21. What mid-August Christian feast day, called Ferragosto in Italy, is also a public holiday in many countries throughout the world, and is a day of celebrating Italian heritage in the USA?
From Quiz It's a Jolly Holiday in August
Assumption Day
Assumption Day refers to the Catholic and Orthodox belief that the Virgin Mary was assumed into Heaven, body and soul. The date was fixed as August 15 around A.D. 700.
Some Italians, especially in Rome, call it Ferragosto, from Feriae Augusti ("Festivities of Augustus"). Near the Tiber river and along the seashore at Ostia and Fregene are fireworks displays and live concerts. And there are of course sermons and benedictions by the Pope in Vatican City, not to mention processions.
In Sicily and in rural areas outside Rome, the procession is the central event. The townspeople parade a statue of the Virgin Mary to a ceremonial arch of flowers, where another group of people holding a statue of Christ await her arrival. Both statues are inclined toward each other three times, as if bowing, and then both figures are carried (with Christ in front) back to the local church for a special benediction.
In olden days, Italian plazas were flooded. Citizens would ride through the temporary "lakes" in carriages and it was common for people to carry bowls of rose-scented water, which they sprinkled on themselves.
Outside Italy, Assumption day is also one for celebrating one's Italian heritage. For example, in a large Italian-American neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio, there is a four-day street festival, held since 1898, with everything from fireworks to rides to music to casino games (and I don't mean Bingo).
Assumption Day is also the Fête Nationale (National Day) of French-speaking descendants of Canadian settlers known as Acadians, whose patron saint is Mary herself. So many businesses close in parts of New Brunswick, Canada.
Besides Italy, August 15 is a national holiday in scores of countries in Europe, the Americas, Africa (e.g. Cameroon, Madagascar, Mauritius), and Oceania (e.g. Vanuatu, Tahiti).