2. As you have noticed, there are rarely any guns, bullets, and medical items in the Very Hard mode. The first thing you should know is that beating a scenario without any gun is possible. What else will sometimes change in a Very Hard mode?
From Quiz "Resident Evil Outbreak": Very Hard Mode
The locations of the key items and the strength of the creatures
Since the location of key items are sometimes shuffled, you will have to search and find the key item. While you are searching, a zombie may come. Normally, a single zombie will be easy, but in Very Hard mode, it is challenging to kill one zombie. Usually, there will be more than one zombie to make it extra hard. The best thing to do is to use the character's personal item/ability. If you are Kevin, use his 45autogun. If you are Mark, use his Handgun, or guard himself with is special ability. If you are George, use his dodge tackle. If you are Jim, use his play dead ability. If you are David, use his knife, while throwing his wrenches. If you are Alyssa, use her backstep. If you are Cindy, use her ducking ability. If you are Yoko, use her escape ability. The three girls are the best at these situations. When there is more than 3 zombies, the best thing to do is not to go near that place. Fighting a zombie is a bad idea. It is better to run away from a zombie than fighting it.