The brassica family includes a large variety of edible plants in the cabbage and mustard families. Can you match these photos to the common name of the plant?
Here are ten photos of foods from the United Kingdom, all of which have a place as part of their name. You just need to identify each item and match it to its name. You can enlarge the photo by clicking on it if you need a closer look.
Ungulates are animals with hooves, and Africa has a lot of them, especially in the antelope family. The photos aren't all antelopes, but there are quite a few, so can you tell them apart with just a photo to help?
Can you identify these different breeds of cattle just from a photo? The colours and appearances are distinctive, so it shouldn't be too hard, although city dwellers might not see them so regularly. You can click on a photo for a closer look if needed.
This mixture of photos shows certain creatures at an early stage of development - one which is rather different from what they'll turn into as adults. Match the photo to the creature it will become.
This photo match quiz asks you to work out which event in the Old Testament is being referenced. All you have to help you is the photo - and the answers. Good luck matching them up. Note - these are not in the order in which they appear in the Bible.
Looking up to the skies enables us to see various astronomical phenomena. How many can you recognise just by looking at a photo? This quiz will let you find out.
Easier, 10 Qns, rossian,
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