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Was there really a "Wild Man of Borneo" or is it just a legend?

Question #104562. Asked by 29CoveRoad.
Last updated Aug 22 2016.

Answer has 8 votes

Answer has 8 votes.
Oofty Goofty was the stage name of a sideshow performer who lived in San Francisco in the late 19th century. He got the name "Oofty Goofty" from an appearance he had done at a Market Street sideshow, where he was billed as the Wild Man of Borneo.


Apr 09 2009, 2:14 PM
Midget40 star
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Answer has 10 votes.

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All references (apart from the 1941 movie) lead to these three men who were all fakes:

Waino and Plutano were actually Hiram and Barney Davis, two mentally disabled brothers from a Connecticut farm born in 1825 and 1827 respectively.

They were each 40 inches tall and weighed about 45 pounds, yet could perform feats of great strength such as lifting heavy weights and wrestling with audience members on stage.

Discovered and subsequently promoted by a traveling showman in 1850, Hiram and Barney were given new names, Waino and Plutano, and a sensational back story - they were said to be from the island of Borneo, where they had been captured after a great struggle with armed sailors.


Oofty Goofty was the stage name of a sideshow performer who lived in San Francisco in the late 19th century.

It is known he came to San Francisco following the Gold Rush of 1849 to seek his fortune. Asbury says that he got the name "Oofty Goofty" from an appearance he had done at a Market Street sideshow, where he was billed as the Wild Man of Borneo.

He was said to have been covered over most of his body by a mixture of tar and horsehair, put into a cage and fed raw meat by an attendant. When fed, he would let out a fierce cry of "Oofty goofty!" - hence his stage name.


Apr 09 2009, 2:17 PM
Answer has 3 votes
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Answer has 3 votes.
Head-hunting stopped around 70 years ago on Borneo but authorities are believed to have turned a blind eye to it during World War II when the victims were often Japanese soldiers.

Seems pretty wild to me!

Response last updated by satguru on Aug 22 2016.
Apr 09 2009, 2:37 PM
Answer has 5 votes
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Answer has 5 votes.
Officially, headhunting doesn't exist in Borneo, though isolated jungle beheadings are still reported. In former times, men would awaken the spirit of courage, Bali Akang, to assist them during headhunting expeditions. After decapitating the enemy, great homecoming celebrations awaited returning warriors. The brains were carefully extracted through the nostrils, then fresh ulu (heads) were placed in plaited rattan nets and smoke-cured over fires.

Dried skulls provided the most powerful magic in the world, vital transfusions of energy. A good head could save a village from plague.


See also this Wiki page about the Sampit conflict in 2001.


Apr 09 2009, 4:41 PM
Baloo55th star
Answer has 5 votes
Baloo55th star
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Answer has 5 votes.
There's always these 'wild men' in Borneo link

Incidentally, how does one say 'oofty goofty' fiercely? I've just been trying to do it with no success whatever.

Apr 09 2009, 5:01 PM
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