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4 quizzes and 40 trivia questions.
  Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "Dead or Alive 3", most of the contestants from the previous game's Dead or Alive tournament return, along with some new characters. If you think you know "Dead or Alive 3", take this quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, Baf2, Feb 13 07
683 plays
  "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The latest installment of the "Dead Or Alive" series graces the Xbox 360 with better visuals, new characters and improved online play. If you consider yourself familar with the game then why not try out this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, CooVee, Jul 19 12
702 plays
  "Dead or Alive 2" Characters    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the characters and their connections with each other from the PS2 beat 'em up.
Tough, 10 Qns, tyg, Dec 25 05
1012 plays
  Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the Playstation 2 version of 'Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore.' Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, ProjectSpam, Apr 17 10
978 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who is the daughter of Fame Douglas?

From Quiz ""Dead or Alive 2" Characters"

Dead or Alive Trivia Questions

1. What is Hitomi's fighting style?

From Quiz
Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Karate

After losing the last tournament, Hitomi promised herself that she would practice more and win this tournament. She entered the tournament all ready and did very well.

2. Who is the daughter of Fame Douglas?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Helena

The whole start of "Dead or Alive 2" is about Fame Douglas' death. Helena enters the competition after her mother is assasinated to find out who killed her mother, the killer turns out to be Ayane but they can't prove she that also killed Fame Douglas.

3. In the Story mode, who is the only character to ever fight itself?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Kasumi

It's some sort of evil clone.

4. Who is the father-daughter combo?

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Tina and Bass

Bass planned on retiring from the tournament, but after finding out his daughter Tina wanted to break away from her pro wrestling career (again) to become an actress, he re-enters the tournament hoping to defeat Tina in the end. He succeeds as Gen Fu wins the tournament.

5. What is the highest possible grade you can obtain online?

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: SS

Only the best of the best (or in some cases the cheaters) will ever reach this rank and hold on to it. It is also possible to get an F grade which is actually a lot worse then not playing the game at all.

6. Which character enters the competition in the hope that winning it will make his daughter see sense?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Bass

Bass' daughter Tina wants to be a model as she's tired of a career in wrestling. In fact in his story mode there is a scene of him and Tina at a younger age, sat on his shoulders staring at a sunset in the prairie, he simply says to her "Grow up to be a lady."

7. Who is Tina's dad?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Bass & Bass Armstrong

8. Omega, the final character to beat in the story mode, is the father of who?

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Ayane

Omega actually was a real person, but he offered to have an experiment on him, which went completely wrong. Christie and Kasumi don't have a parent involved in "Dead or Alive 3", but Helena's mother was killed by Christie in "Dead or Alive 2".

9. Who are the three new character joining the "Dead Or Alive" cast? (not including unlockable characters)

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: Eliot, La Mariposa, Kokoro

Eliot is the apprentice of Gen Fu who wishes to prove himself in the tournament, La Mariposa is a masked luchadore with a mysterious past and Kokoro is a bored geisha just looking for some entertainment in her life. Of course another new character is a Spartan solider named Nicole based off Master Chief from the hit game "Halo".

10. How are Ayane, Kasumi and Ein related?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: They all share at least one parent.

It's unclear whether they share a mother or a father, but sibling rivalry is always rife between Kasumi and her half sister Ayane. Ayane enters the competition in the hope that once Kasumi was out of the way, she could get Kasumi's brother, Hayate (Ein). Kasumi is pursued as a runaway Shinobi and Ein was a Shinobi before he wound up in the Black forest with amnesia.

11. What is Helena's occupation?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Opera singer

The other three occupations are for other characters.

12. Why does Gen Fu want to win the tournament?

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: To cure his granddaughter with the prize money

His granddaughter had a deathly sickness that needed a lot of money for her cure, so Gen Fu, originally retired after "Dead or Alive 2", got back into the tournament to give the cure to his granddaughter.

13. Which mode in the game allows you to face off against one fighter after another until you are defeated?

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: Survival

This mode keeps throwing fighters at you one after another until you finally get defeated. One of the achievements for this game is to defeat 100 foes in survival mode which is no easy task.

14. Which character refers to Jann-lee as a "commoner"?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Hayabusa

Hayabusa beleives that he is the only one who can destroy Tengu. He is the old friend of Ein and Kasumi and he owns a curio shop.

15. Which African-American character is known for his usually eccentric style of clothing?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Zack

'Let's get fun-kay!'

16. In Tina's story mode, who is she talking to at DOATEC Inc.?

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Hitomi

Bass was eavesdropping on them, and this is where he finds out that Tina wants to be an actress. He re-enters immediately after that little scene and tries to stop Tina.

17. What is Tina's relation to Bass?

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: Daughter

Tina Armstrong is the daughter of Bass Armstrong and like her father she is an experienced wrestler but she has also tried her hand in movies, television and now rock and roll. Bass believes Tina should stick with wrestling and forget all that other stuff but he also has his own outside interests, mainly motorcycles.

18. Music question now, which character's theme is called "Grand style"?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Lei-fang

Hayabusa's theme is called "The shooted", Jan-lee's theme is "Natural high" which is one of the best songs, and Kasumi's theme is "Hitohira ~reminiscent of Katsui no toki~".

19. What do you have to do to get Bayman as a playable character?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Beat the Story Mode with all characters

To get Tengu you must play as any combination of characters more than 200 times.

20. A tough one: How do you change the color of Leifang's kimono when choosing her clothes?

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Press either X or Y for a different color

X turns her kimono blue, and Y turns it white. Also, if you press X with other characters on selected clothing, they will change, too.

21. Of whom is Alpha-152 cloned?

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: Kasumi

With Kasumi's DNA, DOATEC was able to construct the horrible Alpha-152 who is one frustrating character to fight making her the final fight for most of the characters' storylines. A good strategy I find works good against her is to let her come to you then knock her back with a kicking combo then repeat until she drops.

22. Why does Lei-fang want to defeat Jann-lee?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Because he is the best.

When Lei-fang was younger, she was saved from being killed by an oncoming car, and Jann-lee was the man who saved her. Ever since she has sought out to become as great as her hero.

23. Hiate is of which element?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Wind

Hiate is more commonly known as Ein in the game.

24. In her conclusion video, Tina finally became an actress. What kind of movie did she star in?

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Action/adventure

Here is the complete description of the scene that is shown: Tina is in a military suit, armed. She is running from foreign armies declaring war on the U.S. She gets shot and thrown into a fire. She emerges out of the fire looking very angry, then someone yells, "Cut!" Lights come on as Tina smiles and people are cheering for her.

25. What must you do to unlock Tengu? (got to love a rhyming question)

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: Beat time attack with everyone

Just when you thought the story modes were done you have to go through time attack with everyone (including the unlocked characters) to get Tengu. By default the time attack matches go two rounds but you can switch them to one round through the settings menu and will still be able to unlock Tengu although you will not be able unlock any new costumes.

26. Another music question, who's theme is "Break the age."?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Gen-fu

Zack's theme is "B-boy no "B" ~evovlved from ++~", Tina's theme is "You are under my control ~Beautiful version 00~" and Ayane's theme is "Tehu Tehu".

27. Which character is known by being a bouncer, his fast moves and an extremely annoying voice?

From Quiz Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Answer: Jann-Lee

In the game, Jann-Lee annoys many characters.

28. What is Kasumi known as in "Dead or Alive 3"? I'll give you a hint: a runaway ____________

From Quiz Do you know "Dead or Alive 3"?

Answer: Shinobi

After revealing she is a shinobi (which is against the shinobi law) to Hayate in "Dead or Alive 2", she is shunned and chased down by all other shinobis in "Dead or Alive 3". She enters the tournament to try to become a shinobi again and prove that she is able to fight.

29. Whose's ending features treasure and an undead skeleton guardian?

From Quiz "Dead Or Alive 4" Quiz Combo

Answer: Zack

Zack and his partner Niki are quite the strange pair and this ending video pretty much proves that. You get your first glimpse of Zack's teletubby like costume in this movie which is a costume he had in previous games.

30. Who had a lover called Roland?

From Quiz "Dead or Alive 2" Characters

Answer: Leon

Roland was a thief who worked the Silk road trade route, she died in Leon's arms saying "The man Roland loved, is the strongest man in the world." and that is his reason for entering the contest.

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