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FunTrivia allows users to upload images that they have the rights to use in their quizzes for "fair use" purposes. FunTrivia does not sell or redistribute these photo quizzes -- they are available only on the FunTrivia website for personal use by our visitors.

We allow users to upload photos they own themselves, photos in the public domain, and photos that have been made available for display by their original owners under the Creative Commons Attribution License. The uploading user acknowledges that he/she has rights to use the uploaded images.

If one of our users has uploaded an image that you own the rights to and that you do not want displayed on our website, please contact us, and we will promptly remove it from use (reference quiz #417001).

Please do not duplicate or copy any images contained in this quiz without first verifying the current status and rights of all images. Ownership of these images remains with their respective original rights holders.

Question #1Photo by pollucci19 Photo copyright pollucci19, all rights reserved.
Image created and converted to jpeg using Microsoft Powerpoint. The original photograph was obtained from Pixabay, The original author is listed as Clkr-Free-Vector-Images
Question #2Pixabay License, author: Moumit2019
Question #3Photo by pollucci19 Photo copyright pollucci19, all rights reserved.
Image created and converted to jpeg using Microsoft Powerpoint. The original photograph was found on Pixabay, The original author was Ignartonosbg
Question #4Photo by pollucci19 Photo copyright pollucci19, all rights reserved.
The image was created using Microsoft Powerpoint and then converted to jpeg. The original picture for the banana was sourced from Flickr (Creative Commons), the author was Fiona Henderson. The Cabbage was sourced from Flickr (Creative Commons), the author was Tristan Schmurr.
Question #5Creative Commons: Attribution License, author: Ruth Hartnup
Question #6Creative Commons: Attribution License, author: Nicolas Raymond
Question #7Photo by pollucci19 Photo copyright pollucci19, all rights reserved.
Image created and converted to jpeg using Microsoft Powerpoint. Picture originally sourced through WikiCommons (Public Domain) Gabinetto Armonico.,_Frufta_del_Cocchiero,_1722.png
Question #8Creative Commons: Attribution License, author: Nick@
Question #9Creative Commons: Attribution License, author: Dafne Cholet
Question #10Creative Commons: Attribution License, author: Pictures of Money