26. What other "Legend of Zelda" game does "A Link Between Worlds" most closely resemble?
From Quiz A Quiz Between Worlds
A Link to the Past (SNES)
Indeed, "A Link Between Worlds" takes place in the same Hyrule map as "A Link to the Past." This was done intentionally, as the events in "A Link Between Worlds" are supposed to unfold much later in the same place, in the same "Legend of Zelda" canon.
Further, there are many other small details in the game that are reminiscent of "A Link to the Past," including Moldorm being the boss of the Tower of Hera, Grinexx being the boss of Turtle Rock (as opposed to Trinexx), Dharkstare being the boss of Ice Ruins (as opposed to Kholdstare in the Ice Palace), etc. The bird statues that Link activates also make a familiar tune when you save the game, reminiscent of the tune that would play when Link would call for the cucco to transport him in "A Link to the Past."
Also, Flute Boy from the bar in Kakariko Village is reminiscent of the flute boy's father from "A Link to the Past." Incidentally, Flute Boy is also more deeply reminiscent of some things from other "Legend of Zelda" games.