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'Dr Who' - Quotes Trivia

'Dr Who' - Quotes Trivia Quizzes

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12 quizzes and 135 trivia questions.
  Doctor Who Catchphrases    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Some characters throughout the long history of "Doctor Who" had words or phrases that they were known for. Can you match the character to their catchphrase?
Average, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Jun 04 20
AcrylicInk gold member
Jun 04 20
355 plays
  'Fantastic' Quotes from "Doctor Who"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The ninth Doctor's favorite phrase was, "fantastic!" What can you remember about the situations and various responses to his 'fantastic' outbursts? (May contain spoilers for the 2005 series.)
Average, 10 Qns, albinerhawk, Feb 13 10
929 plays
  Doctor...Who Said It?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first quiz ever about my favorite show ever. "Doctor Who" has many memorable you pay attention? Who said it: "Doctor Who"!
Easier, 10 Qns, NUNIABIZ, Jan 03 14
944 plays
  Series 2 Quotable Quotes   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
More quotes from "Doctor Who". Hope you have as much fun with this as I did.
Average, 10 Qns, choc_chick, Feb 05 12
1284 plays
  Halfway Out of the Dark: "Doctor Who" Quotes   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A brief quiz about some of the more inspiring words of the Doctor and his friends. This quiz covers episodes from the Doctor's tenth and eleventh regenerations only.
Tough, 10 Qns, closetpoet17, Aug 05 13
297 plays
  'Doctor Who' Memorable Quotes   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I say the quote you say whoever provided it in the series. Have fun!
Tough, 15 Qns, Zargo, Oct 05 04
3303 plays
  Series 1 Quotable Quotes   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I love this series and it has some really great quotes in it. So have fun with the quotes in this quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, choc_chick, Sep 07 08
1175 plays
  Series 5 Quotes   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Have you been listening closely?
Average, 10 Qns, drwhomad, Jan 06 18
768 plays
  Who Said That?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Have you been listening closely to the episodes of "Doctor Who"? Do you know the quotes and who said them? Take the quiz and find out!
Average, 10 Qns, doubleox515, Jul 11 12
517 plays
  "Doctor Who"- Last Words    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These will all be the last words of various characters on the show before their deaths.
Average, 10 Qns, beccaknox1996, May 12 19
May 12 19
155 plays
  'Doctor Who'- New Who Quotes    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is testing you on your knowledge of who said what on the television show 'Doctor Who". This quiz will only question you on the show from the years 2005-2014, referred to as "New Who". Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, lovelesmis298, Jun 04 15
237 plays
  "Doctor Who" Quotes (2005 - 2006)    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Who said these quotes?
Tough, 15 Qns, faith_less_one, Sep 12 16
139 plays

'Dr Who' - Quotes Trivia Questions

1. "Doctor... I let you go."

From Quiz
"Doctor Who"- Last Words

Answer: 12th Doctor

This comes from the episode "Twice Upon a Time" just before the 12th Doctor's (Peter Capaldi) regeneration into the 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker). After being electrocuted and shot by multiple Cybermen and caught in an explosion, the Doctor purposely delays his regeneration (as he doesn't want to change) only accepting his "death" after a meeting with his first form.

2. The Ninth Doctor has many memorable quotes but what phrase is he most famous for?

From Quiz Who Said That?

Answer: Fantastic!

We first hear him say "Fantastic!" in the episode "Rose", where she is pointing out the London Eye behind him. He turns around and realises what she meant. "Brilliant!" and "Allonsy!" are used by The Tenth Doctor and "Geronimo!" is used by The Eleventh Doctor.

3. Complete the following quote from "The Eleventh Hour": The Doctor: "You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine, but you really think they're lying to make you feel better?" Amelia: "Yeah..." Doctor: _________________

From Quiz Series 5 Quotes

Answer: "Everything's going to be fine."

This was said when the Doctor was about to open the crack in the wall. Amelia didn't have a mum and dad, and lived with her Aunt Sharon.

4. The Doctor's first fantastic utterance was in the first episode, "Rose". What object did Rose point out causing him to find it 'fantastic'?

From Quiz 'Fantastic' Quotes from "Doctor Who"

Answer: An alien transmitter

While the Doctor kept running into Rose, he seemed ambivalent about her actual worth. Pointing out that the alien transmitter was hidden in the Ferris wheel was just the beginning of other 'fantastic' ways she aided the Doctor in that episode. She also saved his life as he was held captive by the living plastic. Using her 'fantastic' gymnastic skills, she kicked the one guard holding the anti-plastic into the Nestene consciousness. He conceded after the fact that he did indeed owed her his life and asked her to come along.

5. When the Doctor meets people, it's generally not under good circumstances. This introduction was no exception. To whom did the Doctor reply "Nice to meet you. Run for your life!" after learning their name?

From Quiz Series 1 Quotable Quotes

Answer: Rose

The Doctor says this when he meets Rose in episode 1 of series 1 of the new series. The episode was imaginatively titled Rose. The Doctor was sending Rose home after some living Autons had attacked them, when he went back into the room and asked his name.

6. 2005 - "I'm in my dressing gown."

From Quiz "Doctor Who" Quotes (2005 - 2006)

Answer: Jackie

Jackie: "I'm in my dressing gown." The Doctor: "Yes, you are." Jackie: "There's a strange man in my bedroom." The Doctor: "Yes, there is." Jackie: "Well, anything could happen." The Doctor: "Ah... No!" Episode One - "Rose"

7. 'This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin!'

From Quiz 'Doctor Who' Memorable Quotes

Answer: First Doctor (William Hartnell)

Just before he was to regenerate into Patrick Troughton's second Doctor at the end of 'The Tenth Planet' (1966). This dramatic change of lead actor had never been done before and shocked the nation!

8. "There's a gravestone here for someone with the same name as me."

From Quiz "Doctor Who"- Last Words

Answer: Rory Williams

This comes from the episode "The Angels Take Manhattan" just as Rory sees a headstone with his name on it. Seconds later, he is taken by a Weeping Angel. This feeds into the show's lore that states if you read something about the future, it will come true.

9. "Most people assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect when actually, from a non-linear, non subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff."

From Quiz Doctor...Who Said It?

Answer: The tenth Doctor

This quote is said in the episode "Blink" from the third season of "Doctor Who". This is the first episode featuring the Weeping Angels. The Doctor and Martha are stuck in the past and so the Doctor reaches out to a woman to help him retrieve the TARDIS and defeat the Weeping Angels reeking havoc through civilization.

10. Who said this? "YOU.ARE.MY.ENEMY! And I am yours! You're everything I despise."

From Quiz Who Said That?

Answer: The Eleventh Doctor

This is Matt Smith's Doctor when he is facing the Daleks once again in "Victory of the Daleks" in season five. Set during the London Blitz, 1941.

11. In "New New York" (2.1) Cassandra takes over the Doctor's body. What does she say in reference to his having two hearts?

From Quiz Series 2 Quotable Quotes

Answer: "Oh baby, I'm beating out a samba!"

Originally Cassandra had been in Rose's body. The Doctor made her leave it, but as her original skin was dead, she then took over the Doctor's body. This was followed by Rose and Cassandra (in the Doctor's body) trying to escape, which lead to Cassandra switching bodies numerous times as Rose couldn't escape without the Doctor, and he refused to help with Cassandra in Rose's body.

12. In "The End of the World" (1.2) Rose is given a tree cutting by Jabe, who is a tree-person. She begins talking to it, saying "Hello. My name's Rose, that's a sort of plant- we might be related." What does she say next?

From Quiz Series 1 Quotable Quotes

Answer: I'm talking to a twig.

This was on Rose's first trip with the Doctor. He takes her to the year 5.5/apple/26 (5 billion years in the future) to see the sun expand, causing the end of the world. Amazingly, things don't go to plan, and Rose ends up nearly being burnt to death by the sun, soon after she says this.

13. 2006 - "I'm... I'm dazed and confused."

From Quiz "Doctor Who" Quotes (2005 - 2006)

Answer: The Doctor

The Doctor: "Oh, I'm-I'm dazed and confused. I've been chasing this wee naked child over hill and over dale. Ain't that right, ya... tim'rous beastie?" Rose: "Uh-uh..." [adopting a terrible Scottish accent] "och aye, I've been oot and aboot--" The Doctor: [quietly to Rose, in normal voice] "No, don't do that." Episode Two - "Tooth and Claw"

14. 'I'd have propelled him to the pavement with a punt to the posterior!'

From Quiz 'Doctor Who' Memorable Quotes

Answer: Henry Gordon Jago

Referring to a cab driver aggressively looking for his missing wife in the classic 'Talons of Weng Chiang' (1977).

15. "Im sorry, it's too late, I'm regenerating."

From Quiz "Doctor Who"- Last Words

Answer: 10th Doctor

This is from the episode "The Stolen Earth". This is when the Doctor has been struck by a Dalek beam and is regenerating in the TARDIS with Jack, Rose, and Donna. However, he concentrates his excess regeneration energy into a spare hand he has, successfully maintaining his current form but healing from the injury.

16. Who said this? "Clara Oswald has never existed".

From Quiz 'Doctor Who'- New Who Quotes

Answer: Clara

This quote was from the season 8 finale when Clara was trying to save herself from the Cyberman by pretending to be the Doctor.

17. In a season 3 episode, who is the Doctor speaking to when he says, "Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters, it's the person"?

From Quiz Halfway Out of the Dark: "Doctor Who" Quotes

Answer: Lazarus

In the episode "The Lazarus Experiment", the Doctor says this to Lazarus when the latter defends his desire to live forever by saying, "One lifetime's been too short for me to do everything I'd like. How much more I'll get done in two, or three, or four." The response is even more meaningful coming from the Doctor, who has lived for over 900 years at the time of this episode. He doesn't consider the length of his life to be of nearly as much value as what he does with those years.

18. "Oh! I survived! Love it when I do that! Oh legs! Bow tie? Cool. Fez? I can buy a fez."

From Quiz Doctor...Who Said It?

Answer: The Doctor

Bow ties are cool. Fezzes are cool. The eleventh Doctor says this a lot through the fifth and sixth season. Each Doctor has a look to them. The ninth always wears a leather jacket, the tenth Doctor always wears Converse sneakers, a suit with a tie, and a long coat. The eleventh Doctor wears a bow tie, suspenders, and sometimes even a red fez. Also, Jace Wayland and Clary are from a series called "The Mortal Instruments" (a book series by Cassandra Claire) and have no official affiliation with "Doctor Who"!

19. "The Unquiet Dead" took place on Christmas Eve 1869 in Cardiff. The Doctor was surprised to see a spirit racing around in the air and naturally declared it to be 'fantastic'. Where was the Doctor when he first saw it?

From Quiz 'Fantastic' Quotes from "Doctor Who"

Answer: A Charles Dickens reading

Charles Dickens was doing a dramatic reading of "A Christmas Carol". He had just come to the part with Marley's ghost when he saw a woman who appeared possessed. The dead body gave up the spirit and raced about. The Doctor and Rose came running when they heard the screams. When Rose was kidnapped by Mr. Sneed, the Doctor joined forces with Charles. He taught the writer the modern definition to the word, 'fan' and learned that he couldn't accept criticism. Before departing onto to their next adventure, the Doctor told Dickens that it had been 'fantastic' meeting him.

20. In "School Reunion" (2.3), what word is the Doctor referring to when he says "A word... I... have... never used before and hopefully never will again"?

From Quiz Series 2 Quotable Quotes

Answer: Correctamundo

Before this the Doctor had said to his physics class "So, physics! Physics, eh? Physics! Phyyyysics! Physics! Physics, Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics... I hope you're getting all this down!" He was certainly an informative teacher!

21. This quote is from "The Doctor Dances" (1.10). Who says this? 'Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, "Oooh, this could be a little more sonic'?"

From Quiz Series 1 Quotable Quotes

Answer: Captain Jack

Captain Jack says this after comparing sonic items with the Doctor. Apparently Jack's can function as a sonic blaster, sonic cannon, and a triple enfolded sonic disruptor, while the Doctor just has a sonic screwdriver.

22. 2005 - "Cardiff has got this rift running through the middle of the city."

From Quiz "Doctor Who" Quotes (2005 - 2006)

Answer: Rose

Rose: "You see Cardiff has got this rift running through the middle of the city, it's invisible right but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions." The Doctor: "The rift was healed back in 1869..." Rose: "Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth cos these creatures called the Gelth were using the rift as a gateway, but she saved the world and closed it." Captain Jack Harkness: "But closing a rift always leaves a scar and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race." Episode Eleven - "Boomtown"

23. 'The new Doctor... He's so young!'

From Quiz 'Doctor Who' Memorable Quotes

Answer: Master

Said by the new master featured in the 1996 telemovie.

24. "I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear it. I will always remember when the Doctor was me."

From Quiz "Doctor Who"- Last Words

Answer: 11th Doctor

This comes from the Christmas special "The Time of the Doctor" as he is regenerating into Peter Capaldi's Doctor. After living for hundreds of years on Trenzalore protecting the town, the Doctor is minutes away from dying permanently (as he has no regenerations left) when Clara convinces the Time Lords trapped in another side of a split in time and space to help him. They give him a whole new regeneration cycle.

25. In which episode does Donna Noble say this? "You just want to MATE?"

From Quiz Who Said That?

Answer: Partners in Crime

My favourite line ever. Here is the rest of the quote from Donna Noble's first episode as The Doctor's companion: The Doctor: "... and that was all my fault. I-... I just want a mate." Donna: "You just want to MATE?" The Doctor: "I said I want A mate." Donna: "Well you're not mating with me, sunshine!" The Doctor: "A mate! I want A mate!"

26. In "Aliens of London", the Doctor excitedly exclaimed, "This is fantastic!" What was so 'fantastic'?

From Quiz 'Fantastic' Quotes from "Doctor Who"

Answer: A crash landing in the Thames

An alien ship crashed through Big Ben and into the Thames River. Ironically, this came shortly after Rose stating that no one on earth understood her alien experiences. While the Doctor was thrilled by this historical event in earth's history, he was stuck behind the crowd control lines. He and Rose ended up following the story on the television before he became impatient and traveled to Albion Hospital. At the hospital, he discovered that the aliens had used a pig's body to fake the crash landing.

27. In "The Girl In The Fireplace" (2.4) the Doctor tells Rose he wants to keep a horse he named Arthur. What is the Doctor's response when Rose says "You're not keeping the horse"?

From Quiz Series 2 Quotable Quotes

Answer: "I let you keep Mickey!"

Earlier in the episode Mickey asked what a horse was doing in a spaceship. In response the Doctor questioned what pre-revolutionary France was doing in a spaceship. Arthur wasn't seen for the rest of the season.

28. From "The Doctor Dances" (1.10). What is Dr Constantine's response to a lady who says this? "My leg's grown back! When I come to the hospital, I had one leg!"

From Quiz Series 1 Quotable Quotes

Answer: Well, there is a war on. Is it possible you miscounted?

When the Doctor reprogrammed the nanogenes to heal people instead of turning them into empty children, he heals all of the people who had been in Dr Constantine's hospital. This lady was one of the luckier ones.

29. 2006 - "I couldn't show him to anyone!"

From Quiz "Doctor Who" Quotes (2005 - 2006)

Answer: Sarah Jane

The Doctor: "Well, didn't you try and get him repaired?!" Sarah: "It's not like getting parts for a Mini Metro! Plus the technology inside him could rewrite human science - I couldn't show him to anyone!" The Doctor: [mollycoddling an inactive K-9] "Aww...what has the nasty lady done to you, eh?" Episode Three - "School Reunion"

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