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61 Word Wizarding (4)
For me, finding 11-letter words in Fun Trivia's Word Wizard game is a rarity. I recently produced 1A, while shortly before, player Liz5050 submitted 21A. Such was my elation, I just had to turn these two words into a crossword puzzle. Enjoy!
General Harder Small Puzzle
621 plays
Mar 16 24
psnz gold member star
62 Curious Crossword Cluster (2)
A curious little crossword where all the clues are alliterative. This is also the second puzzle in a 'nest' or 'cluster' of grids.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
495 plays
Mar 12 24
leith90 gold member star
63 What's the Animal #9?
Another series on the world of animals. Most of them are given with 2 to 3 clues.
Animals Harder Medium Puzzle
3298 plays
Mar 12 24
sw11 gold member star
64 Wide World of Animals (1)
Crossword full of animals (and birds, insects), with a few fillers. Some of them are obscure. Have fun!
Animals Harder Medium Puzzle
1005 plays
Mar 11 24
sam388 gold member star
65 Springtime Fun!
There's more to spring than just cleaning!
General Harder Small Puzzle
767 plays
Mar 08 24
sally0malley gold member star
66 Simply General Knowledge! (522)
Another selection of general knowledge clues from across the boards. Have fun and good luck!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
782 plays
Mar 08 24
moonraker2 gold member star
67 Cat-Alogue
Cats. Wild ones, tame ones. Words relating to cats. And a few fillers.
Animals Harder Small Puzzle
856 plays
Mar 08 24
heidi66 gold member star
68 Green Eggs and Other Literary Goodies
Okay, so I am being somewhat economical with the truth! There are no "green eggs" in this puzzle, just plenty of other book titles, many of which contain food items. Enjoy!
Literature Harder Large Puzzle
497 plays
Mar 08 24
psnz gold member star
69 City Squares
Time to take a tour around the globe and visit some of the greatest cities on Earth... Best of luck.
Geography Harder Small Puzzle
1087 plays
Mar 07 24
pollucci19 gold member star
70 Tamales and Other World Dishes
Cultures around the world have developed special dishes to celebrate significant occasions and enjoy with family and friends. Discover a few of these as you solve this puzzle.
World Harder Small Puzzle
307 plays
Mar 07 24
VegemiteKid gold member star
71 Crammed in Like Sardines
A crossword full to the brim with people, things and characters from the world of entertainment. There's a bit of food thrown around for good measure. Good luck completing the grid, bit don't actually break a leg doing it.
Entertainment Harder Large Puzzle
611 plays
Mar 07 24
leith90 gold member star
72 General Topics for Kids 9
A crossword puzzle on general knowledge designed for older kids.
For Children Harder Small Puzzle
1672 plays
Mar 07 24
sw11 gold member star
73 Girls! Girls! Girls!
Just a mix of girl's names--with a few fillers.
General Harder Small Puzzle
776 plays
Mar 02 24
sally0malley gold member star
74 Apple of My Eye
Just guess the missing word(s) in mostly common (and some not so common) idioms and phrases. Mostly related to food. Have fun!
Humanities Average Small Puzzle
742 plays
Mar 02 24
sam388 gold member star
75 Teens' Triple Treat (23)
[I] Approachability; [II] Comprehensibility; [III] Understandability. Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this crossword has three separate clues. In this series, the words and phrases are carefully chosen for their ACCESSIBILITY. Enjoy!
For Children Harder Medium Puzzle
760 plays
Mar 02 24
psnz gold member star
76 Oh No! Princess Peach Has Eaten Dubious Food!
Food has been an important part of video games since settlers died of dysentery on the Oregon Trail. Join me for a puzzle focused on food in video games. Bon Appetite!
Video Games Harder Small Puzzle
772 plays
Mar 01 24
BigTriviaDawg gold member star
77 A Quarter to 22 (Part 4)
Phoenix Rising are at it again... they have challenged themselves to create a puzzle on a 22x22 grid that, when separated, makes up four asymmetrical (but cohesive) stand alone puzzles. This one is the fourth of the four... best of luck.
General Harder Small Puzzle
444 plays
Feb 27 24
VegemiteKid gold member star
78 A Quarter to 22 (Part 2)
Phoenix Rising are at it again... they have challenged themselves to create a puzzle on a 22x22 grid that, when separated, makes up four asymmetrical (but cohesive) stand alone puzzles. This one is the second of the four (top right quadrant)... best of luck.
General Harder Small Puzzle
481 plays
Feb 27 24
Matthew_07 gold member star
79 A Feast of Entertainment
Inspired by a challenge in the Author's Lounge this puzzle tries to squeeze in as many food and drink references as it can... Best of luck.
Entertainment Harder Large Puzzle
635 plays
Feb 27 24
pollucci19 gold member star
80 Use Your Loaf
Use your loaf and figure out if you need to add a letter to or take a letter from the word given. Then anagram to find the answer to the clue.
Brain Teasers Harder Small Puzzle
719 plays
Feb 26 24
leith90 gold member star
81 Ginger, Olive, Chip & Sage: Person or Food?
In this crossword featuring names of people some double up as names of foodstuffs. See how many you can find. Good luck.
People Harder Small Puzzle
473 plays
Feb 26 24
1nn1 gold member star
82 Movie Quotes #2
A list of memorable quotes from movies.
Movies Harder Small Puzzle
2245 plays
Feb 26 24
sw11 gold member star
83 Add and Scramble (4)
Add a letter to the first part of each clue, then anagram to find the answer to the second part. Enjoy!
Brain Teasers Harder Medium Puzzle
493 plays
Feb 26 24
psnz gold member star
84 A Movie Extravaganza!
An assortment of new and older movies visiting all genres for you to immerse yourselves in. Have fun!
Movies Harder Medium Puzzle
1406 plays
Feb 24 24
moonraker2 gold member star
85 A Quarter to 22 (Part 3)
Phoenix Rising are at it again... they have challenged themselves to create a puzzle on a 22x22 grid that, when separated, makes up four asymmetrical (but cohesive) stand alone puzzles. This one is the third of the four (lower left quadrant)... best of luck.
General Harder Small Puzzle
438 plays
Feb 24 24
tazman6619 gold member star
86 A Quarter to 22 (Part 1)
Phoenix Rising are at it again... they have challenged themselves to create a puzzle on a 22x22 grid that, when separated, makes up four asymmetrical (but cohesive) stand alone puzzles. This one is the first of the four (upper left quadrant)... best of luck.
General Harder Small Puzzle
432 plays
Feb 24 24
pollucci19 gold member star
87 Curious Crossword Cluster
Another curious little crossword where all the clues are alliterative. This is also the smallest puzzle in a 'nest' or 'cluster' of grids.
General Harder Small Puzzle
515 plays
Feb 23 24
leith90 gold member star
88 Fun With Rebus
Combine the clues to form the correct words. The clues are from a wide range of topics.
Brain Teasers Harder Medium Puzzle
524 plays
Feb 23 24
sw11 gold member star
89 Word Wizarding (3)
For me, finding 11-letter words in Fun Trivia's Word Wizard game is a rarity. I recently produced 25A, while not long after, player clevercatz submitted 1A. Such was my elation, I just had to turn these two words into this crossword puzzle which has two anagrams. Enjoy!
General Harder Small Puzzle
401 plays
Feb 23 24
psnz gold member star
90 A Feast of Games
The puzzle looks at a variety of video and computer games... but there was a snag (pun intended), at least six of the answers had to be a food item. There's a few more than that in here. Best of luck.
Video Games Harder Small Puzzle
1038 plays
Feb 18 24
pollucci19 gold member star