10. After doing your work, you may want to meet some people since they'll be helping you by selling supplies. You may even end up marrying one some day! Who is not an eligible bachelorette, if you're playing as a boy, when you first arrive to town?
From Quiz Poor SandK's Almanac: "Magical Melody" Version
Believe it or not, you could end up marrying your rival Jamie, who will appear as a boy also if you're playing as a girl. The main words in this question are "when you first arrive to town" because Gwen, who works at the Perch Inn, is not in town yet but will become an eligible bachelorette later. Her favorite item is the carrot, which can be harvested in fall. Nina who works at Spring Farm, likes Bluemist flowers which are very rare but other flowers such as PinkCats will work also. Ann loves ores, but I won't tell you which kind since that would ruin a further question, and she works at the Junk Shop. Jamie is kind of unpredictable. According to "Nintendo Power" her favorite item is cake so you will need to harvest some cocoa, some breadfruit, and start raising some chickens and cows if you want to do that. Cake is made from breadfruit, cocoa, butter, and eggs. Other bachelorettes that will move in later include Katie, who works at Café Callaway, Maria who is the librarian and Theodore's daughter, and Eve who works at Moonlight Cafe.