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12 Dollhouse quizzes and 120 Dollhouse trivia questions.
  "Dollhouse": "The Target"   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Clients often ask the Dollhouse to provide them with the perfect date. This second episode of FOX's "Dollhouse," which aired on February 20, 2009, asks whether everybody deserves one.
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Jan 01 18
CellarDoor gold member
413 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Ghost"   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
What if actions didn't have consequences? "Ghost," the first episode of the television series "Dollhouse," aired on FOX on February 13, 2009, in the U.S. Did you catch this first glimpse of the mysterious Echo?
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Jun 14 09
CellarDoor gold member
481 plays
  "Dollhouse": "The Public Eye"   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Senator Perrin finally makes his move in the fifth episode of the second season. What happens to a Dollhouse divided against itself?
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Dec 31 09
CellarDoor gold member
217 plays
  "Dollhouse": "True Believer"   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the first season's fifth episode, Echo goes undercover as a blind convert to a cult. Is it really true that "there are none so blind as those who will not see"? Let's find out...
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Feb 20 10
CellarDoor gold member
235 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Instinct"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
Is there anything the Dollhouse can't do? In "Instinct," the second episode of the second season, we find out.
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Nov 28 09
CellarDoor gold member
284 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Belle Chose"   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the third episode of the second season, we meet somebody who thinks of people as poseable playthings -- yet, unaccountably, is not involved with the Dollhouse.
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Nov 30 09
CellarDoor gold member
255 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Vows"   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Dollhouse exists to fill the needs and satisfy the wishes of its clients. "Vows," the first episode of Season 2, considers what happens when the client comes from inside the Dollhouse.
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Nov 18 09
CellarDoor gold member
251 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Belonging"   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the second season's fourth episode, we learn all the sordid details of how Sierra came to be a Doll. Who deserves to be in the Dollhouse? And does the Rossum Corporation support Adelle's vision of Dolls as humanitarians?
Easier, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Dec 06 09
CellarDoor gold member
230 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Stage Fright"   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Usually, the Dollhouse works with its clients to fulfill their hearts' desires. This time, in the show's third episode, it's Echo's job to keep a wish from ever being granted.
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Jul 21 09
CellarDoor gold member
299 plays
  "Dollhouse": "Gray Hour"   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the fourth episode of the first season, we learn that the Dollhouse staff aren't the only experts at manipulating people's personalities.
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Dec 09 09
CellarDoor gold member
224 plays
  "Dollhouse" Season 1: The Dolls   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Joss Whedon's thriller "Dollhouse" had a wild first season. Review the Actives' stories and get ready for season 2!
Easier, 10 Qns, possible1234, Jun 14 09
581 plays
  "Dollhouse": Who Said It?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For the loyal "Dollhouse" fans whose favorite show was canceled well before its time!
Tough, 10 Qns, rpgdancer, Mar 29 10
238 plays

Dollhouse Trivia Questions

1. Quote: "I know you've heard colorful rumors about what an 'Active' is. Robots, zombie slaves - they are, of course, quite the opposite. The 'Active' is the truest soul among us."

From Quiz
"Dollhouse": Who Said It?

Answer: Adelle DeWitt

Adelle is explaining what an Active is. This quote was utilized in promos for the show as well as in both the unaired and aired pilot episode.

2. "True Believer" opens in Pleasant, Arizona, as a busload of people arrive at a small store. These are not ordinary shoppers, however. What is unusual about their behavior?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "True Believer"

Answer: They are loudly singing songs about God.

The ordinary denizens of Pleasant do not seem pleased at the singers' arrival: noticing that the group leader's shopping list includes electrical cables and duct tape, a mechanic tries to persuade the cashier not to serve them. It seems that the singers belong to a secretive cult outside of town, and the citizens of Pleasant think that something untoward is probably going on at the compound. Or maybe they just don't think the cult members make good neighbors: a sheriff's deputy observes that they're rather unsettling. "It's not so much the singing," he says, "as it is the smiling."

3. "Gray Hour" opens with Echo at high altitude, doing a job we haven't seen her in before. What is it?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Gray Hour"

Answer: Midwife

The first shot is of an isolated mansion on a snowy mountainside. Inside, a woman is in labor, as her husband looks on and Echo guides her through some minor difficulties. It may seem odd to hire a Doll as a midwife, but anyone rich enough to hire a Doll in the first place is allowed to be eccentric. Besides, they may have wanted to keep the birth a secret -- or maybe a Doll midwife can be programmed with more experience than any real local midwife has.

4. The episode opens with blurry footage of a man with blood on his face. "I was just trying to help her," he says in a dazed tone. "I was just trying to help her." Who is this man?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Belonging"

Answer: Topher

As his face goes into and out of focus, we can just recognize Topher, the Dollhouse's sandy-haired specialist in personality imprints. But who was he trying to help, and how did it go so bloodily wrong? Let's keep watching ...

5. "I'm not going to lie to you," Topher tells Ballard at the beginning of the episode. "I kind of blew my own mind this time." He's talking about an ability he's just managed to include in Echo's new personality imprint. What is it?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Instinct"

Answer: The ability to breastfeed an infant

Topher is delighted by his achievement in altering Echo's body "on a glandular level," and paints a dramatic picture of what else he might be able to accomplish with this kind of tool. "I don't want to use the word 'genius,'" he insists, "but I'd be okay if you wanted to." Ballard shows no signs of wanting to.

6. "Vows" begins at the Dollhouse, where staff members are discussing Echo's latest assignment. They don't all like it: Boyd calls it "sick." At the end of the teaser, we cut to Echo, in character as Roma. What is she doing?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Vows"

Answer: Getting married

The episode's title refers partly to Echo/Roma's wedding vows (and partly to another vow, taken at the end of the episode). With dozens of guests looking on, she swears undying devotion to Martin Klar (Jamie Bamber). But she's a Doll; this personality is not her own, and she has been (and will be) many more people before her five-year stint at the Dollhouse is up. "Roma" might believe in her vows, but the groom must surely know the marriage is an unsustainable sham; who would engage the Dollhouse for a fleeting fantasy that will wound his friends and family? Or are they in on it too?

7. Actives are given a code name by their handlers at the Dollhouse. Where do these code names come from?

From Quiz "Dollhouse" Season 1: The Dolls

Answer: The NATO phonetic alphabet

Originating in military use, the phonetic alphabet assigns words to letters so that critical messages can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of their native language, especially when the safety of navigation or persons is essential. Interestingly, when Alpha tries to create his own version of Echo, he names her "Omega," which is NOT in the phonetic alphabet. What a renegade.

8. "Stage Fright" opens with a young woman in a cage. The music swells, the cage opens, and she strides onstage. "You're a superstar / Driving in your car," she sings to an enthralled crowd -- and then it all goes horribly wrong. What happens?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Stage Fright"

Answer: The stage pyrotechnics set a backup singer on fire.

As part of the number's complex staging, flash bombs are going off as the backup singers and dancers pass between them. On one of them, however, the timing is off and the explosive charge is double what it should be -- and one of the backup singers is caught in the flames. The fire is put out quickly, but it's something of a showstopper.

9. Quote: "I've got four brothers, none of them Democrats."

From Quiz "Dollhouse": Who Said It?

Answer: Echo

This is Echo's response to Boyd when, on an engagement, he asks her if she knows how to use a gun. In this episode "The Target", Echo (during her engagement) is on a date turned bad (with "The Middleman" from the ABC Family sci-fi series).

10. In the Dollhouse, Adelle and Ballard are watching footage of the press conference with a Rossum executive -- Harding -- who is troubled by the situation. How does he tell Adelle to handle it?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "The Public Eye"

Answer: By doing nothing

After being scolded by Harding for releasing Madeline early, Adelle asks him what she should do. His response: "[Proceed] by doing nothing. Rossum already has a plan in place to deal with Madeline." He doesn't share what that plan is, but Adelle believes that Madeline is in grave danger -- and that her House may be sacrificed to save the other Dollhouses.

11. Echo's next personality -- Taffy -- seems to enjoy high-heeled leather boots and very skimpy clothing. Echo/Taffy also has a catchphrase, which forms the personality's first words of the episode. What is it?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Gray Hour"

Answer: Blue skies!

For Echo/Taffy, "Blue skies!" seems to represent a certain confident optimism. She says it when she wakes up, when she's ready to go, when it's time for action, and when reassurance is needed. As we'll see, she'll need all the confidence she can get.

12. The disturbed young man is in the real outdoors now, hoping to kidnap a young woman to complete his set. He spots a likely one and heads toward her. What happens next, just before the credits roll?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Belle Chose"

Answer: He is hit by a car.

And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! (Well, yes, so maybe it could have.) The woman, whom we haven't seen before on this show, never realizes how close she came to evil, and we can all hope that this is curtains for her would-be kidnapper. Except -- what about the women trapped in the warehouse?

13. In the personality of a woman called Emily, Echo heads to the park, to feed the ducks and chat, heart-to-heart, with a close friend. We recognize this friend as another Doll; which one?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Instinct"

Answer: Sierra

On long-term jobs, the Dollhouse seems to have a habit of bringing in other Dolls to serve as a support network. It's a clever trick: if the Doll-on-assignment never makes any "real" friends, then who'll notice anything amiss when the engagement ends and the Doll disappears? Here, Echo/Emily and Sierra/Kelly are suburban housewives, trading complaints about their husbands on a sunny day -- but Echo/Emily has more than the usual problems on her mind.

14. With Echo's engagement underway, it's business as usual for Topher and Ivy at the Dollhouse: a busy schedule of personality tweaks, treatments, and -- eek! Topher opens a cupboard to find it filled with his worst nightmare. What is it?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Vows"

Answer: Rats

Amusingly, Topher panics and clambers over the balcony railing to escape, while his much put-upon assistant Ivy rounds up the rats. Topher's next act is to call Dr. Saunders, who has been playing pranks on him for a while now: she's still reeling from her discovery in the previous season that she's really a Doll, imprinted with a doctor's personality. "Is this your idea of a joke?" Topher asks her. "You designed me, Mr. Brink," she responds. "I guess it must be YOUR idea of a joke."

15. The Active known as Alpha suffered a "composite event" where he was accidentally imprinted with every past imprint at once. Which of his simultaneous personalities is the original person who became Alpha?

From Quiz "Dollhouse" Season 1: The Dolls

Answer: The serial killer

It is revealed in the episode "Omega" that the Dollhouse first created Dolls out of criminals in prison, including the serial killer with a cutting fetish who became Alpha. The schizophrenic is one of Alpha's imprinted personalities, further entrapping his psyche in the maze in his head. Stephen Kepler, the architect, is not actually imprinted on Alpha, but is rather one of Alpha's victims. Alpha pretends to be Kepler in order to gain Agent Ballard's trusts and co-operation in accessing the Dollhouse. Let's just hope that Alpha was never assigned to be a kindergarten teacher!

16. In Adelle's office, we learn that Rayna (the singer) is not concerned about the threats to her life -- but her chief of security is. He wants to hire a Doll to protect her, without Rayna realizing it. What role does Echo therefore adopt?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Stage Fright"

Answer: Backup singer

It seems that the pyrotechnics incident that left a job opening for Echo (as the security chief Biz, played by Jim Piddock, rather callously describes it) has not been Rayna's only near-death experience. The musical superstar, portrayed by singer Jaime Lee Kirchner, has received threatening letters from someone styling himself her "number-one fan" -- and then there is the matter of the mysterious dropping sandbag at a previous performance. It isn't just random mayhem, either; the malfunctioning pyrotechnic would have caught Rayna instead of her backup singer, if it hadn't been for a last-minute choreography change just before the show. To protect Rayna, Echo becomes Jordan, an aspiring singer and dancer with hidden martial arts and tactical skills. The goal is for her to be a deep-undercover bodyguard, protecting Rayna with her life -- without really realizing that she's doing it.

17. Quote: "You see someone running incredibly fast. The first thing you gotta ask is 'are they running to something or are they running from something'? The answer is always both."

From Quiz "Dollhouse": Who Said It?

Answer: Topher Brink

This is said in the episode entitled "Ghost" (the aired pilot episode). In this episode, Echo is an active who's sent into a dangerous situation as a hostage negotiator, but has complications when her imprint contains a troubled past. This is Topher's response to why he gave her this past. It's also his response to why he gave her anxiety induced asthma.

18. As Adelle, Boyd, and Ballard investigate, they become convinced that the situation is far more complicated than it appears. After a tip from Echo, what do they deduce is Rossum's plan for dealing with the Senator?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "The Public Eye"

Answer: The Senator's wife is a Doll.

"She's not right," the blank Echo says when she sees footage of Cindy Perrin (Stacey Scowley). On screen, the Senator is telling an interviewer, "I couldn't let her get away. She's perfect. It's like they made her just for me." Now that's suggestive to a Dollhouse-trained ear! Ballard soon finds that Cindy's past has been subtly and cleverly forged. "Cindy Perrin is a Doll?" Adelle muses. "Harding was being modest when he said they had a plan in place." But if Cindy is a Doll, she may be a sleeper -- and Madeline's in worse danger than we thought.

19. After the credits, we find ourselves in the Dollhouse, where our disturbed young man -- who, we now know, is named Terry Karrens -- is hooked up to an impressive number of tubes and wires. Why is the Dollhouse interested in his fate?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Belle Chose"

Answer: His uncle is a client and shareholder.

"Bradley Karrens is not only a valued client," Adelle tells Boyd, "he happens to be a major shareholder in our parent organization. If we can apply our resources to resolving his nephew's slight medical condition, we do it." Boyd observes that young Terry is a troublemaker who skipped a bail hearing (after which his loving family bought off the judge), but they don't realize the extent of his crimes just yet.

20. After Echo (now known as Jordan) is hired, she is quickly immersed in the stress and chaos of Rayna's backstage world. In the middle of a dance practice, the music star reveals herself as an extreme diva. What does she complain about?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Stage Fright"

Answer: Someone has eaten a mint.

When a pop star like Rayna turns up in a show like this, you have to expect some caricature. Rayna is a professional, running her own dance rehearsals; a perfectionist, insisting on the purity of her artistic vision; and a micro-manager, controlling her staff down to the last breath mint. Jordan/Echo is breathlessly excited to be here (and to be Rayna's new favorite), but even she is a little taken aback by Rayna's behavior -- and by the minute size of the costume she's expected to wear.

21. Quote: "I wanna do everything. Is that so much to ask?"

From Quiz "Dollhouse": Who Said It?

Answer: Caroline

This is in the video that Ballard has of Caroline before she became Echo. She's still at college and in a way (ironically), is foreshadowing her life (since as an active, she does everything).

22. Meanwhile, Echo has picked up her latest personality imprint: Kiki, a bubbly, ditzy student who "just feel[s] like dancin'." What role is Echo/Kiki supposed to play?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Belle Chose"

Answer: A college professor's romantic fantasy

Ivy explains the engagement to Ballard: the client is one Professor Gossen (Arye Gross), and the encounter is coded R, for romance. Ballard is not thrilled, either with the nature of the engagement or with Kiki's company. He perseveres, however, and their first stop is the Dollhouse's wardrobe establishment, where she gets a new outfit and a new hairdo. Sitting with another handler, waiting for their Dolls to finish, Ballard radiates boredom. "I won't even do this for my wife," the other handler says. "I was trained at Quantico," Ballard sighs.

23. Soon enough, Echo/Emily has even worse problems: she believes her husband is planning to have her and the baby murdered. What is her basis for this belief?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Instinct"

Answer: A late-night phone call and a black van

She's noticed the windowless black van before, always parked near the house. (Unbeknownst to her, her handler Ballard is inside, keeping tabs on her well-being.) But the van takes on a more sinister significance when she overhears Nate on the phone in the middle of the night. He's furious about her accusations, and has called the Dollhouse to complain: "You people promised me something that you cannot deliver. This is not working. I'm calling it off. Get rid of her!" A pause, and then -- "I'll get rid of the baby." We know he isn't planning bodily harm. The baby will be placed for adoption, and she'll return to the Dollhouse to have her personality wiped -- which, of course, will be the end of Emily. She doesn't know any of this, though, and fears for her life.

24. FBI agent Paul Ballard is still investigating the Dollhouse, and he's still counting on his informant Lubov to feed him clues. He may be trusting Lubov too much, though. What do viewers learn about Lubov in "Stage Fright"?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Stage Fright"

Answer: Lubov is a Doll.

Lubov has been spending the early part of the episode chasing after Ballard, trying to set up a rendezvous. (He tells a neighbor of Ballard's that he knew him in the Navy, and -- at her blank stare -- hastily amends it to, "Old Navy. I did retail, before. He would, um, buy slacks.") After he dangles a little bait for our favorite FBI fisherman, we learn that Lubov himself is not what he seems, in a quick cut to the actor in the Dollhouse's fancy chair just after a personality wipe. When he turns up a scene or two later to phone in a tip to the basement of an abandoned hotel, it's very like the anticipation in a horror movie. No, Ballard! Don't go in there!

25. After a hunting lesson and a romantic interlude, Richard finally tells Echo/Jenny what he really wants from the weekend: to hunt her and kill her. Yikes! This was not in the contract. What does Richard offer Jenny to even the odds?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "The Target"

Answer: A five-minute head start

Echo, as Jenny, is playfully romantic, enjoying her date; suddenly, Richard tells her that she needs to get going if she's to have any hope of reaching "the main road" before nightfall. She asks what he means and is told to begin running, since she only has five minutes' head start, "and then I'm coming after you." This last is said as he picks up the fancy modern bow that they'd recently used to kill an elk, and his meaning is thus unmistakable. Jenny runs, but Richard doesn't provide her with any tangible tools whatsoever. He's the one with the gear and the weapons; he's the one familiar with this part of the wilderness; and he's the one in charge of the game. Interestingly, Richard's full name -- Richard Connell -- is shared with the author of a 1924 short story, "The Most Dangerous Game," which follows a similar plot. A big-game hunter, fallen overboard en route to South America to hunt jaguars, is washed ashore on an island run by another hunter, a General Zaroff, who has abandoned the hunting of animals in favor of the hunting of humans -- "the most dangerous game," as he calls them in the story. The hero of Connell's short story survives the hunt; how will Jenny fare?

26. Quote: "If she were any more relaxed, she'd be ooze."

From Quiz "Dollhouse": Who Said It?

Answer: Topher Brink

Topher's sarcastic remark in response to Echo's request for a massage to relax her. This is one remark that shows Topher's conflicting thoughts about the Dollhouse's mission and work.

27. In the Dollhouse, Sierra -- the former Priya -- smears black on her watercolor paintings, worrying the other Dolls. Topher starts investigating. Why does he say Priya came to the Dollhouse in the first place?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Belonging"

Answer: She was a paranoid schizophrenic.

Later, in a flashback, we see Priya in her paranoid schizophrenic state. She had all the symptoms, right down to believing that it was the medications that were making her crazy -- but Topher now comes to realize that she was right all along. Nolan, a doctor and medical researcher specializing in "molecular pharmacology," poisoned her and committed her to a mental institution, then let the Dollhouse believe they were doing her a service when they wiped her mind blank for his pleasure. Even the generally amoral Topher is sick at heart when he realizes how they've all been used.

28. Meanwhile, in Northern Virginia, Senator Perrin is at home with his wife, worrying that he'll never pin anything on the Rossum Corporation. The doorbell rings; someone's left a stack of papers. What's inside?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Instinct"

Answer: Wiretap transcripts -- and a name

Someone is feeding Senator Perrin information. After his press conference in the previous episode ("Vows"), his NSA source has gone to ground and he's been left with some rather unreliable witnesses -- but now, everything he needs is laid out before him. He now has some evidence of all the Dollhouse's sleazy activities, from human trafficking on up -- and he has a name. But whose? We'll have to stay tuned to find out ...

29. Dolls on long-term engagements are brought in every so often, for a medical work-up and a check on their imprinted personalities. Echo is no exception, but she glitches in the doctor's office and remembers something odd. What is it?

From Quiz "Dollhouse": "Vows"

Answer: A gala that both she and the doctor had attended as Dolls

It was a fancy-dress party, and Echo and Whiskey (Dr. Saunders's code name as a Doll) were both there -- and programmed to flirt with each other, for the amusement of the client. Rising from the exam table with this memory fresh, Echo calls the doctor by her old name and observes that she was once the Number One Doll -- all facts she should not know, and which send Dr. Saunders to a dark emotional place.

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