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In Canada, what city is the highest above sea level?

Question #12264. Asked by marie.
Last updated Oct 12 2016.

Related Trivia Topics: Geography   Canada  
Answer has 31 votes
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Answer has 31 votes.

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This question wants to know which "city" and a city is generally understood to have a population of a certain amount, say arbitrarily over 6,000 people (although I cannot find a Cdn. reference that actually states at what population a town becomes a city).

Populated communities in Canada by HIGHEST ELEVATION:

Lake Louise, AB: 5,449 feet (1661 m) - Pop. 777
Banff, AB: 4,537 feet (1383 m) - Pop. 6,700
Elkford, BC: 4,265 feet (1300 m) - Pop. 3,000
Sparwood, BC: 3,740 feet (1140 m) - Pop. 3,618
Kimberley, BC: 3,663 feet (1110 m) - Pop. 6,139
Airdrie, AB: 3,573 feet (1089 m) - Pop. 39,822

Lake Louise is considered a hamlet; a small settlement with less than 300 homes). Banff still calls itself a town as do Elkford and Sparwood. Kimberley refers to itself as a "small city" (?) yet their population is less than the town of Banff.

So Kimberley, B.C. would be the highest "small city" but three other towns and a hamlet are higher in elevation, and Airdrie has the largest population but ranks sixth in elevation.

Rossland, BC, has an elevation of 3,410 feet (1023 m), which would make it the eighth highest community, and refers to itself as a "city" but only has a population of 3,500. The seventh highest in elevation is the city of Calgary, AB, which has an elevation ranging from 3,438 - 3,553 feet (1048 - 1083 m) and a population of 988,193.

Response last updated by Terry on Oct 12 2016.
Jan 23 2012, 2:19 PM
Answer has 13 votes
13 year member
710 replies avatar

Answer has 13 votes.
The criteria for city status vary from province to province. link In Alberta, for example, the minimum population is 10,000, but some qualifying communities choose other forms of government- for example, Sherwood Park has about 60,000 people, but remains a hamlet in Strathcona County.

Although Rossland's population of 3800 is now below the minimum of 7000 in BC, it retains its city status from its boomtown population back in 1897- see link, where their claim is: "Nestled in the crater of an ancient volcano at an elevation of 1023 meters, Rossland is one of Canada's highest cities."

Kimberley is a city [Kimberley incorporated as a city on March 29, 1944] that is a little higher and larger: Elevation 3,663 ft/1,110 m (Platzl area)
Population 6,139 (2006 Census)

Thus technically Kimberley BC seems to be Canada's highest city.

Response last updated by Terry on Oct 12 2016.
Jan 24 2012, 12:08 AM
kingofmates star
Answer has 14 votes
kingofmates star
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Answer has 14 votes.
City: A city is a relatively large and permanent human settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town within general English language meanings.

Lake Louise, Alberta: 5,449 feet (1661 m) Pop. 777
Banff, Alberta: 4,537 feet (1383 m) Pop. 6,700
Elkford, British Columbia: 4,265 feet (1300 m) Pop. 3,000
Sparwood, British Columbia: 3,740 feet (1140 m) Pop. 3,618
Kimberley, British Columbia: 3,663 feet (1110 m) Pop. 6,139
Airdrie, Alberta: 3,573 feet (1089 m) Pop. 39,822

Feb 26 2015, 9:40 PM
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