my kidneys do?

From Quiz The Genitourinary System

Answer: filter impurities out of my blood and get rid of excess fluid

Kidneys do many things like monitor our blood pressure and calcium balance and even help us make our red blood cells, but not our white ones. They don't make enzymes for digestion and they don't add oxygen to the blood. They filter out the poisons that might accumulate in our system and get rid of excess fluid. When they don't work at all, life isn't possible without some form of intervention.

15. Many compounds are dissolved in normal healthy urine. Which one will you NOT find?

From Quiz A Wee Quiz on Urine

Answer: Glucose

Glucose in the urine is not found if the urine is healthy, and if is found is usually a sign of diabetes. Many other traces of substances are present in urine as the body also excretes excess nutrients such as vitamin C and various minerals. Although ammonia is also associated with urine it forms on decomposition of urea after it has left the body and is not part of it when fresh.

16. What can't a haemodialysis patient do during the dialysis session?

From Quiz Dialyse or Die

Answer: walk around

Haemodialysis is performed three times a week and usually takes about four - five hours whilst peritoneal dialysis is performed four times a day and each session takes about 30 minutes. As the tube is inserted into the patient (usually the arm), the patient is restricted to a chair. However any other activities are allowed.

17. What is a tubular structure that filters the urine in the kidney?

From Quiz The Urinary System

Answer: Nephron

A calyx is one of the branches of the kidney. A cortex is the outer portion of an organ. The internal urethral sphincter is a band of muscle fibers at the base of the bladder.

18. Where is a transplanted kidney placed in the recipient's body?

From Quiz Welcome to Your Kidney!

Answer: The right or left lower abdomen

The original kidneys stay in place generally and the new one is hooked into the right or left iliac artery in the lower abdomen.

19. Betty Sue comes into the lab complaining of red urine. She and her husband Billy Joe ate beets for dinner, but her husband claims his urine is normal. How can this be?

From Quiz Who's Afraid of a Little Pee?

Answer: Betty Sue is genetically susceptible to red urine from beets

Beets ingestion can cause red urine in those individuals genetically susceptible. Also, blackberries can cause a red color in acidic urine.

20. What is the study of the organs, hormones, and diseases of the female reproductive system?

From Quiz The Reproductive System

Answer: gynecology & gynaecology

In England it is spelled 'gynaecology'. Also involved in the care of the female reproductive system are obstetrics, the specialty concerned with pregnancy and delivery of the baby.

21. What age group is the most likely to develop vesicoureteral reflux?

From Quiz The Urinary System

Answer: Infants and children

Vesicoureteral reflux occurs when there is incompetence of one of the urinary sphincters, allowing urine to flow backwards, up from the bladder to the ureters.

22. What is the name of the pigment found in the urinary bladder that produces the normal yellow to amber color of urine?

From Quiz Urinary System

Answer: urochrome

xanthro-means yellow chrome-means color. cyan-means a bluish color. ureters-look at the first question and you'll find the meaning.

23. Renal patients must be careful of the amount of phosphate they consume. What common food contains high levels of phosphate?

From Quiz Dialyse or Die

Answer: milk

When kidneys are not functioning, high levels of phosphate accumulate in the blood and can cause itching, sore eyes and cramping. Other foods high in phosphate include: chocolate, cola, beans and nuts. Most renal patients take phosphate binders with food such as calcium supplements.

24. Plastic strips with paper pads impregnated with reagents are used to test urine samples by visual color identification. What are these called?

From Quiz Who's Afraid of a Little Pee?

Answer: dipsticks

Dipsticks are dipped into well-mixed urine specimens and results are recorded depending on resulting color changes.

25. What is the medical term for a kidney stone?

From Quiz The Urinary System

Answer: Nephrolith

Kidney stones are characterized by renal colic (pain in the abdomen), and often severe pain in the flank (kidney area of the back).

26. What is the name of the instrument that requires 1 drop of urine to be read off a scale viewed through an ocular?

From Quiz Urinary System

Answer: refractometer

A refractometer is used to measure the specific gravity of urine. A sphygmomanometer is the instrument that health professionals use when taking your blood pressure. A urinometer is an old-fashion way of measuring the specific gravity of urine before the refractometer was invented.

27. What is the term for the body's own immune system causing the destruction and failure of a transplanted organ?

From Quiz Welcome to Your Kidney!

Answer: Rejection

This can be acute or chronic.

28. Drinking urine is beneficial in an emergency to avoid dehydration. Is this correct?

From Quiz A Wee Quiz on Urine

Answer: Only once or twice

Although you hear stories of people drinking their own urine (or others') in the desert or when shipwrecked it does not help for long. As the urine is already mixed with salts and other impurities, drinking it again only provides a relatively small amount of water. Each time this goes through the body it will become more concentrated until it will soon be as useless as drinking sea water. So in a single situation it may well help, but not for long.

29. Why do dialysis patients need to restrict fluids?

From Quiz Dialyse or Die

Answer: Their urine output ceases.

As the kidney deteriorates, renal patients lose the ability to pass urine. This means there is a build up of fluid in your body. Renal patients are allowed 500ml/day plus urine output. Most dialysis patients eventually lose all urine output. Some ways to overcome this aggravation are to chew gum or suck on ice.

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Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:46 AM
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