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Subject: Soon: New reward system and more

Posted by: WesleyCrusher
Date: Aug 13 23

If you've been reading the right posts, you may have noticed that we've been busy behind the scenes. In fact, we're working on... big stuff.

While we're not quite ready yet to spill the beans, we'll say this much - a key element will be a new reward system to replace the current level system that has, over the last fifteen years, grown out of balance. Back in 2008, we had like 50 badges and point levels and badge levels were comparable. Level 80 was REALLY a lot.

As it stands now, top players have exceeded 250 levels - and almost all of that is from getting tier 1 on major badges. Almost nothing else matters - point levels are FAR apart once you are above 5 million or so.

Come September (we'll announce the exact date closer to release) this will change. The new system will give points some proper value beyond the first few again, it will reward gaining tiers, authoring, team play and just being active throughout the site. There will also be less of a distinction between minis and full badges - a differentiation we mainly made to keep levels from reaching 600 and above anyway!

Most of the back-end calculations are in place already - meaning you are already being tracked and rewarded for plays in ways you don't know... yet. But if you want to get a head start into the new system on top of what you've already done - gaining some tiers, playing a wide variety of games and authoring quizzes, questions and crosswords can do that.

Our end goal is to make FunTrivia feel a lot more like what it deserves to be: Not a random collection of quizzes and games, but rather ONE game pretty much like an MMO (massively multiplayer online) game- but one where you don't win by grinding character stats but rather where YOUR OWN skills determine your progress and success. All the elements for it have been there for a long time. We'll finally combine them.

(Of course if you prefer, you can keep treating things like a collection like you always did - you will still be able to play quizzes, win an hourly or work towards a GC title. But you can also look at the whole - and play FunTrivia.)


Please note: We're announcing this early so you will know that we're working - and you may occasionally see things briefly not working as they should. If a problem should persist, by all means let us know immediately - major changes on a live system won't come without bugs.

Editors are already using the new system, so we hope to have enough testing to have a smoothly working version on release day that won't interfere with your play experience due to bugs. However, if you're absolutely bent on spending one month on THAT monthly you've been missing for ages and you know it's going to be tight, September might not be the best choice if you're worried about bugs. On the other hand, the transition might make players shift priorities and it could be easier than ever. It could go either way!

I would also like to ask you to not immediately knee-jerk react with a "rubbish" but rather wait until you've played with the new system.

Yes, it's always going to take some adjusting and a few players - those who have exclusively targeted high level by taking one tier of each badge and moving on - may find themselves in a less remarkable position. However if you're one of those players, you will also find ample easy opportunities to boost your tier count before the system goes live - so now is the time and you'll find it rather easy to catch up to your old status once you've harvested what should be ample low-hanging fruit for you!

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Addicting maybe if you have some explorations.
Today 3rd day already less explorations prestiges :
1)daily games : today no exploration prestiges.
than the two last days(one per day)
2)15 duels :two per day the last two days
Only one today
Conclusion less addicting for me if you play a
lot of games and you receive less explorations awards.

Reply #301. Sep 01 23, 1:38 AM

player avatar
Phil - the day has a long time to run. I wouldn't give up yet.

Reply #302. Sep 01 23, 3:39 AM
I have finished the hourly games research
For the exploration today except the quiz of the hour.
Bilan 2 explorations /35 games.

Reply #303. Sep 01 23, 3:52 AM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
Elder Guru Phil.
I think it is supposed to be harder when you get to your Rank.
Give us Lower Players a chance! lol

Reply #304. Sep 01 23, 4:03 AM

player avatar
The 'rules' tell you that the more you play, the lower the chances become. It's better to play for enjoyment and treat the exploration points as a bonus. I've found only one so far today, but it's not an issue. The points I'm scoring will gain me a prestige point eventually.

Reply #305. Sep 01 23, 4:08 AM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
Wise Words Exalted Prophet rossian.
I just got 2 prestige in a row on Hourly Games, but I'm burnt out chasing them.
Tomorrow, it will be back to "Slow and Steady Wins the Race"...but I only need 19 more to be Guru Gumby.
How can I stop?

Reply #306. Sep 01 23, 4:22 AM

player avatar
Exploration is random, but in a self-correcting way. It's also meant to be a small fraction (around 10%) of your overall prestige even after some extensive time spent.

Each game and activity that has it has its own independent exploration count.

The longer you didn't get an exploration prestige, the better your chances.
The more exploration prestige you have from the activity, the worse they get.

It's entirely normal and expected that you will sometimes have 0 exploration prestige on any given day. Or you could get 8. Who knows. But you have a chance, even if it's small. Unlike "371 win points to next tier" which you just won't complete on that day.

If you are looking for predictable gains, don't count on Explore. Grab a tier, play some points, author a quiz. Those tell you in advance how much you get. For exploration, the expectation is "0 or more". It's a bonus you may pick up on the way to your main goals. Think random encounters in an RPG.

Reply #307. Sep 01 23, 4:48 AM
LadyNym star

player avatar
For what it's worth, I am going to continue playing as I did before the implementation of the new system. While I may try to upgrade some badges or win a few new ones, I don't want to turn point-chasing into a chore. If I get exploration or other points when playing, I'll be glad, but I'll be equally glad if I don't.

Reply #308. Sep 01 23, 5:20 AM

player avatar
That's how I've been looking at it, Wes. One of my daily challenges was to win two duels, and I just happened to get an Exploration prestige while trying to finish that challenge. It's a happy bonus that might just get me to play a few extra games while I'm here.

Reply #309. Sep 01 23, 5:21 AM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Exploration prestige will tail off and become more and more rare as you find it. It is intended to be a fun, minor sideshow to the other categories.

Reply #310. Sep 01 23, 6:51 AM
Lottie1001 star

player avatar
LadyNym - I agree entirely. For me the name of the site is FunTrivia, with an emphasis on the first part of that. Getting in a stew over what earns me how many points, or how much prestige, or how to achieve another level takes the fun out of it. So I'll carry on playing games, quizzes, and crosswords, and writing quizzes, as and when it suits me. If I sometimes see a little message about prestige points I think, 'That's nice', and carry on. But good luck to those who want to do complicated sums to work out how to rise in the ranks as fast as possible, if that's what they enjoy. It would be very tedious if we were all the same.

Reply #311. Sep 01 23, 7:39 AM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
When I just tried to start a new thread in the Old Scriptorium chat, it posted to some Red Cellar chat instead, and now I can't get back to it. That's not where the thread is supposed to be.

Reply #312. Sep 01 23, 8:00 AM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
I think the issue is that the post link for Old Scriptorium starts a post in a chat board ending in "6" rather than "5", based on the page URL...

Reply #313. Sep 01 23, 8:04 AM

player avatar
Your second attempt wound up in the right place. I deleted the one that seems to have teleported.

Reply #314. Sep 01 23, 8:19 AM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
I manually changed the url for the second one. The button still directs to the wrong chat board. Thanks for deleting the rogue post, Wes!

Reply #315. Sep 01 23, 8:20 AM

player avatar
Weird - I have accessed the board and it does show me a correct "post" link.

Which link have you used to get to the board? The one in prestige or the one on the chat sidebar?

(Best answer by FT mail so we won't clog up the thread)

Reply #316. Sep 01 23, 8:41 AM
Head Honcho

player avatar
kaddar/wes: fixed

Reply #317. Sep 01 23, 9:21 AM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
Thanks, Terry!

Reply #318. Sep 01 23, 10:00 AM
I have no chance to have more prestige :
1)only two mini badges not completed :
Symne3 and rainbow.
2)a few tiers
System propose for me:
Author, commission.
I am not an author.
3)exploration gives rarely one prestige
4)pts to get one prestige more than 38000 funtrivia pts.
Conclusion I will stay forever elder guru

Reply #319. Sep 01 23, 11:48 AM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
I just looked at your profile since I’ve seen new prestige points info pop up on mine, and it says you only need 42 prestige points to move up a rank. Looks like you’ve got about 15 prestige points from playing games in the past two days, so you’d probably advance up to the next level within the week, playing the same way you are now…

Reply #320. Sep 01 23, 12:16 PM

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